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Conscription Of Your Son


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I have sons and i wil see hell freeze over before i let them get conscripted to the Thai army.

Who do you think was doing the flood relief work last year? Conscripts.

Which units are deployed after general flooding or catastrophe? Conscripts.

If you have lived in Thailand such that your son is now conscription age, then you will have benefited from the concripts being deployed after a natural disaster. Why then, would you expect someone else's kids to save you and them?

You like living in Thailand, but who is there to patrol the oceans keeping pirates at bay, to secure the borders, and to undertake social advancement projects? The full time defence forces can only do their job if the conscripts are there to take care of the non combat activities.

There are no pirates in Thai waters

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

How dare you call me that I have never done that. Maybe when I was 40 years younger I would seek a fool like you out to beat the living day lights out but now I am to old but honest for the last 20 years with the help of Jesus Christ

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what kind of father would let his own son get sent to the army of a country who hates him. Many loopholes. Your son isnt 100% thai so why should he serve people who think outsiders are worthless cockroaches

The fact that they carry a Thai passport or nationality makes then 100% Thai, so why should they be treat differently from other persons who are 100% Thai, I am detecting the typical farang sense of entitlement/"it doesnt apply to us", want to be treated differently attitude so prevelant with a lot long term farang residents in Thailand.

If you definitely dont want your son to be conscripted, then the solution is easy give up their citizenship them

Half thai-half farang kids are never treated as pure thais. In fact most thais will "make fun" of them out of jealousy for the duration of their whole life. So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

What a rascist post.

The fact that my kids are half Thai has been all advantageous for them

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To all the armchair Generals on here - You talk the talk!

In reality would you really send YOUR sons to fight for another mans army?

Do you see the sons of politicians, Royality and god botherers in the front line?

What is a disgrace is to bring up, love , educate and cherish your son to see him snatched away at 18 to die for some false ideals.

No way will my sons ever be conscripted!

Perhaps you have forgotten that Queen Elizabeth's son Prince Andrew fought in the Falklands War, and Prince Harry has served in Afghanistan.

And they were not in desk-jobs behind the front line action!

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I have sons and i wil see hell freeze over before i let them get conscripted to the Thai army.

Who do you think was doing the flood relief work last year? Conscripts.

Which units are deployed after general flooding or catastrophe? Conscripts.

If you have lived in Thailand such that your son is now conscription age, then you will have benefited from the concripts being deployed after a natural disaster. Why then, would you expect someone else's kids to save you and them?

You like living in Thailand, but who is there to patrol the oceans keeping pirates at bay, to secure the borders, and to undertake social advancement projects? The full time defence forces can only do their job if the conscripts are there to take care of the non combat activities.

There are no pirates in Thai waters

1 reported case last year....for the most part you are correct, but yes there are the ocassionals, usually down towards the southern gulf

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

How dare you call me that I have never done that. Maybe when I was 40 years younger I would seek a fool like you out to beat the living day lights out but now I am to old but honest for the last 20 years with the help of Jesus Christ

For 5k sure we could find some ex-SAS boys in Pattaya to go round and pay him a visit..laugh.png

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

That's hilarious, you guys would pay 100b to get off a traffic fine and be able to keep your licence and drive away. But pay for your sons safety and life ? That's criminal ? If you have a son and think like that, I think you have the suspect mixed up.

How dare you call me that I have never done that. Maybe when I was 40 years younger I would seek a fool like you out to beat the living day lights out but now I am to old but honest for the last 20 years with the help of Jesus Christ

Sounds like you and your offspring would be fine candidates for conscription.

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Soutpeel, I'm not a rich man, but someone quoted 35,000b. If that's true then it's not a problem. 300,000 I would still pay it. 3,000,000 we would leave Thailand.

You are criminal taking about given money to get you son out of the amry is crime. You have no shame to brag about it I hope the police arrest you Shame on you

Hmmm, choices, choices. For you to to have a bad opinion of me or for me to worry for 2 years about my son and maybe see him in a body bag? Now let me think.........you my man are a doughnut.

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I wonder how many expats are secretly hoping their Thai step son gets drafted into the military?

Most of them I bet - I know one that paid 20,000 baht to make sure his son was picked.

I know one that would pay more.

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Dad's Army?

Yes could well imagine quite a few Captain Mainwaring's amongst TV's elite....tongue.png

I suspect there are far more Pvt Pikes

And quite a few Sergeant Major Williamses .

You horrible lot .

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No, she was not she joined freely as a US citizen!

Conscription has been a way of Thailand's citizens fullfilling their military duty to their country. When one chose to be a resident in Thailand and had a male Thai child, it is a universal obligation for that person to present himself to the draft/consription in Thailand at a certain age.

You already made that decision for him, you should have considered that before you had a child that must complied with the laws of the country of his birth.


Edited by metisdead
: Stop posting using bold fonts!
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No, she was not she joined freely as a US citizen!

Conscription has been a way of Thailand's citizens fullfilling their military duty to their country. When one chose to be a resident in Thailand and had a male Thai child, it is a universal obligation for that person to present himself to the draft/consription in Thailand at a certain age.

You already made that decision for him, you should have considered that before you had a child that must complied with the laws of the country of his birth.


What a croc...answer my post #79 above then if we are talking whats fair and equal.

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No, she was not she joined freely as a US citizen!

Conscription has been a way of Thailand's citizens fullfilling their military duty to their country. When one chose to be a resident in Thailand and had a male Thai child, it is a universal obligation for that person to present himself to the draft/consription in Thailand at a certain age.

You already made that decision for him, you should have considered that before you had a child that must complied with the laws of the country of his birth.


My son wasn't born here. Conscription, draft can someone tell me what year this is.

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No, she was not she joined freely as a US citizen!

Conscription has been a way of Thailand's citizens fullfilling their military duty to their country. When one chose to be a resident in Thailand and had a male Thai child, it is a universal obligation for that person to present himself to the draft/consription in Thailand at a certain age.

You already made that decision for him, you should have considered that before you had a child that must complied with the laws of the country of his birth.


My son wasn't born here. Conscription, draft can someone tell me what year this is.

But he does have Thai nationality ?...yes...so were he was born is somewhat irrevelant, I wasnt born in the country were I eventually did national service, but the fact I had the "other" countries nationality and wanted to live in that country, I was obligated to do the national service for 2 years when I turned 18 and it wasnt a lottery...you could get deferment to study, but once your studies were complete...of you went for 2 year in the sun

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I found this at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok under Dual Nationals.

Dual nationals may be liable for military service in the country of their other nationality.

Countries where this is more likely include Egypt, Greece, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and most countries in central and eastern Europe.

Dual nationals who plan to visit the country of their other nationality are advised to check whether they will be required to perform military service. This should be done before leaving Australia, by checking with that country's embassy or consulate in Australia.

Some countries allow nationals who have been living abroad to enter and stay for a limited time before incurring obligations for military service. In others, there is no such period and the obligation is imposed immediately upon arrival.

In these countries, dial nationals may be ‘called up’ and, if they haven’t reported for duty, may be regarded as defaulters whether they were aware of the call-up or not. They could then either be imprisoned, or inducted into the military forces when they next arrive in the country or attempt to leave the country. Even dual nationals who have passed the age of military service may be considered defaulters for failing to report at the required time.

Authorities in other countries may not accept ignorance of obligations as an excuse for failure to comply.


Edited by OZEMADE
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It is a fact of life in Thailand , that there is army duty for youths . I have given this topic some thought and I have no conclusion , bar my son will be fit for it ,and or , hopefully have enough academical merits to be able to pass the full term required .

Guid luck son , ye'll need it .

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It is a fact of life in Thailand , that there is army duty for youths . I have given this topic some thought and I have no conclusion , bar my son will be fit for it ,and or , hopefully have enough academical merits to be able to pass the full term required .

Guid luck son , ye'll need it .

I was conscripted (National Service) in 1967 in Australia, did my 2 yrs and fought in Vietnam in 1968/69 with "D" Coy 1 RAR. I did not like it much but it was either go into the Armed Forces or Prison. Thems the breaks in life.
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To all the armchair Generals on here - You talk the talk!

In reality would you really send YOUR sons to fight for another mans army?

Do you see the sons of politicians, Royality and god botherers in the front line?

What is a disgrace is to bring up, love , educate and cherish your son to see him snatched away at 18 to die for some false ideals.

No way will my sons ever be conscripted!

Perhaps you have forgotten that Queen Elizabeth's son Prince Andrew fought in the Falklands War, and Prince Harry has served in Afghanistan.

And they were not in desk-jobs behind the front line action!

Media can be manipulated, do you seriously think the royals where put in danger. It was all for show!
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To all the armchair Generals on here - You talk the talk!

In reality would you really send YOUR sons to fight for another mans army?

Do you see the sons of politicians, Royality and god botherers in the front line?

What is a disgrace is to bring up, love , educate and cherish your son to see him snatched away at 18 to die for some false ideals.

No way will my sons ever be conscripted!

What exactly is it that you disapprove of keeping in mind that the vast majority of conscripts are deployed for civil projects such as disaster relief and infrastructure assistance. Is it so wrong for a generation that has not had the greatest education in basic social structure to be taught how to get along, first aid, or to be exposed to other social groups? Is it so wrong that a generation of lost youth abandon the pursuit of material gain for a year? Are you aware that the Thai military actually trains drivers to drive safely? Yes, it's true, there is a drivers education. For all the faults of conscription it is the only way that Thais are brought together and taught some basic life skills. Conscription is not intended for active service.

I have no objections to a lost generation of youth THAT NEED GUIDENCE being conscripted.
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I have no objections to a lost generation of youth THAT NEED GUIDENCE being conscripted.

Ah. So what yer saying is that you've got no problems with other people's sons being conscripted, but not your own. Just so we're clear on this...

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I have sons and i wil see hell freeze over before i let them get conscripted to the Thai army.

Who do you think was doing the flood relief work last year? Conscripts.

Which units are deployed after general flooding or catastrophe? Conscripts.

If you have lived in Thailand such that your son is now conscription age, then you will have benefited from the concripts being deployed after a natural disaster. Why then, would you expect someone else's kids to save you and them?

You like living in Thailand, but who is there to patrol the oceans keeping pirates at bay, to secure the borders, and to undertake social advancement projects? The full time defence forces can only do their job if the conscripts are there to take care of the non combat activities.

Yo, why then are you constantly against the military in the name of your so-called democracy upholding people who are doing nothing in the name of democracy while destroying the country? I think you are riding on your high horse. Stop impressing people in a wrong way. TIT as you said and you should stop "preaching"/

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Perhaps it's best for me to post a new topic on this but there seems to be some knowledge here already. I've read the first page and the last two pages and haven't seen any mention of US/Thai young men discussed. My question is this. My son was born in the US and currently holds a Thai and US passport. If he conscripts in the Thai military does he have to give up his US citizenship? What are the ins and outs regarding US/Thai citizens and this issue? Any help would be great.

(moderator feel free to move this post if more appropriate elsewhere. )

Edited by chris1dna
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I have no objections to a lost generation of youth THAT NEED GUIDENCE being conscripted.

Ah. So what yer saying is that you've got no problems with other people's sons being conscripted, but not your own. Just so we're clear on this...

Brutally honest and cystal clear. You won't hear the "elite" admit that though.
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Perhaps it's best for me to post a new topic on this but there seems to be some knowledge here already. I've read the first page and the last two pages and haven't seen any mention of US/Thai young men discussed. My question is this. My son was born in the US and currently holds a Thai and US passport. If he conscripts in the Thai military does he have to give up his US citizenship? What are the ins and outs regarding US/Thai citizens and this issue? Any help would be great.

(moderator feel free to move this post if more appropriate elsewhere. )

My earlier post #110 should have answered your question.

If unsure. Dual nationals who plan to visit the country of their other nationality are advised to check whether they will be required to perform military service. This should be done before leaving Australia, by checking with that country's embassy or consulate in Australia.

So if your son has a Thai passport, I presume he has been granted Thai citizenship and therefore may be eligible to be conscripted. Check with the American Embassy.

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So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

you must not be an average person then in your own country then ?."little racist brown boys" and your calling them racist...whistling.gif

Whats your hobby in your own country...wearing a white pillow case on your head and burning an ocassional cross....rolleyes.gif

Got news for you...you are being racist against your own child as he happens to be 50% a little brown boy as well in case you hadnet noticed...

So those little racist brown boys can fight their own wars and move their washing machines themselves in the floods. We are living here, paying and putting money into the economy but we do not care about the well being of racists. We simply use the ressources and will gladly move out to any other country if we need to.

If it were back home and he was conscripted(which could not happen) i would not give a rat's ass. The average person in my country isnt racist so i care about their well being. Good people deserve help, racists dont.

you must not be an average person then in your own country then ?."little racist brown boys" and your calling them racist...whistling.gif

Whats your hobby in your own country...wearing a white pillow case on your head and burning an ocassional cross....rolleyes.gif

Got news for you...you are being racist against your own child as he happens to be 50% a little brown boy as well in case you hadnet noticed...

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