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Do you like it? Do you go? Do you care?

The other night I went out in Patpong, to a club that was hosting a night of 'funky disco' blah blah blah. The club was nice, the area was a dive, but to be expected. I'm not a clubber, I don't really drink, and I'm what you might call 'boring' if you don't know me outside of going out to the pub. I don't really dig the whole clubbing scene, and here it seems no different. The club was good, the crowd seemed OK, but a couple of English (I assume) idiots really made me feel like I was at home. First, they just came in dancing around, staring at a couple of women I know (friends of the girlfriend) and not really taking their eyes off of them. I know one of these women's fiance, and when these guys started chatting her up he wasn't bothered about it and let her get on with it. The guy soon found out she had a fiance, even shook his hand, but rather than let it go at that kept after her all night.

Onto an 'after party' and he's sitting with her outside the doors (she's collecting money) still trying it on whilst the fiance is inside DJing. Tosser, complete and utter tosser. He was a typical western poser, in the club acting like the biggest man in town because he knows that it's easy to get a girl in Bangkok.

OK, so perhaps this isn't really a comment on the whole night out (which I was thoroughly bored throughout) but rather the kind of people you see when you go to these places, but it did make me wonder what others feel about clubbing here. I find it boring, I'd rather be at home watching a movie, to be honest. The friend I went with was so bored at the club that he decided to drink to alleviate the boredom, but rather than go home he was actually keen to go to the after party, despite being bored out of his mind.

The way I see it, if you need to drink to enjoy something, then it probably really isn't that fun. If you go out aiming to get drunk, then you're more boring than any one else.

I'm not against drinking, nor going out. In fact, many of my good friends love getting drunk and going clubbing. I've never really enjoyed it, but I do like to know what people feel about it?

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I was never big into the clubbing scene either. I found the loud music and inability to have a conversation not to my liking.

Couple that with my inability to chat up women and it was a boring night out for me alright. laugh.png

Edited by BookMan
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Your case is not a singular occurrence for sure. There are people we don't like; there are manners we can't consort with. Thailand is not an exception.

As for clubbing, I have always liked clubbing wherever Ilived, apart from Thailand. I find the nightlife boring comparing to my experience in Europe.

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I used to enjoy the club and bar scene and never found it boring. But these days it has all become extremely commercialised and expensive.

Many of the more warmer and friendly small back street bars and social clubs have been shut down and mostly what’s left are the larger establishments where the policy is to: make the punters spend as much money as possible, in the shortest possible time, for doing a little as possible.

I now assume that leisure and social is probably the most expensive of activities in Thailand and for many has become more of an occasional luxury than a few regular nights out per month.

The whole scene has become too aloof and for this reason these clubs and bars no longer have the appeal they used to have.

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I used to enjoy the club and bar scene and never found it boring. But these days it has all become extremely commercialised and expensive.

Many of the more warmer and friendly small back street bars and social clubs have been shut down and mostly what’s left are the larger establishments where the policy is to: make the punters spend as much money as possible, in the shortest possible time, for doing a little as possible.

I now assume that leisure and social is probably the most expensive of activities in Thailand and for many has become more of an occasional luxury than a few regular nights out per month.

The whole scene has become too aloof and for this reason these clubs and bars no longer have the appeal they used to have.

Are you sure advancing age has nothing to do with it.laugh.png

Does for me I just don't bother with it. When I was younger I would go but really didn't appreciate the loud music. To me part of clubbing was to be able to carry on a conversation. Notice I did not say intelligent maybe to start out with butttt.giggle.gif

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I used to enjoy the club and bar scene and never found it boring. But these days it has all become extremely commercialised and expensive.

Many of the more warmer and friendly small back street bars and social clubs have been shut down and mostly what’s left are the larger establishments where the policy is to: make the punters spend as much money as possible, in the shortest possible time, for doing a little as possible.

I now assume that leisure and social is probably the most expensive of activities in Thailand and for many has become more of an occasional luxury than a few regular nights out per month.

The whole scene has become too aloof and for this reason these clubs and bars no longer have the appeal they used to have.

Are you sure advancing age has nothing to do with it.laugh.png

Does for me I just don't bother with it. When I was younger I would go but really didn't appreciate the loud music. To me part of clubbing was to be able to carry on a conversation. Notice I did not say intelligent maybe to start out with butttt.giggle.gif

You could be right.

Must admit I am in the read the book, seen the movie and have the tee-shirt category. As for intelligence, I never did venture into bars to discuss Quantum physics or Albert Einstein`s Law of Relativity. Once I had a few drinks, the Hello Hansum man and where you come from was quite adequate.

But nevertheless, social has become a much more expensive pastime than it used to be and as you say; it could be age, but for me it`s more to do with finance than geriatrically.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Does anyone know if there's anyway you can stop a letter before it reaches the recepient in Thailand ?

I need to stop a party invitation.whistling.gif

As an aside though I not really surprised a drunk sex tourist thought he could have any girl in a club in one of the worlds most famous redlight districts. coffee1.gif

As for do I like clubbing. When I was younger yeah. Now when I'm sober no. Then again never did when I was sober, but when i'm rather drunk yeah it's fun, but what isn't.

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I used to love clubbing in my 20's. Living in London at the time I would go upto 4 times a week - back in the day when hangovers were cured with a bacon and egg sandwich. After a while it became the norm, so much so that I could go to sleep in a club with the banging music!

That was then, this is now, and I think it's all behind me............boring git that I am.

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These clubs should all be closed. The youth of the nation gather and are corrupted by demon rum and scantily clad women. These clubs are a threat to the morality of the nation. The clubs are unacceptable because they contaminate , the nation's youth wil with impure thoughts and encourage various deviant behaviours.

I recommend that the clubs operate as places to teach traditional Thai dancing. They can even teach current dances such as the Rhumba and the Foxtrot. However, dances such as the Charleston and the Hustle should be discouraged as they are lewd and undignified.

That's my contribution.

And btw, ever since the Santika fire, I have avoided Thai clubs. Most of them are fire traps. I have no intention of hanging out in a building with an inadequate number of exits, no emergency lighting,and with exits blocked or locked. I can think of a few popular clubs in Patong are that unsafe and yet tourists are packed in them.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I used to enjoy the club and bar scene and never found it boring. But these days it has all become extremely commercialised and expensive.

Many of the more warmer and friendly small back street bars and social clubs have been shut down and mostly what’s left are the larger establishments where the policy is to: make the punters spend as much money as possible, in the shortest possible time, for doing a little as possible.

I now assume that leisure and social is probably the most expensive of activities in Thailand and for many has become more of an occasional luxury than a few regular nights out per month.

The whole scene has become too aloof and for this reason these clubs and bars no longer have the appeal they used to have.

Are you sure advancing age has nothing to do with it.laugh.png

Does for me I just don't bother with it. When I was younger I would go but really didn't appreciate the loud music. To me part of clubbing was to be able to carry on a conversation. Notice I did not say intelligent maybe to start out with butttt.giggle.gif

You could be right.

Must admit I am in the read the book, seen the movie and have the tee-shirt category. As for intelligence, I never did venture into bars to discuss Quantum physics or Albert Einstein`s Law of Relativity. Once I had a few drinks, the Hello Hansum man and where you come from was quite adequate.

But nevertheless, social has become a much more expensive pastime than it used to be and as you say; it could be age, but for me it`s more to do with finance than geriatrically.

Now that you mention it after a few drinks I could explain Quantum physics or Albert Einstein`s Law of Relativity to you.

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These clubs should all be closed. The youth of the nation gather and are corrupted by demon rum and scantily clad women. These clubs are a threat to the morality of the nation. The clubs are unacceptable because they contaminate , the nation's youth wil with impure thoughts and encourage various deviant behaviours.

I recommend that the clubs operate as places to teach traditional Thai dancing. They can even teach current dances such as the Rhumba and the Foxtrot. However, dances such as the Charleston and the Hustle should be discouraged as they are lewd and undignified.

That's my contribution.

And btw, ever since the Santika fire, I have avoided Thai clubs. Most of them are fire traps. I have no intention of hanging out in a building with an inadequate number of exits, no emergency lighting,and with exits blocked or locked. I can think of a few popular clubs in Patong are that unsafe and yet tourists are packed in them.

Ya the youthwub.png of the nation and the old people clap2.gif of the world.whistling.gif

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Yes I still like clubbing.

Loud repetitive music, associated laser mixed with scantily dressed girls gyrating their ass against your body makes for great foreplay.

It definately beats drinking at one of those street bars at four in the morning.

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These clubs should all be closed. The youth of the nation gather and are corrupted by demon rum and scantily clad women. These clubs are a threat to the morality of the nation. The clubs are unacceptable because they contaminate , the nation's youth wil with impure thoughts and encourage various deviant behaviours.

I recommend that the clubs operate as places to teach traditional Thai dancing. They can even teach current dances such as the Rhumba and the Foxtrot. However, dances such as the Charleston and the Hustle should be discouraged as they are lewd and undignified.

That's my contribution.

And btw, ever since the Santika fire, I have avoided Thai clubs. Most of them are fire traps. I have no intention of hanging out in a building with an inadequate number of exits, no emergency lighting,and with exits blocked or locked. I can think of a few popular clubs in Patong are that unsafe and yet tourists are packed in them.

yup......always one in the middle of it.....I think maybe even a ban on FUN ? Or enjoying yourself? I love a good night out clubbing while doing the foxtrot......
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Much of the music has devolved to what I call "euro zombie thump" and always the same creepy scene. I like real music played by live humans. Speaking of the little street bars, on one rare late night (morning) crawls on suk, I enjoyed a few drinks at an African dj bar, fun hearing some vintage reggae and afro-beat on the street. Fela Kuti !

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I like clubbing because I like dancing. But obviously the music has to be good. I find that in Thailand the thing that ruins clubs is the drunken tourists... Pretty much like what you described. Also I hate clubs where guys are trying to pick up Thai girls and they're all gyrating against each other. It feels like a meat market in there. bah.gif

My ideal night out is a few drinks at a cozy bar with friends where no hookers are present and the music is not loud so you can have a conversation. However after a few drinks, I'll head to a club for a few hours and finish the night off dancing and then head home.

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I like clubbing because I like dancing. But obviously the music has to be good. I find that in Thailand the thing that ruins clubs is the drunken tourists... Pretty much like what you described. Also I hate clubs where guys are trying to pick up Thai girls and they're all gyrating against each other. It feels like a meat market in there. bah.gif

My ideal night out is a few drinks at a cozy bar with friends where no hookers are present and the music is not loud so you can have a conversation. However after a few drinks, I'll head to a club for a few hours and finish the night off dancing and then head home.

I like a mixed crowd, even for a quiet drink- including a sprinkling of hookers- Londoner has a good mix on Wednesday nights. Mind you, if i was a lady i would also be annoyed having hookers around as they do tend to distract the males in any given group of friends!

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Ya if your friend was stupid enough to allow that "tourist" to chat to her half the night she deserved his drunken advances, most of the women i know would have cut him off after 10 min.

As for clubbing...its always about the music for me, i would consider my self a non clubber but like a place that has the music that i like, i am very much into Latin American music and dance so thats were i head off to,, here in BKK they have several going on weekly but if the music is not to my liking i will make an early exist, i am so fussy in that department i check to see who the DJ is that will often determine if i stay or go.

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Now that you mention it after a few drinks I could explain Quantum physics or Albert Einstein`s Law of Relativity to you.

...after a few drinks I could shout Quantum physics or Albert Einstein`s Law of Relativity at you.whistling.gif

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I like the Irish Pubs for a gooooooood ice cold draft Carlsberg once a week ...and I am a German (There, i said it) Muhahahaha!!!!!!!

But clubbing?? Not that much. Maybe a couple of times per year with friends if they visit Thailand but that's it.

Edited by Lammbock
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this is some sort of psuedo mating post, I think you find people will get upset if you start clubbing the local woman, yee gods only a few years ago just a touch would cause serious situations............... and you think a club is necessary

try learning the local language and talking

barbarians ............ tsk

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its really different strokes for different folks.

What do I like about clubbing?

One, the music. i am a music lover, music of all kinds. from brooks and dunn american country, to african drumbeats, to euro repetitive trance beats, to slayer, i love almost all. I love feeling music too, you know when the speakers are so powerful that you feel the beats on your skin and in your hair, pulsating through your ear canal and into the brain. clubs give you a venue to experience loud music without the worry of neighbors or without the need to wear big headphones. call it kid-like excitement, but when you hear an old familiar song, whatever it is for you, a song that pumps you up, or maybe one you havent heard in while, in a club in a foreign country... it can be thrilling.

Two, drinking. I like to drink a bit, and clubs give me a proper place to do it. Music and alcohol have been taken together for centuries, and i believe it is for good reason.

Three, friends. Clubs are places you can take friends. Yes, many times it is difficult to carry a proper conversation or even hear them, but I have never taken a friend to a club "so we can chat".

Four, strangers. Good god man have you seen the people in bangkok clubs?? a visual feast!! you have all sorts of freaks, models, hookers, rich people, poor people acting rich, douchebags, mafia, thousands of ethnicities, shapes sizes and colors. The humor and sheer entertainment value in people watching (there is a fine line between ppl watching and lurking/creeping, the latter is when you focus only on one person) is reason enough to go. Whether its 20 something yr old drunk Thai students chugging from a black label bottle because they have yet to learn their alcohol limits or a pretty working girl rotating through foreigners who don't realize they are the third guy she has kissed in a 30 minute span at an afterhours club, there is much to see and chuckle at.

Five, eye-candy. Girls dress up sexy for clubs. This is a good thing.

6, dancing. Even if you are 60 years old with a healthy belly and haven't danced since lawrence welk was on tv, there are plenty of clubs you can hop, shuffle, jump and just act like an idiot and it is ok! dancing releases energy, emotion and again is something humans have done for centuries. clubs give you the venue.

7, fried chicken. seriously its outside almost every disco waiting like an old friend to absorb that alcohol in your stomach and leave crumbs in the unlucky taxi drivers back seat.

these are the reasons (among others) i like going to clubs.

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Yep, you get this at most clubs or bars in Thailand. You have to deal with low life or obnoxious giddy vacationers. It's what I call spring break for adults. If you are single and your Thai gal suggests such places, especially at first, it's a red flag.

You also get the stares from staff, menu's shoved in your face and expected to buy a drink right as you step in. The last club I was at I took a seat and immediately two waiters came up and stuck a menu in my face, one over each shoulder and ran their flashlights down the menu. Stupid service staff is another reason to avoid. You get this stupid un-trained and under educated staff regularly. Something I could laugh at if I were drunk, but I happened to be sober that time, not cool.

Save the money and go on a bike trek or something and have some memories that are worth having.

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