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Thai Ladies; How Much Different Are They?


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I think they are the same as other women in my experience.

Some are bitches, some are great, some are gold diggers, some are whatever else.

I have only been out with one Thai girl and I married her. I dated many girls when I live din Sydney, but her and I clicked really well and I would say I got along with her much better than any girl I met previously.

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Apart from all the sex and money talk I have seen much more important differences in their belief that you can wash clothes better in an upright machine in cold water in 1/4 of the time a typical European machine. And a curious obsession with plastic storage boxes.

The only reason your clothes are washed better in cold water in washing machine that does not spin half as fast as a front loader is because the products they use detergents that has no regulation regarding very harmful chemicals. In the West it's controlled although it's still dangerous.

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I find Thai ladies (girls) almost the same as in any other country except for the money factor. In most countries older guys stay with older ladies but in Thailand anything can happen if you want and have the means. If a guy in his 50s is after a 20 something year old sweetheart ( a 9 or 10) it will be about the money. He may be able to have a relationship but remove the money or reduce it and she is out of there. They may not work the bar but they are still hookers....selling their bodies for money. Other than that I think all same.....

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Yes i am. Understand the points. Thats why its good to hear. I believe that people probably said bad things about thai girls based on their experiences. Cant complain as there are always good and bad ppl out there.

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And as we learnt on the other thread from experts on women; Thai-Chinese women are even more different. rolleyes.gif

Oh for gods sake. A woman is a woman. It's her individual personality that makes her what she is not what nationality she is or what her bloodline is. Same with men..

Woo!! Agree!!!

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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Edited by aneliane
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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Because they don't work well.

Thai women are not dreamers like their Western counterparts. They have a practical sense.

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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Because they don't work well.

Thai women are not dreamers like their Western counterparts. They have a practical sense.

practical sense ?

Avoiding these



  • breathing difficulties
  • sinus problems
  • nausea
  • sore throats
  • vomiting
  • coughing
  • stomach cramps
  • swollen lymph glands
  • sneezing
  • muscle cramps
  • watery eyes
  • heart palpitations
  • exhaustion
  • rashes
  • trigger for asthma attacks
  • eczema


  • migraine
  • dizziness
  • inability to concentrate
  • loss of consciousness
  • loss of cordination
  • seizures
  • tremors
  • convulsions
  • weakness
  • short-term memory loss
  • depression
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • aggression
  • fatigue
  • narcotic effect of stupor, sleepiness and hallucinations

................would be a "practical sense" to me ermm.gif

And that's just the fragrance !

Phtalates NPEs and phosphates are unbalancing hormones and get your kids to have smaller penises or no penis at all for a boy I heard it's quite hard to live with, just because his mummy is "practical" and wanted to please her new farang boyfriend sad.png

For girls you have now to thank Phosphates for giving puberty as early as the age of 9 ! sad.png

Thank you "practicality" ermm.gif

Edited by aneliane
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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Because they don't work well.

Thai women are not dreamers like their Western counterparts. They have a practical sense.

You are not serious, are you? Thai women are not dreamers??? cheesy.gif
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Wow, thanks for your quite trivial thoughts. Some eat noodles though.

If you feel the need to reply to every post you don't like its probably not a good idea to start a thread unless you have lots of time on your hands.

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Wow, thanks for your quite trivial thoughts. Some eat noodles though.

If you feel the need to reply to every post you don't like its probably not a good idea to start a thread unless you have lots of time on your hands.

Seems like someone does have a lots of time on his/her hands blink.png Shocking.
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Women are women, wherever you go and you've got to mind your manners regardless. Just learn what goes in the culture you find yourself.

My pet-peeve with Thai women is that they give, even offer, their phone number upon meeting them but they really had no intention of ever seeing you again. It's been explained they do this to save face, my face, so that I won't feel bad. But, I have never taken it like that...it's lying, pure and simple.

We are usually asked to learn the local culture and respect it. However, it's really a situation involving two cultures - mine and hers, not just hers. I think Thai women need to understand this, that the cultural impulse to tell me something I want to hear to spare my feelings doesn't translate well into Western culture. Again, it is simply lying.

Lying to a guy the first time you meet him makes him feel much worse than refusing a phone number.

Better yet, if the the woman feels the need to lie, er...uh, I mean, save my face, she should have a more plausible lie in hand for this such as, "Sorry I'm married/have a boy friend" etc. This gets everybody through it without offending anyone. I will never know that she does not have a bf or husband, but I will certainly know that she was lying to me after she puts me off endlessly during phone calls and ultimately never sees or speaks to me again.

Wise up, girls.

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Thai woman are one of the reasons many people come to Thailand. So their must be some difference. And it is not only poverty, as there are many poor countries that don't attract so many tourists or retirees.

I.m.o. Thai ladies (and consequenly thai culture) are more direct, open and natural about sex and the funtioning of the human body and less burdened with all kind of prejudices and inhibitions from which western culture only now slowly begins to free itself. So it can be a liberating experience for many western man or woman to come to Thailand and experience e.g. a thai massage (or perhaps something more). And often so liberating that many fall in love with the country and its culture and come back many times.

The so-called freedom of the western world is in many ways more formal, theoretical then real, practical, has more to do with words then with deeds. In the west the victorian ideals still function, often unconsciously, superficially covered up by more modern, feminist ideas of sexual freedom and equality. This gives western man and woman a more artificial attitude towards sex, the body etc., free in thoughts and words, but less so on a deeper level (as about opposed to the thai reality).

This might have something to do with the thousends of years of dominance of patriarchal, christian values in the west that sex is bad, woman are inferior etc. Thailand was historically in mainstream matriarchal and matrilinear, which means a more free, natural attitude towards sex. For those interested in the subject I refer to my previous posts in which I underpin these allegations with some arguments and documentation. Consequence of the confused situation in which many westerners find themselves is an overreaction towards repressed natural functions, e.g. porno or all kind of perversities are considered as sexual freedom.

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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Because they don't work well.

Thai women are not dreamers like their Western counterparts. They have a practical sense.

practical sense ?

Avoiding these



  • breathing difficulties
  • sinus problems
  • nausea
  • sore throats
  • vomiting
  • coughing
  • stomach cramps
  • swollen lymph glands
  • sneezing
  • muscle cramps
  • watery eyes
  • heart palpitations
  • exhaustion
  • rashes
  • trigger for asthma attacks
  • eczema


  • migraine
  • dizziness
  • inability to concentrate
  • loss of consciousness
  • loss of cordination
  • seizures
  • tremors
  • convulsions
  • weakness
  • short-term memory loss
  • depression
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • aggression
  • fatigue
  • narcotic effect of stupor, sleepiness and hallucinations

................would be a "practical sense" to me ermm.gif

And that's just the fragrance !

Phtalates NPEs and phosphates are unbalancing hormones and get your kids to have smaller penises or no penis at all for a boy I heard it's quite hard to live with, just because his mummy is "practical" and wanted to please her new farang boyfriend sad.png

For girls you have now to thank Phosphates for giving puberty as early as the age of 9 ! sad.png

Thank you "practicality" ermm.gif

Can't say I've ever experienced any of those symptoms using Thai washing powder. Perhaps 'cos the rinse cycle rinses them out?

Back in England, I tried 'eco-friendly' washing powders but, they didn't work anywhere near as well as the 'bio' washing powders.

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There are a good many "green/environmental friendly: washing powders available in the west nowadays! Washing machines come in assortments of spin modes. Must say our top loader spins most things almost dry.

We were discussing Thai products

Eco friendly products are available here, but Thai ladies don't like them ermm.gif

Because they don't work well.

Thai women are not dreamers like their Western counterparts. They have a practical sense.

practical sense ?

Avoiding these



  • breathing difficulties
  • sinus problems
  • nausea
  • sore throats
  • vomiting
  • coughing
  • stomach cramps
  • swollen lymph glands
  • sneezing
  • muscle cramps
  • watery eyes
  • heart palpitations
  • exhaustion
  • rashes
  • trigger for asthma attacks
  • eczema


  • migraine
  • dizziness
  • inability to concentrate
  • loss of consciousness
  • loss of cordination
  • seizures
  • tremors
  • convulsions
  • weakness
  • short-term memory loss
  • depression
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • aggression
  • fatigue
  • narcotic effect of stupor, sleepiness and hallucinations

................would be a "practical sense" to me ermm.gif

And that's just the fragrance !

Phtalates NPEs and phosphates are unbalancing hormones and get your kids to have smaller penises or no penis at all for a boy I heard it's quite hard to live with, just because his mummy is "practical" and wanted to please her new farang boyfriend sad.png

For girls you have now to thank Phosphates for giving puberty as early as the age of 9 ! sad.png

Thank you "practicality" ermm.gif

"Phtalates NPEs and phosphates are unbalancing hormones and get your kids to have smaller penises or no penis at all for a boy..."

Holy cow. I've wondered about that for the better part of 50 years. Mom must have used Phtalates NPE and phosphates to wash the cloths. Circa 1950s detergents. thumbsup.gif <---- (this is the size of wee willy). What a relief to finally know!!!

/sarc off

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Can't say I've ever experienced any of those symptoms using Thai washing powder. Perhaps 'cos the rinse cycle rinses them out?

Back in England, I tried 'eco-friendly' washing powders but, they didn't work anywhere near as well as the 'bio' washing powders.

Well and if your son does not have a penis, may be you should rinse it out too ;)

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"Phtalates NPEs and phosphates are unbalancing hormones and get your kids to have smaller penises or no penis at all for a boy..."

Holy cow. I've wondered about that for the better part of 50 years. Mom must have used Phtalates NPE and phosphates to wash the cloths. Circa 1950s detergents. thumbsup.gif <---- (this is the size of wee willy). What a relief to finally know!!!

/sarc off

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with endocrine (or hormone system) in animals, including humans. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Specifically, they are known to causelearning disabilities, severe attention deficit disorder, cognitive and brain development problems, deformations of the body (including limbs); sexual development problems, feminizing of males or masculine effects on females, etc. Any system in the body controlled by hormones, can be derailed by hormone disruptors. The critical period of development for most organisms is between the transition from a fertilized egg, into a fully formed infant. As the cells begin to grow and differentiate, there are critical balances of hormones and protein changes that must occur. Therefore, a dose of disrupting chemicals can do substantial damage to a developing fetus (baby). The same dose may not significantly affect adult mothers—for a more scientific explanation, see below.

Endocrine disruptors are substances that "interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of naturalhormones in the body that are responsible for development, behavior, fertility, and maintenance of homeostasis (normal cell metabolism)."[1] They are sometimes also referred to ashormonally active agents,[2] endocrine disrupting chemicals,[3] or endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs).[4]

EDC studies have shown that endocrine disruptors can cause adverse biological effects in animals, and low-level exposures also cause similar effects in human beings.[5] The termendocrine disruptor is often used as synonym for xenohormone although the latter can mean any naturally occurring or artificially produced compound showing hormone-like properties (usually binding to certain hormonal receptors).

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That UK "mature" woman, if visiting Chiang Mai, would make herself totally unavailable to men. Hence, we go with the flow. Thai women it is.

Me a loser? Phtttth! Bite me. My preference was Asian women as soon I as experienced hormones.

What man in his right mind wouldn't prefer Asian women? Racists perhaps? You and everyone else who think White Women are the end all, are you maybe just exhibiting your own racial biases? Mai?

Hmm..but are you not exhibiting your own racial bias by assuming all mens preferences would be Asian woman??

(an example would be my brother, who has zero interest in Asian woman, and had the option. He chose an Argentine. I guess he must not be in his right mind. I wont bother passing that on though, as he seems pretty happy). Surely you really must see how illogical that mindset is? I respect your preference, but if the worlds male populations preference was Asian woman..their choice of partner would reflect that. (Not that there is ANYTHING wrong for prefering Asian woman, its just rather illogical to think thats the majority)

Thai women can ride pillion side saddle on a m/c while playing a game on their mobile phones (not holding on)

I've not met a British lady who can do that (yet).

C'mon Eek ........ tell me you can do that!

lol goader. tongue.png. Actually, i can do ALL that, in a pair of stilletos, holding an umbrella. Except for the "while playing a game on their mobile phone" part. ..i can use a phone whilst pillion, but would not be using it for something so brain dead..

Edited by eek
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Thai women can ride pillion side saddle on a m/c while playing a game on their mobile phones (not holding on)

I've not met a British lady who can do that (yet).

C'mon Eek ........ tell me you can do that!

lol goader. tongue.png. Actually, i can do ALL that, in a pair of stilletos, holding an umbrella. Except for the "while playing a game on their mobile phone" part. ..i can use a phone whilst pillion, but would not be using it for something so brain dead..

Any chance of a photo ......... you and the stilettos?

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wow, if we have the attitude that all thai women are only after our money it gives some indication of the type of person and places frequented. which soi do you hang out in at 1am? There are some very decent thai women out there, if we care to look. Of course most women in any country would seek a guy who is not just financially secure but mentally secure.

I have a Thai Wife and she is the complete opposite of what I had in North America. She is a very kind and caring person.

As far as money goes she did keep after me to buy a house. It would have been in her name and she would have felt secure. That is what they are looking for security. She finally got it through her head I was not going to buy a house and I was going to take care of her. I buy nothing any where I can't walk away from. It has been 6 years now and I still get a lot of enjoyment out of watching her do things she never even dreamed of before. She is 54 and still has the family values. She takes care of her mother financially and if she needs medical attention she takes care of that also. Some times she takes to good of care of me. I am and have always been clumsy. It is a way of life. Yet when we walk down the street she is always pointing out things to watch out for.

She really cares for me and if I let her she will put my wants first. Got to admit some times I take advantage of that. I always let her put my shoes on and take them off. As for manicures and pedicures I wish she would leave me a lone. Not gonna happen. In short she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

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What an interesting batch of comments, after dating a few thai women i have had a bit of a mixed bag now, last one was a bit skitzo the first 2 were like super duper great chicks, all in all there isnt to much difference between west and east provided you have a criteria and stick to it, sounds callous but its not really we should know what we want.

In reality if the two of you are well matched and truly love each other then nationality doesn't come into it.

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I have a Thai Wife and she is the complete opposite of what I had in North America. She is a very kind and caring person.

She really cares for me and if I let her she will put my wants first. I always let her put my shoes on and take them off.

Why can't you put your shoes on by yourself?

Edited by CurryAfficionado
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I have a Thai Wife and she is the complete opposite of what I had in North America. She is a very kind and caring person.

She really cares for me and if I let her she will put my wants first. I always let her put my shoes on and take them off.

Why can't you put your shoes on by yourself?

Paraplegic perhaps. No hands?

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I have a Thai Wife and she is the complete opposite of what I had in North America. She is a very kind and caring person.

She really cares for me and if I let her she will put my wants first. I always let her put my shoes on and take them off.

Why can't you put your shoes on by yourself?

Paraplegic perhaps. No hands?

Too fat to reach his feet?

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I have a Thai Wife and she is the complete opposite of what I had in North America. She is a very kind and caring person.

She really cares for me and if I let her she will put my wants first. I always let her put my shoes on and take them off.

Why can't you put your shoes on by yourself?

Paraplegic perhaps. No hands?

Too fat to reach his feet?

No it's obvious she wears his shoes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Read all the posts seems to me most of you have a negative opinion about Thai woman which really begs the question what are you doing here

My opinion is that it's more to do with what the woman or wife or gf thinks about you because for sure the Thai girls I know with Thai husbands treat there men totally different to what I see everyday happening all the time between Thai girls who have farang partners

I have had 3 Thai wife's and everyone of them have come from simple countryside background none them worked in bars or clubs I know most people will say that but in my case this is 100% true for the first few years with all of them life was fine but they change and the reason they change is they start to mix with other farang wife's

Now I have always lived my life here like a Thai and I expect my wife to live with me like a normal Thai wife but when they mix with other farang wifes and see all the fancy clothes and gold and hear talk about maids and cooks and the life style of most of these farang wife's they start to wonder and ask things like why is it I don't get a monthly allowance or why don't you buy a tractor for my dad like fred did and so starts the slippery slope

Now I'm not perfect I know that but I can see why so many Thai farang partnerships fail I see it though the eyes of my 23 year old son who is totally Thai he gets none of this greaf and I see how my son in law treats my daughter

So now after 3 marriages I'm not interested any more I go from day to day enjoying my self and I have come to see what I always knew from the start do what the Thais do treat the women like shit and they will always be there if not go get another one

Now I know this will piss off loads and loads of people but I don't give a stuff it's my opinion after 34 years in the land of smiles and would I change anything if I could not a chance !!!

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Apart from all the sex and money talk I have seen much more important differences in their belief that you can wash clothes better in an upright machine in cold water in 1/4 of the time a typical European machine. And a curious obsession with plastic storage boxes.

555 the "obsessions" should be whole new thread: hilarious...the wife is into bags not just the regular girly bags but printed paper bags, recycle type grocery bags (she bought about six in Canada and "borrowed" all my mum's)..also coffee mugs and glasses..preferably when they are given away free..oh yes she also climbs trees in flip flops,hauls/mixes rock,sand and cement,cuts rubber and often sits cross legged doing sfa or reading while I clean the bathrooms and do the washing.....think she hates money though ...wants get rid of it as soon as possible ....555....sure Thai ladies are different that's why we love 'em so dam_n much...

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