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How To Manage/Invest 2 Million Usd

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hi guys how would you advise me on how to managing/investing 2 million USD?

here are some background, I am 35, I don't spend that much I just spend on things that I need. single now but might get married later or might not. I got a part time job it doesn't pay much at all and I might just stop that job. My money will worth a lot more I might move to Thailand, or just stay in the states and move to other states that got lower cost of living. Any states you guys can recommend that's decent to live and got low cost of living?

So I am 35 and I plan to maybe just retire and not work anymore. So still got 50 years to live, maybe longer maybe shorter. How would you guys advise me on those 2 million USD? Houses in the states are cheap now what do you guys think about that? other investments? insurances? etc

inflation is about 3%...but what is it like realistically for you older guys....I mean like living in the same standards how much more do you pay 10 or 20 years from now ? is it really 3% every year on avg?

2M USD in Thailand probably worth more? about how much more?

thanks guys

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Go to Vanguard.com and read their advice.

Do same with Fidelity.com if you need more personalized assistance at more cost.

Try several months living in Nevada and Texas and anywhere else that looks attractive to you.

The answers to your questions will become clear to you at end of this process.

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My view is this. IF you are American you might as well just stay in the States, cost of living there is now much cheaper than Thailand and in my mind the services are much better. On the other hand if you are not burdened by the IRS global tax grab on your assets - that is you are not an American - then Thailand is a good place to avoid many taxes. If you have a good knowlegde of investing, and plan on residing here, I would also recommend the Thai stock market as a place to invest a proportion of your assets.

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My view is this. IF you are American you might as well just stay in the States, cost of living there is now much cheaper than Thailand and in my mind the services are much better....

I find this remarkable, to put it mildly. And I'm not doubting you, but I would be interested in what level of society you might be in where the US is cheaper than Thailand. Also, could you elaborate as to where in the US this cheaper cost of living might be?

The big three:




Where might these all be cheaper in the US?

Looking forward to your response.

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I am a US citizen and travel back there every quarter on business. Prices on pretty much everything, supermarket items, restaurants, gasoline, housing, medical and taxes are all way higher than here and I live in Phuket which is not exactly the cheapest place in Thailand.

Yes, in general public services in the US are better but you pay for it through Federal, State, City and local taxes. Here you don't get much but also it doesn't really cost you anything.

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I am not at One Million USD, but I am over 600K. It is hard to avoid the US IRS tax bite. But there are some things you Should do.

1: Move to a tax free US state and establish residency as soon as possible. I am a Florida resident.

2: Invest your money conservatively. You have "made" it. Don't need to be aggressive and risky.

3: Invest a large portion in tax free vehicles that are also AMT Free. This means Muni bonds or muni bond funds.

4: I currently get over $30,000 a year in dividends and Interest. I do have enough cash flow for a modest single person retirement. Plan to work a few more years to let that accumulate and compound.

5: I am 55 so I do qualify for the Thai Retirement Visa. You being under 50, would not, so don't see how you could retire in Thailand but there are options for extended stays that might appeal to you. (A) Education Visa.

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Nobody with two million dollars would EVER make such a post as this -- unless the OP just came into it, like an inheritance from a rich uncle. If that's the case, this post suggests that it will soon be all gone.

I think he's a kid killing some time, on about this before, had been asking where the Street Fighter arcades are / PS3 outlets, etc.

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My view is this. IF you are American you might as well just stay in the States, cost of living there is now much cheaper than Thailand and in my mind the services are much better....

I find this remarkable, to put it mildly. And I'm not doubting you, but I would be interested in what level of society you might be in where the US is cheaper than Thailand. Also, could you elaborate as to where in the US this cheaper cost of living might be?

The big three:




Where might these all be cheaper in the US?

Looking forward to your response.

Good question but with a few exceptions, on the whole prices appear cheaper in USA. With the exception for Medical (and the OP being in his 30s is not likely to have high medical bills yet) services.

Car prices in Thailand are on average at least double the prices for the similar models in America – luxury cars even 3 or 4 times American car prices – and fuel is slightly higher in Thailand. Housing is quite a bargain now when compared with Thailand. For example, a small (box like) condo in BKK would rent for the same amount as a reasonable nice suburban home with garden and swimming pool in somewhere like Las Vegas or Phoenix. Even median house prices in many cities are cheaper than BKK now. Again of course if you live in some province than you might think otherwise but the services inmost of Thailand is no way comparable to either BKK or the States

Food is probably about the same although state sales taxes can skew that. Of course if you want to eat Mangosteens or go to a Thai restaurant or you’re somewhere like manhattan then yes Thailand is cheaper. But for many other foods say pizzas, burgers or supermarket goods many prices are better than you could find at somewhere like Villa market. Clothing prices tend to vary. Lower end prices in the markets seem cheaper in Thailand, while brand name clothes are cheaper in the States.

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2M USD in Thailand probably worth more? about how much more?

your capital does not count. what counts is the income it generates.

Of course the Capital counts.....??

The level of Capital is likely to dictate the level of income ??

Quite frankly with 2 million dollar I would place it in the highest interest bearing deposit accounts possible, retire to Thailand drawing $1000 a week and enjoy yourself........

Capital will never expire in your lifetime and increase the draw every year......

KISS principle.....

Edited by Chivas
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My view is this. IF you are American you might as well just stay in the States, cost of living there is now much cheaper than Thailand and in my mind the services are much better....

I find this remarkable, to put it mildly. And I'm not doubting you, but I would be interested in what level of society you might be in where the US is cheaper than Thailand. Also, could you elaborate as to where in the US this cheaper cost of living might be?

The big three:




Where might these all be cheaper in the US?

Looking forward to your response.

Good question but with a few exceptions, on the whole prices appear cheaper in USA. With the exception for Medical (and the OP being in his 30s is not likely to have high medical bills yet) services.

Car prices in Thailand are on average at least double the prices for the similar models in America – luxury cars even 3 or 4 times American car prices – and fuel is slightly higher in Thailand. Housing is quite a bargain now when compared with Thailand. For example, a small (box like) condo in BKK would rent for the same amount as a reasonable nice suburban home with garden and swimming pool in somewhere like Las Vegas or Phoenix. Even median house prices in many cities are cheaper than BKK now. Again of course if you live in some province than you might think otherwise but the services inmost of Thailand is no way comparable to either BKK or the States

Food is probably about the same although state sales taxes can skew that. Of course if you want to eat Mangosteens or go to a Thai restaurant or you’re somewhere like manhattan then yes Thailand is cheaper. But for many other foods say pizzas, burgers or supermarket goods many prices are better than you could find at somewhere like Villa market. Clothing prices tend to vary. Lower end prices in the markets seem cheaper in Thailand, while brand name clothes are cheaper in the States.

Wow. You really believe it costs less to live in the US than in Thailand!!!

Have you ever left Bangkok? Or been to the US in the last 20 years?? There are some very nice places to live "in some provinces" (Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai) where it costs much less to live than in any big city in the US.

Why would someone want to rent "a small box like condo in BKK" if they didn't have to??

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