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Swede Fatally Stabs Thai Girlfriend’S Facebook Friend


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"Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden"

Typical Swedish namewhistling.gif

If the accused was a Swedish national, and raised in Sweden the suggestion that because his name is middle eastern makes him less Swedish is bunkum. Swedes are forever espousing support of their middle eastern brethern, so if anything, the chap fit right in.

Having a non Swedish name doesn't make anyone less Swedish, particularly if the person was a product of the Swedish environment and exposed to the same values and behaviours as guys named Thor Torqvist, or Sven Swenson.

How about the more logical assertion that it was an immature 18 year old faced with an affair of the heart that he could not handle?

But, But, he hasn't got blond hair, blue eyes and a cow horn hat eh. huh.png
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Not all Facebook "friends" are friends in the true sense of the word. I think there is more to the story.

You think so. Me too.

Well I've seen a few examples of both Thai girls and boys who meet the opposite sex and are attracted and then quickly made aware that the other person is already attached / very attached long-term / or already married, but they don't back off.

Happened recently to my young Thai niece, she's about 24, career girl, in a long-term very stable relationship with a very stable young Thai man who has a good career. And the girl is not a flirt.

The new boy in the office tried very quickly to move, very quickly she explained and her colleagues explained - 'she's taken'!

New boy didn't listen, started to call her at midnight, early hours of the morning. Continuously left gifts on her desk, and manged to get her home address and turned up at her house, she refused to let him come inside.

The young lady complained to her boss and discovered that her other work colleagues had already laid complaints about this young man. He didn't complete probation.

But let's be fair this is not just a Thai scenario.

I had a similar experience when buying a PC in Bangkok,the young Thai man in the shop started hitting on my Fiancee(she's in her 30's but he didn't seem to care!).

Wouldn't take no for an answer,was openly mocking the "Kwai Farang" in the shop,copied all our details and made numerous phone calls to my Fiancee,

When I called the shop and explained what he was up to he got fired(again not the first complaint),my Fiancee kept freaking out cause he was "from South" and "baa baa bo bo",

I was only concerned for herself as like Mr Jonis I am a martial artist(and also 6ft and 17stone,and with a lot of years under the belt in the security business)-I wasn't AS aware of the Thai penchant for over the top violence then or I would have been more concerned...

So "mr south" has our address,has a few whiskies one afternoon and decides to "sort me out" and "take her away from the Kwai Farang" and turns up at our Apartment...unfortunately for him while 2 of my friends who are in the Thai Army were with me(we had just been out shooting at an Army Base in Bangkok),

I had already explained the situation with him so when I saw him at the door(through the peephole) my Thai friends barrelled me out of the way and ahem "apprehended" him at the door with a 7 inch Bayonet in his belt,

By the time he was handed over to the BiB I was ALMOST feeling sorry for him.

was a serious lesson about how overboard people can go,

as was pointed out NOT only a Thai phenomenom but it does happen,

I can't help thinking that IF my Friends hadn't been with me and IF I had just opened the door I could have been

A.Dead and my Honey attacked,

or B. in the same boat as Mr. Jotis.-scary.

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According to Thairath the Thai girl Jeeranan was a student who had gone to continue her studies in Sweden 2 years ago where she met Jonis and they became girlfriend and boyfriend. She decided to visit Thailand with him and before departing she contacted her old Thai bf Wasan (the deceased) via Facebook. So it appears the deceased wasn't a new acquaintance at all but her old Thai bf. Jeeranan and Jonis went to Pattaya first, then onto her hometown of Sakaew where they took a hotel room for two nights. She phoned and invited her old bf over who knew she had a new farang bf who was at the hotel. On opening the door to the room the old Thai bf allegedly rushed into the room, locked the door and the fight ensued, with tragic consequences.



Thanks for the update. For once its a big change.

Sadly before you, we got dozens and dozens message of misinformation, speculation, rambling and always from the same old pricky tv members... whistling.gif

Edited by Bender
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This is the biggest load of useless c**p I have ever heard. A man surnamed Mahmood has a fight with a Thai man over a girl.

One presumably of middle Eastern persuasion and one a young Thai man. And you wonder how two of the most male dominated religions, societies or cultures in the world end up fighting over a girl. Face isn't the preserve of only the Thai's you do understand.

Only a few weeks ago, we had a German bloke tatooed with swastikas, a skin head hair cut and a dodgy beard, and we honestly had people here claiming that he wasn't of some kind of Nazi persuasion, but the the tatoos meant nothing, and they were possibly because he was a devout buddhist.

I will wait for the papers to tell me that Mr. Mahmood is actually a mormon or scientologist or KKK, and the the unfortunate Thai kid was a moonie, but, before I use my brain and work out that a moslem bloke with a European passport, got into a scrap with hot headed Thai kid over a less than glamourous luuk kreung, and instead of either of the men being smart enough to back down and say "you can have her", they rather stupidly decided to get into a wrestling match over a knife brought along by the Thai kid. Macho nonces the both of them.

In all of this, I believe that as much as the other bloke is the annoyance, it is often the idea that as a man, one has been played as a fool that is a far greater emotional hit. Breaking up is hard to do, but realising that you have been played is even worse. More fool the girl for thinking that her actions wouldn't result in something bad. But then, so did the girl in Udon with her nazi boyrfriend, and so it was in this situation.

So, let me see...

- Because his surname is Mamood you add an 'h' to it, then decides all on your own that he is a muslim, culturally prone to violence, an immigrant to Sweden from the Middle East and probably has a family cultural background of honor killings ( well, someone else said that last part, but I guess you are in full agreement ).

- Then you compare that to a TV story on a German guy with a documented Nazi tatoo and claims that I am 'denying' something obvious - just as those posters who refuted the idea about the German guy being a Nazi.

- And when I simply state that I think his background is rather irrelevant, you lash out calling it 'the worst cr*p you've ever heard'..

So, Mr Thai At Heart, are you serious ?

FYI, these types of crimes are commited in all cultures, by all ethnicities, and always has been. Of course you know that, but since that doesn't fit with your muslim immigrant theory, you choose to completely ignore that.

In addition to that, you actually know absolutely zilch, nothing, nada about this guy, You are just jumping to conclusions like a kid runs to a bowl of candy. 'Ahh, an immigrant-sounding name! Now I can prove my theories about muslim immigrant Swedes being mad knife-wielding killers!'

Being dissed by you honestly feels like a compliment. I would honesly be scared if anything I tried to say would resonate in harmony with your line of thought.


No I disagree, I didn't say the kid wasn't Swedish, he is as Swedish as any other, that is the law. If Mahmood is a very widely used name among the "native" Swedish population I stand corrected. I wait to find out that his parents have lived in Sweden for 30 generations.

But to deny the very obvious is soooo tired. He looks like a very normal, little, wide eyed, muslim, Swedish kid that got into the wrong place at the wrong time, but he has a name that overwhelmingly suggest something, and we are here discussing what we can read and see from the reports. Why bother denying it, if he was called Svend Goran Eriksson, wearing a soccer kit in bed, that would suggest that he is a womanising overrated football coach. Would we all be sitting here if there was a plain sighted picture of Svend running out of the building clutching a soccer ball, with his c**k hanging out of his shorts as to who and what he is????

I can imagine exactly how this fight came to be, and the more worrying issue is why did neither walk away? Why fight? It is a combination of testosterone, culture, society, history, upbringing and other aspects that lead to these confrontations. There is always something, that either triggers the fight or flight mechanism, some people go one way, some people the other.

A Thai male youth, brought up on a diet of face, misplaced pride, and stupid soap operas, challenged by a farang, resorts to violence, and Mr. Mahmood defended himself, but apparently a bit too vigorously. It looks like self defence to me, but lets see.

I have seen huge Icelanders beaten to a pulp where I live, because he tossed an ice cube at a boyfriend of one of the waitresses leaving having been to early to pick her up. He was an arrogant, WASP, overbuilt, over-steroided idiot. Did he deserve to be beaten up by 6 little guys with baseball bats. But did it go exactly to type? Perfectly.

I have lived and worked in some middle eastern countries, I never claim to understand the culture perfectly, but I would be lying if I didn't believe that men there tend to treat the wives/girlfriends like possessions. . That maybe true of some other parts of the world, but I believe it to be true to that part of the world. If I didn't say it, I would be lying about what I believe. Have I ever seen a muslim man defuse the situation and walk away from a fight? Nope.

Having lived here on and off for 20 years, I would say that I believe the same to be largely true of young men in Thailand. I have never seen men pine and tear themselves up over a woman as they can in Thailand, not because they they lost a woman, but because they feel personally slighted by being rejected.

Beyond that, we now have another part of culture that is raising its head in Thailand. The women are rebelling and openly flaunting to the men they are with, that they are free to be with whoever they want. They are exercising (rather naively) their control, and expecting there to be no consequences. Well, little miss facebook in Udon learnt a tragic lesson herself, and now, Mr. Mahmood will have to hope that he can convince the system here that he got dragged into a situation beyond his control.

Many years ago, II myself was challenged by a guy at my hotel door whilst he brandished a gun, claiming I was in bed with his wife. What did I do? I scarpered pretty dam_n quick.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Nice picture

And by the way- is Mr. Jonis Mamood, really a swedish name?

Yeah, right! And Barack Hussein Obama really is a USA name. Something about a Swede by any other name ... but it escapes me ...

Well, I assume Mamood is a Swedish citizen, though obviously at least his father's ancestors are not from Sweden. As for the President of the USA, his name is perhaps not a common one, especially among WASPs, but I was not aware that the USA was a whites-only country! His name is as American as the next guy's.

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This is the biggest load of useless c**p I have ever heard. A man surnamed Mahmood has a fight with a Thai man over a girl.

One presumably of middle Eastern persuasion and one a young Thai man. And you wonder how two of the most male dominated religions, societies or cultures in the world end up fighting over a girl. Face isn't the preserve of only the Thai's you do understand.

Only a few weeks ago, we had a German bloke tatooed with swastikas, a skin head hair cut and a dodgy beard, and we honestly had people here claiming that he wasn't of some kind of Nazi persuasion, but the the tatoos meant nothing, and they were possibly because he was a devout buddhist.

I will wait for the papers to tell me that Mr. Mahmood is actually a mormon or scientologist or KKK, and the the unfortunate Thai kid was a moonie, but, before I use my brain and work out that a moslem bloke with a European passport, got into a scrap with hot headed Thai kid over a less than glamourous luuk kreung, and instead of either of the men being smart enough to back down and say "you can have her", they rather stupidly decided to get into a wrestling match over a knife brought along by the Thai kid. Macho nonces the both of them.

In all of this, I believe that as much as the other bloke is the annoyance, it is often the idea that as a man, one has been played as a fool that is a far greater emotional hit. Breaking up is hard to do, but realising that you have been played is even worse. More fool the girl for thinking that her actions wouldn't result in something bad. But then, so did the girl in Udon with her nazi boyrfriend, and so it was in this situation.

So, let me see...

- Because his surname is Mamood you add an 'h' to it, then decides all on your own that he is a muslim, culturally prone to violence, an immigrant to Sweden from the Middle East and probably has a family cultural background of honor killings ( well, someone else said that last part, but I guess you are in full agreement ).

- Then you compare that to a TV story on a German guy with a documented Nazi tatoo and claims that I am 'denying' something obvious - just as those posters who refuted the idea about the German guy being a Nazi.

- And when I simply state that I think his background is rather irrelevant, you lash out calling it 'the worst cr*p you've ever heard'..

So, Mr Thai At Heart, are you serious ?

FYI, these types of crimes are commited in all cultures, by all ethnicities, and always has been. Of course you know that, but since that doesn't fit with your muslim immigrant theory, you choose to completely ignore that.

In addition to that, you actually know absolutely zilch, nothing, nada about this guy, You are just jumping to conclusions like a kid runs to a bowl of candy. 'Ahh, an immigrant-sounding name! Now I can prove my theories about muslim immigrant Swedes being mad knife-wielding killers!'

Being dissed by you honestly feels like a compliment. I would honesly be scared if anything I tried to say would resonate in harmony with your line of thought.


No I disagree, I didn't say the kid wasn't Swedish, he is as Swedish as any other, that is the law. If Mahmood is a very widely used name among the "native" Swedish population I stand corrected. I wait to find out that his parents have lived in Sweden for 30 generations.

But to deny the very obvious is soooo tired. He looks like a very normal, little, wide eyed, muslim, Swedish kid that got into the wrong place at the wrong time, but he has a name that overwhelmingly suggest something, and we are here discussing what we can read and see from the reports. Why bother denying it, if he was called Svend Goran Eriksson, wearing a soccer kit in bed, that would suggest that he is a womanising overrated football coach. Would we all be sitting here if there was a plain sighted picture of Svend running out of the building clutching a soccer ball, with his c**k hanging out of his shorts as to who and what he is????

I can imagine exactly how this fight came to be, and the more worrying issue is why did neither walk away? Why fight? It is a combination of testosterone, culture, society, history, upbringing and other aspects that lead to these confrontations. There is always something, that either triggers the fight or flight mechanism, some people go one way, some people the other.

A Thai male youth, brought up on a diet of face, misplaced pride, and stupid soap operas, challenged by a farang, resorts to violence, and Mr. Mahmood defended himself, but apparently a bit too vigorously. It looks like self defence to me, but lets see.

I have seen huge Icelanders beaten to a pulp where I live, because he tossed an ice cube at a boyfriend of one of the waitresses leaving having been to early to pick her up. He was an arrogant, WASP, overbuilt, over-steroided idiot. Did he deserve to be beaten up by 6 little guys with baseball bats. But did it go exactly to type? Perfectly.

I have lived and worked in some middle eastern countries, I never claim to understand the culture perfectly, but I would be lying if I didn't believe that men there tend to treat the wives/girlfriends like possessions. . That maybe true of some other parts of the world, but I believe it to be true to that part of the world. If I didn't say it, I would be lying about what I believe. Have I ever seen a muslim man defuse the situation and walk away from a fight? Nope.

Having lived here on and off for 20 years, I would say that I believe the same to be largely true of young men in Thailand. I have never seen men pine and tear themselves up over a woman as they can in Thailand, not because they they lost a woman, but because they feel personally slighted by being rejected.

Beyond that, we now have another part of culture that is raising its head in Thailand. The women are rebelling and openly flaunting to the men they are with, that they are free to be with whoever they want. They are exercising (rather naively) their control, and expecting there to be no consequences. Well, little miss facebook in Udon learnt a tragic lesson herself, and now, Mr. Mahmood will have to hope that he can convince the system here that he got dragged into a situation beyond his control.

Many years ago, II myself was challenged by a guy at my hotel door whilst he brandished a gun, claiming I was in bed with his wife. What did I do? I scarpered pretty dam_n quick.

"I didn't say the kid wasn't Swedish, he is as Swedish as any other, that is the law"

You are definitely implying that he is not culturally Swedish, which is just what I said you were doing, and something that you don't know anything about at all.

"If Mahmood is a very widely used name among the "native" Swedish population..."

And you still insist on adding that 'h' all on our own..

"He looks like a very normal, little, wide eyed, muslim, Swedish kid"

He also looks almost exactly like my best friend in Swedish school in the early 70s.

An atheist, with a Greek father and an Icelandic mother, born in Sweden and completely assimilated to Swedish traditional values and culture.

He also looks like my sister's firstborn son, who had a Moroccan father.

He is a secular christian, born in Sweden, 100% cultural Swede in all aspects.

He has seen his father occasionally, but grew up in a purely Swedish family.

Thus, claiming that you can 'see' his religion or his values from the photo is pure <deleted>. It's only in the eye of the beholder - which is you.

"I can imagine exactly how this fight came to be, and..."

Yes. That'it exactly. You're imagining, and then claim to "know" something based on that. What I say ( the cr*p as you call it ) is simply.. ..that we don't know.

Regarding your observations on stupid human behaviour and the fact that sometimes things go exactly 'to type', I most certainly agree, though.

However, in respect of this guy and his presumed innocense I think that speculaton on alleged 'muslim' cultural influence and his background in general - purely based on his name and a picture - is bluntly tasteless, to put it mildly. Your generalisations are also somewhat insulting to decent, cultivated secular muslims ( yes, they do exist! in millions! ) which is doing nothing else than fueling prejudices and creating a breeding ground for even more hate.

Being wise is to know that you don't know. You ought to know that.

Avoiding insuling others - and especially whole ethnical groups - when not necessary is a good way to display your own moral standards. Why not try it for a change ?


Edited by JohanV
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The guy is from Iran with a Swedish citicenship...

For some reason the Swedish government through passport to all kind of people, I just start wonder when other nations will stop Swedish passport at the borders...

You all remember the guy from ..was it Lebanon?.. who was arrested for terrorism..

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..."If Mahmood is a very widely used name among the "native" Swedish population..."

And you still insist on adding that 'h' all on your own..

In the Thai press they transliterate his name as โจนิส มาห์มุนด์. The ห์ indicates that there is indeed an 'h' in his surname.

In human interest stories like this in the Thai press where a farang is involved, they usually take the name from his/her passport, sometimes including a picture of the name and photograph page of the passport in the story.

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LOL! I still cannot gey over this....its simply so hilarious....are both the guys <deleted>...... blind or what? Lol! God......the pics really cracked me up....wish they had a pic of the victim......whats happenning these days...is there a shortage of girls? God some of the thai boys look even prettier than that.

God....this is hilarious.

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Yohan,u have every right to your opinion. Lets see if I am 100% wrong.

If so, I will stand corrected.

Wrong or not, either way there's far too much speculation going on here IMHO.

What makes me upset about comments on his alleged muslim background is that it seems to convey an idea that is - as I see it - highly corrosive to the concept of a free and democratic society.

It's really quite simple:

# In order to have freedom there must be pluralism. Otherwise there could be no choices, and thus no freedom.

# Any type of pluralism would inevitably present anyone with at least some options he/she would dislike. Thus, the presence of things we dislike - i.e. other cultures or values - is an absolute necessity in a free world. Just as are things we do like. The two sides are inseparable.

Thus, to argue for restrictions in freedom of culture in the name of preservation of freedom is nothing but complete and utter nonsense.

[ yes, I know you didn't argue for that, but I think you understand that I refer to a certain innuendo found in many posts here, especially about his name and etnicity ]

So, consequently, what me concerns he can have whatever background he wants. Stupid, hot-blooded short-thinking individuals exists everywhere, unfortunately.

On a side note, almost exactly the same thing happened to me in my first marriage with a Thai woman:

We met in BKK, after some back-and-forth traveling she came to Sweden and stayed for a year. We got married. She returned, I came to visit. We stayed in a BKK hotel and she told me she had a Thai bf - and she had been having him on the side all the time. For a brief moment, my entire world collapsed.

After a couple of silent minutes I told her I wanted to see him. I insisted she'd call him and ask him to come to the hotel right away. She reluctantly did so. He arrived the next morning. He was a 19-year old student - almost exactly as in the story here.. ..only that I was 39, not 18.

He was shy as he entered the room. Me and my wife were sitting on the bed. She was quite nervous, too. I was completely calm.

I said to him: "So, I hear you like my wife? Please, take her and leave. I don't want to see her again."

She panicked, kicked him out and begged me to change my mind - as she knew her money supply had just been cut off. She got her last 20.000 thb as she signed the divorce papers the next day. I haven't seen her since.

You live, you learn. I completely agree that this guy should have thought twice about <deleted> he was getting himself into.

Peace wai.gif

Edited by JohanV
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Yohan,u have every right to your opinion. Lets see if I am 100% wrong.

If so, I will stand corrected.

Wrong or not, either way there's far too much speculation going on here IMHO.

What makes me upset about comments on his alleged muslim background is that it seems to convey an idea that is - as I see it - highly corrosive to the concept of a free and democratic society.

It's really quite simple:

# In order to have freedom there must be pluralism. Otherwise there could be no choices, and thus no freedom.

# Any type of pluralism would inevitably present anyone with at least some options he/she would dislike. Thus, the presence of things we dislike - i.e. other cultures or values - is an absolute necessity in a free world. Just as are things we do like. The two sides are inseparable.

Thus, to argue for restrictions in freedom of culture in the name of preservation of freedom is nothing but complete and utter nonsense.

[ yes, I know you didn't argue for that, but I think you understand that I refer to a certain innuendo found in many posts here, especially about his name and etnicity ]

So, consequently, what me concerns he can have whatever background he wants. Stupid, hot-blooded short-thinking individuals exists everywhere, unfortunately.

On a side note, almost exactly the same thing happened to me in my first marriage with a Thai woman:

We met in BKK, after some back-and-forth traveling she came to Sweden and stayed for a year. We got married. She returned, I came to visit. We stayed in a BKK hotel and she told me she had a Thai bf - and she had been having him on the side all the time. For a brief moment, my entire world collapsed.

After a couple of silent minutes I told her I wanted to see him. I insisted she'd call him and ask him to come to the hotel right away. She reluctantly did so. He arrived the next morning. He was a 19-year old student - almost exactly as in the story here.. ..only that I was 39, not 18.

He was shy as he entered the room. Me and my wife were sitting on the bed. She was quite nervous, too. I was completely calm.

I said to him: "So, I hear you like my wife? Please, take her and leave. I don't want to see her again."

She panicked, kicked him out and begged me to change my mind - as she knew her money supply had just been cut off. She got her last 20.000 thb as she signed the divorce papers the next day. I haven't seen her since.

You live, you learn. I completely agree that this guy should have thought twice about <deleted> he was getting himself into.

Peace wai.gif

Well you assume that all are equally capable of separating themselves from the environment in which they are formed.

Very few of us are capable of such freedom and independence of thought. We are all products of or environment, experience, education and conditioning.

That's life.

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Who said good looking she doesn't look worth fighting over and I would say she was probably cheating and leading both lads on so she is guilty and should go to jail , as someone said there is allot more to the story I think that Swedish lad needs stronger glasses and whom ever else think she's beautiful. Good luck young lad cos you will need it self defence or not, get rid of her before she ruins your life completely if she hasn't already.

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You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

There is no question about it.

That's what you woould say to get off the jury in this case, where I'm from anyway. He stated it was self defense, and if that was true, then he isn't guilty is he. I think I'll wait until we have more information before I hang the guy.

Mr. Jonis confessed that he killed Mr. Wasan
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What's wrong the world today. When I was growing up and you had to settle some 'life or death" issue over some girl you basically arranged a little one on one boxing match and worst that came out of it was a bloody lip and a black eye.

Nowadays, its straight for the weapon till death. I think it's high time instead of showing pictures of the deceased they should start showing pictures of how cool it is and how much face you save while lying in rat shit in some cockroach infested prison for the next 20 yrs.

Here is photo of Mr. or Mrs. X looking all cool and tough just days before the incident. And here is same Mr. or Mrs X with their hands tied sitting on the concrete floor in a local prison. Parade those kinds of photos around some the schools and just maybe some reasonably intelligent kid will walk away instead of going too far.

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Well let me add this to the list of reasons I cancelled my FarceBook account, sad story that happened over Silly facebook

How did you cancel it, I would like to but found I can not, tried but the <deleted> emails, and pages keep coming up on my computer. Seems like once signed up on Facebook you in forever.

If you can enlighten me, and maybe others on how to totally delete your account in it please explain here.


Facebook itself has detailed instructions on how to opt out. They are also very cooperative if you are being harrassed.

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Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden. He was sitting in the room with his girlfriend, Ms. Jeeranan Tathong, age 18.

The Swede and his girlfriend


Khaosod newspaper (article in Thai)


Pictures are worth a thousand words. This just makes the story more tragic. Good Lord...

She's 18? Missus doesn't think so either.

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"Mr. Jonis Mamood, 18, from Sweden"

Typical Swedish namewhistling.gif

This "Swede" is from Iran and someone gave him a Swedish passport......

As he was living in Sweden, don't you think it is highly likely he is a Swedish citizen?

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The Thai article said that the Thai met the girl outside the hotel. He came to drop the girl off and then he started the argument and he pushed the farang. Then they fist fought. The Thai was losing the fight because the farang knows Judo. So the Thai grabbed the knife but the farang grabbed the knife from the Thai and stabbed him. It sounds to me like a self defense. But again, the Thai is dead. So we only hear 1 side of the story. Who knows if the farang told the truth or not. Either way the girl was not worth it. She wasn't even anything close to pretty. Were they blind for fighting over her? I've seen plenty of hot Swedish girls in my life time. lol

Whats being pretty or not got to do with it ? Bit of a shallow comment!

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