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Spanish Man Blogs Bangkok Suicide On Facebook: Police


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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Give me a break. The 'West' is such a paradise and a bastion of paradise, which is why you chose the hell of Thailand to make a home. No country is perfect, but Thailand is a lot better than many other places. If you think otherwise, why are you there?? [And of course, here we go again with all the conspiracy theories about how this was not really a suicide, the incompetent/corrupt police are just selling a story]. Amazing. {RIP to the poor man and condolences to family and friends}

He was making a valid point about the cultural difference experienced when working in a Thai company.

Missed the point where he accuses the police of corruption or incompetence or where he says that this case isn't suicide.

Your desire to defend everything Thai is admirable but blinding you to what is being said and making your contribution to this thread an unhelpful distraction.

Thanks for trying to understand the point I was simply trying to make without immediately attacking me as a Thai-basher (though I may be that from time to time). I was not saying anything about the suicide not being a suicide. I shouldn't have included that last bit about Pattaya. I think it's faily clear that this was a suicide.

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Lying and cheating by companies is common in all countries. At the end of the day the shareholder payout is the only goal.

I moved my whole life in UK at one point to start work with another company 200 miles away, my wife left a very good job to come with me and in spite of all the promises at interview of " many years work and good money in the new location" the company sold out to a rival company within 6 months of me starting, they had been negotiating the sell out for months before I joined.. Luckily by that time my wife had found a new and better job.

The new company was one that I knew and had never had any interest in working for before and it didn't take them long to get rid of of most of us who had to transfer over with the deal, salaries were too high etc etc.

Yes it's nice to be retired out here, no worries about massive heating bills in the winter and a wardrobe that contains only shorts and T shirts etc. many other countries supply that too, but you have to start preparing for it when you're in your thirties and part of that preparation is looking after you and your's and not trusting the company to do it for you. My aim was always to pass on sitting on a beach in the sunshine with a cold beer in my hand and it still is.

That may be true but I am in contact on a weekly basis with dozens of friends and family members living in diverse DEVELOPED places such as the US and Korea. None of them have experienced the ups and downs, especially the downs (instability, both economic, political, and social; if you want stability and predictability, all important if you are raising a family, then it's hard to argue on Thailand's behalf), that life in Thailand brings. You hear all the time about the unemployment rate in the US but if you're young, healthy, willing to work and reasonably well educated, there don't seem to be any problems finding decent jobs (with good benefits packages, career development, etc, etc). Enjoy your retirement though. It does sound quite nice. I plan on returning with my wife and son to retire, as the pace of life, etc. seem aptly suited to retirement. That's a few decades away though.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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Suicide is a selfish way out. It's easy to die. It's hard to live.

Most insensitive and dogmatic post I've seen in ages.

My feelings to his family and friends. Peace to him wherever your personal convictions will locate him.

I call it like I see it, mate. I see others here have done so as well.

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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

Psst... It may shock you to realise that when they are sending a message to him it actually has more meaning to their own lives. Is this not the whole point of talking to the dead?!

Yes, I am well aware that I was one of the posters...

Funerals and well wishes regarding the dead are 100% meant for the living, of course they are, it is a form of comfort. It is sad that this guy could not see a way out and there almost always is, but it is what it is, a part of life. Death is just as normal as being born, eating bread or walking along the beach.

And for some they experience the unfathomable black depths of depression for which they may not necessarily be a reason. Some people feel that they just cannot cope with life and do not have, whatever it is, to keep going. Juan's Family and Friends I am sure will feel very sad now that he is no longer with us. Rest in Peace.

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Have you guys read his blog? Only last week he posted about why he loves Bangkok. Doesn't sound like he was unhappy here at all.

But of course, we cannot know what really went on with him and if it was depression, that just sneaks up on you from inside and kills you.

So sad. RIP.

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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

Psst... It may shock you to realise that when they are sending a message to him it actually has more meaning to their own lives. Is this not the whole point of talking to the dead?!

Yes, I am well aware that I was one of the posters...

Funerals and well wishes regarding the dead are 100% meant for the living, of course they are, it is a form of comfort. It is sad that this guy could not see a way out and there almost always is, but it is what it is, a part of life. Death is just as normal as being born, eating bread or walking along the beach.

Hmm and often treated with about as much importance as the latter two activities here in the LOS

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Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

I guess it may depend upon your religion, but being Spanish he was quite likely Catholic, in which case suicide is a one way ticket to hell, no heaven for him, sorry.

You think it depends on what religion you are that dictates where your soul goes, so if he was Budhist he is on his way back. Edited by ThaiTerry
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Lying and cheating by companies is common in all countries. At the end of the day the shareholder payout is the only goal.

I moved my whole life in UK at one point to start work with another company 200 miles away, my wife left a very good job to come with me and in spite of all the promises at interview of " many years work and good money in the new location" the company sold out to a rival company within 6 months of me starting, they had been negotiating the sell out for months before I joined.. Luckily by that time my wife had found a new and better job.

The new company was one that I knew and had never had any interest in working for before and it didn't take them long to get rid of of most of us who had to transfer over with the deal, salaries were too high etc etc.

Yes it's nice to be retired out here, no worries about massive heating bills in the winter and a wardrobe that contains only shorts and T shirts etc. many other countries supply that too, but you have to start preparing for it when you're in your thirties and part of that preparation is looking after you and your's and not trusting the company to do it for you. My aim was always to pass on sitting on a beach in the sunshine with a cold beer in my hand and it still is.

That may be true but I am in contact on a weekly basis with dozens of friends and family members living in diverse DEVELOPED places such as the US and Korea. None of them have experienced the ups and downs, especially the downs (instability, both economic, political, and social; if you want stability and predictability, all important if you are raising a family, then it's hard to argue on Thailand's behalf), that life in Thailand brings. You hear all the time about the unemployment rate in the US but if you're young, healthy, willing to work and reasonably well educated, there don't seem to be any problems finding decent jobs (with good benefits packages, career development, etc, etc). Enjoy your retirement though. It does sound quite nice. I plan on returning with my wife and son to retire, as the pace of life, etc. seem aptly suited to retirement. That's a few decades away though.

Ever thought of working for one the International schools located outside Bangkok, I say Bangkok because of your comment about taxi drivers. I get the impression that your conditions of work are the main reason for your discontent. Many of the schools in Bangkok are only there to provide an income for the owners and they by nature want to control the teachers by many means, the favourite being holding on to your work permit, if it exists, and trying to use that as an excuse for treating you like crap. The old we hold your work permit and if you leave we will report you etc etc, unfortunately many teachers believe this and let themselves be treated this way.

Start looking around a bit outside Bangkok, it's not Thailand, it's just another big city.

Taxi drivers, no change, just say wait a minute, go to the nearest shop get change and pay him without a tip but with a smile.

Mai mii in the shop, go to the next 7/11, millions of them in Bangkok.

They're the losers, not you.

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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

No, just a load of Christian evangelicals. Same thing really, or so they think.

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Ah the old why haven't you left saying. Why do you continue to live in such a terrible place.

Fact is why don't they leave? Why do they choose to live here. Are they socially unacceptable back home.

Why does no one ever answer this question?

Yes there are people who are here because their company sent them.

And some because they have a wife and children. How they got them in such a obviously terrible place to live is beyond me.

But for the most part we choose to live here. And most of us are able to accept the good with the bad not just focus on what we see as wrong. Get out of the tourist areas if you don't want to see all the scams.

fully agree with the poster who posted this.

"This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world"

I see he is leaving the country. Rather than sit around and bitch about it.

I actually just started another thread about this "Why don't you leave" topic, trying to learn more because I plan to move here soon: http://www.thaivisa....g-or-hating-it/

Yes i would love to know!!! Most poeple if they dont like something,someone,somewhere do something about it ! they move, they change the situation but unfortunately some who are sour about something need to try and draw others into their negative world! All i can say to those are get over yourself and do something to change your life for the better.

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How many angels can dance on the head of a pin??? Would the Lord reject a man because of mental illness???

Answer that one and you will have your answer to the suicide barred from heaven conundrum.

You can't answer it because you don't know the mental state of every suicide. The " Guilty " religion of Catholicism in particular makes great play of suicide being a Cardinal Sin. Go ask your local priest that question,

" Father, would the Lord turn his back on the mentally ill? ".............then watch him flounder.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

And you sir can not state he is going to heaven as you do not know for sure that god actualy exists, do you?

No I can't.......point out where I said he was in heaven????............I was questioning the Catholic guilt concept of suicide being a Cardinal Sin.

If you would like a battle on this subject I'm your man..............90% of my family are devout Catholics, including my mother..............they know that I can debunk the entire Roman Catholic church philosophy, even the local priests had to accept I was right.......but the answer came back, it's a question of faith.

Faith exists where reason escapes.

Sorry - I quoted the wrong poster. That was meant for the dude that said "kindom of heaven" and all that hogwosh. Sorry.

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.

Not all religions believe that...

Your response sounds like you are 'Hard Line Catholic'...

To add to your quandry, there are 'Christian Faiths' which have never considered Jesus to have died on a cross or to have been the son of God...

Edited by dighambara
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You can see photos of him sitting on the computer table head on the desk


Well pity the guy , maybe he got so much stress from work from his boss or visa department ! Hope the forensic people cna find something on his computer


I was 20 meters away from that man as he died.

Now I see it wasn't a coincidence that I saw this news the morning after there was a commotion on my floor.


F#### me... I could have done something. I didn't know the guy, I don't recall seeing him but... dam_n... just dam_n...

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

It is so sad.

There isn't much point speculating on what drove him to it or blaming Thai corporate culture. Many foreigners are happy working in Thai companies while many Thais aren't.

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How many angels can dance on the head of a pin??? Would the Lord reject a man because of mental illness???

Answer that one and you will have your answer to the suicide barred from heaven conundrum.

You can't answer it because you don't know the mental state of every suicide. The " Guilty " religion of Catholicism in particular makes great play of suicide being a Cardinal Sin. Go ask your local priest that question,

" Father, would the Lord turn his back on the mentally ill? ".............then watch him flounder.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

I'm far from religious but you make a very valid point. No one but anyone in their right mind would commit suicide it's so permanent.

So I agree with you mate........When you really think about it anyone who kills themselves has crossed the logical line, therefore are mentally impaired so being a nutter in the eyes of God must be a cardinal sin?........I hardly think so.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

I see the point you were trying to make. but "They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable?" Excuse me, everybody is emotionally vulnerable. Even though Thailand is not the best place in the world, but if you do find a suitable solution to your problems, things will be just fine. If not, then leave Thailand and start something you feel more comfortable with.

" So many foreigners commit suicide here."??? While I was studying in the US, one of my friend's friend committed suicide. The other had a severe mental breakdown and had to quit school and be sent back home.

With all the lies, cultural difference, and depression thing, it's everywhere. There're always solution to everything, and suicide is not the best option. You just have to spend some time to think a little more.

There's no need to offense a country and conclude that all of its people are bad. There are good and bad sides to everything. Wherever you are from, if I was in your situation and express my offense like yours. You wouldn't be pleased with it.

I have a little suggestion for you. Please be aware of where you put yourself among people, and the kind of people you are dealing with. You'll be able to avoid this kind of problem better.

Edited by ohmym
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I have a good friend whose husband took his own life, having got into considerable debt and done his best to hide it from all, the pressure obviously became too much for him. For some reason he felt he had to hide the problem and couldn't talk to anyone about it. The reality is people would have helped him, he had a loving, supportive family, but for whatever reasons, pride, depression, whatever, he never reached out for help.

He was found by his own children who will live with that memory forever. I understand why his wife resents what he did so strongly and it just makes the situation all the more tragic. I know he loved his children and would never have seen them hurt in life, just awful that by his actions he hurt them more than he could have ever realised with his death...

So the coward YOU knew that killed himself because of debt leaving his family not only to deal with his death and the stigma of him committing suicide has to also deal with the debt! Then there is the way he did it in such a way his kids found him! I am sure they got over that little gem nice and easily!!!!!

dam_n if that isn't selfish then PLEASE ask the kids who found him dead what is.

I had a friend come home from school one day to find his Mum hanging, dead. That flipped him from a decent fellow into a psychopath. But hey it wasn't his Mum's fault.

I pray you don't have to suffer the pain and anguish of sitting there at your computer screen a million miles from a friend who is 'blogging' about their death and posting pictures. If someone wants to take their own life for whatever reason for them not to consider the impact it has on the people they leave is the purest definition of selfish.

As for 'jogging on' yep guess I should of stayed in the Buddhist section there isn't the ignorance and stupidity there thankfully.

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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

It can also be very meaningful for his family and friends that searches for the news like me, thank u

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May I ask a very naive and simple question - If Bangkok and Thailand are that awful, leading people to committing suicide, why does this Senior member stay here? Nobody forces him, or other "westerners (I am one) to stay here! I for one am not going to leave, as I simply feel well here!!!!!!!!

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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

It can also be very meaningful for his family and friends that searches for the news like me, thank u

There is a lot in Google but all in Thai and Portugese Neus. I could not find nothing important in English and in Spanish zero

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How many angels can dance on the head of a pin??? Would the Lord reject a man because of mental illness???

Answer that one and you will have your answer to the suicide barred from heaven conundrum.

You can't answer it because you don't know the mental state of every suicide. The " Guilty " religion of Catholicism in particular makes great play of suicide being a Cardinal Sin. Go ask your local priest that question,

" Father, would the Lord turn his back on the mentally ill? ".............then watch him flounder.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

Well for sure, I wouldn't turn my back to a Catholic priest. As for taking one's life being a Cardinal sin, far too many Cardinals have first hand knowledge of sin. God, if there is one, gave us freedom of thought and a succession of old men without experience of real life who live in splendour in Rome on the donations of the poor have ordained that their followers should have no such thing. If Christ could ask his Father to forgive those who crucified him then suicide is small beer. If there is an afterlife I hope this poor soul finds solace at last.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Uh? In what crazy hell do you roam? w00t.gif

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I am amazed at how many people are so confident in their homemade versions of afterdeath.

Outside of those following a religious doctrine where do these people get their conviction on what happens next.

Which "homemade versions" are you referring ti?

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