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Want To Donate To Chiang Mai Orphanage, Should I Give Money Or Products?


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My gf and I would like to donate to a Chiang Mai orphanage. The money was collected by a common friend of ours back in the US from a variety of contributers and he was very keen on making sure that there were photos of the goods we purchased for the kids. However when we visited the (Baan Kingkaew) Orphanage, they told us that they preferred cash and that the children were not available to visit until next month due to a sickness of some sort.

I understand that there is always the risk of misallocation whenever cash is involved and we just want to make sure that our donation goes to the kids who need it. Advice?

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Always give product, preferably durables and you or your gf should do the best deal you can then pay for and arrange delivery of the product.

If capital equipment also ensure that the recipient has enough budget for correct maintenance and that you visit from time to time to see that it's being properly looked after.

Edited by Saraphee
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I would say it is according to one's own beliefs or preferences. It is my believe that the kids are the future and any thing I give would be towards those ends.

How ever if the kids are in need of food do as previous posters have said make the purchase and deliver the goods your self.

For my self it has been money for a person's education over and above the free education they already get. In many cases even that needs help.

Talk it over with your sponsors and see which way they want to go.

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so far unanimous, offer products/goods.

Money always finds its way into the wrong hands and being diverted away from the cause it was intended for.

I have given and taken truckloads of products into hill tribe villages becasue their original charities disbanded due to honourable staff/collectors leaving...after becoming aware of how much"management" are taking for themselves before money is distributedor spent

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This is the best advice. Ask the persons making the actual donation what they think is the best process. In the end its their money, their donation, and could end up being a sore spot between you and them if something goes bad. But as most have said on this forum, I think you should recommend the giving of goods over money and recommend personal oversight on the distribution of goods.

Talk it over with your sponsors and see which way they want to go.

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I am a volunteer here in Chiang Mai and have been here for nearly 2.5 years. My plans is to volunteer in CM for much longer.

I have a lot of connections in and around CM and I would say most are doing a fantastic job and would relish receiving any such donation, cash or goods.

But I also have connections in Mae Sot at an orphanage/school. And can I tell you if you could help them out it would be extremely beneficial. I won't say too much here but if you send me a personal message I will give you all the details you want.

I have visited this orphanage with many of my friends and the man running it has given EVERYTHING to make it happen. Even his own salary goes back into keeping the place going. I can't say how much I admire this man for what he has done, with basically nothing.


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Never give money - unless you know the people running the charity well, trust them implicity, and have how it is to be used clearly specified, in writing. If it is a large amount, ask for receipts/documentation to be subsequently provided.

My own experience over the years, having run several fund raising projects, and donated in total a fairly large sum, has been generally negative.

In all but one case, the recipients happily took the cheque, but I never heard from them again, and I have no idea what they used the funds for - this despite written agreements to provide a regular reports etc., and carefully selecting the various beneficiaries in the belief that they would do the right thing. Yes, followed it up, received assurances that reports were coming, but nothing ever did.

Also - if you donate items such as equipment, computers etc., you must also make sure that somebody responsible is present to ensure these things are properly looked after, maintained, cleaned, and not abused - I have seen a few sad stories in this respect, especially in children's homes. You should always therefore arrange inspections of any articles you donate, especially if it represents a generous gesture.

I hope your good intentions find the right people and the right place. Good luck, and keep up the good work..

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One of the big expenses is school uniforms so you could arrange to purchase those plus food items like rice, cooking oils etc. in my experience giving cash is a bad idea, I mean look at your own post ! Quote "they preferred cash and the children are not available to visit until next month" unquote. The children do not need to visit, you go to them, I deal with a couple of children's homes in Pattaya and we always buy them what they need and never give cash

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I am a volunteer here in Chiang Mai and have been here for nearly 2.5 years. My plans is to volunteer in CM for much longer.

I have a lot of connections in and around CM and I would say most are doing a fantastic job and would relish receiving any such donation, cash or goods.

But I also have connections in Mae Sot at an orphanage/school. And can I tell you if you could help them out it would be extremely beneficial. I won't say too much here but if you send me a personal message I will give you all the details you want.

I have visited this orphanage with many of my friends and the man running it has given EVERYTHING to make it happen. Even his own salary goes back into keeping the place going. I can't say how much I admire this man for what he has done, with basically nothing.


Sorry I know nothing about this orphanage in Mae Sot. But I was up there last month to give some experiance in the refuge camp.

The one thing I noticed was that all the work tended to be for the refugees. Not to say they don't need it but I could not see or hear of any thing being done for the Thai's in need there. So I would heartily recommend any one wishing to get involved with chairity work get in touch with legend23 on the personal message.

But always beware of the scam possibilities.

Next month I am going to have a friend look int it for me. He is on vacation now but works up there on contract with the U N. He would be able to look around for me.

All to often the charities not in the major center of population get over looked

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Thanks to everyone for the advice, we decided on the wat don chan orphanage run by monks with around 270 orphans of all different ages. In our research we heard that the temple orphanages were very reliable, and when we showed up no one asked for money, we told them we wanted to get them some things they needed and the guy we talked to readily gave us a short list to help them stock up. They also gave us a tour of the orphanage which was nice, all the kids were very friendly. They provided a truck and a driver as well, a very nice young guy named Nam and we took care of all of our business in 2 hours flat. Very positive experience and I plan on volunteering there for whatever they need in the future.

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maybe prepay for some language instruction for them at AUA or Walen. Teach a man to fish instead of giving him a fish...always a better idea.

I would also consider any charity that promotes tours of its facility to be corrupt. Kind of like adoption. At 25,000 per head or whatever these idiots from the West are willing to pay for a baby there will always be some available.

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maybe prepay for some language instruction for them at AUA or Walen. Teach a man to fish instead of giving him a fish...always a better idea.

I would also consider any charity that promotes tours of its facility to be corrupt. Kind of like adoption. At 25,000 per head or whatever these idiots from the West are willing to pay for a baby there will always be some available.

Just over flowing with the milk of human kindness aren't you.

Other than being able to tell all their friends they took English lessons what good are they?

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Just to say a bit about the reason you maybe weren't allowed to visit the children in the past few weeks could have been due to the Hand Foot and Mouth Disease which was present in some parts of Thailand.I look after orphans sometimes and wasn't allowed to visit the Orphanage for 2 weeks because of this.

I, too would say buy goods but if it is a significant amount of money maybe look at somethhiing along the medical lines.The place I go to has a clinic for the children(300 under 5) and although it seems to have equipment I'm quite sure they could do with other items to help the children get better quicker or even for diagnoses purposes.

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maybe prepay for some language instruction for them at AUA or Walen. Teach a man to fish instead of giving him a fish...always a better idea.

I would also consider any charity that promotes tours of its facility to be corrupt. Kind of like adoption. At 25,000 per head or whatever these idiots from the West are willing to pay for a baby there will always be some available.

Just over flowing with the milk of human kindness aren't you.

Other than being able to tell all their friends they took English lessons what good are they?

Knowing THE language of international business might be able to get them out of poverty. It is quite obvious that English speaking businesses make more money. Might also consider sports equipment, but I would take a permanent marker and write the name of the institution on all of it. Could pay to bring power to some folks, who don't have it.

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maybe prepay for some language instruction for them at AUA or Walen. Teach a man to fish instead of giving him a fish...always a better idea.

I would also consider any charity that promotes tours of its facility to be corrupt. Kind of like adoption. At 25,000 per head or whatever these idiots from the West are willing to pay for a baby there will always be some available.

Just over flowing with the milk of human kindness aren't you.

Other than being able to tell all their friends they took English lessons what good are they?

Knowing THE language of international business might be able to get them out of poverty. It is quite obvious that English speaking businesses make more money. Might also consider sports equipment, but I would take a permanent marker and write the name of the institution on all of it. Could pay to bring power to some folks, who don't have it.

I really think they are concerned with their lives today not what two or three of them can do in 20 years. Good idea about the medical equipment.

They need many things and every one has there favorite idea. I tend to try and give them a eduction that they can use in later life no matte what language they speak. It bothers me when I see a adult Thai grab a calculator to tell me that i will get 21 baht back from my 100 baht note. I believe in teaching the basics of how to think not grab a machine all the time.

Others have ideas for food, clothing,toys and as you said medical supplies would be helpful. I have no problem with the giving the product to them rather than the money. On the other hand if you want to give money you can go to their electric office and offer to pay their bills for a period of time or just leave a amount of money to help them out. Same with water.

Over all these orphanages where you can walk in and see the kids and what they have I feel are fairly honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are quite a few dodgy orphanages in SE Asia. Nearly every orphanage in Cambodia is fake, for example. I have also heard stories of fake or exploitative orphanages in Thailand (from a friend who recently tried to volunteer at one).

The manager's reaction to your request would set my alarm bells ringing.

If on the other hand you can get a first-hand recommendation from a poster like the below, & it checks out, this might be the better way to go.


I am a volunteer here in Chiang Mai and have been here for nearly 2.5 years. My plans is to volunteer in CM for much longer.

I have a lot of connections in and around CM and I would say most are doing a fantastic job and would relish receiving any such donation, cash or goods.

But I also have connections in Mae Sot at an orphanage/school. And can I tell you if you could help them out it would be extremely beneficial. I won't say too much here but if you send me a personal message I will give you all the details you want.

I have visited this orphanage with many of my friends and the man running it has given EVERYTHING to make it happen. Even his own salary goes back into keeping the place going. I can't say how much I admire this man for what he has done, with basically nothing.


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I am a volunteer here in Chiang Mai and have been here for nearly 2.5 years. My plans is to volunteer in CM for much longer.

I have a lot of connections in and around CM and I would say most are doing a fantastic job and would relish receiving any such donation, cash or goods.

But I also have connections in Mae Sot at an orphanage/school. And can I tell you if you could help them out it would be extremely beneficial. I won't say too much here but if you send me a personal message I will give you all the details you want.

I have visited this orphanage with many of my friends and the man running it has given EVERYTHING to make it happen. Even his own salary goes back into keeping the place going. I can't say how much I admire this man for what he has done, with basically nothing.


i wouldnt trust this guy he only has 14 post.

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My family arranges to serve lunch for an entire week, where we scoop the food out from the pot ourselves and give it to the kids. Doing something different for the kids is our favorite, one time we got 5 of those Walls ice cream vendors to go to the school until they ran out.

Supplies get taken home by employees, cash goes to the employees, farangs struggling to survive say they are connected.

There is one girls orphanage that has something funny going on, every single time we ask to give food. They say the girls are sick or are on a field trip, some type of coverup is definately happening. This has happened 5 years in a row.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone,

It seems my 14 posts aren't enough to give me credibility on this forum. Maybe you need to meet me, look at my Facebook or come and see the hundreds of hours that I actually "DO" stuff instead of sitting on here and posting comments about people.

I was going to just going to send this to hellodolly, but KRS1 you can read it too.

I haven't been on Thaivisa for a long time and I wanted to give you a bit of a picture of what I do here.

I have been volunteering in a foundation in Hangdong for all this time, and when I have holidays from my volunteering in Hangdong I have taught English in Surin for friends over there.

I have not "worked" in 3.5 years and I have used all my own money to support my living expenses in Thailand while I have been here.

I have been teaching English to kids in schools, uni students, other foundation members and other community members. I have been in the community helping clean up rubbish. Every Saturday, I drive and help collect kids for a weekly Kids program where kids can come and be kids, have some fun and learn some things. I help with lots of extra activities around our foundation, I go to a lot of community events and help and encourage. I have given up a lot to come here and serve Thai people, tribal people, farangs, Burmese people, Lao people, let's just say Asian people! I have people all over Asia wanting to me to visit them because they have been impressed with what I do.

I connect with many people in Chiang Mai, I am connecting with many foundations in Chiang Mai and the rest of Thailand, and soon this will only increase dramatically.

In Mae Sot there are approximately 10 refugee camps, 80 schools, 1 massive clinic and dozens of orphanages and a heck of a lot of foundations serving them. I personally have connected with 2 orphanage/schools and the first is now receiving enough support and has got enough buildings and I am slowly trying to work with them in getting them registered as a school with the Thai Govt. The second is a lot less fortunate with raising external funds, but it does have a much greater need, so I am working with someone who wants to make a sizable donation to the work there, so I will make the connection and see the child benefit.

This is only two of the huge numbers of people down there. Look, I am no expert in development, but I have had a little bit of training in how to find out what the real needs of a community or organisation are and I have since the waste of millions of Govt bahts when funding programs have not actually addressed the people's needs.

You know something I love Thailand, I want to live here and serve the Thai people the rest of my life, I want to see Thai kids given the greatest opportunity to help themselves be the best they can be. Have a look at my posts they are all there only to try and help people. Why don't you stop judging people and get out there and do something instead of just helping yourselves.

I am willing to sit down and have a coffee and explain more about what I do, if you want to see me in person, let's get together and chat about life in Chiang Mai. I love it here and will be around here for a long time.


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Hi everyone,

It seems my 14 posts aren't enough to give me credibility on this forum. Maybe you need to meet me, look at my Facebook or come and see the hundreds of hours that I actually "DO" stuff instead of sitting on here and posting comments about people.

I was going to just going to send this to hellodolly, but KRS1 you can read it too.

I haven't been on Thaivisa for a long time and I wanted to give you a bit of a picture of what I do here.

I have been volunteering in a foundation in Hangdong for all this time, and when I have holidays from my volunteering in Hangdong I have taught English in Surin for friends over there.

I have not "worked" in 3.5 years and I have used all my own money to support my living expenses in Thailand while I have been here.

I have been teaching English to kids in schools, uni students, other foundation members and other community members. I have been in the community helping clean up rubbish. Every Saturday, I drive and help collect kids for a weekly Kids program where kids can come and be kids, have some fun and learn some things. I help with lots of extra activities around our foundation, I go to a lot of community events and help and encourage. I have given up a lot to come here and serve Thai people, tribal people, farangs, Burmese people, Lao people, let's just say Asian people! I have people all over Asia wanting to me to visit them because they have been impressed with what I do.

I connect with many people in Chiang Mai, I am connecting with many foundations in Chiang Mai and the rest of Thailand, and soon this will only increase dramatically.

In Mae Sot there are approximately 10 refugee camps, 80 schools, 1 massive clinic and dozens of orphanages and a heck of a lot of foundations serving them. I personally have connected with 2 orphanage/schools and the first is now receiving enough support and has got enough buildings and I am slowly trying to work with them in getting them registered as a school with the Thai Govt. The second is a lot less fortunate with raising external funds, but it does have a much greater need, so I am working with someone who wants to make a sizable donation to the work there, so I will make the connection and see the child benefit.

This is only two of the huge numbers of people down there. Look, I am no expert in development, but I have had a little bit of training in how to find out what the real needs of a community or organisation are and I have since the waste of millions of Govt bahts when funding programs have not actually addressed the people's needs.

You know something I love Thailand, I want to live here and serve the Thai people the rest of my life, I want to see Thai kids given the greatest opportunity to help themselves be the best they can be. Have a look at my posts they are all there only to try and help people. Why don't you stop judging people and get out there and do something instead of just helping yourselves.

I am willing to sit down and have a coffee and explain more about what I do, if you want to see me in person, let's get together and chat about life in Chiang Mai. I love it here and will be around here for a long time.


Hi Legend23, This is a problem with ThaiVisa and especially the Chiang Mai Forum, no matter what you post, someone will soon be on to ridicule ,and just be plain nasty,for no real reason,its just the way they are,my mantra is if you cannot post something useful that adds to the debate,or helps,advises, why bother, theres enough negativity in the real world without bringing it here to ThaiVisa, just my thoughts

regards Worgeordie

I agree but I will admit some times I fall short.

But when it comes to endevars to help kids I am fully behind it. They are Thailand's future.

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Hi everyone,

It seems my 14 posts aren't enough to give me credibility on this forum. Maybe you need to meet me, look at my Facebook or come and see the hundreds of hours that I actually "DO" stuff instead of sitting on here and posting comments about people.

I was going to just going to send this to hellodolly, but KRS1 you can read it too.

I haven't been on Thaivisa for a long time and I wanted to give you a bit of a picture of what I do here.

I have been volunteering in a foundation in Hangdong for all this time, and when I have holidays from my volunteering in Hangdong I have taught English in Surin for friends over there.

I have not "worked" in 3.5 years and I have used all my own money to support my living expenses in Thailand while I have been here.

I have been teaching English to kids in schools, uni students, other foundation members and other community members. I have been in the community helping clean up rubbish. Every Saturday, I drive and help collect kids for a weekly Kids program where kids can come and be kids, have some fun and learn some things. I help with lots of extra activities around our foundation, I go to a lot of community events and help and encourage. I have given up a lot to come here and serve Thai people, tribal people, farangs, Burmese people, Lao people, let's just say Asian people! I have people all over Asia wanting to me to visit them because they have been impressed with what I do.

I connect with many people in Chiang Mai, I am connecting with many foundations in Chiang Mai and the rest of Thailand, and soon this will only increase dramatically.

In Mae Sot there are approximately 10 refugee camps, 80 schools, 1 massive clinic and dozens of orphanages and a heck of a lot of foundations serving them. I personally have connected with 2 orphanage/schools and the first is now receiving enough support and has got enough buildings and I am slowly trying to work with them in getting them registered as a school with the Thai Govt. The second is a lot less fortunate with raising external funds, but it does have a much greater need, so I am working with someone who wants to make a sizable donation to the work there, so I will make the connection and see the child benefit.

This is only two of the huge numbers of people down there. Look, I am no expert in development, but I have had a little bit of training in how to find out what the real needs of a community or organisation are and I have since the waste of millions of Govt bahts when funding programs have not actually addressed the people's needs.

You know something I love Thailand, I want to live here and serve the Thai people the rest of my life, I want to see Thai kids given the greatest opportunity to help themselves be the best they can be. Have a look at my posts they are all there only to try and help people. Why don't you stop judging people and get out there and do something instead of just helping yourselves.

I am willing to sit down and have a coffee and explain more about what I do, if you want to see me in person, let's get together and chat about life in Chiang Mai. I love it here and will be around here for a long time.


You made your first post on this topic in August asking people to send you a private message to donate money.

...and now you are posting for the second time in December asking for money once again.

If you are legitimate go ahead and post some pictures of the kids/schools you work with, it will make you more credible...and dont get them off the internet.

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Where am I asking for money??? Can you please quote that??? As I can't see it.

I said "I won't say too much here but if you send me a personal message I will give you all the details you want."

I know for communication in Thailand you need to try and read between the lines, but I am simply saying, "I will give you the FB page of the place and a contact number, that you should donate to, I am not saying give me money and I will give it to them." People can then talk with the director there and then decide, or better still go and visit.

All the pictures are sitting on my Facebook for my friends to see, not that most of them need to because they have actually seen me in action anyway.

I am moving into CM city soon and I would welcome sitting down for a coffee and explaining what I do, showing you "proof" of my work and chatting about life in this great city. I am a Christian and I try to live that our through my life.

Let's talk about this.

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The following comments are about my experience with a specific charity. In 2010, I volunteered with a charity in the Phrao Valley, north of Chiang Mai. It was a good experience, and whilst I no longer volunteer, I still donate, and I stay in touch. The charity was started by an American couple - it has an American Board and a Thai Board - and they do great work in their local community - providing a home for kids who would otherwise not get schooling, services for the disabled, clean water, employment projects ... it's a long list and they've only been here for four years. Most of the year I am at home in Australia, so giving products isn't an option for me, although warmly welcomed if that's what people want to do. Living in Australia, I can donate in US$ which makes it easy. On the charity's website, I am given the choice of where I want my money to go, and I always give it to "general operating expenses", because I know what's what they need. And I get a personalised response each month from one of the founders. If I want, I can also give to specific projects, and I can, if I choose, donate the money to support a child each month.

What I learned from my experience with this specific charity: I think most people who have volunteered in CM would share my thinking - it's a great way to get to know the charity involved. If you are thinking of donating, and you are not sure about the ethics of the charity that attracts you, and you have the opportunity to volunteer with a particular charity, you should do so.

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