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Wasp Swarm Stung Me!


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Yesterday I was attacked by a (thankfully small) swarm of wasps which I disturbed with my foot (yes of course Iw as wearing shorts).

Boy did it hurt and boy was it a shock.....they all seemed to sting at the same instant.

Thankfully the pain mostly disappeared within 15 or 20 minutes, but in the evening and overnight I have got reddened and just very slightly swollen patches on back of a hand, forearm, and today a bit on the legs.

It's not the end of the world, but they're not in the same position as the stings, just interested and wondered if this was some sort of reaction to the stings and why not at the sting site and if I could take some antihistamine or something to scratch less.

Surely I didn't happen to get bitten by something else the same day?


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Took a Telfast as it was to hand from gf's medicine cabinet this afternoon.

Strangely it's had no discernible effect.

Could it be the wasp sting is non-histaminic?

i got one from a black and orange hornet,took an antistamine,put some tiger balm on but same as you i had for 3 days,one of our thai workmen got stung and the first thing he done was to take an anti.tab.
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I looked it up a bit

It says if you get rashes appearing elsewhere than where the stings are get to the emergency room as you're reacting.

But I don't think I'm about to do anything but wait.

Woke up again itchy as hell and as antihistamine is recommended will try more Telfast.

After going through a (presumed) stingray sting in Senegal this fades into nothingness.

On the heel, it became so painful over an hour or so I had to leave dinner and was soon rolling from side to side on my bed bathed in sweat. The doctor was called and said the only thing we can do is anaesthetise the foot, which he did.

It was so nasty it wouldn't heal properly for half a year or a year if I remember.

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When there are multiple stings, systemic reaction like this is common. Benadryl may work better than Telfast. And make sure there aren't any stingers still in place, if so get them out.

The warnings about going to an ER are for people developing anaphylactic shock due to allergy. You didn't (you'd be long dead if you had). However there is a possibility that these multiple stings will have "sensitized" you putting you at risk of an allergic reaction in future so take care.

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Thankyou Sheryl

Happily after increasing itching for some days with the sites changing it has now subsided alone with me deciding to avoid meds.

Yes a good thought about getting sensitized I've seen that happen with things used in boatyards, think it was epoxy chemicals.


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  • 2 months later...

dam_n me if the same thing didn't happen again.

Red puffed up leg and arm and hand, all feels pressurised and painful and the hand throbs if I don't hold It up. It feels like it's going to pop. Last night walking was limping.....really limping.

Who'd'a thunk it?

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