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Nasa Project To Be Raised With Beijing: Surapong


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Nasa project to be raised with Beijing: Surapong

The Nation



BANGKOK: -- Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said yesterday he would brief his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi on the Nasa weather-research project proposed in conjunction with U-tapao airbase when they meet on Thursday.

Surapong is in China for four days to forge a strategic relationship with Beijing and follow up on the visit by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in April.

The Nasa project became an issue in Thailand's relationship with China after the opposition Democrat Party claimed that by allowing the US to use U-tapao, the government would be helping to contain China in the Asia-Pacific.

Nasa has a hidden agenda to conduct scientific research for military purposes, it said.

The opposition and some senators called on the government to bring the proposal up for Parliament's approval in accordance with Article 190 of the Constitution to show transparency.

Indeed, China raised no concerns over the project as Beijing could distinguish between a pure scientific project and a military operation, Surapong said.

The Foreign Ministry and Nasa had informed China about the proposed cooperation, he said.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) announced the cancellation of its weather-research project last week after Thailand failed to grant permission to use the facility at U-tapao airbase on schedule.

Yingluck's Cabinet decided to bring the proposal up for parliamentary debate in accordance with Article 179 of the Constitution when Parliament opens for the next session in August.

Nasa's sought to use U-tapao for the operation for two months in August and September.

Surapong said he would report to Parliament by himself and urged the opposition to provide sufficient information to back up its allegation in the debate.

"No neighbouring country raised concerns over the project as the opposition alleged," he said. "We have discussed and cleared it with all of them."

Surapong's visit to China was basically to follow up on cooperation on such items as a high-speed train and a water-management project initiated during Yingluck's visit, according to the Foreign Ministry's statement.


-- The Nation 2012-07-03

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


Fortunately for him, tugging of the forelock has gone out of fashion.

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


Fortunately for him, tugging of the forelock has gone out of fashion.

Not so much gone out of fashion as, in his case, gone out of reach., however this explanation I found fits Thailand to a Tee.

"Back in the days of long ago when there were servants and subservience, the lower classes would tug their forelocks or touch their forelocks as a sign of respect to their betters. (In Thailand the wai and deep bow are used).

A return to forelock-tugging would be a return to the days of unquestioning respect for someone purely on grounds of their apparent status in society. The doctor is right and we hold him in awe,simply because he is a doctor. "

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Now i am seriously confused.

Project was cancelled and NOW he wants to brief the Chinese?

And what do Chinese have to do with Thailand and NASA?

Good to see Thai government is exercising its sovereignty.

Will they also be changing the currency soon?

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This is simply priceless...... Running to the Chinese masters to tell them how they kept the big bad USA at bay...... As I have said before, Thailand has been colonized by the Chinese, and this event simply proves it. I notice Surapong is not running to India to explain what happened with Nasa. :-)

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"I'm not Thai. I'm Chinese."

How many times have you heard this from the so called 'high so' Thais.

The poor seem fiercely proud of being Thai, and some of the high so seem fiercely proud of not being Thai.

"Just because one is born in a barn doesn't make one a horse"

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Thank God they saved Tibet from independence too.

If roads and dams are all it takes, the Tibetans should be rapt.

Perhaps this might have been a more appropriate word?

".............the Tibetans should be rapt. raped


But, after all, Tibet is. China and the Chinese are mining their own business. ermm.gif

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


Fortunately for him, tugging of the forelock has gone out of fashion.

Not that he has much of a forelock to tug.biggrin.png

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Don't know why so many of your are talking about "chinese masters" when the chinese government gave the go ahead to the project in the first place. Please keep to the actual truth, that the Thai government is inept and stupid politicians have ruined progress yet again in the name of their own agendas.

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So let's recap SE Asia here.

Laos = owned lock stock and barrel by the Chinese

Burma = Chinese moving in rapidly to cement their position

Malaysia = Completely taken over by the Chinese a long time ago

Singapore = Same same Malaysia

Cambodia = Since it is run by a wack job, the Chinese seem to avoid it except building some garment factories to avoid pesky import duties . However the Koreans are moving in.

Thailand = Complete domination by the Chinese, right down to the embarrassment of having a Chinese man for a leader ( Thaksin) . Which is bit like like Peru having Fujimori , a Japanese man as their leader.

Hmmm guess that only leaves Vietnam.. They truly hate the Chinese and are the ONLY SE Asian country that has been able to stave them off. Since Thailand has just publicly demonstrated it is a vassal state of China, it would not surprise me in the least if a project of this type is done in Vietnam in the future.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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So let's recap SE Asia here.


Cambodia = Since it is run by a wack job, the Chinese seem to avoid it except building some garment factories to avoid pesky import duties . However the Koreans are moving in.


Not so - check the coastline in the south of Cambodia - whole national parks are being uprooted, and kept out of view by armed guards, in the name of a huge Chinese-developed resort city. The Koreans, are, of course, already there, as is Russia, with the island off Victory Beach in Sihanoukville being built as a Russian resort.

Make no mistake, China is EVERYWHERE in SEA, except, as noted, for Vietnam - for now.

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"I'm not Thai. I'm Chinese."

How many times have you heard this from the so called 'high so' Thais.

The poor seem fiercely proud of being Thai, and some of the high so seem fiercely proud of not being Thai.

"Just because one is born in a barn doesn't make one a horse"

This is the best post above, that I have read in a long time on these boards while lurking! Very nicely put rkidlad...

To me, there is no need to kiss-up to the Chinese to make one feel better or more elite, and there is no need to ignore America inhopes of buidling stronger political ties with China. In the end, China and America will always be best "frenemies" and everyone else pawns to their ends. The politicians who try to pull one or the other only look foolish in the end and nothing is forgotten and faces are remembered! I'm a little concerned with the level of face-bashing Thailand has been conducting towards America lately, with Nasa rejection and Palestine recognition, and other incidents.... Nationalism is good to a point, then it becomes paranoia, witchunting, or war mongering.

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What was the quote made last week......letting NASA use U-tapao was the same as giving up sovereignty?

It appears that China is calling the shots.

Where are all the conspiracy theorists now?

China beat USA in issuing visa to Thaksin. So Thailand now kick out the NASA and welcome Beijing.

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In the end, the truth will always out..............China is pulling the strings.

All these offers of investments in railways, business areas in Bangkok etc come with an unwritten message.

" We're paying the piper, we're calling the tune ".

Too true,

As a colony of China, he's doing the right thing keeping his masters informed..

Grovel, grovel, "Yes sir, very'umble sir".


You're right. Thailand boasts of it's history bereft of colonization and therein lies China's great victory: the fact that Thais have failed to recognize that their isn't a Thai in the Kingdom without some Chinese blood running through his or her veins. Also, Thai-Chinese merchant families hold the reins to most of the Kingdom's most profitable and powerful companies. China is always keen to do business "de facto" style - unofficially and behind the scenes-. They've pulled an impressive coup in the Land of Smiles. Thailand is really just China in disguise.

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Now i am seriously confused.

Project was cancelled and NOW he wants to brief the Chinese?

And what do Chinese have to do with Thailand and NASA?

Good to see Thai government is exercising its sovereignty.

Will they also be changing the currency soon?

You will find out! It probably starts with mandatory use of chop sticks at every somtam stall

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