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post-140056-0-67223100-1342601832_thumb.While sitting here reading posts in Plants & Pets & Vets in Thaland,there is a funeral under way in the wat across the road.

One of my dogs is a stray that I took in a year or so ago and every time there is a funeral with fireworks he crawls out from

under the car and comes to lay next to me with his head on my feet.The other dog is a rotwieler cross and is not bothered

about it at all.Maybe the ex stray had a bad experience in the past.


My GSX hides when the rockets go off... but then, he hides if a kid shoots a cap gun!

Yes , I don't why some do and some don't.

Many dogs hide from fireworks, all three of mine do. I suspect the fact that I dont' like them and jump every single time makes it worse. But then my old dog that died a few years ago didn't care at all. So who knows. But for your dog its the fireworks, not the funeral.


when I lived in the UK i used to foster dogs short term if normally when the owner passed away . One of these dogs was a yorkie all I knew was the owner an old lady had died he was about 10 years old at the time I lived in a Bungalow. About a month later I was contacted by the foster care team as they had found a new home for him we said our goodbyes and I thought that was the last I would see of him however that was not the case a few days later I had a frantic call to take him back it turned out he would plant himself on the landing and not allow anyone up the stairs it transpired later that the police had broken into the old ladies home as she had not been seen for a while and found him on the stairwell after some time they managed with the RSPCA to remove him before finding the old lady dead in the bed needles to say he stayed with us until he passed away some 7 years later, dogs have very good memories and it seems that when shanks went to his new home it must have reminded him of his old masters house !!!!


We seem to have a funeral every week or so in the village and our four dogs shake and cower in fear at the first hint of funeral music. It only gets worse when the explosions begin. Our one indoor dog seems to have pickup this behavior from her three uncles who live outside. Non of them have had bad experiences so don’t know where their fear comes from.


we have the arabic muslem weddings every night (til tonite since ramadan starts and the wedding season ends for a month); the weddings include fireworks, shooting with m16's and other semi and automatic weapons, and then loud music . all that sound carrys up into my salon of my house so we cant hear the tv (windows mostly open, rarely put a/c)... \we also see fireworks every night. most weddings here go for three days , and summer is the prime time so its been constant.

foofoo stands at the window and barks constantly; lilee just doesnt care , or doesnt hear, or both. every year its the same thing; in the beginning, foofoo stands and barks out the window, by the end of the first month, he rushes to the window for a second and then goes off to do his own thing.

some dogs are just more sensitive then others. usually the best reaction is the ignore reaction; however, dogs that were traumatized by bombing or shootings (like here in some areas), dogs are given doggy prozac, or valium , or as daily treatment (for those in 'red' areas that get missiled), or as specific treatment for instance for our independance day night fireworks.

my male boxer (that was from finland of all places) was a non reaction dog; the female, locally born, would sit and shiver under the computer table. we had a jack rat terrier that would just lose it; he was from a local arab village and among other reasons was given to us because the dog just couldnt handle the constant wedding type noise that would go for all season (march til october and/or around the both ends of ramadan).he would just sit and shake for hours.

it could be that some breeds also have less of a fright and flight reaction built in to them, therefore making them more steady among unusual noises and lighting... who knows.



Many dogs hide from fireworks, all three of mine do. I suspect the fact that I dont' like them and jump every single time makes it worse. But then my old dog that died a few years ago didn't care at all. So who knows. But for your dog its the fireworks, not the funeral.

I understand it is not the funeral but he even knows before the fireworks start when they are going to.Yesterdays was a bit more than usual because during the procession on the way to the wat,they were throwing what I think are called ping pong bombs.There must have been over a hundred of those.

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