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Nacc Calls For Suthep To Be Impeached


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I hope they do impeach him and hope he does quit.

Never liked the man and his arrogance on most manners.

Well I take it by your attitude that you found his work ethics and accomplishments to be commendable.

To you it is just a personal issue. Nothing wrong with his work.

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Thanks PPD it's clear that he should be banned.

I agree with the NACC concerning Suthep because I don't wear glasses. I can see!

Now the rest.... Let's see if you also agree when PT/UDD including Thaksin get punishments etc.. Let's see if you are going to blame it on the court or whatever/whoever in stead of agreeing with the order. (I think I have already seen the answer in other posts)

Let's reveal true colors.

Now the problem is this should have been done long ago - I mean this guy manged to get the Chuan Leekpai kicked out back in '95. If you honestly believe the courts as they stand now and since the coup have been without political leaning and interference from both within and without of the political sphere I would say you and I are never going to agree on anything regarding Thai politics.

Two obvious points - how many yellow shirt leaders / supporters / hangers on have been jailed for offences they have been found guilty of since the coup?

How many military personnel have even been sent to court since the coup?

Do you sense a pattern there?

IMO the military should be rewarded for what they did/do. Without them the country would slide into chaos. They fortunately (almost) got rid of a ruthless, corrupt, convicted, (now) on the run criminal.

The term "as bad as" often comes from you. You always have examples of bad DEMS. Please give me some examples of PT/UDD people that should be banned. No double standards.

FYI, I don't care if the whole DEM/AV etc will be banned because I DON'T support any party/group.

Well if that was the case you wouldn't have bothered arguing with me and if you really think that the "military should be rewarded for what they did/do" I have nothing more to say to you after this:

Are you not aware of the number of people of the red persuasion that have been, currently are still in, and future visitors to the Jail System. Are you not aware of the 80 plus people dead and over 2000 injured. I do not need to give examples of bad red shirts PTP etc - Public opinion, the judges and the military have already done their jobs on that.

That is why I need to refer to bad dems, bad yellow shirts, bad security forces etc because nothing has been done about them....................

You are quite rite. You need not give your opinion.

But are you aware of what the red shirts provoked and what their intentions were.

Are you aware of the fact that it was only through generosity that they lasted as long as they did. It could have all ended April 10 but the army did not wish to kill thousands of people. They showed mercy. Are you aware that the red shirts showed no mercy to those they put out of work.

Are you even aware?

Are you aware that they invaded a hospital.

No you don't have to give your opinion just the same question you asked are you aware.

As far as impeaching Suthep why not. He is like most politicians guilty of impeachable things.

Edited by hellodolly
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