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More Then A Fair Share Of Tart An In Thailand ... Givin' It Laldy

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I was born in Glasgow and lived there until I was 22 . I first visited Thailand in 1993 . I have spent most of the last 18 years in Hong Kong . My partner is Thai and we have a son . I spend a bit of time in Issan and we have a bolt hole there . I have described Scotland to people from Issan as a sort of English Issan .

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I was born in Glasgow and lived there until I was 22 . I first visited Thailand in 1993 . I have spent most of the last 18 years in Hong Kong . My partner is Thai and we have a son . I spend a bit of time in Issan and we have a bolt hole there . I have described Scotland to people from Issan as a sort of English Issan .

At least one thing the same with Issan and Scotland. Most of the people who claim to come from there are outside the borders.

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Talking about Tartan in Thailand..........eek has come up with a compelling plan for us to have a traditional Hogmanay do in Chiang Mai. Being eek, and ever gracious, she mentioned it might be difficult for the expat community to get hold of the full regalia for the do, however a bit of tartan should be easy enough done.

So here's the cunning plan........I'll book a place which in my opinion is the best location to see in the Bells at CM, you've all got 5 months notice of the event so you can't say you weren't forewarned biggrin.png

The place can hold about 80-100 people and theblether will front the first 25,000 baht for the do........eek will confirm that contrary to opinion we Scots are not tight with money tongue.png

Nationality is no barrier you'll be pleased to hear, we'll even let the English in......as long as your wearing a bit of Tartan biggrin.png

So there you go, full regalia if you have it, a wee bit of tartan if you don't. I'll try to get back up to CM during this trip and get it booked, otherwise I'll get one of the Scottish CM contingent to nip in and book it for me over the next couple of months.

I'll start a thread once I have the booking confirmed / nearer the time for declarations of intent to attend...........we CM regulars will be able to point you in the direction of hotels for every budget etc, and of course, if you can spend more time in CM I / we will make sure you get to see the sights of Northern Thailand too.

So ur ye up fur it??? hands up the noo and we'll have a proper crack at it on New Years Eve drunk.gif

( you might even get to see theblether in a kilt, we know how the lady boys love that laugh.png ).

If I die my hair blonde can I come through the daw at midnight?


I was born in Glasgow and lived there until I was 22 . I first visited Thailand in 1993 . I have spent most of the last 18 years in Hong Kong . My partner is Thai and we have a son . I spend a bit of time in Issan and we have a bolt hole there . I have described Scotland to people from Issan as a sort of English Issan .

Why does that make me think of Tom Yam Haggis ?w00t.gif


I was born in Glasgow and lived there until I was 22 . I first visited Thailand in 1993 . I have spent most of the last 18 years in Hong Kong . My partner is Thai and we have a son . I spend a bit of time in Issan and we have a bolt hole there . I have described Scotland to people from Issan as a sort of English Issan .

Why does that make me think of Tom Yam Haggis ?w00t.gif

Deep fried at that !

Made my 1st batch of shortbread today.I feel that the temperature may have been a little high as you can see around the edges.

Only using a toaster griller type oven and did not have a suitable container.Happy with the result though and taste and texture are okay.


Ron, if it is slightly crispy outside and softer and melt in the mouth centre then perfect.....and your effort looks exactly the business! :)

Made my 1st batch of shortbread today.I feel that the temperature may have been a little high as you can see around the edges.

Only using a toaster griller type oven and did not have a suitable container.Happy with the result though and taste and texture are okay.


Ron, if it is slightly crispy outside and softer and melt in the mouth centre then perfect.....and your effort looks exactly the business! :)

Made my 1st batch of shortbread today.I feel that the temperature may have been a little high as you can see around the edges.

Only using a toaster griller type oven and did not have a suitable container.Happy with the result though and taste and texture are okay.


Ron, if it is slightly crispy outside and softer and melt in the mouth centre then perfect.....and your effort looks exactly the business! :)

Thanks for your comments.I feel that next time around it'll be better after I workout the temperature in the griller/toaster oven.

I've never been to Scotland, although all my grandparents and great grandparents were born there. Somehow I was born at the beach in California from a pure line. Not exactly the best place for a kid with the whitest skin around to grow up. No wonder I have to get my skin checked for cancer every year.

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I have Scottish blood on my mothers side..does that count?

Sure ... but just how much blue blood flows in them veins son?

I'll show my hand.

There is some genuine Scots in me. All Aussies can trace back their fatherland.

My Great-Grandfather (fathers side) emigrated to Australia from Scotland.

Ohh, thats not really Scottish then is it? Thats only 1 side of the family and 3 generations back. Im Aussie, have something similar to yourself with bloodline desent, but Id never call myself British or whatever. Im true blue Aussie and proud of it. Arent you? Would a Scottsman say your Scottish?

I have Scottish blood on my mothers side..does that count?

Sure ... but just how much blue blood flows in them veins son?

I'll show my hand.

There is some genuine Scots in me. All Aussies can trace back their fatherland.

My Great-Grandfather (fathers side) emigrated to Australia from Scotland.

Ohh, thats not really Scottish then is it? Thats only 1 side of the family and 3 generations back. Im Aussie, have something similar to yourself with bloodline desent, but Id never call myself British or whatever. Im true blue Aussie and proud of it. Arent you? Would a Scottsman say your Scottish?

That would depend on who is buying the whiskey.


I have Scottish blood on my mothers side..does that count?

Sure ... but just how much blue blood flows in them veins son?

I'll show my hand.

There is some genuine Scots in me. All Aussies can trace back their fatherland.

My Great-Grandfather (fathers side) emigrated to Australia from Scotland.

Ohh, thats not really Scottish then is it? Thats only 1 side of the family and 3 generations back. Im Aussie, have something similar to yourself with bloodline desent, but Id never call myself British or whatever. Im true blue Aussie and proud of it. Arent you? Would a Scottsman say your Scottish?

That would depend on who is buying the whiskey.

Or bucky .


I have Scottish blood on my mothers side..does that count?

Sure ... but just how much blue blood flows in them veins son?

I'll show my hand.

There is some genuine Scots in me. All Aussies can trace back their fatherland.

My Great-Grandfather (fathers side) emigrated to Australia from Scotland.

Ohh, thats not really Scottish then is it? Thats only 1 side of the family and 3 generations back. Im Aussie, have something similar to yourself with bloodline desent, but Id never call myself British or whatever. Im true blue Aussie and proud of it. Arent you? Would a Scottsman say your Scottish?


Very proud Aussie ... never claimed to be Scottish ... biggrin.png

Mum came from 600 acres, black soil Farmer on the Darling Downs ... Dad was shearer and regular Army in WW2.

I started this way back when I noticed that a lot of Posters here, who's opinions I agreed with were Scottish.

Given the population size of Scotland and how many are here as posters, there seemed to be a connection between the two countries ... so I was curious as to the Scot's affinity with Thailand.

No-one has really yet to answer that ... and nor does it matter.

The thread is full of light hearted banter .. a lot of which I don't understand, but enjoy trying to translate.

Where else would you hear such colourful terms as ...


or the opposite ... "scared eh the berd"

"My heid is loutin"

"Look at his motor, he must be minted"

or the opposite ... "Ah canny go oot the night, am pratit."

So me ... Scottish ... Naw

All I have is skin that a Surin Farmer would die for ...

So krisb ... Lang may yer lum reek!



^ maybe one connection between Scotland and Thailand, is bizarre methods of testing if you are fit for driving? Ie:

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affff...an seein as im now stuck in the Youtube trap watching some old chewin the fat sketches, ill chuck in an interpretation video (specially for David 48 as this one contains not just the "minted" term, but a "double minted" one :P !)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from west africa,, been 5 weeks on limited Internet, but spent a fantastic 15 minutes today catching up on this great thread, cheers blether,, thought I better post that part for shall we say those from "other parts of the UK that don't understand" the lingo,,, but jeez on readin the rest I cood hardly bileeve er wis sae mony giftet scots in history,, Dinna forget tae mintion Thomas Glover ( the Scottish samurai)

Hey Possum, I Dinna gang oot much masel an I've met quite a fyuw Scottish fyok ower here, bit I beleeve yer a coupla oors north o far I'm at noo

For a country of 5 million odd, there does seems to be a large proportion of members of Scottish decent who have an affinity for Thailand.

Tell us why your ass is in Thailand (or want's to be) and your heart is still in Scotland

My ass is in Thailand coz ma darlin wifie's fae here an aifter a trial run bidin through een o i worst winter's snaw's seen in Scotland in 30 yeers or so, she wiz glaid ti git hame,,, as was masel is weel ,,, anither thing noo ye mention "geein it laldy" nae so much choice o quality single malts here ti lead mi astray in a nicht oot, resultin in a clearer Heid nooadays.

I have lived in Thailand for 7 years now. am a fully fledged Scot, but not proud of it I'm afraid. I am very happily married out here, but never yet met a Scot in Thailand. Would you like to remedy that Jonnyscot

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Great bump, SC.

I'm off to Edinburgh on the ninth of July to do the family visit. It'll be the first time i've been there in the Summer (?!!), usually knee deep in snow at Christmas.


Great bump, SC.

I'm off to Edinburgh on the ninth of July to do the family visit. It'll be the first time i've been there in the Summer (?!!), usually knee deep in snow at Christmas.

Lunch at the Caley rooms....?

The fish pie is good....so is the wine list. tongue.png


Great bump, SC.

I'm off to Edinburgh on the ninth of July to do the family visit. It'll be the first time i've been there in the Summer (?!!), usually knee deep in snow at Christmas.

That's a shame I'll miss you - I'll be there in the middle of June, en route to the USA for work.

I'm hoping that the weather will be as nice as it was in November, and I'll take my gloves, in hope



Great bump, SC.

I'm off to Edinburgh on the ninth of July to do the family visit. It'll be the first time i've been there in the Summer (?!!), usually knee deep in snow at Christmas.

Lunch at the Caley rooms....?

The fish pie is good....so is the wine list. tongue.png

Wheres that? It would be good to meet up, perhaps the Saturday 14th?

I'm the tall lanky one with a Dublin lad in tow speaking loudly in Franglais!!!

Just googled the Caley rooms, great for us because we are in Murryfield so a hop on the bus to the West End!!

And then i can continue my shopping experience to the East End, taking in Rose Street for refreshments...

  • 3 months later...

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