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Why Do Hostesses Keep Lurking Around?


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Oh the horror of being forced to have a pretty young girl attentively tending to your drinking needs!

Those evil stupid Thais are at it again.....

And their western lobbyists...

Edited by maxme
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In Thailand it's a womans duty to serve the man.

These girls are employed to pour drinks and sell ice.

If you have a girl sitting with you at your table then the pouring girl lets her do it and moves to another table.

It's just the Thai tradition, I quite like it, and the girls are always pretty.

Ok, there are different situations.

.I almost agree ..But it's boring.

It happened to me a few times, and with gf sitting and drinking with me.

It annoys me quite a bit, but Thai men appreciate it.

If the waitresses are too pushy, i simply never go there again :)

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Smokie had a go at convincing his lady that he only had one beer per night in Chiang Mai..........technically correct, as the glass was magically and continually refilled. drunk.gif

Anyway, the place we were in had a special offer on........3 bottles of Federbrau for 179 baht, with attentive service all night too.......what's a man to do? reject said offer, deny a gorgeous young lady the chance to earn 10 baht commission by looking after us? blink.png

Methinks not........I love Thailand. biggrin.pngburp.gif

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Smokie had a go at convincing his lady that he only had one beer per night in Chiang Mai..........technically correct, as the glass was magically and continually refilled. drunk.gif

Anyway, the place we were in had a special offer on........3 bottles of Federbrau for 179 baht, with attentive service all night too.......what's a man to do? reject said offer, deny a gorgeous young lady the chance to earn 10 baht commission by looking after us? blink.png

Methinks not........I love Thailand. biggrin.pngburp.gif

They are still doing 5 large Leos for 199bht at the lake in Chang Puak. (bar in the far right corner)

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The girls in the bars are just following what they have been told to do by the owner or the head waiter/waitress. There is nothing better than the "never ending glass" (personal opinion) to keep "bums on seats". Depending on the bar, some will ask do you want another bottle, some will just keep them coming until told to stop. These, from experience, can be interesting adventures! If the waitress is pretty, then that is an added bonus.

As for the "beer girls", they also are briefed as to what is expected of them (as regards serving) and they will adapt very quickly if they get the added money for every bottle sold. Not many overweight girls with squints or body odour problems hired for this.............wink.png

BJ also raised a very good point earlier in the thread; respect your waitress! They have a hard enough job as it is without being mauled and abused by the customer. Remember where you came from.....................thumbsup.gif

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Oh the horror of being forced to have a pretty young girl attentively tending to your drinking needs!

Those evil stupid Thais are at it again.....

Spot on. Perhaps only on Thai Visa could we have an OP complaining about receiving good, attentive service, usually from a young lady, and so many other whingers agreeing with it. In real life I have never known anyone to complain about it, in fact visitors from UK enjoy the pampering.

Maybe, when in their own countries, the complainers write blogs complaining about lack of service in bars?

And regarding the writer who questions pouring the remains of a bottle in to only one glass; isn't it simply good business practice, encouraging the customer to buy another bottle, rather than a sign of the server being a thicko?

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Oh the horror of being forced to have a pretty young girl attentively tending to your drinking needs!

Those evil stupid Thais are at it again.....

Spot on. Perhaps only on Thai Visa could we have an OP complaining about receiving good, attentive service, usually from a young lady, and so many other whingers agreeing with it. In real life I have never known anyone to complain about it, in fact visitors from UK enjoy the pampering.

Maybe, when in their own countries, the complainers write blogs complaining about lack of service in bars?

And regarding the writer who questions pouring the remains of a bottle in to only one glass; isn't it simply good business practice, encouraging the customer to buy another bottle, rather than a sign of the server being a thicko?

You do whine and complain, don't you?

Wonder why you don't improve your reading comprehension. No one complains about service but the overwhelming and disturbing way of service. The question was what is behind this. This is just to understand the way of service in a country in which we live. Seemingly, you are not interested in getting to know more about Thai life.

Necron, apart from you, no one has mentioned anything bad about Thais. You should read carefully before you post silly things.

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It's annoying, but easy enough to stop if you're not easily worked up.

It's sure better than having arguments and fights kicking off at the bar over whose served first like in the UK every friday and Saturday night.

The tightly dressed bums also do make the experience tolerable.

And yes the point is money. Beer sales and mark up have to be one of the easiest ways to make a profit in this country. Unless of course you open a bar next to another hundred empty bars in a tourist spot.

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..... You should read carefully before you post silly things.

If you can't handle a dissenting opinion (or three), maybe you should think carefully before you post silly things.

Wonder how many times a day you have to post this message. People disagree and express themselves. What should people do when disagreeing? Edited by garrya
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..... You should read carefully before you post silly things.

If you can't handle a dissenting opinion (or three), maybe you should think carefully before you post silly things.

Wonder how many times a day you have to post this message. People disagree and express themselves. What should people do when disagreeing?

Well now..... maybe you could show your dissent by replying to what's posted and NOT by attacking the poster.

Just a thought !


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Oh the horror of being forced to have a pretty young girl attentively tending to your drinking needs!

Those evil stupid Thais are at it again.....

Spot on. Perhaps only on Thai Visa could we have an OP complaining about receiving good, attentive service, usually from a young lady, and so many other whingers agreeing with it. In real life I have never known anyone to complain about it, in fact visitors from UK enjoy the pampering.

Maybe, when in their own countries, the complainers write blogs complaining about lack of service in bars?

And regarding the writer who questions pouring the remains of a bottle in to only one glass; isn't it simply good business practice, encouraging the customer to buy another bottle, rather than a sign of the server being a thicko?

You do whine and complain, don't you?

Wonder why you don't improve your reading comprehension. No one complains about service but the overwhelming and disturbing way of service. The question was what is behind this. This is just to understand the way of service in a country in which we live. Seemingly, you are not interested in getting to know more about Thai life.

Necron, apart from you, no one has mentioned anything bad about Thais. You should read carefully before you post silly things.

I was not whining, just commenting on the fact that TV features God knows how many threads complaining on the Thai way of doing things - why such an aggressive reply? (Or was it all meant for the other poster?)

You object to having your glass re-filled, I consider it to be good service; that's fine, but if you don't like to receive comments from people who disagree, then perhaps you should refrain from submitting topics.

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It's not about service. It's about business.

An example:

You order a bottle of wine for a group of people.

At first, everybody gets his fair share.

But in the moment, when one of the group has emptied his glass, the "service" girl comes and finishes the rest of the bottle into his glass. The rest of the group watches in disbelief.

Big smile: "Do you want another bottle of wine?"

That's what it's all about. The don't do service. They do empty bottles and jugs as fast as possible to increase their sales.

I find it annoying. I fighted it for some time, but finally gave up. They are stronger. They watch you and when you lack concentration for only a second, they did it again. Even if you tell them not to do it - there are several around and one will finally win.

BTW, the wine here you pay 1500 Baht for a bottle in a restaurant, is crap and back home only drunk by the homeless.

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I recently went to Laos. the service there is friendly and excellent all over. no pushyness, just good friendly service without the thai "edge". really a breath of fresh air in general and what's more seems like a nice place to live.

the Thai way of hovering and refilling drinks is like a passive-aggressive thing in various forms, they know by now it's irritating, certainly for many foreigners. yet to get their low prices we must deal with the push. like a thai joke, nothings really free or cheap ha ha, get it? you did not get over on us. we were not colonized? sad really.

Edited by jacktrip
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Oh the horror of being forced to have a pretty young girl attentively tending to your drinking needs!

Those evil stupid Thais are at it again.....

Spot on. Perhaps only on Thai Visa could we have an OP complaining about receiving good, attentive service, usually from a young lady, and so many other whingers agreeing with it. In real life I have never known anyone to complain about it, in fact visitors from UK enjoy the pampering.

Maybe, when in their own countries, the complainers write blogs complaining about lack of service in bars?

And regarding the writer who questions pouring the remains of a bottle in to only one glass; isn't it simply good business practice, encouraging the customer to buy another bottle, rather than a sign of the server being a thicko?

Totally agree with you.

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

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i always loved the attention i used to get when sitting in a beer garden (not the one in soi 7), and over run the cheers, leo, singha or tiger girls, hoping to top up their income for the night.

since marriage, its, the wife saying leo beer first up, and eye candy disappears to their retreat near the bar.

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For all you guys that don't like it.

Touch the girls bum ......... she won't be back.

Vision will take a few minutes to came back. Ringing in the ears might take longer. But true, the cheerbeer girl will be gone.

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For all you guys that don't like it.

Touch the girls bum ......... she won't be back.

Vision will take a few minutes to came back. Ringing in the ears might take longer. But true, the cheerbeer girl will be gone.

Maybe back in few minutes with her bib cousin..ermm.gif

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It seems a universal thing these days. When eating in many restaurants in the UK waiting staff have a habit of coming up to the table to ask "Is everything to your satisfaction?" or similar.

My response is "No, our waiter keeps interrupting our conversation with stupid questions! If something is wrong rest assured I'll ask for the manager."

I see your point, but being a waiter or waitress is an extremely difficult job and customers really should not give them a hard time.

My daughter once took on a temporary waitress job during her school holidays at an Italian restaurant in Chiang Mai. She was meant to work there for 6 weeks, but gave it up after only 3 weeks.

My daughter told me that whatever she done; she just could not do it right by many customers. Customers would either complain that she was too attentive, or not attentive enough, too fast with the bill after the meal, too slow presenting the bill after the meal and so on. My daughter was only 16 at the time and looked about 13. She told me that really gross old men, mostly farangs would try to touch her up or ask her out. Women customers would scream their orders at her like a dog. And all this for 120 baht per day on an 8-hour shift. The boss made his staff rely on tips and thought he could get away with paying breadline wages. Sometimes the boss would insist the staff worked longer hours for no extra pay, plus all the staff had to clean and tidy up after closing time before they could go home, again with no extra pay.

So please consider this next time you visit a restaurant or bar.

This must have been exceptionally hard for you to listen to Beetle as a father, sitting here reading this makes me feel very very angry!

If any member of a party of mine frequented any establishment and behaved like this, he/she would be be frogmarched out!

all i thought as a father is i hope my daughter has the fortitude to NOT give up after 3 weeks.

her mother has managed to work in high end Italian restaurants in Bangkok for the last 10 years. Starting as a hostess and ending up as operations manager.

She is continually recruited by start ups to locate, hire and train staff for them and oversee their fit outs as a liason between the owners (when foreign) and the renovator's etc.

I personally waited and bussed tables through high school and early college.

the job sucks, but it certainly isn't rocket science.

I hope your little girl survived the trauma, i will be sure to think of her next time i see someone actually persevering in a job they had agreed to do.

Edited by nocturn
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