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A Missing Friend Mia In Burma Has Returned To Thailand Safely!


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A dear friend of mine who left Thailand 3 years ago for a mission to save wild life in Burma has returned to Thailand safely. He initially crossed the border 3 years ago with time left on his visa in Thailand, but had illegally crossed the border zone in Burma through the Huay Kha Khaeng Forest reserve area to assist hill tribes in finding alternative ways of financial security other than poaching wildlife, trafficking drugs and illegal deforestation. He was truly a hero and I thank the higher powers of this universe for returning him safely after Burmese forestry officials had attempted shooting him after spotting him taking photographs of there own poaching operation along the Thai-Burma Border. His Puerto Rican blood helped him mix in with the local population as he looked quite similar to many SE Asians as he was told.

The problem is that now he has a dilemma. He has overstayed his visa for over 3 years in Thailand and thinks he should get amnesty for his heroic efforts and not face the overstay charge. Can anyone give me any advice to give him for what his next step should be?

I told him to keep his mouth shut about his mission in Burma and just pay the overstay charge because engaging in any -revolutionary, counter government activities in bordering countries is grounds for being permanently banned from gaining entry to thailand. Anyone here with any additional advice would be much appreciated!

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Can anyone give me any advice to give him for what his next step should be?

Pay the bloody fee. It's 20k, so not like it's a huge amount. Definitely not worth fighting the Thai government over. Doing that is only asking for a huge problem and headache.

EDIT: Unless he has a ton of proof & evidence, the Thai government isn't going to believe his story anyway. No government would.

Edited by cdnmatt
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If he makes the news then the Thai government would suddenly find itself with some explaining to do one of it's neighbours, especially in the unlikely event that it does grant him an overstay amnesty. It's silly thinking that the Thai government is going to add his dossier to to the pile of stuff they have to arse-kiss the Burmese about for his efforts in saving the world in . . . er . . . Burma.

Edited by Trembly
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Ohhh, and another thing to consider. In order to be exempt from the 20k overstay fee, he's going to have to admit he illegally exited and entered Thailand. Ummm.... I wouldn't recommend doing that. ;)

Paying the overstay fee will be much less hassle. Illegal exit / entry is far more serious of a crime than an overstay.

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