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Everyone Entitled To Dress In Red: Democrats

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When I first visited here there was a lot of pink shirts. Then the Yellow shirts came and it would seem that the pink shirts fell out of favor.

Then the red shirts came and wore shirts the color of the flag while they tried to destroy the nation. Invaded a hospital Publicly urged the citizens to burn Bangkok down cost thousands of people there jobs for a couple of months probably ruined some small business. And to top it all off said they were doing it for democracy. And O yes let us not forget they brought weapons with them. To accomplish these ends.

Maybe Thailand should get a flag that has no red on it. They for sure have disgraced the red in it.

".. the yellow shirts came in and pink fell out of favour" that is it?!? no mention of illegally occupying Goverment House, Closing Parliament or Thrashing an Internaltional Airport?

Haha... love the double standard rolleyes.gif

"Thrashing an International airport"

Must have been an ordeal

Does it matter?

The point is double standards of many TV posters are amazing.

Well it shows us some thing about your values over 90 dead compared to none dead and you and your like think it is the same thing.

I suppose life is cheap to people like you

  • Like 1
Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Oh dear me.

Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?

See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?

Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".

It's like a discussion I had with yunla once ( if you can call an exchange of posts with yunla a discussion) where I pointed out that there seems to be a dehumanisation thing going on - they're not human or as good as us so insult them all you wish, scum, phrai, buffalo, non intelligent etc which is then extended to the posters who support them. A curious phenomenon............


Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

You're right, everyone is entitled to wear Blue, White, Yellow or whatever color they'd like to. He's just addressing to the public that wearing Red carries a symbolic meaning for "Land and the People" which the Red-Shirts shouldn't be able to have a monopoly on. Before this color coded conflict, people were able to wear whatever color they wanted but now it seems yellow,red,blue carry political leanings. As such, it causes people to think twice about what to wear on any given day when it shouldn't. It's old news that people already knew and the Democrats are just readdressing the issues so that people can reflect on it again. You might consider this report a complete waste of space, but it might be that people need a stimulus to initiate this reflection.

  • Like 2

Funny, for such a great 'waste of space' it seems to have PPD & TL in a huff & doing their own bit to waste more space. Yes, I'm wasting space too.

Nothing like a non-story about a Dem to get the fingers moving. Now where is that enlistment 'forgery'?


Those 2 are 2 of the top 3 posters in the thread...

Thank you very much - Do we get a prize?


But one can't possibly permit Dems or PADs to wear the colour Red, it makes it harder to maintain the PR-split, and even hints at reconciliation, now who would ever really want that ? ! wink.png

PS Yes, this post is tongue-in-cheek !

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Oh dear me.

Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?

See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?

Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".

It's like a discussion I had with yunla once ( if you can call an exchange of posts with yunla a discussion) where I pointed out that there seems to be a dehumanisation thing going on - they're not human or as good as us so insult them all you wish, scum, phrai, buffalo, non intelligent etc which is then extended to the posters who support them. A curious phenomenon............

Problem is that the very Red Shirt leaders that you seemingly intent to defend in almost every case, do the exact same thing to their opponents ie: their rallies which exhibits much more name calling and dehumanisation. and you haven't demonstrated any "non-bias" opinion about those. Your condescending reply to the OP is just another version of Moruya's reply except his was direct but both condescending nonetheless.


Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

You're right, everyone is entitled to wear Blue, White, Yellow or whatever color they'd like to. He's just addressing to the public that wearing Red carries a symbolic meaning for "Land and the People" which the Red-Shirts shouldn't be able to have a monopoly on. Before this color coded conflict, people were able to wear whatever color they wanted but now it seems yellow,red,blue carry political leanings. As such, it causes people to think twice about what to wear on any given day when it shouldn't. It's old news that people already knew and the Democrats are just readdressing the issues so that people can reflect on it again. You might consider this report a complete waste of space, but it might be that people need a stimulus to initiate this reflection.

So instead of reconciliation Korn is stirring up the populace. Good move for democracy.

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Oh dear me.

Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?

See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?

Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".

It's like a discussion I had with yunla once ( if you can call an exchange of posts with yunla a discussion) where I pointed out that there seems to be a dehumanisation thing going on - they're not human or as good as us so insult them all you wish, scum, phrai, buffalo, non intelligent etc which is then extended to the posters who support them. A curious phenomenon............

Problem is that the very Red Shirt leaders that you seemingly intent to defend in almost every case, do the exact same thing to their opponents ie: their rallies which exhibits much more name calling and dehumanisation. and you haven't demonstrated any "non-bias" opinion about those. Your condescending reply to the OP is just another version of Moruya's reply except his was direct but both condescending nonetheless.

Theres condescending and theres calling someone a cretin. If you don't have the value system to work that out thats your problem.

Violence versus nonviolence?

I am no yellow shirt but given a choice...

PAD had armed forces too the " Srivichai Warriors" it's easier to stay pacifist when the army is cheering you on rather than taking pop shots at you.

not a red shirt either...


Well it shows us some thing about your values over 90 dead compared to none dead and you and your like think it is the same thing.

I suppose life is cheap to people like you

See my answer above.

As for "the people like you" comment it says a lot about your own state of mind.

The irony is the completely bias black or white views you always post show you actually have a lot more in common with the Red Shirts than you think :: 2cents::


Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

You're right, everyone is entitled to wear Blue, White, Yellow or whatever color they'd like to. He's just addressing to the public that wearing Red carries a symbolic meaning for "Land and the People" which the Red-Shirts shouldn't be able to have a monopoly on. Before this color coded conflict, people were able to wear whatever color they wanted but now it seems yellow,red,blue carry political leanings. As such, it causes people to think twice about what to wear on any given day when it shouldn't. It's old news that people already knew and the Democrats are just readdressing the issues so that people can reflect on it again. You might consider this report a complete waste of space, but it might be that people need a stimulus to initiate this reflection.

So instead of reconciliation Korn is stirring up the populace. Good move for democracy.

That depends on which perspective you're looking at. I suppose Your use of 'stirring' is meant to be used negatively. As a citizen who doesn't wear a particular color, it's good to know that someone else is thinking the same thing about the color Red.

To use the word 'stirring', you might as well apply it to almost every political news and rallies. So no need to point out Korn and democracy here.

Lastly, i wore a yellow shirt before stepping outside today until my older brother stopped and said 'dont wear that shirt, it's bad for business' even though it was a gift from a visiting (non political) relative. To much dismay, i agreed and changed. This of course would apply to Red color shirt as well and it's sad.

  • Like 1

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Feels like it was posted just so folks could have a good old-fashion rant ...

Seems it worked, gave your mentor and example in life a chance to mention his favourite subject, burning things

Bitchy, rubl, bitchy. I think you'll find, on almost every occasion, that when it comes to mentioning the burning down of bangkok and armed supporters etc I and mr. Lansford, will be beaten to the post by hellodolly whose favourite subject, not ours, seems to be burning and violence and armed people. Maybe in a previous life he was in the thai army?

It's just that it's soooooo easy to talk about red shirts burning things when there are soooooo many videos of them telling their supporters to burn everything in sight, including city halls not in Bangkok. Why, they were even told (you can watch the video on Utube) to carry gasoline in bottles and that Nutthawut would be responsible for everything, big joke that. You can talk all the nonsense you like but the truth is that you support arsonists, terrorists and convicted felons. Why anyone with any common sense would listen to you is beyond me.


What about the new mob down south that have just started wearing blue shirts, 'O' that may have been the local footy team.

Personally I wear what ever coloured shirt I please any where in Thailand or any where else. You dont think they really worry about us farungs and what we wear. They probably get more of a laugh looking at old guys getting new tatts and wearing socks and sandals.

  • Like 1

- deleted-

".. the yellow shirts came in and pink fell out of favour" that is it?!? no mention of illegally occupying Goverment House, Closing Parliament or Thrashing an Internaltional Airport?

Haha... love the double standard rolleyes.gif

"Thrashing an International airport"

Must have been an ordeal

Does it matter?

The point is double standards of many TV posters are amazing.

Well it shows us some thing about your values over 90 dead compared to none dead and you and your like think it is the same thing.

I suppose life is cheap to people like you

"compared to none dead"

1) you know that is not true, or you are willfully ignorant

2) who did kill most of those 90? Not the red shirts, eh...


... And O yes let us not forget they brought weapons with them.

I had to pass through both the yellow shirt protests and the red shirt protests, numerous times. Prior to war breaking out, the only ones I saw with weapons were the yellow shirts' guards at Government House.

I don't suppose you have any photos?

Unfortunately, the guards at the yellow shirt encampment weren't camera friendly. As I was being detoured around their encampment, I didn't feel it prudent to pull out my camera. I felt concerned for my safety

I did take photos of the red shirt protest. The times I was there, I was allowed to freely wander the area. At no time, ever, did I feel unwelcome, let alone threatened.

How much time had you spent at either protest?


Oh dear me.

Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?

See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?

Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".

It's like a discussion I had with yunla once ( if you can call an exchange of posts with yunla a discussion) where I pointed out that there seems to be a dehumanisation thing going on - they're not human or as good as us so insult them all you wish, scum, phrai, buffalo, non intelligent etc which is then extended to the posters who support them. A curious phenomenon............

Problem is that the very Red Shirt leaders that you seemingly intent to defend in almost every case, do the exact same thing to their opponents ie: their rallies which exhibits much more name calling and dehumanisation. and you haven't demonstrated any "non-bias" opinion about those. Your condescending reply to the OP is just another version of Moruya's reply except his was direct but both condescending nonetheless.

Theres condescending and theres calling someone a cretin. If you don't have the value system to work that out thats your problem.

I guess it matters a lot when YOU are called a cretin. To remind you, 9 other people were called that and worse recently but ti doesn't matter then would it? It's freedom of speech and criticizing in the name of Democracy isn't it?

Take the same value system that you have and apply it to the Red Shirt leaders. I don't expect you to show much disdain for their behavior as long as they're on your "side". Speaking about sides, for every 1 insult from a Democrat, I can show you about 20 from the Red Shirts. Both are wrong I admit, but one just seems to flourish in it.


I guess it matters a lot when YOU are called a cretin. To remind you, 9 other people were called that and worse recently but ti doesn't matter then would it? It's freedom of speech and criticizing in the name of Democracy isn't it?

Take the same value system that you have and apply it to the Red Shirt leaders. I don't expect you to show much disdain for their behavior as long as they're on your "side". Speaking about sides, for every 1 insult from a Democrat, I can show you about 20 from the Red Shirts. Both are wrong I admit, but one just seems to flourish in it.

"I guess it matters a lot when YOU are called a cretin. To remind you, 9 other people were called that and worse recently but ti doesn't matter then would it? It's freedom of speech and criticizing in the name of Democracy isn't it?"

I was writing a post on an internet forum. They were responsible for a constitutional crisis that could have led to clashes on the streets and has led to a rewriting of the powers of the Constitutional Court.

A far, far different order of importance and impact on the Thai political system than my posting on here could ever do. Do you wonder why they are criticised?


"compared to none dead"

1) you know that is not true, or you are willfully ignorant

2) who did kill most of those 90? Not the red shirts, eh...

Oh no? Care to share with us the information of who killed who?

You can;t cause you don't know and will never know, given the coming reconciliation/whitewash bill!

So let's self reflect on your fist point, shall we!


A far, far different order of importance and impact on the Thai political system than my posting on here could ever do. Do you wonder why they are criticised?

Because they were too critical in the eyes of your crime lord in Dubai?


I guess it matters a lot when YOU are called a cretin. To remind you, 9 other people were called that and worse recently but ti doesn't matter then would it? It's freedom of speech and criticizing in the name of Democracy isn't it?

Take the same value system that you have and apply it to the Red Shirt leaders. I don't expect you to show much disdain for their behavior as long as they're on your "side". Speaking about sides, for every 1 insult from a Democrat, I can show you about 20 from the Red Shirts. Both are wrong I admit, but one just seems to flourish in it.

"I guess it matters a lot when YOU are called a cretin. To remind you, 9 other people were called that and worse recently but ti doesn't matter then would it? It's freedom of speech and criticizing in the name of Democracy isn't it?"

I was writing a post on an internet forum. They were responsible for a constitutional crisis that could have led to clashes on the streets and has led to a rewriting of the powers of the Constitutional Court.

A far, far different order of importance and impact on the Thai political system than my posting on here could ever do. Do you wonder why they are criticised?

Actually yes, I do wonder why they're being criticized. They're being criticized NOW because of their recent verdicts on the whitewashing bills but they were NOT criticized when they ruled in favor of Thaksin and the ruling party. You can't have it both ways: either they're a truly bias system whose judgements should bear no value, or they are a non partisan system that judges according to the rule of law.

The Red shirts seem to put the court judges in the former category and criticize them as such, but again, why were there no criticisms when the court had to rule on the Emergency budget bill?

Replace the word "Red shirts" with "Thai people", and we might actually see a reason for such criticisms. As of now, it's coming from one group's hatred which were spurred on by their leaders.

<b>Moruya, on Today, 17:20 , said:</b><br /><br />Oh dear me.<br /><br />Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?<br />
<br />See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?<br /><br />Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".<br /><br />It's like a discussion I had with yunla once ( if you can call an exchange of posts with yunla a discussion) where I pointed out that there seems to be a dehumanisation thing going on - they're not human or as good as us so insult them all you wish, scum, phrai, buffalo, non intelligent etc which is then extended to the posters who support them. A curious phenomenon............

I'm practising my invective


Sometimes I wonder why I'm not a Red shirt so let me see if I can answer this by doing a comparison:

Red Shirt's actions and beliefs (some based on their Leader's propaganda):

- Fighting for Democracy in Thailand; to be free from elitists. - If true, I agree with this.

- Use whatever means necessary including violence and arson to achieve Democracy. - No, I don't agree with this one.

- Intimidating opposition - No

- Asking justice for the deaths of unarmed protestors - Sure, only if BOTH sides are to be held accountable excluding scapegoats.

- Thaksin and Yingluck are the best choices for this country - Definite no.

- Entrapping themselves in this idea of "Us, Poor" vs "Them, Elite" - Not doing anyone good here, just negative thoughts.

- Pushing for reconciliation bills to whitewash a corrupt ex PM - Contradictions here, so count me out.

- Are OK with murderers and criminals to be in gov't positions without actual ability to govern - Not this either.

- Finally, unite under one movement called the UDD - Count me out.

So yea, I agree with them in some sense but there's just too much I don't agree with.

  • Like 2

All seriousness aside, I wear red underwear when Utd play.

Kinky (if you don't weare trousers)

Codpieces come in crimson?

I can think of a fair few but shall refrain from naming them.

They know who they are!

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

As probably the most eloquent of the conjoined Propagate Thaksin People and Destroy Democracy Demonically twisted pair coupling, this is your most useless post. Ever

Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Oh dear me.

Did you really post that or did a cretin take control of your body?

See there you go and spoil it all - What is it with you pro democrats, anti reds or whatever that impels you to insult people nearly every time you post?

Now I'm quite willing to bet (if such a thing were allowed) that the majority of insults are from one direction only. I don't know why this is, but we, the small majority on this forum that are red leaning or neutral and questioning tend to be of the polite persuasion but there seems to be a lack of control on the other "side".


extremely funny as the freighter-ship size of deleted posts by you and your ilk are a testament to which side lacks control as the litany of "derogatory, profanity, flaming, baiting, and nonsense posts" as they are referred to when they get deleted.



Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear. Tell me Korn didn't say or do that. Tell me The Nation didn't print that. Tell me TV didn't post this. Now if Buchholz doesn't dig out that tired old photograph of Pol. Col. Thingummy dressed all in red with a "funny" caption my day would not be complete.

Note to Korn: Psst, Blue is a democrat Party colour, Blue is a colour on the national flag. People are entitled to dress in Blue too.

What a complete waste of space.................

Oh dear, oh dear.

Note to phiphidon: Korn didn't even try to suggest that non-democrats can't wear blue. He just remarked on "red colour, flag colour". Just to show you how that works, the democratic part that is, I would not have the slightest objection to you wearing Orangewink.png

And nor did I say that he did. I was merely pointing out to him one of the other two colours he could have chosen that are part of the thai flag.

By the way, just because you do not wear blue and may even wear red, it does not follow that you are by definition, a non democrat, as you / he? suggest. I would suspect that a very large percentage of people who either are or support red shirts also support democracy - I know thats not what you hear on here daily but the TV forum is hardly representative of the Thai people, luckily.

Yes thats good as many hate what the red shirts have done and what Big T stands for

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