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Grandmother Confesses To Killing Her Grandson: Bangkok


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just plain shocking. this granny is no joke, she killed both her husband and grandson and god knows what happen to the kid's father.

ironically that sane grannies usually had the strongest love for their husbands and grandchildren

Never heard of Thai's jekyll and hyde granny.

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just plain shocking. this granny is no joke, she killed both her husband and grandson and god knows what happen to the kid's father.

ironically that sane grannies usually had the strongest love for their husbands and grandchildren

Gee she looks like a woman I replied to in Dateinasia,,,, phewwww glad I didn't arrange a meeting :-)

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so will she get off with this one with the same "he started it" defence?

hope not.

this is simply amazing....kills her husband, gets off scot-free because she said he assaulted her... and then kills her grandson, but still not charged, let alone locked up... clap2.gif

Edited by happysanook
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just plain shocking. this granny is no joke, she killed both her husband and grandson and god knows what happen to the kid's father.

ironically that sane grannies usually had the strongest love for their husbands and grandchildren

Gee she looks like a woman I replied to in Dateinasia,,,, phewwww glad I didn't arrange a meeting :-)

'Grab a Granny'?

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"She tearfully said she only hit him once to teach him a lesson and was sorry he was dead."

You learned him pretty good because he ain't gonna do that no more.

This could make legal history, if she manages to convince the judges that killing an 11 year old kid while he was asleep was self defence. I wouldn't bet against it.

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"She tearfully said she only hit him once to teach him a lesson and was sorry he was dead."

You learned him pretty good because he ain't gonna do that no more.

This could make legal history, if she manages to convince the judges that killing an 11 year old kid while he was asleep was self defence. I wouldn't bet against it.

She could have been abused by him for many years unit one day she couldn't take it any more and struck him while he was worn out in bed.

This is what typically happen in Thai society.

Not the first, certainly won't be the last.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

She hit her grandson over the back of head while he was sleeping. - Its a homicide. Manslaughter, though probably not premeditated murder.

If she was in fear for her safety she could have called for help, called the police etc.

In fear of her life with a 11 year old.. c'mon. She hit him in the head while he was sleeping. This is premeditated murder. She's a nut case.

But again, This is Thailand.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

Old woman? she's not that old.. 55, I think I read. Love? Whacking someone in the head is not love. It's anger.

What's the 1st precept in Buddhism? Panatipata - Not killing or harming any living creature. I'm betting if at the funeral of the boy, the monks asked her to repeat the 5 precepts and she repeated them with out batting an eye.

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she just hit him on the back of the head but left blood traces?

why would a woman that feared for her life hit a sleeping person that has already threatened her that day with a knife, this would just irk him and escalate again. She hit him hard enough to make sure he wasn't going to wake up.

This is a self defense accident.

I hope the court have mercy on an old woman to do it out of love for her grand child, who could be a drug addict (or worst. drug runner).

She hit her grandson over the back of head while he was sleeping. - Its a homicide. Manslaughter, though probably not premeditated murder.

If she was in fear for her safety she could have called for help, called the police etc.

In fear of her life with a 11 year old.. c'mon. She hit him in the head while he was sleeping. This is premeditated murder. She's a nut case.

But again, This is Thailand.

I have seen murderer younger, much younger than that in Thailand.

Just google Murderous Children and you see what I mean.

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Killer grandmother's bail rejected

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Police presented the grandmother, who killed her 13-year-old grandson after an argument on July 13, at Phra Khanong Court yesterday to apply for a detention order and objected to her bail pleas on grounds of being a flight risk and a case that needs maximum punishment.

The boy's mother Waraporn Khamsaen said she forgave her mother, adding that though she had initially thought of providing a bail guarantee for her mother, she now wanted her to serve time in prison. She said her mother had said she would take care of herself behind bars and return to the family once she was released.


-- The Nation 2012-07-19

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"She said her mother had said she would take care of herself behind bars and return to the family once she was released."

Why? There are no more males left at home to defend yourself against!

Punishment may include a whack on the bum if you of that generation, but a full on blow to the head of an 11yo is in any sane persons thinking extreme. Throw the book at her Dano!


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Granny looks like a movie star with the hat and sun glasses, My grandmother loved me that much she would have kissed me to death.

What has mother been doing since the kid was left with grandma ?? was the kid so nasty and unruly at 2 years to give him up for life. these people make me sick--I wished I had a young kid to care for, even if I had no money I would never let him go--it is called love--deaper than I see in this country in General.

I see kids PALMED off like a toy fire engine because the NO HAVE.

Has the mother been in his life over the years to check--NO or he wouldn't be all that time with gran, Sometimes there are occasions when an elder will do a family favour and take care till the mother /father get on their feet. Here it's mai pen rai. out of sight out of mind

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The mother seems to have forgiven the grandmother very quickly. Maybe the long absence from him has left her with little real feelings for the child.

It is good to read they have refused her bail and that they are looking at a maximum punishment. Let us hope the prosecutors get their wish.

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Murder is a nasty thing. What she did was clearly wrong, but it is clear that many of the posters have no idea what goes on in poor areas of town. Spousal abuse is not unheard of, it is exceedingly common here. On any day of the week you will come across it. It is often open to public display. Although wife bashing is more prevalent than husband bashing. Many families in these areas are living emotionally troubled lives. Children running wild, disrespecting one and all is so common it is the norm.

If she killed her husband when she snapped as a result of continued violence against her, you can be sure there were witnesses who could back up her claims.

How anyone can condemn her out of hand without knowing the surrounding facts is a slap in the face of justice, not support for it.

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What!!!! Someone finally comes up with an effective solution to cut down on school violence and she gets arrested. I can guarantee that he will never shoot a gun at a bus full of innocent people.

What kind of person insinuates that a murder victim's death is a good thing and that he can no longer commit a future crime. He had a couple of fights at school, well so did I and I've yet to shoot anyone. When a young boy has just been murdered how can sarcasm and poorly attempted wit be appropriate?Seriously man, you take the award for sickest, most unpleasant individual on Thaivisa today.


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Granny looks like a movie star with the hat and sun glasses, My grandmother loved me that much she would have kissed me to death.

What has mother been doing since the kid was left with grandma ?? was the kid so nasty and unruly at 2 years to give him up for life. these people make me sick--I wished I had a young kid to care for, even if I had no money I would never let him go--it is called love--deaper than I see in this country in General.

I see kids PALMED off like a toy fire engine because the NO HAVE.

Has the mother been in his life over the years to check--NO or he wouldn't be all that time with gran, Sometimes there are occasions when an elder will do a family favour and take care till the mother /father get on their feet. Here it's mai pen rai. out of sight out of mind

great post and totally agree,maybe if the mother could have got child benefit she would have kept him,but think what that would do to the child population.
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Murder is a nasty thing. What she did was clearly wrong, but it is clear that many of the posters have no idea what goes on in poor areas of town. Spousal abuse is not unheard of, it is exceedingly common here. On any day of the week you will come across it. It is often open to public display. Although wife bashing is more prevalent than husband bashing. Many families in these areas are living emotionally troubled lives. Children running wild, disrespecting one and all is so common it is the norm.

If she killed her husband when she snapped as a result of continued violence against her, you can be sure there were witnesses who could back up her claims.

How anyone can condemn her out of hand without knowing the surrounding facts is a slap in the face of justice, not support for it.

I understand what you are saying and can see how this would be applicable in the original incident where she shot her husband in self defence and evidently there was sufficient evidence for the court to exonerate her. However I think knowing the facts as reported in this case - ie, the boy was sleeping, granny whacked him over the head while he was sleeping and killed him, then tried to hide the body, then confessed, is sufficient evidence for most to condemn this woman as guilty of murder.

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@ Ferangled...

Hang the bi&^h...Hang Her High.

I don't believe she should be hung, but certainly locked up for a long period giving her ample time to reflect on what she did. I expect that would be punishment enough.... personally I don't know how anyone could live with themselves having killed their own grandchild.

I appreciate that I have been very fortunate in having grandparents that were utterly devoted to their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. That said I think this is a "luxury" that every child should have, regardless of financial status... love and compassion are free after all...

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