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(What Seems Like A) Sexpat Has A Go At Some Holidaymakers


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Ok..im posting something WE ALL know anyway. So, ill probably get a few yawns.

I did find it quite ironic IF he is a sex tourist/expat and he rants at the kids that they are "exploiting" the women.

He has a rant and then it kicks off.

The young girl really could have handled herself better though to be honest. She got herself in quite a state.

Yes, yes, old ground..in many respects.

I also did find the story of that particular Thai woman touching..which i THINK is typical of many womans stories.

I really to think there is little VIABLE comparative wage-earning opportunities for them.

Anyway, posting anyway, even though i know i have a high chance of being slaughtered by the angry brigade!

Edited by eek
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I read the title...and thought you were talking about your adventures with theblether and smokies!

WAAA!!haha..!! Blether and smokie are absolute gentlemen! :D

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Now that I watched the entire video, (instead of imagining two men in a kilt having a go at party makers) it is a very fascinating kind of video. This entire video is like moral ambiguity. I can see truths to both sides of the argument, yet you never really know for sure. I do know that falling for a sob story in Thailand is an extremely dangerous thing to do.

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The guy is right, those people are phonies and don't have a clue what they're talking about. That show was complete and utter crap. Telling viewers 10k per month is the normal salary for them, what a joke. That bar girl was playing them for fools, using the same stories she uses on her customers to get more money out of them. Wonder how many idiots she has in the UK that have bought in to her lies and are sending her money. I remember another part of the show where they told viewers factory workers had to pay something like 500 baht per day for accommodations as well, the show was just full of complete BS. The show is exploitative garbage.

To be fair re: the salary. I think the women who works with the agency was saying that was the base salary for a month. She was going to say how much they could earn on top of that but she was interrupted by one of the other people saying something.

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

Why don't you clue us in then?

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It definitely seems as if that Thai woman turned on the tear tap very quickly when asked the ages of her children. Seems she did it for the camera.

I often talk to women working the bars and they are generally forthcoming about how old they are, their children and what the family set up is and none of them burst into tears.

Yes some feel the need to come to the red light districts to earn money but I feel they are in the minority.

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Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

Unfortunately such opinion are widespread, yet they lack any sense of reality about the lifes of sex workers.

Edited by Morakot
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In Isaan, if you want to work, there is work.

And we should stop with the myth that the girls go tho Bangkok or Pattaya to feed their family. I know at least of three families who are raising their grand kids after their daughter disappeared after dumping the kids of them. They never receive any money.

But sometime there is the happy ending, the girl come back with a falang, they built a nice house, buy a nice car and provide for the family, kids and parents for the rest of their life ....


That's not the reality. Either the guy has much exaggerated his wealth and he's dumped without much ceremony while the girl is soon gone again for a season of big fish hunting. Or the guy turn out to be an alcoholic, spending must of his day drunk .... and he's dumped without much ceremony while the girl is soon gone again for a season of big fish hunting.

The fairytale of the poor bar girl who do that to feed her family while waiting for her prince charming is just that, a fairytale !

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The guy is right, those people are phonies and don't have a clue what they're talking about. That show was complete and utter crap. Telling viewers 10k per month is the normal salary for them, what a joke. That bar girl was playing them for fools, using the same stories she uses on her customers to get more money out of them. Wonder how many idiots she has in the UK that have bought in to her lies and are sending her money. I remember another part of the show where they told viewers factory workers had to pay something like 500 baht per day for accommodations as well, the show was just full of complete BS. The show is exploitative garbage.

To be fair re: the salary. I think the women who works with the agency was saying that was the base salary for a month. She was going to say how much they could earn on top of that but she was interrupted by one of the other people saying something.

The only way you would possibly know that after watching the show is if you were already familiar with the situation. IE that bar workers get a base salary, then they negotiate their own price for sex and keep all the money and earn far more than their base salary is worth. The show is being deliberately misleading, and they are definitely trying to leave viewers with the impression that the bar girls make only 10k per month, and that the 10k per month is for having sex with clients. Coupled with previous sections about paying rent per day rather than per month (deliberately lying about the cost of living in Thailand) they are trying to leave viewers with the impression that these bar girls have to do this or they will starve to death, and even after they choose to work as a prostitute they are still only making 10k per month and barely able to survive. The show exploitative and is presenting an extremely misleading picture in order to boost their own ratings.

That's true, they are being somewhat sensationalist and they do leave the 10k amount unclarified.

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

Another thai expert Please list qualifications
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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

Another thai expert Please list qualifications

Isn't Tommo the guy that lives rent-free with his Thai lady?

Now that is exploitation! rolleyes.gif

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I think the old dude was probably right.

Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

Another thai expert Please list qualifications

The Admin job?

I dont really think much of the video either way, so i will leave discussion of its finer points to the experts.

I can assure you the woman most certainly is not a septic, the accent is all wrong. Id say UK, NZ,,Aus or even SA. Given that it seems to be another British doco, chances lean heavily in fovour of her being a Brit with a very watered down accent.

(Blether, does this count as credible? if so that is 1.)

Edited by nocturn
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That was quite touching when the girl got emotional after talking about her kids. I think the Brits were on the right lines but maybe weren't aware that in Thailand even government schools require some payment either for books or extra lessons whatever. Maybe a translator would have helped the situation. They could have pointed out how little factory workers can be paid and how difficult it is to pay for even books and uniforms for kids in Thailand. Even 2k is a pretty big hit out of a factory workers salary.

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First of all what on earth did they think they would find in the go-go bar ?

But anyway. The noodle shop next door to me sells 2 dishes, they make over 100k B per month.

My friend I go cycling with, only sells pad seeow and is sending his daughter through university in London.

One or two months decent earnings would pay for the start up costs on a food trolley to sell these or Som tam etc. etc. Don't tell me there is a Esarn girl anywhere that doesn't know how to make som tam.

The girls who worked in bars I used to drink in, as said before would openly talk to me knowing I'm not interested in what was on offer, most had many sponsors (which is easy to tell anyway by the passing around of 'English love phrases' book and the amount of not cheap phones they have ) while they sat around drinking with their mates everynight. This is what most girls are looking for. Sure as hell they didn't like what they were there for, but once they had their sponsors they picked and choose their customers. Young guys or guys gulliable enough to make promises to them.

There sure are many girls feeding families. Many do have self esteem problems. Some are working this at night so they can look after their kid in the day while a family member does at night . Some are working this way plus a day job to pay for schooling and some of the girls I knew left to get real jobs and some respect- self and from other people, but many are there as they don't want to work or are just plain party girls. To believe they are all there due to no choice is naive. There are other job opportunities and better paying ones if they are willing to reinvest the money and work,(That as well as keeping the money away from the drunk layabout boyfriend/mother/father etc or just away from the parents who won't give up the idea of being land owning farmers and get a paying job), but as many guys who have set girls up in businesses find out there are many who really aren't prepared to work and that is why they are there.

The film is sensationalist media studies graduate rubbish at best.

That's an eye-opener - how does a noodle-shop make 100k a month? Surely that's just the turnover, not the net profit? I'd like to know more about that.

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First of all what on earth did they think they would find in the go-go bar ?

But anyway. The noodle shop next door to me sells 2 dishes, they make over 100k B per month.

My friend I go cycling with, only sells pad seeow and is sending his daughter through university in London.

One or two months decent earnings would pay for the start up costs on a food trolley to sell these or Som tam etc. etc. Don't tell me there is a Esarn girl anywhere that doesn't know how to make som tam.

The girls who worked in bars I used to drink in, as said before would openly talk to me knowing I'm not interested in what was on offer, most had many sponsors (which is easy to tell anyway by the passing around of 'English love phrases' book and the amount of not cheap phones they have ) while they sat around drinking with their mates everynight. This is what most girls are looking for. Sure as hell they didn't like what they were there for, but once they had their sponsors they picked and choose their customers. Young guys or guys gulliable enough to make promises to them.

There sure are many girls feeding families. Many do have self esteem problems. Some are working this at night so they can look after their kid in the day while a family member does at night . Some are working this way plus a day job to pay for schooling and some of the girls I knew left to get real jobs and some respect- self and from other people, but many are there as they don't want to work or are just plain party girls. To believe they are all there due to no choice is naive. There are other job opportunities and better paying ones if they are willing to reinvest the money and work,(That as well as keeping the money away from the drunk layabout boyfriend/mother/father etc or just away from the parents who won't give up the idea of being land owning farmers and get a paying job), but as many guys who have set girls up in businesses find out there are many who really aren't prepared to work and that is why they are there.

The film is sensationalist media studies graduate rubbish at best.

Just because someone says they are making x amount in Thailand selling noodles does not make it true. You will find those who are really making 100k selling noodles won't want to advertise it. Like anywhere, running a successful restaurant, even a food stall is hard work. competition is heavy. I will not go to the same place twice if the food is not superb. also, many of these people may own the property and not have to pay rent which is the big expense.

Suggesting that everyone can just become a noodle vendor and make 100k is silly. Most farang are not even making that amount in their profession.

I really have no comment to make about any of this. I don't care. I find it boring. The thing I find most annoying about Thailand and farang is their obsession with prostitutes. For people who claim to love the country so much they seem to have very little to say about it or even any hobbies related to it. it is just an endless conversation of dating and relationships and prostitutes. Yawn.

Edited by farang000999
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The model on which the gogo bars functions is quite simple:

The girls receive a salary of perhaps 6-9000 THB per month. This is dependent on what she does in the bar, how much she wears while dancing, and wether or not she is involved in a "show".

For that money they are also expected to be in attendance nightly, racking up lady drink tickets (for a cut) pushing drink sales, dancing and entertaining punters often with little more than 1-2 nights off monthly.

Generally speaking, they are also expected to be bar fined a certain number of times per month. The number of times is generally determined by the cost of actual bar fine and the girls salary itself. In essence, the girl must be bought out often enough to cover the majority, if not all of the monthly salary she receives. The system, as always, favours the bar.

Fines are not uncommon if the girl refuses to make her quota, is late, does not show or as a disciplinary measure for any other infractions of the house rules.

obviously the girls have other earning opportunities once they have left the bar itself

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There are other job opportunities and better paying ones if they are willing to reinvest the money and work,(That as well as keeping the money away from the drunk layabout boyfriend/mother/father etc or just away from the parents who won't give up the idea of being land owning farmers and get a paying job), but as many guys who have set girls up in businesses find out there are many who really aren't prepared to work and that is why they are there.

we should make a reality show where arthur starts in isaan with 3k baht and turns into a high paying business, since it is so easy.

what is that saying about walking a mile in another person's shoes?

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First of all what on earth did they think they would find in the go-go bar ?

But anyway. The noodle shop next door to me sells 2 dishes, they make over 100k B per month.

My friend I go cycling with, only sells pad seeow and is sending his daughter through university in London.

One or two months decent earnings would pay for the start up costs on a food trolley to sell these or Som tam etc. etc. Don't tell me there is a Esarn girl anywhere that doesn't know how to make som tam.

The girls who worked in bars I used to drink in, as said before would openly talk to me knowing I'm not interested in what was on offer, most had many sponsors (which is easy to tell anyway by the passing around of 'English love phrases' book and the amount of not cheap phones they have ) while they sat around drinking with their mates everynight. This is what most girls are looking for. Sure as hell they didn't like what they were there for, but once they had their sponsors they picked and choose their customers. Young guys or guys gulliable enough to make promises to them.

There sure are many girls feeding families. Many do have self esteem problems. Some are working this at night so they can look after their kid in the day while a family member does at night . Some are working this way plus a day job to pay for schooling and some of the girls I knew left to get real jobs and some respect- self and from other people, but many are there as they don't want to work or are just plain party girls. To believe they are all there due to no choice is naive. There are other job opportunities and better paying ones if they are willing to reinvest the money and work,(That as well as keeping the money away from the drunk layabout boyfriend/mother/father etc or just away from the parents who won't give up the idea of being land owning farmers and get a paying job), but as many guys who have set girls up in businesses find out there are many who really aren't prepared to work and that is why they are there.

The film is sensationalist media studies graduate rubbish at best.

That's an eye-opener - how does a noodle-shop make 100k a month? Surely that's just the turnover, not the net profit? I'd like to know more about that.

They sell a lot that's about all there is to it unless they are lying.

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