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Going Home, End Of Adventure.


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Sorry to hear of this, however as you appear to lobbying for donations, that is not allowed:

29) Not to lobby members.

Edit: SInce the lobbying comments have been edited out of OP, topic is now re-opened.

Edited by metisdead
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Sorry to hear of this, however as you appear to lobbying for donations, that is not allowed:

29) Not to lobby members.

Edit: SInce the lobbying comments have been edited out of OP, topic is now re-opened.

Sorry about that, didn't know.

Gone now, so hope all is good.

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Put it all down to experience. At least you are not knocking Thailand like so many others. Yes it does have it's own culture which is so different to where I come from ( England) but that is what I expected and have learnt to live with. It is hard at times accepting the Thai way of life but like you I have a choice, stay or go. All the very best for the future hope things work out ok.

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Internet Earning is a rough game (I know... Took me 4 years to get it and move here)... We may not have meet but from this post you seem like the kind of person I would be more then happy to have a drink with.

I can only hope you enjoy your time back home and find your way back to Thailand when the time is right :)

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The good thing I get from this is that the OP is man enough to admit his own mistakes and will hopefully learn from them.

Too easy for many of us to convince ourselves otherwise when a problem exists.

He is young enough to get his life back in order........and good luck with that.

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It is very brave to post your feelings. As previously post you are not rubishing the Thai people. You realise that there are always two sides to the relationship. Good luck for the future.

Curious what part of Thailand did you live?

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Yes, good luck.

You haven't pointed the finger at anyone but yourself - and that is a mature approach.

Go and earn your spurs back in your home country and you will know if/when the time ius right to return (or try Cambodia/Laos/Burma.....)

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Excellent stuff OP, a quite outstanding original post.

The first rule of success, above all others in life, without exception, is take responsibility for your own actions.

The second one is, learn from your mistakes.

You have done both. Yes you will have to start again from scratch, but you have shown with your OP that you have the wisdom and strength of character to get back on your feet.

I'm not going to wish you luck, you don't need it, you have the character to make things happen, you will achieve the life you want in the end.

Very well done Sir. wai.gif

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An Honest opinion of Thailand, And of yourself, at least you had a go and can try again, Some baht millionaires try it at the wrong end of life and fall for all that you have warned others against ,Best Wishes and Good luck for you.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Excellent post OP. I have made mistakes and learnt from them....also moved back home for a while in order to sort out a more sustainable way of living in Thailand long term.

Mine will come to fruition early next year thankfully then I will be smiling all the way to the beach and the bank.

It can be done...you are young enough and savvy enough now to sort it out. I wish you the very best of luck!

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Sad to hear that it didn't work out for you man :(

Sounds like a similar situation to a good friend of mine, perhaps it is too often the case in Thailand, I hope that I'm not posting something similar in 3-4 years (I'm likewise under 30, although have only been here for around 2 years so far)

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There have been times when I was living here in a 3k a month shoebox. In fact, I was so broke I had nothing to eat but rice and noodle cups everyday. But I never considered going home and giving up. I eventually found a way to make money online after years of trying, but it has taken a lot of hard work, knowledge, and experience. Making money online is extremely hard! Trust me!

Just go home and try again.

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After living in Thailand for more than 5 years, it is now time for me to go back home and rebuilding my life.

If anyone have a dream about moving to Thailand at a young age, i will now share my experiences, hoping that others can avoid doing my mistakes.

I came to Thailand, haven't even passed 25 years of age, following a dream of a better life. After i had lost more or less all my family back home i went to see the only family i had left, my father who had been living in Thailand for several years at the time.

Stupid as i was, i started up a bar, hoping it would provide some income for me to stay here.

Had countless fo people told me this was a stupid thing, and that i wouldn't even last 6 months here in Thailand. Stubborn as i always had been, i though i had to make my own experience about this. True as said, the bar didn't last a full year, and i had to find some other way of income, and at that time i did manage to do so.

Never been very demanding about having a rich life, and i'm happy living a simple life "as the locals"

Allthough i have made it for 5 years here now, with various internet-jobs, i now have to give up and pack my bag. It have had it's ups and downs, but i do have to say, in the end, i do not regret coming here. I have learned a lot about a beautiful country with a lot of amazing people, but most importantly i have learned a lot about myself.

Always tried to take care of myself, but i always hoped to have some failsafe-security about my father living here. But as he had a tough time with the bottle, he ran off to Cambodia a year ago, and now im left alone here. My job is more or less stranded now in the summer-holidays, but i scraped up enough for a ticket back home, departure in a few months time. The best i could do.

So for anyone want to seek out the good life in Thailand without any pension or anything, i would say go for it, but DO have a backup-plan, lot of (can never be enough) backup money and not just hope for the best as i did.

My dream is of course be to come back one day, but better prepared, and this time i would know what i'm getting in to. I will not come back until all this is taken care of, so it might be a long time... But my dream will keep me going... and the hope that i can take care of my son that i had here in Thailand. As of now, i can not, and that is probably my biggest regret.

So all in all, Thailand is a amazing place to stay, but watch your step. There are all kinds of trouple waiting out there, which could be more costly than you would like. Take advice from more experienced people, but don't listen to everything, as there are many "experts" who think they know more than they actually do.

If all you have to say is "i told you so", or "my own fault" or stuff like that, i already know, so please keep it for your self. I know i took a big and stupid risk,

it made me happy for a long time, but the adventure is now ending. If i had a chance to go back and choose again, i would make more or less the same choice.

I'll be back!

Well I admire your honesty ..... Good luck to you and if you come back please post ....

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I first came here 24 years ago and was lucky enough to meet a resident who owned a bar ,he gave me advice that i always followed ,he said look in the mirror ,your not a hansom man and bar girls would much prefere a young fit Thai boy ,but you have one thing they dont have --money,so dont lose your head. i took his advice to heart and although i did have a relationship which didnt last , i too had a buisness here and met my wife through it( i ran it with a partner ,i lived in the uk) and have been happily married for many years ,but i made sure that we didnt come here to live permanantly untill i had enough money to cover myself .

its almost immposible to live here under pension age unless you have a good income .

hope you get to come back sometime.

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Well done all the posters congratulating someone on making babies and abondoning a baby and mother to look after on low income no doubt since it sounds like poster lost all cash.

Shame on you poster. Accept responsibility for bringing a life into this world. Instead running of to home (Europe?) in search of ???? higher tax, less job availability

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Well done all the posters congratulating someone on making babies and abondoning a baby and mother to look after on low income no doubt since it sounds like poster lost all cash.

Shame on you poster. Accept responsibility for bringing a life into this world. Instead running of to home (Europe?) in search of ???? higher tax, less job availability

Unless I missed it, I don't recall the OP mentioning anything about abandoning his child/mother.

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Yo, SmallViking dude, I do admire your honesty and taking responsibilities for your own actions. Too many times we have disgruntled expats leaving Thailand who feel a need to take parting shots, as if to say they're not the problem, Thailand is. Of course, they're in denial. As you eluded to, people make their own life choices and simply have to live with them. At least you have the gonads to admit that, so good on you. Thailand owes no one, with the possible exception of their own citizens.

Good luck to you and hopefully next time, things will work out.

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Well done all the posters congratulating someone on making babies and abondoning a baby and mother to look after on low income no doubt since it sounds like poster lost all cash.

Shame on you poster. Accept responsibility for bringing a life into this world. Instead running of to home (Europe?) in search of ???? higher tax, less job availability

Unless I missed it, I don't recall the OP mentioning anything about abandoning his child/mother.

From OP's post "and the hope that i can take care of my son that i had here in Thailand. As of now, i can not, and that is probably my biggest regret."

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