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Suicide Bomber Attacks Bus Carrying Israelis At Airport In Bulgaria


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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Please tell me how do you can be so sure?

Maybe he wanted to hit something else and not necessary blow up himself too.

In Burgas all kind of people coming for holiday, not only from Israel but also from other middle eastern countries. Not everyone loves them, some are ready to hurt them, protecting the gates of Europe.

There are many other conflicts, non-Israel related, and maybe some complete other group wanted to settle a bill there.

He was maybe hired to "solve" a business problem for some investors in that booming tourist town.

As long as we know nothing about the terrorist, his background and his motives we are just speculating and we should not exclude other possibilities.

How does make me that to his posthumous defense lawyer?

All of your posts are of a similar vein. If your intent is to offend or to cause a disturbance, it really isn't working and I won't play along. You can post all you want. Intelligent people would be wise to ignore your statements.


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Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

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Actually, not that easy to make a completely bogus change in a major article without it being contested and corrected. In this case, the original source is documented and referenced:


Wouldn't haste to say it is AQ (or even that their claim is real), just wondered about the resemblance not being given much mention.

Not sure I got what you meant by "pointing at the same direction" - Same as Iran? Hezbollah? Not very likely. Also not sure as to where "it" (consider affiliated/offshoot organisations spread) operated from, and pretty sure that digging into their finances is a pain.

Well Hezbollah is Iran, not sure why you even separate them?

Take out Iran and Hezbollah is gone, just as all the other groups who get their funding from the same source

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Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

No way! Syrian rebels going after explicit MILITARY targets is most certainly NOT terrorism.
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Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

orangezeke. You are belting your head up against the wall trying to get this guy to see reason.

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Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

No way! Syrian rebels going after explicit MILITARY targets is most certainly NOT terrorism.

Yes it is. Going by your own likes definition of the terms. Palestinians going after explicit military targets within their occupied land are branded terrorists and acts of terrorism all the time.

Edited by coma
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Interestingly, Iran tries to suggest some kind of equivalence between Syrian rebels attacks on their murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran) and a terror attack on young Israeli tourists.

you would have us believe one type of terrorism is different (better) to another ? i wouldn't even mind so much if that was what you were trying to sell us. instead, when victims are state sanctioned enemies they are called 'murderous regime's military officials (close ally of Iran)' while the other event is gets described as a 'terror attack on young Israeli tourists'.

they are both terror attacks - condem them both as such.

No way! Syrian rebels going after explicit MILITARY targets is most certainly NOT terrorism.

Yes it is. Going by your own likes definition of the terms. Palestinians going after explicit military targets within their occupied land are branded terrorists and acts of terrorism all the time.

Lets keep with the subject, OK? Not talking about the Palestinians here first of all, and in cases where Palestinians target explicit Israel MILITARY targets most people including me would NOT call that terrorism. The Israeli tourist bus was unambiguously NOT a military target and was unambiguously a terrorist act. The Syrian example where important military targets were hit by rebels fighting in a civil war like environment also unambiguously not terrorist. Edited by Jingthing
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Lets keep with the subject, OK? Not talking about the Palestinians here first of all, and in cases where Palestinians target explicit Israel MILITARY targets most people including me would NOT call that terrorism. The Israeli tourist bus was unambiguously NOT a military target and was unambiguously a terrorist act. The Syrian example where important military targets were hit by rebels fighting in a civil war like environment also unambiguously not terrorist.

this is a bizzare arguement. you brought up syria in a bulgaria thread, but palestine cant be discussed ?

the bomb attack in Damascus killed three top Syrian ministers: Defence Minister Daoud Rajiha, President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat and General Hassan Turkomani. Two days later, Syria's national security chief, Hisham Ikhtiari, died from injuries he received in the attack. at least two of these men served in th civil service. not military.

by your definition this is only two thirds terrorism ?

how about the attack on uss cole ? how about flying a plane into the pentagon ? how about Nidal Hasan’s 2009 assault on the U.S. military base at Fort Hood ? it is getting harder and harder to be called a terrorist on this forum.

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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Why didn't the guy take his smallish ruck sack on the buss for greater effect ?

The bomb in the baggage bay on a bus reduced it's effect by ooodles.

As is said before, he had maybe not the intention to become a suicide bomber

SIEGEL: What about the doubts I read, some doubts expressed, as to whether this was intended to be a suicide attack or that perhaps the bomber detonated the explosive not according to plan, let's say?

KULISH: This is one of the confusing subjects. One Israeli paramedic said to me if you have 2,000 people at the airport you'll get 2,000 different stories. And I think what was happening was that the tourists were milling around the bus and putting their bags in the baggage compartments underneath, if you picture a large touring bus. And so, it could have been that the bomber was trying to place his backpack in the compartment so that the bomb would then explode, maybe when they were on the highway driving.

Nicholas Kulish, Berlin bureau chief of The New York Times in an interview on National Public Radio


Edited by Scott
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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer? OF COURSE, the Israelis were his target. Please don't insult the intelligence of people here.

Why didn't the guy take his smallish ruck sack on the buss for greater effect ?

The bomb in the baggage bay on a bus reduced it's effect by ooodles.

It did set off the fuel tank.

Hey driver, put my bag next to the fuel tank please. I remember 7/7 in London.
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The point is that he intended to kill a bunch of innocent civilians. Who cares if he intended to kill himself with them, or not. bah.gif

IMHO part of a proper investigation would be to try to find that out.

Don't be shocked but sure investigate the sheit out of it. Most dramatically, who was the accomplice (or accomplices) and WHERE is he now?!? Hopefully not London.


Edited by Jingthing
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The point is that he intended to kill a bunch of innocent civilians. Who cares if he intended to kill himself with them, or not. bah.gif

IMHO part of a proper investigation would be to try to find that out.

to try and find out what? if the bomber intended to be a suicide bomber? what is the difference? would that bring back the dead or change any facts of the act itself?

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YOu do know that anyone can add or modify Wiki right?

Also perhaps what they mean is the group never carried out any operations or was not an active cell.

But lets assume you are right and it is known, it is also known where it operates from and who is backing it, which again points the finger into the same direction.

Directly or Indirectly there is no way out of it

Actually, not that easy to make a completely bogus change in a major article without it being contested and corrected. In this case, the original source is documented and referenced:


Wouldn't haste to say it is AQ (or even that their claim is real), just wondered about the resemblance not being given much mention.

Not sure I got what you meant by "pointing at the same direction" - Same as Iran? Hezbollah? Not very likely. Also not sure as to where "it" (consider affiliated/offshoot organisations spread) operated from, and pretty sure that digging into their finances is a pain.

It seems some cannot distinguish between Hezbollah/Iran and Al Qaeda.

Same happened when the name of that first suspect came up, the wrongly accused ex-Gitmo resident. That guy has maybe AQ connections, but that would not link him with Iran.

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The experts say that most likely it was sanctioned by Iran.

Meir Javedanfar, an Iran expert at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, ... said that it was “far too early to conclude who was behind the bombing in Bulgaria” and that Israel must “wait for the results of a full investigation before a credible conclusion can be made.”


Was Bulgaria bomber British? Detectives test DNA of suicide attacker who killed six people to see if he was from the UK

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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer?

Israeli officials have claimed the bomber may have been a ‘mule’ who was duped into the attack and that the explosive was detonated from a distance by remote control.

Brigadier General Nitzan Nuriel said: ‘The terrorist was deliberately picked up from an ethnic group different from the one of the organizers of the bomb attack in order to avoid any suspicions.’


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We don't even know if the Israelis in the bus were really his target or if suicide was his intention.


Are you lobbying to be his posthumous defense lawyer?

Israeli officials have claimed the bomber may have been a ‘mule’ who was duped into the attack and that the explosive was detonated from a distance by remote control.

Brigadier General Nitzan Nuriel said: ‘The terrorist was deliberately picked up from an ethnic group different from the one of the organizers of the bomb attack in order to avoid any suspicions.’


The terrorist was deliberately picked up from an ethnic group different from the one of the organizers

Welsh perhaps ?cheesy.gif

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Israeli officials have claimed the bomber may have been a ‘mule’ who was duped into the attack and that the explosive was detonated from a distance by remote control.

Brigadier General Nitzan Nuriel said: ‘The terrorist was deliberately picked up from an ethnic group different from the one of the organizers of the bomb attack in order to avoid any suspicions.’


if its just too embarrassing - the bullshit to be told to the papers - the israelis always use some "ex"...t

his general is of course retired, and does not hold an official position...

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the attacker

- brown thick hair, some reports say black hair, very short, he was wearing a wig at the scene...

- he spoke russian, some reports say "decent", others "fluent"

- he had a french accent

- he was about 182 cm tall

- some reports say, he came from belgium

- apparently there are leads to the UK, he might have lived there for some time

- actually, his head is searched for traces, which might reveal his ethnicity etc...

- when he loaded his backpack, there was a discussion (heated) with some israelis, then the backpack detonated...

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