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Soo Soo Many


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A quick search of the web produced these :-

Electronics HUB of S.E.A.

Automotive assembling HUB

ASIA’S healthcare HUB

Fake passport HUB

Web service HUB

Regional business HUB

Energy HUB

Mice HUB.

Aviation HUB

Health Tourism HUB

Educational HUB for neighbouring countries

Ceramics manufacturing HUB

Spiritual HUB of Asia

HUB of human trafficking

HUB for Asian backpack travel

Night Owl HUB of Asia

Fashion HUB

Printing industry HUB

Logistics HUB for indo-China

Gem polishing HUB

Financial HUB for mainland Southeast Asia

Transshipment HUB for counterfeit and pirated goods

Oil industry HUB of South-East Asia

HUB of the illegal trade in pangolins

Communications HUB of Asia

HUB for drug trafficking

Regional HUB for international assistance

ASEAN HUB of higher education

Dairy HUB for the region

HUB of body jewelry manufacturing

HUB for human trafficking and sex tourism

ASEAN petroleum HUB

HUB for all manner of counterfeit products

HUB for electric and electronic products

Regional biotechnology HUB

Leisure HUB for all of South and Southeast Asia

Regional seed production HUB

Global and regional HUB for food

Asian logistical HUB

Port HUB of Asia

Regional HUB for the smuggling of elephants

Golfing HUB of Asia

and from the Nation :-

Our PM wants Thailand to be HUB of everything. As now, I am sorry to say, we are only a HUB of corruption. :o:D:D

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I think you have missed the whole point of this.

There are two types of title for anything the govt does:

1. Hubs

e.g. we will be an automotive hub

2. The XYQ of the YZX

e.g. The food basket of the world

e.g. The Detroit of Asia

e.g. The Merkin of the Gerkin

This is what all good MBA types learn; use invented language enough and you can shape the way people think; you can also drive other people nuts and sound like a consultant prat. :o

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The country used to be known as Land of smiles, LOS,

now it is LOH. :D

MICE Hub ?????????


Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions. Not the furry kind :D

The furry kind too.

They invade my house from time to time. :o

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The land of hubs.

The land of the hubs.

That meets both the hubs paradigm and the XYZ of the ZYX paradigm.

This is akin to crossing the streams. It could be bad.

MICE actually, that one is quite relevant to aim to be the hub of MICE.

i like the idea of being the Hub CAP (conventions, assocations, presentations)

or maybe we can become the HuB A dUB dub (asssocations, departments, unions, banquets, declarations, unknown, barium)

or the Hub of RATCOCK (restaurants, assocations, trade, communities, organisations, conventions, knowledge)

or my own favourite, the Hub o' 9 Tails.

Up to you as they say.

p.s. for really sounding like an MBA ######, try converting every noun in business to a verb. I am going to balance sheet the accounts so we understand where we stand for this week's P&L. It is important to asset our HR to warehouse our competitive advantage.

Let's financial that.

Let's offline that discussion.

let's Discussion that offline.


And see how long it takes before yo' clients start da same. Great fun.

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What's wrong with a country wanting to be the hub of hubs? It's a lot better than just not caring or trying to keep things as they are.
hub of hubs, have we had that one yet?

sorry, but thaibebop got that one in almost a year ago... :D:D

Thaksin should announce a 'crackdown on Hubs'
Hub of crackdowns

CRIMINY!!...... even mine was too.


As the the topic title points out, there's been "soo soo many" hubs for so long a time now, we've run out of new material...

makes me envious of the government's ability to not run out of material for declaring something the new hub of.

the government has us beat on this point......


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Latest HUB News:

Hub of Illegal Steroid Smuggling

Steroids 'disguised as biscuits'

From: AAP

January 17, 2006

A WOMAN is due to face court in Brisbane later this week after Customs officers allegedly found a large shipment of performance-enhancing drugs in biscuit packets.

About 19,000 steroid tablets were discovered after an operation that began on January 10 when Australian Customs Service officers at a Sydney mail centre chose a package from Thailand for random examination.

The package was addressed to Queensland and contained chips, noodles and biscuit packets.

But X-rays and a closer inspection of the biscuit packets revealed foil bags containing 12,000 steroid tablets.

Customs investigators arrested a 37-year-old woman in the inner-western Brisbane suburb of Ashgrove last Friday.

They also searched a car and an apartment in Wynnum on Brisbane's bayside.

During the searches, investigators allegedly found another 7000 steroid tablets, a 100ml bottle of liquid and 37 glass vials containing a liquid which have yet to be identified.

The woman has been charged with importing prohibited imports and was bailed to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on January 20.

Australian Customs said that in Australia, performance and image-enhancing drugs could only be imported with previous permission from the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

The maximum penalty for importing performance-enhancing drugs of this type is up to five years in jail and/or a $110,000 fine.

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