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Violent Crime And The Australian Tourist: Some Research On The Peter Hulands Incident

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Why is it that we seldom hear of Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwanese / Singaporean / Malaysian / Korean / Japanese tourists being beaten up?

i could be wrong but most europeans,yanks and aussies,seem to have a inbuilt aggresive streak in them,and a bit of a master race syndrome,

im an Australian, and I totally agree with you...That 'aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi' <deleted> is super embarrassing, I cringe everytime I hear it. The 'USA USA USA' chant is much better....I dont see many other races of the world walking down the 'sex terrorist' zones of foreign countries doing the same. Ill tell you why this is...A lot of Australians and Americans think that everyone else want them to know where they are from...because each think that they are the best countries in the world and of course everyone wants to move there

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Why is it that we seldom hear of Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwanese / Singaporean / Malaysian / Korean / Japanese tourists being beaten up?

i could be wrong but most europeans,yanks and aussies,seem to have a inbuilt aggresive streak in them,and a bit of a master race syndrome,

im an Australian, and I totally agree with you...That 'aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi' <deleted> is super embarrassing, I cringe everytime I hear it. The 'USA USA USA' chant is much better....I dont see many other races of the world walking down the 'sex terrorist' zones of foreign countries doing the same. Ill tell you why this is...A lot of Australians and Americans think that everyone else want them to know where they are from...because each think that they are the best countries in the world and of course everyone wants to move there

Australia IS one of the best countries in the world to live thumbsup.gif


Why is it that we seldom hear of Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwanese / Singaporean / Malaysian / Korean / Japanese tourists being beaten up?

You do ifyou live in australia,i'm from north queensland and the local newspaper is always reporting attacks on tourists.....now imagine how bad it would be if they earned 40 times our salary and slept with our woman...... i hate to admit it but australia is a very bigoted,racist country.....or maybe its just us rednecks in the top end

I think it's just the rednecks in the Top End. You couldn't find a much more multi cultural integrated culture in both Sydney and Melbourne, even Adelaide to a smaller degree.

Wrong, Melbourne has had groups of thugs beating up indian students to the extent it caused an international incident...Australia is one of the most racist places I have seen, plenty of look at the old bloke with 'mail order bride' comments when I went their with the missus. She is 29 and Im 35 go figure! I just laughed at these people and said Ive actually got 4 of them...that really winds them up, anyways there is that many racial related attacks in Australia its like a national sport, not just anglo saxons targetting others but arabs targeting whites, if it were in the olympic games it would be gold, gold, gold for the Australians.

Australia is a very dangerous country....funny when you read the tripadviser website which is put out by the federal government it states Singapore is more dangerous than New Zealand....now I was with a group of Australian Seafarers in a pub in a little town called Bluff, and there was the under 21s rugby grand final team in there and they had just lost.....now thats dangerous!


I have lived in MLB, SYD and SE QLD with my Thai wife and from experience can assure you there is more anti Asian racist attitude in QLD from the "Aussie battler" so beloved by Australian politicians.

I agree...however, this might not translate to violence.

True, but this demographic is more prone to violence.

I think you mean the demographic in NSW and VIC? That could be right.

Another reason is there is a lot more Asian looking people (Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese, Korean etc etc) and Africans in Sydney and Melbourne. Some groups of youngsters get resentful about them [insert spurious reason here] and think they are taking over. Their solution is random violence.


Pretty much ALL countries are racist (or at least the citizens).

But the OP is talking about Phuket and the Aussie residents. I know a lot of ex-pats dislike the Aussies, but they are (generally) no worse than the ex-pats from any other country on Phuket.

I can't think of a single nationality where the average ex-pat is not a misfit in one way or another - and I include myself in this!


In thevanard in south australia there is still a black section of the pub which would have been the old'ladies saloon' . I couldnt believe it till i saw it.

Thailand is the most tolerant society ive seen....with some of the <deleted> i see the locals in phuket put up with. Im surprised there isnt more people given a clip over the ear


Pretty much ALL countries are racist (or at least the citizens).

But the OP is talking about Phuket and the Aussie residents. I know a lot of ex-pats dislike the Aussies, but they are (generally) no worse than the ex-pats from any other country on Phuket.

I can't think of a single nationality where the average ex-pat is not a misfit in one way or another - and I include myself in this!

Is he talking about Phuket and the Aussie tourists?


True, but this demographic is more prone to violence.

I think you mean the demographic in NSW and VIC? That could be right.

Another reason is there is a lot more Asian looking people (Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese, Korean etc etc) and Africans in Sydney and Melbourne. Some groups of youngsters get resentful about them [insert spurious reason here] and think they are taking over. Their solution is random violence.

No, by demographics I mean a demographic called the "Aussie Battler". When I lived on the Sunshine Coast in SE QLD there were many intrastate/interstate Oz tourists. The street level violence got so bad that it required permanent police presence in the tourist locations at the weekends and holidays. A typical incident I witnessed: Middle aged man and his wife were walking back to their hotel after dinner. A guy was rude to his wife, the husband turned around and he was then hit in the head with a glass bottle by the guy - just violence for the fun of it. As you know the State of Queensland passed legislation for the introduction of plastic glasses for bars with a high level of "glassing" attacks. These are bars frequented by tourists and locals.

I moved from the SE QLD coast to be closer to Brisbane & it was not unusual, for my wife, when commuting to work by train to experience racist attitudes.


Australia IS one of the best countries in the world to live thumbsup.gif

Yeah, as long as you stay out of the 1 million square kilometers of desert right in the middle of the country.

EDIT: Because I'm an idiot


The UK is full of white trash, yobs are everywhere, when you go out you never feel safe, I never experienced any yob behavior when I spent a month in OZ, I guess yobs are everywhere even in Patong!!

I was in the Aussie bar when a member of the Bra boys came in followed by his followers, never seen anything like it in my life, pot bellied with a huge Bra boys tattoo, strutted about looking tough, his followers all around him, he looked like a yob!! Mentioned it to my Aussie pal and he said "quiet they are very bad"


Kitty's comments are rather telling:

Just for the record, he confronted one man, not five! The rest jumped in ... they are cowards! Despite what the police claim happened, or the tuk tuk drivers, I was taunted with sexual comments because of the cat hat I was wearing and Peter went back to confront the offender. That is his right to defend me ... it does not give these men to bash him, 5 on 1, and to continue to lay their boots in to him when he was on the ground, as is what happened!I was wearing the hat because it is my FB art page persona, and whilst here on holidays I have been taking photos and writing posts about my time in Thailand. 17,500 people have been following my story of the things we have done here, the galleries we have visited and the art we have bought. I have worn my hat much of the time, have photos wearing it on an elephant, at the beach, parasailing and with artists we have bought from any problems and only laughter and good will. My 17,500 followers have enjoyed our travels and experiences, including many, many Thai people. They now also know of the ugly side of Phuket. It's a free world. I wear my hat at home in public all the time and have never ever had such a problem!

Kitty's comments are rather telling:

Just for the record, he confronted one man, not five! The rest jumped in ... they are cowards! Despite what the police claim happened, or the tuk tuk drivers, I was taunted with sexual comments because of the cat hat I was wearing and Peter went back to confront the offender. That is his right to defend me ... it does not give these men to bash him, 5 on 1, and to continue to lay their boots in to him when he was on the ground, as is what happened!I was wearing the hat because it is my FB art page persona, and whilst here on holidays I have been taking photos and writing posts about my time in Thailand. 17,500 people have been following my story of the things we have done here, the galleries we have visited and the art we have bought. I have worn my hat much of the time, have photos wearing it on an elephant, at the beach, parasailing and with artists we have bought from any problems and only laughter and good will. My 17,500 followers have enjoyed our travels and experiences, including many, many Thai people. They now also know of the ugly side of Phuket. It's a free world. I wear my hat at home in public all the time and have never ever had such a problem!

Yes ,the FB page makes for interesting reading. With so many followers/likes, it is more bad press for Phuket: these days with social media the authorities cannot always cover things up so easily, and the victims can get their side of the story across.


Kitty's comments are rather telling:

Just for the record, he confronted one man, not five! The rest jumped in ... they are cowards! Despite what the police claim happened, or the tuk tuk drivers, I was taunted with sexual comments because of the cat hat I was wearing and Peter went back to confront the offender. That is his right to defend me ... it does not give these men to bash him, 5 on 1, and to continue to lay their boots in to him when he was on the ground, as is what happened! I was wearing the hat because it is my FB art page persona, and whilst here on holidays I have been taking photos and writing posts about my time in Thailand. 17,500 people have been following my story of the things we have done here, the galleries we have visited and the art we have bought. I have worn my hat much of the time, have photos wearing it on an elephant, at the beach, parasailing and with artists we have bought from any problems and only laughter and good will. My 17,500 followers have enjoyed our travels and experiences, including many, many Thai people. They now also know of the ugly side of Phuket. It's a free world. I wear my hat at home in public all the time and have never ever had such a problem!

It's a free world. I wear my hat at home in public all the time and have never ever had such a problem!

As I've been told many times living here in Thailand; "you're not in Kanas anymore."


True, but this demographic is more prone to violence.

I think you mean the demographic in NSW and VIC? That could be right.

Another reason is there is a lot more Asian looking people (Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese, Korean etc etc) and Africans in Sydney and Melbourne. Some groups of youngsters get resentful about them [insert spurious reason here] and think they are taking over. Their solution is random violence.

No, by demographics I mean a demographic called the "Aussie Battler". When I lived on the Sunshine Coast in SE QLD there were many intrastate/interstate Oz tourists. The street level violence got so bad that it required permanent police presence in the tourist locations at the weekends and holidays. A typical incident I witnessed: Middle aged man and his wife were walking back to their hotel after dinner. A guy was rude to his wife, the husband turned around and he was then hit in the head with a glass bottle by the guy - just violence for the fun of it. As you know the State of Queensland passed legislation for the introduction of plastic glasses for bars with a high level of "glassing" attacks. These are bars frequented by tourists and locals.

I moved from the SE QLD coast to be closer to Brisbane & it was not unusual, for my wife, when commuting to work by train to experience racist attitudes.

They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

The UK is full of white trash, yobs are everywhere, when you go out you never feel safe, I never experienced any yob behavior when I spent a month in OZ, I guess yobs are everywhere even in Patong!!

I was in the Aussie bar when a member of the Bra boys came in followed by his followers, never seen anything like it in my life, pot bellied with a huge Bra boys tattoo, strutted about looking tough, his followers all around him, he looked like a yob!! Mentioned it to my Aussie pal and he said "quiet they are very bad"

The Hells Angels have a fearsome reputation also..when i asked the missus and her family about them....they had never heard of them. Same as the phuket BIB.....They didnt know who they were...just ran them out of Patong. I cant imagine the Bra Boys causing much trouble in Phuket...we all know who runs the show


They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

Have you ever seen the facial damage caused by a glassing? better to take action than have people loose an eye (as happened to a friends son) or scarred for life.

EDIT: It occurred enough at some bars over a few years that their was a public outcry - as is going on right now with violence in Phuket. Better to do something than nothing & the legislation was supported by the police.


They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

Have you ever seen the facial damage caused by a glassing? better to take action than have people loose an eye (as happened to a friends son) or scarred for life.

EDIT: It occurred enough at some bars over a few years that their was a public outcry - as is going on right now with violence in Phuket. Better to do something than nothing & the legislation was supported by the police.

knee jerk reaction and a 'lazy management' style handling of the situation....ask why people are so angry in Australia and address the problem. For the amount of people that visit Bangla Road in Phuket there is an unbelievable amount of people enjoying themselves.....why? No dress regulations you can wear what you want...cheap beer and plenty of women, No restrictions on the amount of beer you can drink, in Australia if you own a pub you sell things right?

Alcohol: after 8 beers the law tells you that you arent serving alcohol responsibly, you the publican or bartender can be fined if someone (heaven forbid) gets drunk in a pub, when I worked in hospitality I used to give the idiots that were being abusive double shots...easier to get rid of a fully drunk person than half drunk, and they generally dont wreck the joint half drunk....everyone is still going to get fined and prosecuted anyways....nanny state <deleted>. Ooops almost forgot...serve it in a plastic cup like you get at a kids party,

Gambling: There is a responsible gaming code, you have to stop people spending money on something you sell which is slot machines and horse racing betting

Ciggarettes: No smoking inside...stand out in the rain if you want to smoke, but we will happily sell them to you, but publican and staff get fined if someone smokes in the pub

Transport: If they fall over when leaving the pub then the publican and staff get sued, if you dont order them a cab then guess what..out comes the checkbook for the lawyers

Finally my favourite..food: Now its OK for fat Doris to be chowing down some chips with tomato sauce, dont tell her she cant have anymore because she is too fat or you will get sued

When I go to work and pull up in an Australian port on my ship, the guys always ask me 'going up the road for a beer mate?' The answer is always no...you get fingerprinted and photographed in a lot of Australian pubs and clubs now, there is a chance I wont get drunk, there is a good chance of me paying $15 a pint, (even though the rents and key money on bangla road eclipse anything in Falangland) there is no chance (when I was single) of going home with a woman...Ive come to the conclusion western women dont have sex...one only has to look at the decliing population in Australia to see that, there is a huge chance of me getting into a punchup with some angry idiot that hasnt had a woman for years, there is another big chance the fuzz will arrest me for being intoxicated

Why would I want to go out in Australia for a beer? Its too oppresive for my liking..Japan allows you to get drunk and smoke ciggarettes in a bar also......I was in Singapore a few weeks ago...everyone who has been there knows Orchid Towers...you can get drunk and smoke and do whatever you want....and everyone says Singapore is heavy with the laws, try NANNY STATE AUSTRALIA!........ Why is there less fights and incidents in Phuket considering there is 5 million tourists a year? Because the powers that be havent frightened all the sheep into submission.


They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

Have you ever seen the facial damage caused by a glassing? better to take action than have people loose an eye (as happened to a friends son) or scarred for life.

EDIT: It occurred enough at some bars over a few years that their was a public outcry - as is going on right now with violence in Phuket. Better to do something than nothing & the legislation was supported by the police.

Ban motorbikes...they cause more maiming, amputations and life long scarring than any glass has


Why is it that we seldom hear of Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwanese / Singaporean / Malaysian / Korean / Japanese tourists being beaten up?

i could be wrong but most europeans,yanks and aussies,seem to have a inbuilt aggresive streak in them,and a bit of a master race syndrome,

It might be persons from western cultures have a different sense of justice ( feeling of being wronged easily)


A quote from the Phuket article:

"Some officers at the station noted that it was not the first time the Australian had been involved in a violent confrontation with local people in Patong."


The hat that may have triggered the sex comment leading to the violence. Photo: Facebook

Looks like he gets the helmet, she gets the hot hat.


They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

Have you ever seen the facial damage caused by a glassing? better to take action than have people loose an eye (as happened to a friends son) or scarred for life.

EDIT: It occurred enough at some bars over a few years that their was a public outcry - as is going on right now with violence in Phuket. Better to do something than nothing & the legislation was supported by the police.

knee jerk reaction and a 'lazy management' style handling of the situation....ask why people are so angry in Australia and address the problem. For the amount of people that visit Bangla Road in Phuket there is an unbelievable amount of people enjoying themselves.....why? No dress regulations you can wear what you want...cheap beer and plenty of women, No restrictions on the amount of beer you can drink, in Australia if you own a pub you sell things right?

Alcohol: after 8 beers the law tells you that you arent serving alcohol responsibly, you the publican or bartender can be fined if someone (heaven forbid) gets drunk in a pub, when I worked in hospitality I used to give the idiots that were being abusive double shots...easier to get rid of a fully drunk person than half drunk, and they generally dont wreck the joint half drunk....everyone is still going to get fined and prosecuted anyways....nanny state <deleted>. Ooops almost forgot...serve it in a plastic cup like you get at a kids party,

Gambling: There is a responsible gaming code, you have to stop people spending money on something you sell which is slot machines and horse racing betting

Ciggarettes: No smoking inside...stand out in the rain if you want to smoke, but we will happily sell them to you, but publican and staff get fined if someone smokes in the pub

Transport: If they fall over when leaving the pub then the publican and staff get sued, if you dont order them a cab then guess what..out comes the checkbook for the lawyers

Finally my favourite..food: Now its OK for fat Doris to be chowing down some chips with tomato sauce, dont tell her she cant have anymore because she is too fat or you will get sued

When I go to work and pull up in an Australian port on my ship, the guys always ask me 'going up the road for a beer mate?' The answer is always no...you get fingerprinted and photographed in a lot of Australian pubs and clubs now, there is a chance I wont get drunk, there is a good chance of me paying $15 a pint, (even though the rents and key money on bangla road eclipse anything in Falangland) there is no chance (when I was single) of going home with a woman...Ive come to the conclusion western women dont have sex...one only has to look at the decliing population in Australia to see that, there is a huge chance of me getting into a punchup with some angry idiot that hasnt had a woman for years, there is another big chance the fuzz will arrest me for being intoxicated

Why would I want to go out in Australia for a beer? Its too oppresive for my liking..Japan allows you to get drunk and smoke ciggarettes in a bar also......I was in Singapore a few weeks ago...everyone who has been there knows Orchid Towers...you can get drunk and smoke and do whatever you want....and everyone says Singapore is heavy with the laws, try NANNY STATE AUSTRALIA!........ Why is there less fights and incidents in Phuket considering there is 5 million tourists a year? Because the powers that be havent frightened all the sheep into submission.

You finished shouting? Personally I couldn't careless what you think of Australian laws. In any case you overlooked my post where I said the legislation applies only to bars that have a proven police record of violent incidents.


Plastic glasses have been used in the UK for many years, I never felt less of a man for using one, Personaly I have never ever felt the need to hurt another human being, some people do not care what damage they cause and to whome, plastic glasses are just one way of preventing serious injury!!


They put a lot of thought into that didnt they? We dont trust Australians to drink from glass or bottles...lets give them plastic and be the laughing stock of the world

Have you ever seen the facial damage caused by a glassing? better to take action than have people loose an eye (as happened to a friends son) or scarred for life.

EDIT: It occurred enough at some bars over a few years that their was a public outcry - as is going on right now with violence in Phuket. Better to do something than nothing & the legislation was supported by the police.

knee jerk reaction and a 'lazy management' style handling of the situation....ask why people are so angry in Australia and address the problem. For the amount of people that visit Bangla Road in Phuket there is an unbelievable amount of people enjoying themselves.....why? No dress regulations you can wear what you want...cheap beer and plenty of women, No restrictions on the amount of beer you can drink, in Australia if you own a pub you sell things right?

Alcohol: after 8 beers the law tells you that you arent serving alcohol responsibly, you the publican or bartender can be fined if someone (heaven forbid) gets drunk in a pub, when I worked in hospitality I used to give the idiots that were being abusive double shots...easier to get rid of a fully drunk person than half drunk, and they generally dont wreck the joint half drunk....everyone is still going to get fined and prosecuted anyways....nanny state <deleted>. Ooops almost forgot...serve it in a plastic cup like you get at a kids party,

Gambling: There is a responsible gaming code, you have to stop people spending money on something you sell which is slot machines and horse racing betting

Ciggarettes: No smoking inside...stand out in the rain if you want to smoke, but we will happily sell them to you, but publican and staff get fined if someone smokes in the pub

Transport: If they fall over when leaving the pub then the publican and staff get sued, if you dont order them a cab then guess what..out comes the checkbook for the lawyers

Finally my favourite..food: Now its OK for fat Doris to be chowing down some chips with tomato sauce, dont tell her she cant have anymore because she is too fat or you will get sued

When I go to work and pull up in an Australian port on my ship, the guys always ask me 'going up the road for a beer mate?' The answer is always no...you get fingerprinted and photographed in a lot of Australian pubs and clubs now, there is a chance I wont get drunk, there is a good chance of me paying $15 a pint, (even though the rents and key money on bangla road eclipse anything in Falangland) there is no chance (when I was single) of going home with a woman...Ive come to the conclusion western women dont have sex...one only has to look at the decliing population in Australia to see that, there is a huge chance of me getting into a punchup with some angry idiot that hasnt had a woman for years, there is another big chance the fuzz will arrest me for being intoxicated

Why would I want to go out in Australia for a beer? Its too oppresive for my liking..Japan allows you to get drunk and smoke ciggarettes in a bar also......I was in Singapore a few weeks ago...everyone who has been there knows Orchid Towers...you can get drunk and smoke and do whatever you want....and everyone says Singapore is heavy with the laws, try NANNY STATE AUSTRALIA!........ Why is there less fights and incidents in Phuket considering there is 5 million tourists a year? Because the powers that be havent frightened all the sheep into submission.

You finished shouting? Personally I couldn't careless what you think of Australian laws. In any case you overlooked my post where I said the legislation applies only to bars that have a proven police record of violent incidents.

which translates to every bar in Australia


Plastic glasses have been used in the UK for many years, I never felt less of a man for using one, Personaly I have never ever felt the need to hurt another human being, some people do not care what damage they cause and to whome, plastic glasses are just one way of preventing serious injury!!

So why havent the plastic cups taken off in Phuket? No incidents of glassings here...its an international embarrassment if your own government insist on treating the citizens the same way as a group of children at a 4 year olds party or a bunch of geriatrics at a nursing home...if your happy with that Kenny then thats up to you. For me I think its insulting, I am responsible and safe enough to drink out of a glass....coming up to 8 years here in Phuket and no accidents inside my house or outside in the bars. As you love all things Thai dont you think its cool that the government dont impose nanny state <deleted> on its people....I dont think Saergent Boonchai would be happy buying his Mia Noi a glass of Moet in a plastic vase


Plastic glasses have been used in the UK for many years, I never felt less of a man for using one, Personaly I have never ever felt the need to hurt another human being, some people do not care what damage they cause and to whome, plastic glasses are just one way of preventing serious injury!!

So why havent the plastic cups taken off in Phuket? No incidents of glassings here...its an international embarrassment if your own government insist on treating the citizens the same way as a group of children at a 4 year olds party or a bunch of geriatrics at a nursing home...if your happy with that Kenny then thats up to you. For me I think its insulting, I am responsible and safe enough to drink out of a glass....coming up to 8 years here in Phuket and no accidents inside my house or outside in the bars. As you love all things Thai dont you think its cool that the government dont impose nanny state <deleted> on its people....I dont think Saergent Boonchai would be happy buying his Mia Noi a glass of Moet in a plastic vase

I wouldn't say I am happy with the things governments do, I am responsible enough to be trusted with a glass of any kind, it's always the minority that spoils it for the majority, the UK is a nightmare for as you say nanny state rules etc, that's why I am here, but what can you do? It's great here, no one looking over your shoulder or hiding behind trees trying to catch you speeding etc It doesn't bother me the mom and pop stores still use glass glasses so all good!!

We live in a world where you could be standing minding your own business and get stabbed, or having a quiet drink and get glassed by a drunk who takes a disliking to you, governments rightly or wrongly do what they think is best to protect people, yes most of feel our rights are being taken away again what can you do!!


I think it is great that there are people who will stand up to bullies and people who feel it is okay to degrade any individual, these Tuk Tuk people are a law unto themselves, wearing certain hats should not result in violence, it's a sad world we live in.

Although Thailand has a police force they are non existent when it comes to upholding the law, therefore we should always be careful of any situations we could find ourselves in, sometimes it is best to ignore and carry on walking!!

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Plastic glasses have been used in the UK for many years, I never felt less of a man for using one, Personaly I have never ever felt the need to hurt another human being, some people do not care what damage they cause and to whome, plastic glasses are just one way of preventing serious injury!!

So why havent the plastic cups taken off in Phuket? No incidents of glassings here...its an international embarrassment if your own government insist on treating the citizens the same way as a group of children at a 4 year olds party or a bunch of geriatrics at a nursing home...if your happy with that Kenny then thats up to you. For me I think its insulting, I am responsible and safe enough to drink out of a glass....coming up to 8 years here in Phuket and no accidents inside my house or outside in the bars. As you love all things Thai dont you think its cool that the government dont impose nanny state <deleted> on its people....I dont think Saergent Boonchai would be happy buying his Mia Noi a glass of Moet in a plastic vase

I wouldn't say I am happy with the things governments do, I am responsible enough to be trusted with a glass of any kind, it's always the minority that spoils it for the majority, the UK is a nightmare for as you say nanny state rules etc, that's why I am here, but what can you do? It's great here, no one looking over your shoulder or hiding behind trees trying to catch you speeding etc It doesn't bother me the mom and pop stores still use glass glasses so all good!!

We live in a world where you could be standing minding your own business and get stabbed, or having a quiet drink and get glassed by a drunk who takes a disliking to you, governments rightly or wrongly do what they think is best to protect people, yes most of feel our rights are being taken away again what can you do!!

What can you do? Move to Phuket and when you get here treat the Tuk Tuk and Taxi drivers like ghosts, completely ignore them, and avoid Patong like the plague. Thailand actually translates to land of the free (so Ive heard), its the fee-est place Ive ever encountered, but a lot of Australian people come over to Phuket, they get over excited and overstimulated with the freedom......its because they have been subjected to Nanny State Style laws....even when people have parties in their own home the nosy neighbours complain, then the riot squad are called to disperse the party goers. Rightly or wrongly: No wonder they go nuts here


Plastic glasses have been used in the UK for many years, I never felt less of a man for using one, Personaly I have never ever felt the need to hurt another human being, some people do not care what damage they cause and to whome, plastic glasses are just one way of preventing serious injury!!

So why havent the plastic cups taken off in Phuket? No incidents of glassings here...its an international embarrassment if your own government insist on treating the citizens the same way as a group of children at a 4 year olds party or a bunch of geriatrics at a nursing home...if your happy with that Kenny then thats up to you. For me I think its insulting, I am responsible and safe enough to drink out of a glass....coming up to 8 years here in Phuket and no accidents inside my house or outside in the bars. As you love all things Thai dont you think its cool that the government dont impose nanny state <deleted> on its people....I dont think Saergent Boonchai would be happy buying his Mia Noi a glass of Moet in a plastic vase

I wouldn't say I am happy with the things governments do, I am responsible enough to be trusted with a glass of any kind, it's always the minority that spoils it for the majority, the UK is a nightmare for as you say nanny state rules etc, that's why I am here, but what can you do? It's great here, no one looking over your shoulder or hiding behind trees trying to catch you speeding etc It doesn't bother me the mom and pop stores still use glass glasses so all good!!

We live in a world where you could be standing minding your own business and get stabbed, or having a quiet drink and get glassed by a drunk who takes a disliking to you, governments rightly or wrongly do what they think is best to protect people, yes most of feel our rights are being taken away again what can you do!!

What can you do? Move to Phuket and when you get here treat the Tuk Tuk and Taxi drivers like ghosts, completely ignore them, and avoid Patong like the plague. Thailand actually translates to land of the free (so Ive heard), its the fee-est place Ive ever encountered, but a lot of Australian people come over to Phuket, they get over excited and overstimulated with the freedom......its because they have been subjected to Nanny State Style laws....even when people have parties in their own home the nosy neighbours complain, then the riot squad are called to disperse the party goers. Rightly or wrongly: No wonder they go nuts here

Australian citizens have more 'freedom" than Thai citizens, you're talking rubbish unless of course you are referring to the lack of law enforcement in Thailand that promotes freedom to have no consideration for others.

In Australia police are sometimes called to late night parties when noise levels disturb the neighbours and are asked to moderate the sound levels. In some cases this request is ignored, triggers abuse of the police, bottle throwing etc. that's when police take action and close the party down. More than likely the same style of person who acts like a fool in Thailand. I assume you have lived in Australian, so why do your comments have no reflection on the reality of living their.

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