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Scramble To Prevent Blank TVs In Thailand: Olympic Games Broadcasting


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Thais not being able to watch Thais potentially winning medals? Political and commercial suicide. Apart from farangs, who gives a smelly brown one for football...except native gamblers, and that's illegal here. Alledgedly!

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ESPN is going to be on HD too on True when the olympics start.

Very nice.

Yeah but you'll have to buy yet another package for other HD channels!! I heard there is more HD channels coming, but they will group them in 1s or 2s and charge another 500 per channel! Such a scam!

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Outside the farang community i have yet to come across any Thais who know the olympics are on let alone interested in watching it. Prussmably True's main market is Thai as are the free channels so i would not expect to much out side ladies weitht lifting and the football. A Great britain football team is going to have then scratching their heads, not England

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RT @veen_NT: NBTC Natee has reassured that there won't be "blocked screen" for the Olympics 2012 broadcast. via @noomniim @supinya

Lol, "reassured". Oh, OK then. Reassured as in Euro 2012 reassured? Or reassured as in actually reassured.

(You could easily swap in the word "lied" for "reassured" there and it'd be perfectly acceptable.)

Thankfully, I have acquired *ahem* "TV of an Expatriate kind in LOS", Olympics will be great and I don't have to rely on a bunch of money-grabbing liars to block my service. I'll get BBC commentary and build-ups, it won't be interrupted by adverse weather conditions in Thailand. Yay!

Wimbledon was wonderful to watch this way, as was Euro 2012.

Lie all you want fat cats, I don't need you anymore.

I dispensed with True ages ago. IPM/Samart for the wife and the internet gets me absolutely everything I could ever need. All terrestrial and satellite UK & US channels, every major film, documentary, sporting event, TV series. It's all there if you go out and find it and sometimes pay the small fees required to be able to do it. Admittedly it requires a fast-ish internet connection (not always), but that's available in most places in LOS, if you're willing to pay for it.

True seems to be on intent on destroying their foreign customer base and I hope the farangs terminate in their droves. They really deserve it.

Edited by ManInSurat
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Really no surprise anymore Thai television is all crap these days you have a choice of depressing Thai soaps for the love of god when the wife put’s that’s on I feel like I want to join the View Talay Pattaya Skydiving Club.. Reality shows here in Thailand is crap too like that true vision café live event it’s beyond me why they air that crap really it’s not hard to run a café also isn’t rocket science … True Academy Fantasia just as bad to with spotty kids trying to sing I have heard better noise coming out of a cat on heat .. giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

As for Olympic Games i don't see them winning a thing in any of the events .. coffee1.gif

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Conditional access just means it is

not broadcast in the clear for any open satellite disk receiver.

But True can automatically down load a patch to any turned on box to give

uncharged free access to scrambled signals from the satellite downlink.

Being scrambled, then decoded, doesn't mean a fee must be charged,

but does mean those in other markets with non-host-brand receivers

can't get the scrambled signal to use.

The fact that it doesn't mean a fee must be charged, doesn't mean they won't - if they think they can get away with it!

of course they say that!

But look at history with True... any increase in channels they put into groups and make you pay extra. They call them a la carte - all extra different packages all have to pay. They had extra discovery - thats another package. They had an extra HBO group - thats another package for extra. They had an extra Disney - thats an extra package you have to pay extra for. They put on BBCE - that an extra package - 300 for one channel! The HD channels came and they gave you 2 or 3, but the others you have to pay extra for.

So sorry not some rumour from some drunken farang in a bar.... just going on precedent already set by the outrageous operations of True. I've never seen such <deleted> - their service is crap, their operations are crap, and frankly they dont care. I was even told by the girl on the telephone that they moved all the a la carte channels to the end (where there is less reception) because it was mainly farang who watch those channels and their main customers they are aiming at are Thai . I cant wait for a really decent competitor to come. They have a monopoly. No one I know is happy with them. Thai or farang. You should hear my Thai staff go on how much they cant stand them!

Do you not think it natural that True are principally aiming their service at Thais? I can't imagine Sky TV aiming their UK service at foreigners, can you?

Edited by OldeBellPedr
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As for Olympic Games i don't see them winning a thing in any of the events .. coffee1.gif

Well that would be first time since -92 Barcelona. Boxing and weightlifting are strong for them and this year women's badminton has good player.

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Conditional access just means it is

not broadcast in the clear for any open satellite disk receiver.

But True can automatically down load a patch to any turned on box to give

uncharged free access to scrambled signals from the satellite downlink.

Being scrambled, then decoded, doesn't mean a fee must be charged,

but does mean those in other markets with non-host-brand receivers

can't get the scrambled signal to use.

The fact that it doesn't mean a fee must be charged, doesn't mean they won't - if they think they can get away with it!

of course they say that!

But look at history with True... any increase in channels they put into groups and make you pay extra. They call them a la carte - all extra different packages all have to pay. They had extra discovery - thats another package. They had an extra HBO group - thats another package for extra. They had an extra Disney - thats an extra package you have to pay extra for. They put on BBCE - that an extra package - 300 for one channel! The HD channels came and they gave you 2 or 3, but the others you have to pay extra for.

So sorry not some rumour from some drunken farang in a bar.... just going on precedent already set by the outrageous operations of True. I've never seen such <deleted> - their service is crap, their operations are crap, and frankly they dont care. I was even told by the girl on the telephone that they moved all the a la carte channels to the end (where there is less reception) because it was mainly farang who watch those channels and their main customers they are aiming at are Thai . I cant wait for a really decent competitor to come. They have a monopoly. No one I know is happy with them. Thai or farang. You should hear my Thai staff go on how much they cant stand them!

Do you not think it natural that True are principally aiming their service at Thais? I can't imagine Sky TV aiming their UK service at foreigners, can you?

Exactly! Why do people expect a Thai satellite/cable TV service to cater for the every wish of its minority foreign customers?

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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