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Thailand Plans Atmospheric Studies, Without Nasa: Plodprasop


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Thailand plans atmospheric studies, without Nasa

Jutharat Thipnampa

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Surassawadee said yesterday he would seek Bt200 million from Cabinet to fund studies of the atmosphere to improve weather forecasting and water management.

The project by local scientists would take six to nine months.

Thais would benefit from the cloud and atmospheric data, he said, as it would make weather forecasting more accurate and help with national water management.

Despite the cancellation of some parts of the project, opting to fund this work would boost confidence among Asean countries and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa), he said.

Plodprasop's comments came after Thai scientists from five institutions - Chulalongkorn University, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, the Thailand Research Fund, the Southeast Asia START Regional Research Centre and the Centre of Excellence for Climate Change Knowledge Management - set new guidelines and goals after Nasa was not able to join in the atmospheric study project.

Dr Anon Sanitwong na Ayutthaya said the five-agency meeting decided the project should go ahead. Thai scientists had the capacity to study the available material and co-operate with Asean countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

He said studies about dust in the atmosphere and cloud creation due to human activities - such as the burning of biogenic aerosols and industrial dust - would help make weather forecasting more accurate.

Anon said they would employ land and sea tools as well as several satellites - the Thaichote or Thailand Earth observation system (THEOS), the Terra MODIS, and Kasetsart University's small multi-mission satellite (SMMS) to gather data on clouds.

The Royal Rainmaking Centre's Super King Air aircraft would be equipped with devices to detect radiation, collect dust samples, gather light and humidity data at 10-kilometres above the ground, instead of Nasa's ER2 aircraft, he said. Although it couldn't fly as high as the ER2, the obtained data should be good enough, he said. Cloud-data balloons would be used along with ground stations and sea-surveying ships.

Dust from bio-mass burning would be studied this month and next, he said. Researchers would also collect data at southern peat swamp forests and study the impact of forest fires from neighbouring countries.

From February-March, they would go north to collect dust samples from forest fires, farm clearing and study their impact from Laos and China, he said.

Information obtained would be published for the use of interested agencies, Anon said.

Thailand lacked data-analysis tools, like high-performance computers, to create models, he admitted. But the long-term plan was to set up an agency to support academic work, he said.

A meeting would be held in one month for Thai scientists to exchange ideas, while a cooperative network of young students, such as Globe, and the Lesa network, Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, would be created to provide undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, he added.


-- The Nation 2012-07-03

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There's certainly a lot of hot air emitted by the likes of Plodprasop which could well be dangerous if allowed to linger long in the atmosphere.

Nasa, I'm sorry you couldn't come to Thailand, but perhaps it would be better if you looked in your own backyard first- millions of Americans are without power as we speak due to the storms in the east.

Temperatures are in the 30s so it must be a very unpleasant time for those affected.

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so I need 200 millions ....... 100 for me ....50 for them another 40 for my maid and driver....and the rest to start the study .....rolleyes.gif of course this is just a joke ....

Sounds like SOP for the PTP and it's enough to give PMT to boys like me

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This is comical a Best !!!

Not knocking the B350 but .......

Nasa didn't offer bribes, not they have 200,000,000 baht to pilfa thumbsup.gif


Max certified altitude 25,000 feet (FL250)

Below, under the old definition of "space" it used to punch it.


Edited by mozzieslapper
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Plop-dra-soup is having a whacko-jacko moment.

What scares me is all these continous weekly hundrdeds of millions, with no end to the soup dragon's depth of bowl, with her gnashing teeth on a back-hander, and she approves and approves team after team - cos she aint got a clue! ermm.gifblink.pngbah.gif

Little achieved, with false results left, right and centre; and a government fast approaching an empty wallet, little can they see that far past their own wallets.

There's gonna be a cruch time sooner than later...


(NASA to pick up the pieces?)

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One thing about these proposed spending projects that politicians announce, they do that to get the info spread in the news...Thais hear/read this news and many will think its good as implemented/going to happen/is already underway...maybe makes them feel happy and/or proud. Then of course nothing really happens...the project is never funded...it just fades in the memory, but that does not make the news. So, the politicians really got what they wanted: some propaganda spread which makes them look good in the mind of some people.

Definition of propaganda according to Wikipedia: Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

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Will probably just tie a digital thermometer with max/min temperature memory to a helium-filled birthday balloon and then chase the balloon across Bangkok to its landing point to recover the instrument package (thermometer). In follow-on missions the instrument package will include a smartphone with its camera taking timed shots--much cheaper than satellite pictures and better resolution.

In keeping with the gvernment's position in the matter, more like a Chinese sourced rectal thermoneter.

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I wonder if this govt. really knows what morons they look like to the outside world? U.S. wants to bring in all the equipment and spend all the money, and they say no. Now they turn around and say "We can do this on our own" I wonder if they give them a big bottle of Lao Khao before they make statements to the press? No wonder Yingluck doesn't want to talk to anyone in the press. Anytime someone in her cabinet opens their mouth, they sound like they are from Mars. I keep telling myself, nothing will surprise me about this place. Every week I am "Amazed" again.

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There's certainly a lot of hot air emitted by the likes of Plodprasop which could well be dangerous if allowed to linger long in the atmosphere.

Nasa, I'm sorry you couldn't come to Thailand, but perhaps it would be better if you looked in your own backyard first- millions of Americans are without power as we speak due to the storms in the east.

Temperatures are in the 30s so it must be a very unpleasant time for those affected.

What does NASA have to do with local utilities in the storm affected USA? Power utilities are the responsibility of the the local municpalities, counties, and states. NASA is a federal agency and as such has nothing to do with state managed facilities.

Yes, so temperatures are in the 30's. Big deal. What did Americans used to do in 1912? It's in the 30's on most parts of the world too. You don't see Africans, or SE Asians or Polynesians moaning and groaning about the heat do you?

Further studies by Nasa could hopefully ensure a better warning system or forecast so the good citizens of USA have time to prepare for the coming storm

Do African Americans complain about the heat or is it only white ones?

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As the the little official government plane is droning along " Hey Sombat ! Look out the window and tell me what you see! ".

Thank god stupidity is not a crime here or Plodprasop would go straight to jail. This new idea is a bit of a strategy mistake.

He should have simply said the study was not needed and then let it go. But even pretending that a home grown Thai version

of high altitude weather study is comparable to what NASA could do is simply moving into the theater of the absurd.

Especially so since NASA would have given the information for free to Thailand. Maybe there is some kickback angle I am missing....

If done locally easy to arrange proper payments,cheesy.gif

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so I need 200 millions ....... 100 for me ....50 for them another 40 for my maid and driver....and the rest to start the study .....rolleyes.gif of course this is just a joke ....

No, no. I'm sure they will come up with some ground-breaking conclusions which NASA has probably overlooked, given that it has to survive on a meagre US$35 billion budget.....

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He forgot to add that the many thousands of hot air balloons launched in October and November will be equipped with the latest in Upper atmosphere monitoring instrumentation,.

Yep, a canary in each one.

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"...after Nasa was not able to join in the atmospheric study project."

Shouldn't that rather read "...after Nasa was denied by Thailand to conduct their atmospheric study project after obscure 'national security concerns' were cited by Thai authorities."?

No they didn't deny it. But they didn't say yes.

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One thing about these proposed spending projects that politicians announce, they do that to get the info spread in the news...Thais hear/read this news and many will think its good as implemented/going to happen/is already underway...maybe makes them feel happy and/or proud. Then of course nothing really happens...the project is never funded...it just fades in the memory, but that does not make the news. So, the politicians really got what they wanted: some propaganda spread which makes them look good in the mind of some people.

Definition of propaganda according to Wikipedia: Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

Propaganda; Did you just discover this word and you thought you might share it! Why did you not see fit to fully educate us all. I shall fill in the blanks for you. Neo-Latin, short for congregātiō dē propāgandā fidē (congregation for propagating the faith); ablativesingular feminine gerundive of propāgāre; (propagate). Not from Wikipedia. So all down to religious zealots then!

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One thing about these proposed spending projects that politicians announce, they do that to get the info spread in the news...Thais hear/read this news and many will think its good as implemented/going to happen/is already underway...maybe makes them feel happy and/or proud. Then of course nothing really happens...the project is never funded...it just fades in the memory, but that does not make the news. So, the politicians really got what they wanted: some propaganda spread which makes them look good in the mind of some people.

Definition of propaganda according to Wikipedia: Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

Propaganda; Did you just discover this word and you thought you might share it! Why did you not see fit to fully educate us all. I shall fill in the blanks for you. Neo-Latin, short for congregātiō dē propāgandā fidē (congregation for propagating the faith); ablativesingular feminine gerundive of propāgāre; (propagate). Not from Wikipedia. So all down to religious zealots then!

Wow. Thanks. You'll really smart.

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