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this topic should rather sound "How Do You Get Your Thai Girlfriend To Save YOUR Money?"

I would prefer a thread titled:

How do you get your Thai girlfriend to make money for you to save?

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Best idea. Cost of a Thai gf is 2:1. However much it costs the OP to live alone he should expect to pay an additional 2 times as much. This is in no way an absolute but it is not far off being one.

If you are not ready to support a family why try, same as in every country. People come here because they are either mean, ugly, cheap or bad and want to purchase Love. Ain't going to happen, you will lose. Here you can go out pay for sex and forget it. A GF is about Love, friendship, being together and enjoying life. From my experience it is well worth it.

Love your lady,


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Just get a new girlfriend with some basic education.

You have a huge choice here - why stay with the lowest option?

...maybe the OP is in love with his girlfriend


Most poor girls have been married before and their husbands left them once they had children. I have been working with Christian organizations to help single mothers. The main problem is there is no child support law here. A man can have children and just leave. There has been a large number of Thai ladies now who have children from westerners who leave them when they become pregnant. The guy know they will not be punished so they just find a new girlfriend or move on.

There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Interesting that you think men who make women pregnant should be 'punished', and not their children supported.

When you help these women, are you ramming Christianity down their throats? If so are you helping them or yourself?

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A GF is about Love, friendship, being together and enjoying life. From my experience it is well worth it.

God is about love, a gf is about sex.

(at least make an attempt to keep your dogma straight)


Just get a new girlfriend with some basic education.

You have a huge choice here - why stay with the lowest option?

...maybe the OP is in love with his girlfriend

He can be "in love" next week with another one. Where is the problem?

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Best idea. Cost of a Thai gf is 2:1. However much it costs the OP to live alone he should expect to pay an additional 2 times as much. This is in no way an absolute but it is not far off being one.

If you are not ready to support a family why try, same as in every country. People come here because they are either mean, ugly, cheap or bad and want to purchase Love. Ain't going to happen, you will lose. Here you can go out pay for sex and forget it. A GF is about Love, friendship, being together and enjoying life. From my experience it is well worth it.

Love your lady,


You always pay for in in the end anyway. The choice is payment method.... COD or HP?


I have been working with Christian organizations to help single mothers.

Kind regards,


A Randy Christian helping single mothers in Thailand, is it just me that thinks this is funny?

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Most poor girls have been married before and their husbands left them once they had children. I have been working with Christian organizations to help single mothers. The main problem is there is no child support law here. A man can have children and just leave. There has been a large number of Thai ladies now who have children from westerners who leave them when they become pregnant. The guy know they will not be punished so they just find a new girlfriend or move on.

There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Interesting that you think men who make women pregnant should be 'punished', and not their children supported.

When you help these women, are you ramming Christianity down their throats? If so are you helping them or yourself?

The groups I work with do not try to convert them just help. This is a problem many who are not Christian do not understand. Working here to help people for 23 years myself I have never tried to convert people. That being said they wanted to know our spirit as we are Loving and caring as temples what money to build temples not lives. Buddhists here know that as merit is made by bigger temples not helping people. If you want to know more I will email you as I lived at a temple on the Thai Burma border for 2 years doing hill tribe projects with the blessing of the second largest monk in Chiang Mai province Mah Achan Saman at Wat Thaton. He thanks me for my work knowing he cannot help as building temples as the Sangha council directs and helping people is not their directive. I have been on the front lines saving lives as the temples could care less. That being said many do become Christian through our Love for them not because we make them go to church or preach to them.

Lets help more people in need not because of religion but because there is a need and we have a compassion to help.


There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Why would you think that?

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There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Why would you think that?

I've (unfortunately) heard many sermons where sex outside marriage was frowned upon ...... I think the words 'may their souls burn in hell' may have been used.


I have been working with Christian organizations to help single mothers.

Kind regards,


A Randy Christian helping single mothers in Thailand, is it just me that thinks this is funny?

This is a serious problem. I don't understand your comment. Are you saying Christians do not like single moms? Wow if so you I am guessing you don't understand born again, spirit filled, heart felt Christians. That is OK as most are not and nothing held against you. I guess you have to have been there done that to understand. Just being a good loving person in you heart is enough in God's eyes.

I don't want to be religious here. Lets talk about peoples needs not God or religion.



There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Why would you think that?

I've (unfortunately) heard many sermons where sex outside marriage was frowned upon ...... I think the words 'may their souls burn in hell' may have been used.

This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.




This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.



And yet you were the one that mentioned punishing the fathers. (post #29)

Then went on to call two other members 'sick'. (post #49)

Your church doesn't sound all that 'loving' to me.


You need to save between 200,000 baht and 400,000 baht per month respectively to reach your 5 million - 10 million baht target in 2 years.

In this context, I got the impression from the introduction to the thread that the sums your girlfriend are spending are not going to move the dial much.

To put things in perspective, I think you need to put some numbers down on paper.

How much do you earn?

How much does she earn?

How much do you spend?

How much does she spend?

What is the net aggregate saving?

It might be that increasing your income is much easier (and more effective in achieving your overall objective) than changing your girlfriend's spending habits.

Have you forgotten that the OP is the wannabe 'prizefighter'? whistling.gif


I have been working with Christian organizations to help single mothers.

Kind regards,


A Randy Christian helping single mothers in Thailand, is it just me that thinks this is funny?

Not really. A great way to meet lots of single mothers.

We should add this to the dating advice young guys regularly ask for.


imo the suggestion of finding a new GF is the best option. However, if you don't want to find a new one, then try this:

Calculate your income after tax

Deduct your fixed expenses from this (e.g. Electricity, rent etc)

Deduct the minimum amount you need to save each month to reach your target.

Then tell your gf that you're trying a different budget for the next 3 months to see how it works.

And from the money you have left, give your gf a portion of it, you've said it's just for 3 months so you can be lenient with it (but not too much, as you might set a standard otherwise on how much she wants to receive). Then tell her that she has to pay for all of your meals together, and her shopping etc, and that anything left over is hers to keep.

Her spending will significantly decrease over the next few months as she learns how to save money for herself lol.

BUT, then when she is paying for the bills, YOU can go out and buy the 600 baht meals and not even eat them etc. See how she feels when she's paying the bill :) It will help her to understand how you feel :)


If i remember right AngelOfDeath posted a little bit ago that his GF requested him to give her a few million baht+business+house for parents in 2years or she'd leave him

This is Thaivisa. What did you expect? The Truthcheesy.gif

imo the suggestion of finding a new GF is the best option. However, if you don't want to find a new one, then try this:

Calculate your income after tax

Deduct your fixed expenses from this (e.g. Electricity, rent etc)

Deduct the minimum amount you need to save each month to reach your target.

Then from what you have left, give your gf a large portion of it. Tell her that she has to pay for all of your meals together, and her shopping etc, and that anything left over is hers to keep.

Her spending will significantly decrease over the next few months as she learns how to save money lol.

or she will carry on the way she is and the OP will waste away and go hungry....remember the pecking order thumbsup.gif


This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.



No true Scotsman argument.

Back on topic.

The OP has said he is unable to reason with his gf which for me would be a massive thing and certainly not something to be taken lightly. It's not the inability to reason per se which is the issue because it could be something complex, the subject however is very far from complex.


This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.



And yet you were the one that mentioned punishing the fathers. (post #29)

Then went on to call two other members 'sick'. (post #49)

Your church doesn't sound all that 'loving' to me.

No, just keeping those accountable for their actions as everyone should be.


She'll get a new "job"...

Ah now I understand. For one moment I thought she had some terrible disease that required millions of baht to cure..

Based upon the detail the OP has given, can I suggest a simple solution?


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Reverse the situation. Get her a hobby. Enroll her in School. If she doesn't have a job she has nothing to do except spend money. Keep her busy in doing something productive instead of being fruitless. If school is out of the question suggest she try doing stained glass or mosaic, anything. Suggest if she become good at it she can sell the items.

But by the sounds of it, it's to late. Honestly it sounds like you have made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.

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This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.



No true Scotsman argument.

Back on topic.

The OP has said he is unable to reason with his gf which for me would be a massive thing and certainly not something to be taken lightly. It's not the inability to reason per se which is the issue because it could be something complex, the subject however is very far from complex.

Yes it is very complex.

Here is my article Real Love and Romance Thai Style. I hope this helps guys from falling into false Love and expectations. Living here for 23 years I hear many horror stories. I hope this helps in heart break, less stupidity and the way real Thai Love can be wonderful. I am a success story having a wonder Thai lady for life. You might not agree but it worked for me.

Kind regards,



this reminds me of a similar problem I had back in the west when I had a lemonade run.

one particular attractive single lady had run up a large bill and I needed paying.

I normally sent the help but he was too scared to ask for settlement of the bill.

anyway, one saturday morning I went to the door myself. I knocked and sure enough she came to the door in a house coat.

when I asked for the settlement of the bill (40 pounds) she pulled the house coat opened and asked me,

" Can you take it out of this?"

I was quiet for a second as I had a look and pondered her proposal. I replied,

"Don't you have anything smaller?"

She promptly paid me but never bought from me again. Shame.

Nice story. If only it were true...



Yes it is very complex.

Don't blow all your money is a complex concept? C'mon.

On the other hand, perhaps it is for you given Matthew 6:34 'Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.'

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