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How Many Cats In Your Neighbourhood ?


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Three years ago, you would be lucky to see a cat in our village. Now the place is overun with them.

I can identify 10 that frequent our house and one on either side.I personally like cats but I also

like birds in particular what in West Australia we call Willy Wagtails.In the past,there was a pair

that were nesting next door but I haven't seen them for more than a month.Maybe the have just moved

on but I suspect something else.To top it off,while walking the dogs this morning,a man rode past on

a motor bike and he was carrying a sack.A hundred metres up the road he stopped,upended the bag and

out came four kittens about six/eight weeks old.What a prick.

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There are a number of stray cats and dogs in the area where I live and the locals do feed them, but the feral ones are usually too scared to go in their houses and shops to eat the food. The other problem is that if they need medical care they are usually not going to get it and they die badly.

Sterilization is the answer, but, unfortunately, I can't see the government here investing the money on animals.

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Three or four on our street. All but one of them are pets and are cared for. We have been feeding the stray since she was a kitten, but she is still feral and won't let us touch her, so we cannot spay her, though we did de-worm her through her food.

Our neighbors have rat problems, but we haven't had any problems since we brought our cat home!

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Not too many walk here because of our and other dogs that walk free. I do have a few anoying cats that like to fight on the roof of our kitchen. I have yet to teach my dogs to climb a roof. So the cats win.

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I find dead cats in my yard all the time.

I got a Thai ridge back which is his parents are pedigree dogs (what ever that means).

He is HUGE and fast and just teard them to shreds.

I sometimes wake up and go outside and see a paw with blood on it. But the just never seem to learn.

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I find dead cats in my yard all the time.

I got a Thai ridge back which is his parents are pedigree dogs (what ever that means).

He is HUGE and fast and just teard them to shreds.

I sometimes wake up and go outside and see a paw with blood on it. But the just never seem to learn.

I never seen my dogs kill cats, i would not be happy if they did. But i am quite sure they are capable of it. Its just that the cats are faster and smarter. But they do keep them out of the area most of the time.

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I find dead cats in my yard all the time.

I got a Thai ridge back which is his parents are pedigree dogs (what ever that means).

He is HUGE and fast and just teard them to shreds.

I sometimes wake up and go outside and see a paw with blood on it. But the just never seem to learn.

Pedigree should mean purebred and you should have papers to confirm that but I suspect that

is not always the case and that many are not in fact pedigree.My dog is a half Rottweiler and the

other half I don't know.He loves playing with cats and with the one in the accompying photo, he used

to pick it up and carry it around as it's mother would until the cat was run over.

He still would like to chase and try the same thing but now I have to keep him on a leash when he is

not locked up as he has a penchant for doing the same thing with chickens.

Edited by Ron19
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Be carefull of cats, bites can be deadly if you don't go to the hospital. Many Thais died of this, as the infection went trhough. Here, there is so much dogs running everywhere, I love animals, but on sanitary way, the governement should do something.

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Be carefull of cats, bites can be deadly if you don't go to the hospital. Many Thais died of this, as the infection went trhough. Here, there is so much dogs running everywhere, I love animals, but on sanitary way, the governement should do something.

What can the government do when people do what I witnessed this morning as stated in my original post?
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Seriously though, we have two 3 yo Siberians (picture of the male "Phayu" below) which are great with people but still maintain an extremely high prey drive.

If something looks cute furry and cuddly, then chances are it will be history before too long. Not really much problem with cats here.


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There are 2/3 cats that come into our garden every night.

I welcome them as I assume they keep the snakes away.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

I hope you are right about the snakes and come to think about it,

have not seen any near the house for quite some time.

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I've got a Civet cat that some of our workers found in the rubber plantation, it's mother was dead so they brought it back to us.

He's a mean little SOB and I've got the scratches to prove it, he also takes no guff from our german shepard or ridgeback dogs, they came onto him once and now they've got the scratches to prove it also.

I think he'll make a great little watch cat when he gets bigger


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No rats

No mice

No cockroaches

No snakes

Well, live ones anyway.biggrin.png

Also, less intrusion by feral cats if your own have been spayed/neutered.


Extra mosquitoes (no jinjoks)sad.png

No too-kays sad.png

Can upset neighbours if allowed to range unchecked.

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I've got a Civet cat that some of our workers found in the rubber plantation, it's mother was dead so they brought it back to us.

He's a mean little SOB and I've got the scratches to prove it, he also takes no guff from our german shepard or ridgeback dogs, they came onto him once and now they've got the scratches to prove it also.

I think he'll make a great little watch cat when he gets bigger

Thats a really beautiful creature Kwonitoy; I think you're right with the watch-cat theory!

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One less cat; ours. The vet lost it. I repeat: LOST it. We took our long haired Persian in to be spayed. "It ran away" was the explanation [ with a laugh ]. We were aghast. Don't really know what to think.post-141914-0-02695000-1342084804_thumb.

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I find dead cats in my yard all the time.

I got a Thai ridge back which is his parents are pedigree dogs (what ever that means).

He is HUGE and fast and just teard them to shreds.

I sometimes wake up and go outside and see a paw with blood on it. But the just never seem to learn.

I never seen my dogs kill cats, i would not be happy if they did. But i am quite sure they are capable of it. Its just that the cats are faster and smarter. But they do keep them out of the area most of the time.

mine just got a pigeon.....Which is an achievement as he has only 3 legs (+no wings).

The cats seem to know exactly where the dogs can't go.....

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I find dead cats in my yard all the time.

I got a Thai ridge back which is his parents are pedigree dogs (what ever that means).

He is HUGE and fast and just teard them to shreds.

I sometimes wake up and go outside and see a paw with blood on it. But the just never seem to learn.

I never seen my dogs kill cats, i would not be happy if they did. But i am quite sure they are capable of it. Its just that the cats are faster and smarter. But they do keep them out of the area most of the time.

mine just got a pigeon.....Which is an achievement as he has only 3 legs (+no wings).

The cats seem to know exactly where the dogs can't go.....

My little fury white dog kills the birds.

Once a cat jumps in my yard, its hard for it to get our as my walls around the house is over 2 meters in height.

Once it was bad when a mother and 3 kittens jumped from the tree, onto the fence and down one of our trees.

ABout 2am I hear a lot of barking and meowing. Pulled one cat out of the dogs mouth, bleeding a lot. Lucky it survivied, the other 3 were scattered everywhere in the yard.

But my ridge back is old now, can still chase anfd get them, but sometimes it just cant be bothered.

Its even killed a green snake too that fell out of the tree, I was shitting myself as I was in the yard and I got no idea what is poisonist or not. The dog f#$ked it up withing seconds.

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I have 4 dogs and 4 cats (3 female, 1 tomcat) and we nickname him "pirate" because he always shows up in the morning with one eye that should have a patch covering it.

The cats are the boss...........and the dogs know it.

Worse now the cats have had litters........thanks to "Pirate", 9 kittens............hence the females have had injections and I tried the elastic band around Pirates' balls, but he managed to get that off.........too much of a cheap charlie to get the vet out here (we are in the sticks) to cut his balls off...........but, to his credit there are no stray cats around our place.

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I have 4 dogs and 4 cats (3 female, 1 tomcat) and we nickname him "pirate" because he always shows up in the morning with one eye that should have a patch covering it.

The cats are the boss...........and the dogs know it.

Worse now the cats have had litters........thanks to "Pirate", 9 kittens............hence the females have had injections and I tried the elastic band around Pirates' balls, but he managed to get that off.........too much of a cheap charlie to get the vet out here (we are in the sticks) to cut his balls off...........but, to his credit there are no stray cats around our place.

Lucky Pirate didn't try to get his own back at you after getting the elastic band off.........whistling.gif

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