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Rep. Barney Frank Weds Jim Ready: America'S First Congressional Gay Marriage

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Headline s/b Barney Frank, not Barney Franks

Congressman Barney Frank, the prominent gay activist congressman from Massachusetts, the first voluntarily out congressperson in American history now becomes the first gay married congressperson in American history as well. Contrary to popular myths, gay activist Frank isn't a man in a dress (he doesn't have the figure?) and doesn't scream like a girl.


He wed of course in Massachusetts under Massachusetts state law allowing same sex marriage. His marriage has no legal meaning at the federal level or in most U.S. states.

I am sure Frank now that he is leaving congress and will be dedicating his time to more gay activist causes (not involving drag queen balls or girlie screaming contests) will be focused on working on true equality for gay Americans for the rest of his life.

Congratulations to the gay activist grooms! OK, I guess Mr. Ready didn't marry Frank for his looks! Ready has been described as a Todd Palin lookalike. Do you really think so?



Edited by Jingthing
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