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Conscription Of Your Son


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My son, the best thing and the saviour of my life, will not and I guarantee be entering the Thai army!

When my son is 21 he will be towards the end of a degree in a university in England! He will he British and no more! As well as Jewish.

A British passport is a passport to life. I couldn't give a monkeys! My wife who I live dearly will have an English passport by then, aswell as my son and me. Inevitably it will mean happuness!

How is he Jewish someone call him a Jew in the bar you drink in.

Does he go to Temple every week do you go.

Or is he Jew because he has a Thai mother I think he is more Thai Ask a Rabbi

I wonder if the poster would object to his son going to Israel then and doing his national service there ?..cos yes Israel has the same process in place, except that there is no "draw" they all go

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Anybody that cares about their child would not let them be sent into the Thai army or airforce or anything else with its decrepit machinery all bought and maintained under less than ideal conditions when copy parts are bought to replace failing items at a tenth of the cost and then send Somchai off to test it.

If any one feels that strongly then the solution is very simple, give up the citizenship...problem solved

Give up citizenship! Why? He will just exercise his right being a Thai national that corruption money solves problems.

And what happens if they cant afford the financial considerations required ?

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^^I guess if every father felt like that there would be no soldiers.

Wouldn't that be good? No soldiers soever, no more wars.

We shall look forward to that day!

That will be the same day they get rid of organised religion as well..wink.png

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

But thats you, but what happens if someone cant afford a 35k bung, thinking along the lines of some of the OAP's who are living off start pensions..35k is a big number...in some cases around 50% of their pension, bear in mind there are many people here who had their Thai children quite late in life

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Unfortunately life is not fair. It's not right, but it's the way it is. My sincerest sympathies and hope their child finished their duty with sound body and mind would be with them.

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Mjj you say pay the money someone who wants to go down that path then do so but in my opinion you should then loose any right to moan or complain about corruption in Thailand you have just added to the problem

The whole of the world is corrupt in the sense you have to pay for everything, no money no honey, they say.

Do I see the difference between paying for my son to be kept out of harms way through no fault of his own and paying for a child to not go to prison for committing a driving offence killing 9 people? Yes. Are they both forms of corruption? Yes.

You may think in black and white, but I only see shades of grey.

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Soutpeel, I agree with you that luk krungs should not be deferred also. The privileged, regardless of nationality always get the cream of what's on offer and that will never change.

As I said before, it's not just the Thai army, it would be any army. Like all parents I worry about the safety of my child and I will do anything to protect him according to my rules and morals.

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If british fathers had the same attitude as some of these posters britain would have been under nazi occupation their attitude disgusts me. You live in the country you have children here it is their duty

quite right.

we must protect the kingdom from Nazis at all costs.

its nice to see the resurrection of obsolete and irrelevant nationalist sentiments

We must protect the kingdom from Thaksin at all costs.

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If british fathers had the same attitude as some of these posters britain would have been under nazi occupation their attitude disgusts me. You live in the country you have children here it is their duty

quite right.

we must protect the kingdom from Nazis at all costs.

its nice to see the resurrection of obsolete and irrelevant nationalist sentiments

We must protect the kingdom from Thaksin at all costs.

And to that end believe we should conscript all the Farang pensioners into the peoples army to man the barricades, I mean lets face all they do all day is sit a home drinking chang and bleating on TV...thumbsup.gif

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If british fathers had the same attitude as some of these posters britain would have been under nazi occupation their attitude disgusts me. You live in the country you have children here it is their duty

quite right.

we must protect the kingdom from Nazis at all costs.

its nice to see the resurrection of obsolete and irrelevant nationalist sentiments

We must protect the kingdom from Thaksin at all costs.

And to that end believe we should conscript all the Farang pensioners into the peoples army to man the barricades, I mean lets face all they do all day is sit a home drinking chang and bleating on TV...thumbsup.gif

Dad's Army?


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If your son, blood son and not step son, cannot get into the military academies to possibly rise to the highest level he could possibly achieve and if he could not join the police academy to do like wise and eventually create a never ending stream of cash flow, then why should we be ok for him to be conscripted ?

That is if the statements in this thread are correct about a half thai child not being allowed into the elite.

God help if he became a prime minister.

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

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To all the armchair Generals on here - You talk the talk!

In reality would you really send YOUR sons to fight for another mans army?

Do you see the sons of politicians, Royality and god botherers in the front line?

What is a disgrace is to bring up, love , educate and cherish your son to see him snatched away at 18 to die for some false ideals.

No way will my sons ever be conscripted!

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If british fathers had the same attitude as some of these posters britain would have been under nazi occupation their attitude disgusts me. You live in the country you have children here it is their duty

quite right.

we must protect the kingdom from Nazis at all costs.

its nice to see the resurrection of obsolete and irrelevant nationalist sentiments

Not at all. It was the sense of duty that saved England. I suggest that the erosion of this sentiment is one of the reasons for the country's problems. There was a time, that Thais had a similar sense of duty. When a society loses its sense of cohesion, and willingness to give of itself, then it is reflected in antisocial activities and rampant selfishness.

Edited by geriatrickid
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what kind of father would let his own son get sent to the army of a country who hates him. Many loopholes. Your son isnt 100% thai so why should he serve people who think outsiders are worthless cockroaches

The fact that they carry a Thai passport or nationality makes then 100% Thai, so why should they be treat differently from other persons who are 100% Thai, I am detecting the typical farang sense of entitlement/"it doesnt apply to us", want to be treated differently attitude so prevelant with a lot long term farang residents in Thailand.

If you definitely dont want your son to be conscripted, then the solution is easy give up their citizenship them

Half thai-half farang kids are never treated as pure thais. In fact most thais will "make fun" of them out of jealousy for the duration of their whole life. So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

Edited by Hostile17
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To all the armchair Generals on here - You talk the talk!

In reality would you really send YOUR sons to fight for another mans army?

Do you see the sons of politicians, Royality and god botherers in the front line?

What is a disgrace is to bring up, love , educate and cherish your son to see him snatched away at 18 to die for some false ideals.

No way will my sons ever be conscripted!

What exactly is it that you disapprove of keeping in mind that the vast majority of conscripts are deployed for civil projects such as disaster relief and infrastructure assistance. Is it so wrong for a generation that has not had the greatest education in basic social structure to be taught how to get along, first aid, or to be exposed to other social groups? Is it so wrong that a generation of lost youth abandon the pursuit of material gain for a year? Are you aware that the Thai military actually trains drivers to drive safely? Yes, it's true, there is a drivers education. For all the faults of conscription it is the only way that Thais are brought together and taught some basic life skills. Conscription is not intended for active service.

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Soutpeel, I agree with you that luk krungs should not be deferred also. The privileged, regardless of nationality always get the cream of what's on offer and that will never change.

As I said before, it's not just the Thai army, it would be any army. Like all parents I worry about the safety of my child and I will do anything to protect him according to my rules and morals.

But when are you going to let him grow up?

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Soutpeel, I agree with you that luk krungs should not be deferred also. The privileged, regardless of nationality always get the cream of what's on offer and that will never change.

As I said before, it's not just the Thai army, it would be any army. Like all parents I worry about the safety of my child and I will do anything to protect him according to my rules and morals.

But when are you going to let him grow up?

I would bet like any father, his son will grow up at his own pace. But as a good father he will never stop trying to help or protect him.

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what kind of father would let his own son get sent to the army of a country who hates him. Many loopholes. Your son isnt 100% thai so why should he serve people who think outsiders are worthless cockroaches

Rather hysterical and innacurate reply don't you think?

If the son is a Thai citizen, he's treatedly no different under the law. But as you say, there are loopholes. Many of them even legal.

He probably is a dual citizen so would send him away to frang land immediately

Sent from my ST18a using Thaivisa Connect App

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So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

you must not be an average person then in your own country then ?."little racist brown boys" and your calling them racist...whistling.gif

Whats your hobby in your own country...wearing a white pillow case on your head and burning an ocassional cross....rolleyes.gif

Got news for you...you are being racist against your own child as he happens to be 50% a little brown boy as well in case you hadnet noticed...

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The fact that they carry a Thai passport or nationality makes then 100% Thai, so why should they be treat differently from other persons who are 100% Thai

The fact that he has a farang father, means he could never be a General in the army, I agree with the OP to some degree, why fight for a country who discriminates against you, of course when the time comes my son will be in the same position, I will let him choose, but he will know the facts before he chooses.

Agreed, but your son could then take that experience and join the Army of your birth country as an officer, so he would get the last laugh, in terms of military advancement. Which I'm sure would trump the generals position in a third world army?

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