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Cost Of Living In Thailand - Our Actual Monthly Spend


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Am i right in what I've been told that 3rd class insurance here only covers a certain amount which isn't much.

No way near enough to pay for a written off newish or any car really ? Or medical bills ?

2 farangs (without a dash cam) most likely aren't going to win on whose fault it is.

They drive a cheap used car, they don't need to worry about replacing a multi million baht car if they wreck it.

what happens if they accidentllly crash into a wealthy thai and wreck his car worth 10 or 20 million ?

No insurance ,no bail money and you might well be fcuked

You cant say just because your car is cheap, there is no need to insure it

They did insure their car. Driving without insurance would be illegal. The guy in the 10 million baht car will have insurance too. They can pay their own bail, I'd hope most people have cash around for emergencies.

not everyone has 200,000 for bail for 1-2 million for a serious accident that needs a life saving operation

What happens if you run over a family of 4 on a honda wave ?

should they have a few million tucked away for emergenies also ?

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Bit surprised OP said they found nothing of use to them on the real cost of living in Thailand, and then posts as such on Thai Visa. People on here are always "politely debating" what they spend in Thailand and how much it costs to live here. It ranks right alongside "how much do you need to retire?", "how much do you earn?" and "how much does it cost to send my kids to school". A simple search would have revealed loads of info on here - from: "I can live in a matchbox for 500 baht a month and get by eating insects and drinking water from puddles" to "we have a 50 bedroom palace eat out at 6 star hotels everyday and don't know how people get by with less than 500 maids".

The Monty Python sketches on hardship are regular features too smile.png

So I suspect it's more about generating traffic and ad clicks for the website and blog smile.png

On the numbers mentioned, I hope they just forgot to mention the medical insurance. Not much of an emergency fund after spending most of your savings (70k) on a car combined with no medical insurance isn't a great choice here in Thailand.

I hope there's also a little "family planning" factored in... as that could have an interesting impact on the numbers...

Best of luck anyway to OP, and enjoy smile.png

Edited by fletchsmile
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A tramp lives on more than 23k per month... 50k needed to have a nice life here and i also agree about the car insurance... That insurance you have now is worthless if you have a major accident

Maybe 50k if you live in the sticks, not somewhere real. That would be impossible.

Again and again... we are talking about Thailand, the real Thailand, and not about unreal places like Bangkok and Pattaya. Out in the sticks you have a respectable, respected life style with real people around you, ar**** oles included.

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A tramp lives on more than 23k per month... 50k needed to have a nice life here and i also agree about the car insurance... That insurance you have now is worthless if you have a major accident

Maybe 50k if you live in the sticks, not somewhere real. That would be impossible.

Again and again... we are talking about Thailand, the real Thailand, and not about unreal places like Bangkok and Pattaya. Out in the sticks you have a respectable, respected life style with real people around you, ar**** oles included.

i would like to get away from the congestion and chaos that is bangkok ,but it has its attractions

the international airports

the cultural diversity you dont get in villages

unlimited pussy ( lets face it ,if theres 20 people in your village your not going to have much variety )

The ability to make shitloads of cash /jobs/ oportunities

you can eat prety much anything at any time in bkk if you can figure out where to get it :)

i can get 50mb broadband at home and always 3g internet on my phone

if you get bad service in a bar or restaursnat, theres several thousand others to choose from

(show me a small village that can compete with that ? )

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For some, their dogs are their family.

And some people are just responsible enough human beings to take care of their dogs properly. Now if my dogs were fat it'd be a different story, but they're not in the slightest. That's simply what it costs to have happy, healthy, disease free pets.

That isn't what it costs, that's what you choose to pay. It's not like the only two options are 5,000 baht per month per animal and starving mangy mutts who eat trash from the soi garbage bins. There is a big middle ground. You can even make your own dog food very cheaply that will result in very healthy animals.

Sorry, didn't quite mean it like that. The guy above was just having a go at me because I'm gay, that's all.

But yeah, I generally make their food too. I guess they're just lucky in this lifetime, because they get to eat neat things like rib-eye steak, salmon, etc. I'm an excellent provider for everyone in this house including the dogs, I work hard for it, and I pride myself on that.

Moi? I meant what I said in my post. My dogs are part of my family and are treated as such. How can you deduce for my post that I was taking a shot at you for being gay? Me tinks you tink too mutt.

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I agree with what you say, Wana, but maybe those things aren't important to some people? I get too much pussy as it is, and I plan to start a drummers' group in the village, that's enough active culture for me (I never went much for 'passive culture' - paying money and being entertained).

I like to read your posts, but I hate to see questions about Thailand being answered as though everyone lives in Bangkok / Pattaya, especially so as it would appear that these people have never been further up cuntry than Ayuthaya.

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For some, their dogs are their family.

And some people are just responsible enough human beings to take care of their dogs properly. Now if my dogs were fat it'd be a different story, but they're not in the slightest. That's simply what it costs to have happy, healthy, disease free pets.

That isn't what it costs, that's what you choose to pay. It's not like the only two options are 5,000 baht per month per animal and starving mangy mutts who eat trash from the soi garbage bins. There is a big middle ground. You can even make your own dog food very cheaply that will result in very healthy animals.

We have two big dogs (40 & 45 kg). I insist they get "fresh" food as much as possible. We have a good deal with a restaurant next door who keep all the bones for us smile.png . Included vet, the cost is around 5 k a month for both, and that's because I insist we buy meat and vegetable for at least one meal a day and one of them is over 12 y.o. and the vet bill is getting quite expensive.

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I live in Pattaya, I spend on average 1000 baht a day.

I also have a 20,000baht per month kitty, for any extras ie my sons nappies, going out for a nice meal (obviously for the wife clothes shopping) etc.

My apartment is 8000 baht a month incl electric and water.

All in all about 60,000 a month.

It was double this before we had our son.

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A tramp lives on more than 23k per month... 50k needed to have a nice life here and i also agree about the car insurance... That insurance you have now is worthless if you have a major accident

Maybe 50k if you live in the sticks, not somewhere real. That would be impossible.

Again and again... we are talking about Thailand, the real Thailand, and not about unreal places like Bangkok and Pattaya. Out in the sticks you have a respectable, respected life style with real people around you, ar**** oles included.

i would like to get away from the congestion and chaos that is bangkok ,but it has its attractions

the international airports

the cultural diversity you dont get in villages

unlimited pussy ( lets face it ,if theres 20 people in your village your not going to have much variety )

The ability to make shitloads of cash /jobs/ oportunities

you can eat prety much anything at any time in bkk if you can figure out where to get it smile.png

i can get 50mb broadband at home and always 3g internet on my phone

if you get bad service in a bar or restaursnat, theres several thousand others to choose from

(show me a small village that can compete with that ? )

In my Isan village, I wake up at 6:00, have a coffee and go for a 30-45 mn walk with the dogs. Never meet any other human being only a lot of birds. When I come back home for breakfast I'm ready for whatever the world has for me that day. I wish I could move there permanently.

Where can I get that in Bangkok ?

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I have just watched your video. It is wonderful. My wife and me would like to shoot a film about our live in Thailand too. We would like to ask you, what is the software used by you for creating so lovely films?

With best regards


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I live on very little last month only spent 1400 baht and that was for food, electric water home free with wifes job health insurance i have a card for hospital courtesy of thai government, now for the draw backs, we are 34 kilometers from public road on a track only passable with 4x4 or motorbike with motorcross tyres, NO BEER its hell, at the moment it is raining night and day, wife is a school director , we are here because we will not pay money under the table to anybody, so we are stuck here for twelve months, saving an absolute fortune lost 9 kilos in weight beer belly disapearing.

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not everyone has 200,000 for bail for 1-2 million for a serious accident that needs a life saving operation

What happens if you run over a family of 4 on a honda wave ?

should they have a few million tucked away for emergenies also ?

Let's examine the concept you need 200k bail bond or go to jail.

Why would a person without a bail bond ever stop after an accident?

What would be the advantage?

So nobody stops after accidents in Thailand (apart from daft foreigners)

Do you seriouslt think the police would make any attempt to find you, if you weren't standing there.

Especially if you crash into a foreigner, you drive off, they can't even read your number plate!

As for my car .... 20 year old pickup made from steel .... good luck damaging my ride.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I live on very little last month only spent 1400 baht and that was for food, electric water home free with wifes job health insurance i have a card for hospital courtesy of thai government, now for the draw backs, we are 34 kilometers from public road on a track only passable with 4x4 or motorbike with motorcross tyres, NO BEER its hell, at the moment it is raining night and day, wife is a school director , we are here because we will not pay money under the table to anybody, so we are stuck here for twelve months, saving an absolute fortune lost 9 kilos in weight beer belly disapearing.

That deserves the ThaiVisa Award of the Cheapest Charlie!


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For some, their dogs are their family.

And some people are just responsible enough human beings to take care of their dogs properly. Now if my dogs were fat it'd be a different story, but they're not in the slightest. That's simply what it costs to have happy, healthy, disease free pets.

That isn't what it costs, that's what you choose to pay. It's not like the only two options are 5,000 baht per month per animal and starving mangy mutts who eat trash from the soi garbage bins. There is a big middle ground. You can even make your own dog food very cheaply that will result in very healthy animals.

Home made dog food is a good idea, no or very little salt, vegetables no more than 30% ( and if they have wind problems illiminate or reduce this )

Meat needs to be fit for consumption, and best served raw ( dogs natural food ) bones should not be cooked raw again.

Plenty of web sites if you want to do this.

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Used to live on 150k - 200k / month when i got to bangkok years ago. Things have changed a bit since and now i live comfortably on around 60k/month while i manage to put 60-90k / month in my savings account. Sometimes you go shopping, get a new girlfriend.. so my monthly spending and saving varies a bit.

15k rent

20-30k food

2k gym membership

2k electricity

2k true vision

1k phone

1k internet

Thats about it.

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not everyone has 200,000 for bail for 1-2 million for a serious accident that needs a life saving operation

What happens if you run over a family of 4 on a honda wave ?

should they have a few million tucked away for emergenies also ?

Let's examine the concept you need 200k bail bond or go to jail.

Why would a person without a bail bond ever stop after an accident?

What would be the advantage?

So nobody stops after accidents in Thailand (apart from daft foreigners)

Do you seriouslt think the police would make any attempt to find you, if you weren't standing there.

Especially if you crash into a foreigner, you drive off, they can't even read your number plate!

As for my car .... 20 year old pickup made from steel .... good luck damaging my ride.

Tell you a story. A European guy (had third class insurance) hit a member of my Thai family and did a runner. Luckily someone had the presence of mind to note his vehicle description and he was stopped by the police about thirty minutes later. The police were not happy with him. As he didn't have bail bond cover he was held in the police cells for 36 hours until he came up with the cash for 200,000 bail bond. The family member died a day later so he had to pay the hospital bill of 47,000 baht, funeral expenses of 50,000 baht, plus 300,000 baht compensation. Low cost due to family honesty. Originally the insurance rep told the guy to deny responsibility, wanted to minimise insurance company cost exposure. I pointed out to him if he went down that path he would need to pay at least 250,000 baht in legal fees, If found guilty would likely have to pay 2,000,000 baht compensation (legal and civil damages) and would not be allowed to depart Thailand until the court case was heard in around six months time.

So do you wish to carry on promoting third class insurance & hit and run low life behaviour?

EDIT: I forget to mention that shit does happen & I sincerely wish it will happen to you

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Car insurance in Thailand has quite a few options. The compulsory kind you MUST have (parabor) is just about worthless but also cheap as dirt and required by law. You can then get supplemental insurance from 1st class down to 3rd class and each company has different prices and terms to what is included. We use AXA and our insurance is about 6-8k a year on an older car and includes 24 hour road side assistance. Of course you can pay much more, or even less. But to have only the compulsory kind is a bit risky imho.

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For some, their dogs are their family.

And some people are just responsible enough human beings to take care of their dogs properly. Now if my dogs were fat it'd be a different story, but they're not in the slightest. That's simply what it costs to have happy, healthy, disease free pets.

That isn't what it costs, that's what you choose to pay. It's not like the only two options are 5,000 baht per month per animal and starving mangy mutts who eat trash from the soi garbage bins. There is a big middle ground. You can even make your own dog food very cheaply that will result in very healthy animals.

Home made dog food is a good idea, no or very little salt, vegetables no more than 30% ( and if they have wind problems illiminate or reduce this )

Meat needs to be fit for consumption, and best served raw ( dogs natural food ) bones should not be cooked raw again.

Plenty of web sites if you want to do this.

No salt in dog food is a wrong approach. Every mammal needs a certain amount of salt intake which is mandatory for important body functions.

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No or very little salt is the approach.

There is sufficient salt content in meat, poultry or fish to sustain a dog. Adding more endangers it's liver.

Do you think I just made that up, if you want to disagree then at least research what I have written.

I am happy to debate or rescind what I write, but not in this case.

There is more salt in mass produced dog foods but that is for presevation.

As a side note read the contents of dog biscuits, compare that to your favourite biscuit to have with your cup of tea/coffee then tell me which you think is the more healthy.. woof woof

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I got 3 dogs.

They just get our left overs, and we add the rice from the bottom of the rice cooker or a bit more depending on how much food we got.

2 dogs look very healthy, but the rigde back is fat as hell. Its the laziest dog I have ever seen, but it is 12 years old, so age probably going to catch up with it.

Every now and then we treat the dogs to some decent food.

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And chicken bones. Are they really dangerous for dogs?

I ask this because I think its BS, my father used to race grey hounds and we used to feed them chicken with the bones on and all for years. I have always given my pet dogs chicken bones for decades and not one problem.

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In my Isan village, I wake up at 6:00, have a coffee and go for a 30-45 mn walk with the dogs. Never meet any other human being only a lot of birds. When I come back home for breakfast I'm ready for whatever the world has for me that day. I wish I could move there permanently.

Where can I get that in Bangkok ?

Many bars in the lower sukumvit area.

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And chicken bones. Are they really dangerous for dogs?

Raw chicken bones are fine. Don't give them cooked chicken bones though. Good chance it'll be fine without problem, but also a chance it's going to go down the wrong way, or they don't chew it enough, and it will cut up their stomach & internal organs. We actually had one pup who managed to find some bones somewhere, and died from that.

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not this shit again - it coasts from 5000 baht to 500,000 baht + a month depending on your lifestyle. If your expecting here to be cheaper forget it. YOu will learn if you have kids are older want a western lifestyle you can live for same in west. Ok all you who live in a shithole and live like kings on 20,000 a month start talking crap as usual. To live a nice life here with house and cars paid and no school fees or serious medical bills will be for a couple around 100,000 baht a month or same as in UK and caveat is you've paid for house and no school fees or large medical costs. Ok youll have a maid here which you wont have in west but standard of life will be much same. WIth wife 2 kids and rest youll need 150,000 +

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total BS cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif and totally stupid. 1 month weve monitored our spending for 10 years and with 2 kids at good school, medical, trips abroad, 2 cars and rest its not possible for less than 250,000 baht a month. Our elec bill alone is near 10,000 but we do have 8 air cons. We go out about once a month and if we go out ot eat its around 1,000 baht for 4 of us. Weve just spent 40,000 replacing 2 air/cons, 30,000 on a minor medical op for one of our children, paid 32,000 for a new set of tyres for one of our cars and 210,000 for 4 return air tickets to USA and thats in 1 month. Not a typical month but this is just total crap.

I used to live in a leaking box at end of sewer and ate shit .......... but these days thnak god I can live like a proper human being. Now if I lived with my mother in law thai style I can live fine in middle of nowhere for 10,000 baht or less a month for 4 of us. We do however choose to live a western lifestyle here while still doing a lot of thai things and that is often far more expensive than in west.

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not this shit again - it coasts from 5000 baht to 500,000 baht + a month depending on your lifestyle. If your expecting here to be cheaper forget it. YOu will learn if you have kids are older want a western lifestyle you can live for same in west. Ok all you who live in a shithole and live like kings on 20,000 a month start talking crap as usual. To live a nice life here with house and cars paid and no school fees or serious medical bills will be for a couple around 100,000 baht a month or same as in UK and caveat is you've paid for house and no school fees or large medical costs. Ok youll have a maid here which you wont have in west but standard of life will be much same. WIth wife 2 kids and rest youll need 150,000 +

1/2 million thb a month? Now you are just being silly. That is nearly 200,000USD a year.

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