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Are The Young Thais Lazy?


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Since this is the CM forum....specific to CM;

I have several friends who have had businesses in various places in Thailand as well as other countries.

ALL of them say that CM workers are the LAZIEST of any workers they've had.

Furthermore I think the farang's who get so upset about this have no clue.

Actually local CM Thais will readily acknowledge that in general they are lazier than

Thais from other areas.

I have personally been told this by several Thais.

personally i had some doubt in this as it differ from my experience but that had surely some truth in it

so what workers work the hardest? and care to share what industries are your friends in and the various places and countries for the comparison?

Sure. Paper product exporters, Leather product exporter, Plastic product exporters, Construction contractors etc.

They've had businesses in; China, HK, Canada, Vietnam, USA and probably some places I dont know about.

Care to share how your 'experiences differ' ?

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Here's one way to look at it. What's the opposite of laziness? Industriousness? What does that entail? Initiative, ambition, concentration, diligence, systemic thinking, confidence, communication, more. I guess that in any society, a few people possess these qualities naturally, regardless of circumstance. In others, the need to survive draws them out. But for most of us, these traits have to be cultivated and nurtured. School, family, culture, early work experience can all contribute.

In Thailand, bare survival isn't in question; most have a roof over their heads and food to eat, fortunately. But the combination of an education system that discourages thinking and a hierarchical social structure that keeps people in their little boxes doesn't seem conducive to cultivating all these qualities. And there's so much scamming and lying that goes on, industriousness isn't always rewarded as much as taking shortcuts. Nepotism, cheating, flouting the rules are just endemic here to the point where many people who are sincerely trying to work hard and better themselves just find it easier to give up and go with the flow.

So I think in a lot of cases, people just have no idea how to work or find themselves in situations where doing the bare minimum yields the same result as putting their nose to the grindstone. Many learn, if they are lucky enough to have good bosses who can patiently teach them and build their confidence. This kind of mentoring is more difficult across cultures. It took me a long, long time to understand when the root problem was fear and lack of confidence, not laziness or unwillingness to learn.

Then add into the mix hormones, handphones, sex, drugs, rock n roll. Ahh, to be young and lazy all over again.

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okay some of us oldies who delivered papers and milk when young and/or worked 12 hour days in the corporate world yadda yadda seem to think we have this wonderful work ethic compared to kids today...maybe it is true. My thinking is that social influence is the main factor.

Is a kid lazy because he/she does not like the idea of sitting in an office or a retail outlet 8-12 hours a day..probably not...buggered if I could do it.

One thing I have noticed is the total lack of initiative or a not my job thought process..silly things like picking up or replacing a broom or tool after use, coil and hang the water hose or even placing a bit of garbage from next to the can inside? Then I think maybe I am just being anal and just do it myself. Too old and impatient to point it out or try to train 'em...lol

Been trying for weeks to find someone to come spray our farm for weeds.."yes yes come next week"...no show. Also someone to mix and lay some concrete.."yes yes come next week" ....no show.....very frustrating....ask the wife what's wrong with these people..."they busy,they go to dead people/wedding party, they sick , they busy., they go to BKK."....aaaaaaH.............sigh

Like someone said do it yourself and use the cash to buy beer....lol

It's like you're re-writing my diary.

Exactly what I encounter on a daily basis.

I have a small factory and my staff shows up when they feel fit.

Every week there's some funeral, wedding, Lamyai or Mango harvesting/spraying they need to attend to and just don't show up for work for a few days in a row. Or simply, when they don't really need the money this or the next week they won't show up.

The other day, one of my CNC operators was due for the afternoon shift. Did not show up. Called him. Answer: "I go to register my new motorbike my name" .... OKAY .... why not do it in the morning before work? "In morning I sleep"

Tried many things to no avail.

I've tried to "over-staff" and told them, it's okay if you need to do something, simply tell me 2-3 days before so I can make a planning around it.

Nope,... If I'm lucky they will tell me at the end of shift,... "Tomorrow I'm not coming!" Ahhhgggrrrr,..........

But most of the time they simply don't show up.

The pay is not the issue as I'm paying about 20% more then the average local Thai employers for exactly the same job,...

They're all officially registered and I pay all their taxes etc. On top of that there's a premium accident insurance that I fully pay as well....

The workplace is very convenient and pleasant organised, cool and airy with lot's of fans, comfortable chairs and tools, I provide them with all they need for their comfort. 8 hour shifts with 3 breaks,....

I'm in desperately in need for at least 10-15 extra staff full-timers, yesterday!!!! Orders are pouring in, but I need to reject due to lack of labourers,...

How do you make them live up to their contract of simply coming to work every day?

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I was at a shopping mall in KK a few weeks ago. I was talking to a girl at Pizza CO about the promotion card. I noticed the manager was interviewing a young thai man, and there was another on waiting outside. Both were dressed as if they were applyingto work for IBM. White shirt/tie/ neat and clean. I was thinking to myself that someone really taught these kids a thing or two...maybe there is hope. OTOH, I have been to countless places of business, and all they seem to care about is eating in front of the customer, wether it be a restaurant, bar, or hotel lobby.

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okay some of us oldies who delivered papers and milk when young and/or worked 12 hour days in the corporate world yadda yadda seem to think we have this wonderful work ethic compared to kids today...maybe it is true. My thinking is that social influence is the main factor.

Is a kid lazy because he/she does not like the idea of sitting in an office or a retail outlet 8-12 hours a day..probably not...buggered if I could do it.

One thing I have noticed is the total lack of initiative or a not my job thought process..silly things like picking up or replacing a broom or tool after use, coil and hang the water hose or even placing a bit of garbage from next to the can inside? Then I think maybe I am just being anal and just do it myself. Too old and impatient to point it out or try to train 'em...lol

Been trying for weeks to find someone to come spray our farm for weeds.."yes yes come next week"...no show. Also someone to mix and lay some concrete.."yes yes come next week" ....no show.....very frustrating....ask the wife what's wrong with these people..."they busy,they go to dead people/wedding party, they sick , they busy., they go to BKK."....aaaaaaH.............sigh

Like someone said do it yourself and use the cash to buy beer....lol

It's like you're re-writing my diary.

Exactly what I encounter on a daily basis.

I have a small factory and my staff shows up when they feel fit.

Every week there's some funeral, wedding, Lamyai or Mango harvesting/spraying they need to attend to and just don't show up for work for a few days in a row. Or simply, when they don't really need the money this or the next week they won't show up.

The other day, one of my CNC operators was due for the afternoon shift. Did not show up. Called him. Answer: "I go to register my new motorbike my name" .... OKAY .... why not do it in the morning before work? "In morning I sleep"

Tried many things to no avail.

I've tried to "over-staff" and told them, it's okay if you need to do something, simply tell me 2-3 days before so I can make a planning around it.

Nope,... If I'm lucky they will tell me at the end of shift,... "Tomorrow I'm not coming!" Ahhhgggrrrr,..........

But most of the time they simply don't show up.

The pay is not the issue as I'm paying about 20% more then the average local Thai employers for exactly the same job,...

They're all officially registered and I pay all their taxes etc. On top of that there's a premium accident insurance that I fully pay as well....

The workplace is very convenient and pleasant organised, cool and airy with lot's of fans, comfortable chairs and tools, I provide them with all they need for their comfort. 8 hour shifts with 3 breaks,....

I'm in desperately in need for at least 10-15 extra staff full-timers, yesterday!!!! Orders are pouring in, but I need to reject due to lack of labourers,...

How do you make them live up to their contract of simply coming to work every day?

don't think there is an answer..had the same issues in Caribbean...too hot..too much rum..have enough food ,roof, sex so f...u maan.. "what me worry"..5555

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Those kick-boxers aren't lazy. I guess they have no choice once they are committed, but I remember my Western kickboxing instructor coming to Thailand to train for one of his fights. He already trained like an idiot (he's subsequently went on to break all sorts of endurance records, such as distance paddle-boarding), but he got worked hard in Thailand and came back to win his fight. He was specifically working on using knees.

I'm just guessing that Thais aren't inherently lazy, but that there may not be motivation for them to be very productive in most jobs. Sometimes they work long hours, and the job is deathly boring. I might pass out from boredom myself, in their shoes. I think it puts them in this semi-comatose state that they need to be in just to survive the boring day.

Also, sometimes the boss anywhere in the world will be motivated, and stay overtime, because he's making all the money. The lowly workers, on the other hand, are often just scraping by, or not quite, doing extraordinarily monotonous tasks.

Whatever one may think, probably almost everyone is beyond working in a factory all day doing repetitive tasks, or standing in a grocery story all day waiting to assist people. Everyone should be bored and listless in those jobs. It's no surprise. Give people something stimulating to do, where they can improve themselves and their lives, while earning more, and then if they still don't work, than it's probably not the goals or incentives they actually give a hoot about.

People are probably about equally lazy. I can cover the whole spectrum myself, from barely able to get out of bed to leaping out of bed to accomplish tasks I'm anxious to do.

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  • 1 month later...

You only have to walk into any establishment first thing in the morning or just before lunch, guarenteed you will see at least one staff member putting on make up, combing hair or picking their nose and that is just the young men!

After that ritual is over it is out with the phone where they will spend most of the day chatting about food, when the credit runs out the game section of the phone automatically opens and stay's open until the battery runs out.

You (the customer) are nothing more than an inconvienience. This is when they are supervised, getting one to work without supervision will be almost imposible.

The only time this may not apply is if the business is run by the owner then they are over you like a coat of paint.

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You only have to walk into any establishment first thing in the morning or just before lunch, guarenteed you will see at least one staff member putting on make up, combing hair or picking their nose and that is just the young men!

After that ritual is over it is out with the phone where they will spend most of the day chatting about food, when the credit runs out the game section of the phone automatically opens and stay's open until the battery runs out.

You (the customer) are nothing more than an inconvienience. This is when they are supervised, getting one to work without supervision will be almost imposible.

The only time this may not apply is if the business is run by the owner then they are over you like a coat of paint.

Not true. The Thais who work at Starbucks do not behave this way at all.

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I see that the emphasis on Thais has been placed as a derogatory term in the title of this thread.

So is this some sort of a trial to decide if all young Thai people are lazy just because of the deficiencies of a few young Thai staff members? And what’s the verdict from all you geniuses?

Just another Thai bashing thread.

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