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How Do I Get Rid Of Pigeons?


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The OP should be careful when throwing deadly rat poison around. There may be children playing in the area and of course other birds and wildlife that could be harmed by the poison.

Maybe consider getting a cat or run a water sprinkler in the area of your garden?

it would seem to me anything that may become collateral damage was trespassing to begin with. rat poison is by far the best solution thus far.

I'm sure any parent would agree

Any sane parent surely.

gotta go, my kid is poking the badger with a stick

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A DIY flamethrower would do the trick, double action actually, instant roast. Maybe the kind neighbour would get a hint if you hang the fried ones outside to make pigeon jerky. Lovely scent, the burned feathers. Just like a bit of napalm in the morning.

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The OP should be careful when throwing deadly rat poison around. There may be children playing in the area and of course other birds and wildlife that could be harmed by the poison.

Maybe consider getting a cat or run a water sprinkler in the area of your garden?

Don't worry, I wouldn't place the poison where others could pick it up. Actually there aren't any kids around us.

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A cat would keep both species at bay with the additional bonus of sh1tting in your neibours yard each evening. Another solution would be to purchace a suitable decoy (plastic eagle owl etc) as used to great effect by fruitgrowers/gamekeepers elsewhere.


We have two dogs to keep the cats at bay. The people about three houses from us have about six cats, so maybe that's why the pigeons stop at our place.

Maybe we should let the cats in and watch them attack pigeons while they are being attacked by dogs.

Actually one of our dogs attacks the pigeons and has dam_n near caught one or two but it doesn't seem to keep them away.

I wonder if the plastic decoy thing works in the long run.

Edited by petedk
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On a related issue, I have been battling those dam_n sparrows for months. I have a big, tall carport that attaches to the house, and they love to roost, build nests in the highest reaches under the roof, decorating our cars with their droppings. I have googled endlessly, & tried all the solutions. These birds take over & drive out other, more attractive bird species.

Finally, I have just taken to getting a verrrry long bampoo pole with a garden claw scoop at the end, and I just tear the nests out. They rebuild them as fast as I tear them down. They refuse to leave a spot once they've picked it to build a nest. The only time they will leave is if I also knock down their eggs in the nest, and then they will finally give up.

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On a related issue, I have been battling those dam_n sparrows for months. I have a big, tall carport that attaches to the house, and they love to roost, build nests in the highest reaches under the roof, decorating our cars with their droppings. I have googled endlessly, & tried all the solutions. These birds take over & drive out other, more attractive bird species.

Finally, I have just taken to getting a verrrry long bampoo pole with a garden claw scoop at the end, and I just tear the nests out. They rebuild them as fast as I tear them down. They refuse to leave a spot once they've picked it to build a nest. The only time they will leave is if I also knock down their eggs in the nest, and then they will finally give up.

I had a similar problem back home many years ago. Every morning we woken up by a sparrow or two trying to get through the bathroom window (suddenly reminds me of a Beatles song). Those sparrows kept this up for months on end. I have no idea why they suddenly tried to get in there. In the end I put strawberry netting around the window and that helped. After a few months i took it down and guess what? The dam_n birds were back in no time.

We also had that problem here a couple of years ago in the car port but i boarded the holes up. The sparrows still turn up once in a while.

Don't get the impression that I hate animals. We have two beautiful "woodpecker" type birds that have built a nest inside a branch on a mango tree. We also have four or five squirrels running around (especial when the mangoes ripen) and I have seen a couple of snakes.

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We have some very kind neighbours' maids who like to sprinkle rice outside our house to feed the pigeons.

There may well be a reason these "kind" maids are making a mess and encouraging wermin in front of your house, and it may be more intentional than you are led to believe. :o

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