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Yingluck May Take Defence Ministry: Cabinet Reshuffle


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Yingluck may take Defence

I would encourage it...excellent choice, she can retain a french fashion designer and come up with some new uniforms and think about it chaps...Burberry combat boots...the troops will love her, and she may even get provided with a helicopter that CAN fly at night cos it does have a radar, pretty sure the airforce would have a couple about..

If she does indeed go on the Defensive, with Ms Yinglucks superb taste in fashion, we may soon be treated to some more appropriate uniforms for the female soldiers in the RTA.


Tasty uniforms - suitable for a body guard of katoeys? That could prevent Four Seasons type rumours.

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I have not read any of the posts but I do have a comment.

I have heard her speak English.

She is not very good at all.

My Thai friends say that her speeches in Thai sound like a partially literate person.

Kinda reminds me of George W.

Personally, I can't wait until election or coup time !

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Of course - put sister in key defence post and move back to openly take number 1 spot. Why are the governments of Japan, UK and USA granting visas to a criminal on the run?

Hmmm, if said criminal retruns as PM, and sister puppet is defence minister ........

In looking to counter "China's growing influence", Obamma and his puppets seem to have missed the Chinese ancestry.

This is getting more like on of Shakespear's commedies, much more twits than the Thai soaps. Hopefully not one with a sad ending.

Point of view. If Thaksin comes back all white washed it can be a sad beginning.

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It's funny how everyone in here is making fun of Yingluck. For me, I like her and I believe most of you that are critising her couldn't and probably never have run anymore than your own studio condo. She has taken on a challenge few of us could endure.

I give her a lot of credit for even trying to run in the shadows of her brother. Those are not easy shoes to fill, and i for one am glad it is her and not me.

No matter if Thaskin is guilty of anything or not, he didn't rise to power by being reshuffled. He rose to power through the ability to out wit

all of his competitors and stratigize to the next level, I only wish I had half his abilities. I have know idea what he has done, except noticed the changes when he came into office. Suhkumvit is just a small

look into what he invisioned for change. When I came here the first time you couldn't walk outside on Sukhumvit without the deafining noise from the

motorcycles and the black smoke pewing from the buses that you could actually taste in your mouth. I would get back home spit in the sink and it would look like I was drinking from the klong.

I whipe my face with my white shirt only to turn my now grey shirt to it's final color "Black".

My friends...it's easy to speculate what he was up to, but at the end of the day,like everyone else I think he most likely pissed off the wrong person, most likely someone more corrupt than Thaskin. Having to deal with my fare share of the corruption at it's finest, one could only assume that he tried

to force someone to conform to new laws that were for the better of Thailand and they didn't like it.

When I listened to my wife's step father, my father in law speak about this in total anger, then I knew it isn't about what Mr T did pursay, but about the things he wanted to change. Which would of ment that the wealthy of Thailand would have to conform to new law,s meaning less money being handed out to those who think they inherantly earned the right to take and take. Having a business here, I realized what type of person my father in law is. I also know that my father in law doesn't want Farrangs living here, owning property or doing any business here. After I married his daughter I took her back to my country leaving my car with him. It is a classic car, one that I loved very much...you guessed it, he won't give it back. This is why I know that if he doesn't want Mr T in power, I do. : ) IF he did want Mr. T in power, then I wouldn't : ) get my reasoning. He is a jerk like all the rest of the wealthy in Thailand who think it's ok to trade in our country, live comfortable under the umbrella of our laws of equality while they rape us here with total protection that the farrang is always wrong.

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It's funny how everyone in here is making fun of Yingluck. For me, I like her and I believe most of you that are critising her couldn't and probably never have run anymore than your own studio condo. She has taken on a challenge few of us could endure.

I give her a lot of credit for even trying to run in the shadows of her brother. Those are not easy shoes to fill, and i for one am glad it is her and not me.

No matter if Thaskin is guilty of anything or not, he didn't rise to power by being reshuffled. He rose to power through the ability to out wit

all of his competitors and stratigize to the next level, I only wish I had half his abilities. I have know idea what he has done, except noticed the changes when he came into office. Suhkumvit is just a small

look into what he invisioned for change. When I came here the first time you couldn't walk outside on Sukhumvit without the deafining noise from the

motorcycles and the black smoke pewing from the buses that you could actually taste in your mouth. I would get back home spit in the sink and it would look like I was drinking from the klong.

I whipe my face with my white shirt only to turn my now grey shirt to it's final color "Black".

My friends...it's easy to speculate what he was up to, but at the end of the day,like everyone else I think he most likely pissed off the wrong person, most likely someone more corrupt than Thaskin. Having to deal with my fare share of the corruption at it's finest, one could only assume that he tried

to force someone to conform to new laws that were for the better of Thailand and they didn't like it.

When I listened to my wife's step father, my father in law speak about this in total anger, then I knew it isn't about what Mr T did pursay, but about the things he wanted to change. Which would of ment that the wealthy of Thailand would have to conform to new law,s meaning less money being handed out to those who think they inherantly earned the right to take and take. Having a business here, I realized what type of person my father in law is. I also know that my father in law doesn't want Farrangs living here, owning property or doing any business here. After I married his daughter I took her back to my country leaving my car with him. It is a classic car, one that I loved very much...you guessed it, he won't give it back. This is why I know that if he doesn't want Mr T in power, I do. : ) IF he did want Mr. T in power, then I wouldn't : ) get my reasoning. He is a jerk like all the rest of the wealthy in Thailand who think it's ok to trade in our country, live comfortable under the umbrella of our laws of equality while they rape us here with total protection that the farrang is always wrong.

A testament to the state of mind of a Yingluck enthusiast.

Thank you.

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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Good Point: I 've lived in this country a little over 20 years and I could never figure-out why, even Cadets, when dressed in gala-uniform, sport this 'impressive-looking' Achievement Strip on their chests . . . . . What 'achievements' can Cadets possibly have attained ? ? ? ?

[The sharp observer will notice that all three "Achievement Badges:, as shown in the above picture, are, in fact, identical !]

Geez; I served in my countries army for 2.4 years, and apart from the 1 solitary and tiny little star on my shoulders, I had 1 Sharp-Shooters "badge" and 1/2 Wing "badge", signifying having jumped out of an airplane 8 times (and I can assure you that they had too boot me out the first time, 'cause I was NEVER gonna jump by myself ! ! !

I only wanted those "badges" to impress the girls, frankly !

In any event; I suppose the proof has hereby been delivered, since surely that little boy in the picture can't be a veteran-hero, can he ? ? ? ?


Just off topic a little BUT looking at Yinglucks Index fingers--the knuckles look unusually large--this could be optical problem on my behalf----or was she a boxer ??
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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Thailand seems to give out these medals like they were prizes from a crackerjack box. Can someone please explain to me what the little boy is doing with a chest full of medals? Medals for what? Potty training?

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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Thailand seems to give out these medals like they were prizes from a crackerjack box. Can someone please explain to me what the little boy is doing with a chest full of medals? Medals for what? Potty training?

Potty training? Now that's unfair. It's just that the poor lad might have felt left out without those colourful ribbons. I'm sure he has some on his school uniform as well, fairly normal in Thailand wai.gif

Edited by rubl
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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Good Point: I 've lived in this country a little over 20 years and I could never figure-out why, even Cadets, when dressed in gala-uniform, sport this 'impressive-looking' Achievement Strip on their chests . . . . . What 'achievements' can Cadets possibly have attained ? ? ? ?

[The sharp observer will notice that all three "Achievement Badges:, as shown in the above picture, are, in fact, identical !]

Geez; I served in my countries army for 2.4 years, and apart from the 1 solitary and tiny little star on my shoulders, I had 1 Sharp-Shooters "badge" and 1/2 Wing "badge", signifying having jumped out of an airplane 8 times (and I can assure you that they had too boot me out the first time, 'cause I was NEVER gonna jump by myself ! ! !

I only wanted those "badges" to impress the girls, frankly !

In any event; I suppose the proof has hereby been delivered, since surely that little boy in the picture can't be a veteran-hero, can he ? ? ? ?


This picture abviously predates her 3 order of the white elephant awards, betowed on her by her cabinet.

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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Thailand seems to give out these medals like they were prizes from a crackerjack box. Can someone please explain to me what the little boy is doing with a chest full of medals? Medals for what? Potty training?

For being the son of the Prime Minister.


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You realise this is all based on "a source" and is a rumour. A rumour that even the idiot "reporter" has admitted they have got wrong in the past. Why should this be any more "true"?

... Nation quote removed ...

But still the Nations "sources" tell them otherwise and another quarter page of "news" is written.......

Yes love, just rumours. Still, somehow I think we may see some 'minor' adjustments before parliamentary session starts again on the 1st of August. That's not a rumour, just my opinion smile.png

I stand corrected by PM Office Minister Worawat and will adjust my opinion accordingly. It seems I forgot all about the preparations for H.M. the Queen's 80th birthday. K. Worawat indicated

"Regarding to Cabinet reshuffle, Worawat said he believed any reshuffle would have to be waited until after August 12."


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Can't wait to see her in a tight army uniform.

we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



he warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.

Next Dynasty. Taksin bookends.
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What an absolutely terribly written "news" article. Starting with the picture and including rumor and innuendo this is completely biased and one-sided reporting. And the anti-Taksin crowd here is just eating it up. As to the picture of the First Family in uniform, those are civil service uniforms, not military. Ignorance seems to scream from the pages of ThaiVisa. And to criticize the Prime Minister because of what she wears, yes that's really clever.

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we've already seen her entire military family emblazoned with chestfuls of medals all..

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.


No combat medals, though - did abhisit get one for the 2010 campaign?

Thread title:

Yingluck May Take Defence Ministry: Cabinet Reshuffle

How did the young chap in the pic get his medals at such a young age? A very young achiever. Watch your backs Messrs Yingluk and Thaksin he may pull the rug from under your feet.

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What an absolutely terribly written "news" article. Starting with the picture and including rumor and innuendo this is completely biased and one-sided reporting. And the anti-Taksin crowd here is just eating it up. As to the picture of the First Family in uniform, those are civil service uniforms, not military. Ignorance seems to scream from the pages of ThaiVisa. And to criticize the Prime Minister because of what she wears, yes that's really clever.

The whole threads quite edifying, isn't it?coffee1.gif

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I have not read any of the posts but I do have a comment.

I have heard her speak English.

She is not very good at all.

My Thai friends say that her speeches in Thai sound like a partially literate person.

Kinda reminds me of George W.

Personally, I can't wait until election or coup time !

George W. won the elections. Or what you want to say?

And in the light of the first sentence you wrote it is somehow funny to come up with that "partially literate person." remark.

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I have not read any of the posts but I do have a comment.

I have heard her speak English.

She is not very good at all.

My Thai friends say that her speeches in Thai sound like a partially literate person.

Kinda reminds me of George W.

Personally, I can't wait until election or coup time !

George W. won the elections. Or what you want to say?

And in the light of the first sentence you wrote it is somehow funny to come up with that "partially literate person." remark.

Yes he did.

Due to corruption re : his brother Jeb.

What problem do you have with my first sentence ?

Missing a comma, OMG !

P.S. Have you talked to any of your Thai friends (if you have any) re : her command of the Thai language ?

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I have not read any of the posts but I do have a comment.

I have heard her speak English.

She is not very good at all.

My Thai friends say that her speeches in Thai sound like a partially literate person.

Kinda reminds me of George W.

Personally, I can't wait until election or coup time !

George W. won the elections. Or what you want to say?

And in the light of the first sentence you wrote it is somehow funny to come up with that "partially literate person." remark.

Yes he did.

Due to corruption re : his brother Jeb.

What problem do you have with my first sentence ?

Missing a comma, OMG !

P.S. Have you talked to any of your Thai friends (if you have any) re : her command of the Thai language ?

P.S. Is "Or what you want to say?" correct English to you ?

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As to the picture of the First Family in uniform, those are civil service uniforms,

Actually they are not the first family...whistling.gif .....your not in Kansas anymore toto

lol@appleman's clarification... as if anyone really thought seriously that they were military uniforms and that Yingluck and Yingluck's son were somehow actually in the Army. biggrin.png

gee... thanks for your learned observation, appleman laugh.png

As for the First Family reference, it's not entirely unknown in Thailand to actually use that phraseology.


New First Lady Yaowapa Wongsawat




Honorary titles: First Lady of Thailand



We'll have to wait and see if First Husband of Thailand is utilized for the pictured Anusorn.

That would be the non-discriminatory and non-double standard thing to do.

Perhaps the press are waiting for them to be legally married before doing so.


Edited by Buchholz
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As to the picture of the First Family in uniform, those are civil service uniforms,

Actually they are not the first family...whistling.gif .....your not in Kansas anymore toto

lol@appleman's clarification... as if anyone really thought seriously that they were military uniforms and that Yingluck and Yingluck's son were somehow actually in the Army. biggrin.png

gee... thanks for your learned observation, appleman laugh.png

As for the First Family reference, it's not entirely unknown in Thailand to actually use that phraseology.


New First Lady Yaowapa Wongsawat




Honorary titles: First Lady of Thailand



We'll have to wait and see if First Husband of Thailand is utilized for the pictured Anusorn.

That would be the non-discriminatory and non-double standard thing to do.

Perhaps the press are waiting for them to be legally married before doing so.


So for now we'll have to stick with First Boyfriend of Thiailand. I wonder what that makes Sretta Thavisin though?

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sorry, for my earlier misstatement... it wouldn't be First Husband of Thailand, the proper non-discriminatory contrast to the title of "Lady", would be for Anusorn to be addressed as:

First Gentleman of Thailand


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lol@appleman's clarification... as if anyone really thought seriously that they were military uniforms and that Yingluck and Yingluck's son were somehow actually in the Army. biggrin.png

gee... thanks for your learned observation, appleman laugh.png

As for the First Family reference, it's not entirely unknown in Thailand to actually use that phraseology.


New First Lady Yaowapa Wongsawat




Honorary titles: First Lady of Thailand



We'll have to wait and see if First Husband of Thailand is utilized for the pictured Anusorn.

That would be the non-discriminatory and non-double standard thing to do.

Perhaps the press are waiting for them to be legally married before doing so.


So for now we'll have to stick with First Boyfriend of Thiailand. I wonder what that makes Sretta Thavisin though?

"So for now we'll have to stick with First Boyfriend of Thiailand. I wonder what that makes Sretta Thavisin though?"

Nothing to do with the thread and therefore off topic ?

Edited by phiphidon
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