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Lost Thai Private Health Ins Card, To Replace Card Asking For Health Declaration Form?

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My wallet was lost with all my paper documents about a month ago. Filled out numerous police reports(work for gov't uni so had to fill with campus police for their documents lost.) I've been trying to get my Thai social security insurance card replaced and my university paid group Thai health insurance card replaced. I've had this same group health insurance for four years. They are requesting per the Thai uni staff person handling this, a new health declaration form (what you fill out when you first get insurance) before they will just replace the card I got as an automatic group renewal three months ago (four months late by the way due to the floods they claim).

Has anyone ever lost their Thai private health insurance card before and had this same request made? I can't understand why they would want this just to replace the card. I tried calling the insurance company English line as our employee handling this has only been in her current position two months and made egregious errors regarding visa renewals necessitating three trips instead of usual one). I push the button for English and then call center and only get a Thai speaker who tells me to wait minutes and then the phone is disconnected-tried 5 times throughout the day today and got the same person. The supposedly 24 hour line now (as it states on their website) says office closed call back 9 to 5.

Obviously the insurance company has their records for the few outpatient claims submitted and they paid. I am not trying to hide anything from them but do not want to have to disclose the personal information to my employer(university). I asked for the address to return the form myself and was told I can't, university has to send it. I know from experience they will make a copy and keep in my personnel file. Having to submit this form will also delay what should be a simple matter of print up a new card. When I lost my Blue cross card back in US, took all of five days to receive it in the mail.

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Replacing a lost hospital card is quite easy. People lose their cards all of the time and get them replaced. The fact that you have filed a police report makes it even easier. So I don't understand the problem you are having.

You did right in trying to contact the insurance company directly, when all else failed. I suggest that you e-mail the insurance company and explain the problem.

Otherwise, send me a private message and I will help you. What you are going through is totally ludicress.


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