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Turtles In Fish Pond

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Im thinking of putting some turtles in my fish pond, just for amusement. Ive got 1 Rai of pond with Tilapia, Catfish and Pacu. Plenty of fish in all sizes.

Will the turtles find enough food on their own, or do they need to be fed? I guess they will prey on the fingerlings, bugs, snails, etc. Will birds catch and eat them? I assume I need to provide some rocks for them to climb up on, they seem to like to fry in the sun. With they stay or immediately try to escape? Anything else to think about?



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You might want to consider how you will get rid of the turtles once they overpopulate your fish pond. TYhey will eat the fish food, the fish, and sample just about anything that lands on/in the pond.

Yea that could be an issue, but somehow I doubt it is very likely.

They'd probably eat all the fingerlings, but it seems unlikely they could hunt down and kill a 0.5 kg Tilapia. Thats about the same size as themselves (Red-Eared Slider turtle).

And looking at the speed and frenzy with which my fish eat the pellets, I doubt they have a chance to compete for them. The pellets are all gone in 20 seconds or less.

They might clean the ponds of all the greenery such as Morning Glory and Water Lilies. That would suck. Or they might decide to just leave the area, since I wont be fencing it off, and I will never see them again. Or predators, such as hawks, snakes, etc might see them as a delicious meal. There is plenty of crabs around and I wonder how that will work. Who will eat who?

Theyre not very expensive, so I think I'll just give it a try and see.

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