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Suicide Bomber Attacks Bus Carrying Israelis At Airport In Bulgaria


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I don't quite know what to make of this report;

Ahmadinejad described the attack as “a response” to Israeli “blows against Iran.” “The bitter enemies of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution have recruited most of their forces in order to harm us,” he said in a speech reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. “They have indeed succeeded in inflicting blows upon us more than once, but have been rewarded with a far stronger response.”He added: “The enemy believes it can achieve its aims in a long, persistent struggle against the Iranian people, but in the end it will not. We are working to ensure that.

Ahmadinejad’s speech was interpreted in Israel as asserting that the Burgas bombing was a revenge attack for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has repeatedly blamed Israel.

THe drums of war beat louder.

What kind of report?

That a Israeli news source, Channel 2 TV, spins a story that puts the blame on Iran?

Don't waste your time with it, focus on real investigation results.

The Israeli media is referring to an interview given by Ahmadinejad to France 24. I believe you can find it on their website.

The quote above speaks of what Ahmadinejad allegedly had said in a speech as reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV.

If i google the quote i come to a news website that is using a screenshot of an interview Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave France 24. But that is just a file photo of an older interview the news publisher are using to come up with a picture of Ahmadinejad to illustrate their story.

There are no further information where Ahmadinejad gave that speech and in what context. And that he hinted that Iran was behind the its merely just an interpretation, a spin that Israeli Channel 2 TV made out of it.

He maybe came up with an insensitive "what goes around comes around" comment in some way, knowing that his words will open to speculation. But i doubt that he said that blowing up innocent holiday goers is an acceptable and proper response to alleged Israeli attacks.

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I am very surprised by the directness of Ahmadinejad's statement.

I'm not, Iran actually desires war due to the insane twelvers who are in charge there. As for what John Bolton said, I don't see why it should be controversial as he only spoke the glaringly obvious truth.

P.S Golden tinfoil hat award for anyone still thinking Iran was not behind the bombing in light of Ahmadinejad's statement.

Yes I agree Iran is involved but I don't see what they gain by being so open about it. Which makes me wonder if a more overt war may be coming soon.

If this claim is true the he must certainly be looking for " a more overt war". Which makes the claim even that more incredible to believe. Iran has nothing to gain from all out open warfare with anyone.

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I am very surprised by the directness of Ahmadinejad's statement.

I'm not, Iran actually desires war due to the insane twelvers who are in charge there. As for what John Bolton said, I don't see why it should be controversial as he only spoke the glaringly obvious truth.

P.S Golden tinfoil hat award for anyone still thinking Iran was not behind the bombing in light of Ahmadinejad's statement.

Yes I agree Iran is involved but I don't see what they gain by being so open about it. Which makes me wonder if a more overt war may be coming soon.

If this claim is true the he must certainly be looking for " a more overt war". Which makes the claim even that more incredible to believe. Iran has nothing to gain from all out open warfare with anyone.

Glad to see you are keeping up, I guess the trolls dogs of war are barking too.

Edit: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/davidhornik/the-burgas-attack-irans-terror-war-against-israel/

Edited by Steely Dan
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"We can confirm that it was not Mehdi Ghezali," Mark Vadasz, head of communications for the Swedish security services told The Miami Herald on Thursday afternoon.

Vadasz, however, would not say how Swedish officials could be certain, whether Swedish officials had seen Ghezali since the attack or definitively knew the man’s whereabouts.

"We can’t go into more details regarding that part of our operations," Vadasz said. "But we can definitely confirm that it’s not him."


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Bloody terrible....

Feuding , war and murder for political, religious,economic and tribal reasons has been going on for thousands of years ...seems we are getting so much better at it.....

...hard not blame dominating religious indoctrination and dogma for 99.9% of the world's ills......George Harrison's song got it right...

If Israel causes a nuclear war killing millions do you think their god will punish them or as per old testament....

..." goodonya my children, way to go.... go forth and kill all them @#$%^ ers don't worry about all that fallout stuff ( is that like locusts or something?).

"I can soon move you in on somebody else's country.....also thinking about coming out of retirement and promising you a newly created galaxy currently on my clay tablet..got Moses and Abraham chipping away on it but may take a millennium or two..they are slower than the second coming ( I ain't forgot you helped me screw up the last time by the way!)".......??

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what if there is no evidence found, that hezbullah and iran are behind the attack?

does netanyahu then have to apologize to them?

he didnt do less, than blaming them IMMEDIATELY - at a time, when nobody had any clue what happened...

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the suicide bombers driving license (which was faked) issued in michigan has been published...

Jacque Felipe Martin

103 France Street

Baton Rouge, LA 70802

DOB 05-12-1987

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it should be possible for the bulgarians to find out, where in the bus the bomb was located... in the luggage compartment, or along the seats... anything known about that?

Based upon the fatalities, the bomb detonated as some people were loading their bags into the storage areas. At least that's what the Israelis and Bulgarians have said. The Bulgarians are now seeking an accomplice. THe times of Israel is providing a decent news update.


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what if there is no evidence found, that hezbullah and iran are behind the attack?

does netanyahu then have to apologize to them?

he didnt do less, than blaming them IMMEDIATELY - at a time, when nobody had any clue what happened...

Keep you pants on. It is very clear who is implicated, as this was one sloppy job. There were alot of clues left behind and you will be reassured of the Iranian link repeatedly in the coming weeks. I suppose you also think that wasn't an Iranin tossing grenades in Bangkok, nor Iranians arrested in Kenya.

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what if there is no evidence found, that hezbullah and iran are behind the attack?

does netanyahu then have to apologize to them?

he didnt do less, than blaming them IMMEDIATELY - at a time, when nobody had any clue what happened...

Keep you pants on. It is very clear who is implicated, as this was one sloppy job. There were alot of clues left behind and you will be reassured of the Iranian link repeatedly in the coming weeks. I suppose you also think that wasn't an Iranin tossing grenades in Bangkok, nor Iranians arrested in Kenya.

How you know that are related incidents? Draw connections without any knowledge or investigation results about what happened in Bulgaria is pure speculation or even a conspiracy theory.

Anyone wants to give the german FM a golden tinfoil hat too, because he isn't blaming Iran yet.

German FM cautions Israel not to jump to conclusions regarding Bulgaria attack

Guido Westerwelle says that without information, one ‘should be careful in commenting’

Germany’s foreign minister cautioned Israel Thursday against assigning blame for the terror attack on a bus of Israeli tourists in the Bulgarian resort town of Burgas a day earlier.

Guido Westerwelle also condemned the suicide attack, which left five Israelis and a Bulgarian dead and dozens injured.

“There is no data about the perpetrators and Israel should be careful in commenting on the attack,” Wetserwelle told the German newspaper Deutsche Welle.


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what if there is no evidence found, that hezbullah and iran are behind the attack?

does netanyahu then have to apologize to them?

he didnt do less, than blaming them IMMEDIATELY - at a time, when nobody had any clue what happened...

Hello Eddy,

I'll humour you for hypothetical purposes. Even if Al-Qaeda were responsible not Iran you don't generally apologize to a nation whose leaders refer to you as a cancer and threaten to wipe you out on a weekly basis.

P.S Have we lost the 'Z' key as you have yet to mention Zionism?

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mehdi ghezali has already a wiki page...


sorry, this seems to be a false information, swedish security denied his involvement.

Now why doesn't that surprise me from a Country so absurdly Islamophilic that their royal family befriend a Somali culture enricher resulting in the royal jewelry being stolen. You can't make these things up if you tried. biggrin.png

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I don't quite know what to make of this report;

Ahmadinejad described the attack as “a response” to Israeli “blows against Iran.” “The bitter enemies of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution have recruited most of their forces in order to harm us,” he said in a speech reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. “They have indeed succeeded in inflicting blows upon us more than once, but have been rewarded with a far stronger response.”He added: “The enemy believes it can achieve its aims in a long, persistent struggle against the Iranian people, but in the end it will not. We are working to ensure that.

Ahmadinejad’s speech was interpreted in Israel as asserting that the Burgas bombing was a revenge attack for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has repeatedly blamed Israel.

THe drums of war beat louder.

What kind of report?

That a Israeli news source, Channel 2 TV, spins a story that puts the blame on Iran?

Don't waste your time with it, focus on real investigation results.

The Israeli media is referring to an interview given by Ahmadinejad to France 24. I believe you can find it on their website.

The quote above speaks of what Ahmadinejad allegedly had said in a speech as reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV.

If i google the quote i come to a news website that is using a screenshot of an interview Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave France 24. But that is just a file photo of an older interview the news publisher are using to come up with a picture of Ahmadinejad to illustrate their story.

There are no further information where Ahmadinejad gave that speech and in what context. And that he hinted that Iran was behind the its merely just an interpretation, a spin that Israeli Channel 2 TV made out of it.

He maybe came up with an insensitive "what goes around comes around" comment in some way, knowing that his words will open to speculation. But i doubt that he said that blowing up innocent holiday goers is an acceptable and proper response to alleged Israeli attacks.

I was on my way out, so didn't have time to expand, sorry.

The post wasn't meant to back up the credibility of the story as it appeared on Israeli media, just related what was pointed as the source at that time.

Turns out the France 24 interview is indeed an older piece of news (I think that's the one):


The more recent quotes come from a speech given in Iran


I'm not sure he was actually hinting at the recent attack or talking in a broader sense, but as the usual responses from Iran regarding alleged involvement in terrorist action are indignant denials, the latter seems more probable. One more badly timed inflammatory quote from the man, misreported by over eager media, gets a life of its own.

While Benjamin Netanyahu, does jump the gun with instant accusations of Iran (gets ridiculed over this on the home front too, it seems), that does not necessarily mean he's pointing at the wrong direction. As we do not have access to full details, best thing would be to wait for the investigation results. Of course, those might very well be contested by accused party/parties, but than at least we'll have yet another decent black flag topic...

Edited by Morch
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“Base of Jihad” sent statement claiming attack to Lebanese news site; Bulgarian Foreign Ministry denies group responsible.


For any terror group or individual to act, there has to be financial backing. This backing can only come from very few places

Previously unknown?

In April 2002, the group assumed the name Qa'idat al-Jihad, which means "the base of Jihad".


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“Base of Jihad” sent statement claiming attack to Lebanese news site; Bulgarian Foreign Ministry denies group responsible.


For any terror group or individual to act, there has to be financial backing. This backing can only come from very few places

Previously unknown?

In April 2002, the group assumed the name Qa'idat al-Jihad, which means "the base of Jihad".


YOu do know that anyone can add or modify Wiki right?

Also perhaps what they mean is the group never carried out any operations or was not an active cell.

But lets assume you are right and it is known, it is also known where it operates from and who is backing it, which again points the finger into the same direction.

Directly or Indirectly there is no way out of it

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“Base of Jihad” sent statement claiming attack to Lebanese news site; Bulgarian Foreign Ministry denies group responsible.


For any terror group or individual to act, there has to be financial backing. This backing can only come from very few places

Previously unknown?

In April 2002, the group assumed the name Qa'idat al-Jihad, which means "the base of Jihad".


YOu do know that anyone can add or modify Wiki right?

Also perhaps what they mean is the group never carried out any operations or was not an active cell.

But lets assume you are right and it is known, it is also known where it operates from and who is backing it, which again points the finger into the same direction.

Directly or Indirectly there is no way out of it

Actually, not that easy to make a completely bogus change in a major article without it being contested and corrected. In this case, the original source is documented and referenced:


Wouldn't haste to say it is AQ (or even that their claim is real), just wondered about the resemblance not being given much mention.

Not sure I got what you meant by "pointing at the same direction" - Same as Iran? Hezbollah? Not very likely. Also not sure as to where "it" (consider affiliated/offshoot organisations spread) operated from, and pretty sure that digging into their finances is a pain.

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Previously unknown or not or sharing the same or very similar name with a dozen other terrorist groups ... Sending a statement out "we did it" is something everyone can do with what ever intention. It doesn't have to mean that it is true or that that group really exists including their alleged connection to someone else.

We know nothing yet about the suicide bomber and his motives. We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention. He carried a bomb that maybe explode accidentally and premature before he reach the destination/target he had in mind.

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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Why didn't the guy take his smallish ruck sack on the buss for greater effect ?

The bomb in the baggage bay on a bus reduced it's effect by ooodles.

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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

The truth is messy. It's raw and uncomfortable. You can't blame people for preferring lies.” - Holly Black

Edited by Ulysses G.
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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Please tell me how do you can be so sure?

Maybe he wanted to hit something else and not necessary blow up himself too.

In Burgas all kind of people coming for holiday, not only from Israel but also from other middle eastern countries. Not everyone loves them, some are ready to hurt them, protecting the gates of Europe.

There are many other conflicts, non-Israel related, and maybe some complete other group wanted to settle a bill there.

He was maybe hired to "solve" a business problem for some investors in that booming tourist town.

As long as we know nothing about the terrorist, his background and his motives we are just speculating and we should not exclude other possibilities.

How does make me that to his posthumous defense lawyer?

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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Why didn't the guy take his smallish ruck sack on the buss for greater effect ?

The bomb in the baggage bay on a bus reduced it's effect by ooodles.

It did set off the fuel tank.

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All of your posts are of a similar vein. If your intent is to offend or to cause a disturbance, it really isn't working and I won't play along. You can post all you want. Intelligent people would be wise to ignore your statements.

Intelligent people would wait for investigation results and evidence before they blame someone.

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The experts say that most likely it was sanctioned by Iran.

Meir Javedanfar, an Iran expert at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, ... said that it was “far too early to conclude who was behind the bombing in Bulgaria” and that Israel must “wait for the results of a full investigation before a credible conclusion can be made.”


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