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The Power Of Ghost Stories.


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There is a HUGE house (castle) near my office which is apparently haunted by a ghost and the reason why its not finished which is 90% done.

Apparently a Ghost pushed pushed the electrician off the ladder, or the electrician died and is now the ghost.

I bet they would be willing to sell it for much less than what it's worth. If I had the money and could own the land, I would buy it for sure.

But what about other things? You think its possible to see a condo you like, make up a ghost story and get them to sell it for cheaper? lol

Its just a wacky Friday so I thought I would come up with a wacky post.

But what do you think? Just for fun.

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Dont doubt Thai ghost stories. Every property has ghosts on them according to Thais. The little "lanna" looking temples they have out the front of their houses are homes for the ghosts which protect and look after the current owners and the house. These ghosts are the previous owners of the land and the current owners give offerings usually food and water and burn incense for them out of respect and peace.

Just because that house you mention has ghosts that are angry living there, doesnt mean it cant be lived in peacefully. There are monks called Por Mot, which are what we call witch doctors. These monks can talk to the ghosts and explain to them what is happening and appease the angry ghost(s) and for the record, yes it costs, maybe 100b.

Most westerners dont believe in ghosts, which is understandable but it doesnt mean they arent there. I wouldnt be so quick to crack jokes about ghost busting in Thailand just yet. Ask a Thai if they believe and I bet the answer is "chai"

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usually the ghost stories have a close relation with the ghost in the lao kao bottle.

Please do elaborate...

see the problems with the blue faced ghost at the new airport...always were reports that the hurt people were drunk. (or maybe the ghost does not like drunken people).

All the ghost stories of my staff happened when they drove home from heavy drinking. (even they sometimes forget to mention that important detail).

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Dont doubt Thai ghost stories. Every property has ghosts on them according to Thais. The little "lanna" looking temples they have out the front of their houses are homes for the ghosts which protect and look after the current owners and the house. These ghosts are the previous owners of the land and the current owners give offerings usually food and water and burn incense for them out of respect and peace.

Just because that house you mention has ghosts that are angry living there, doesnt mean it cant be lived in peacefully. There are monks called Por Mot, which are what we call witch doctors. These monks can talk to the ghosts and explain to them what is happening and appease the angry ghost(s) and for the record, yes it costs, maybe 100b.

Most westerners dont believe in ghosts, which is understandable but it doesnt mean they arent there. I wouldnt be so quick to crack jokes about ghost busting in Thailand just yet. Ask a Thai if they believe and I bet the answer is "chai"

Don't forget there are also educated Thais.

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Each to their own. All Asians must be wrong but your right.

It isn't a matter of believe it is a matter of proof....There is no single real evidence of ghosts. And not all Asians are uneducated. I am sure that at the educated Hongkong, Singapore or South Korean population the believe of ghosts is fading away.....Getting just a tradition and than vanish at all. Like religion in Europe (beside the Immigrants).

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I was talking to a 30 something Thai that I have known for a couple of years and he has always seemed quite 'with it' having worked in Oz and made a few trips to Europe. He was showing me some land he had bought and I asked him if he intended to build a house there. No,too many Ghosts live here already, he said. 'How do you know' I asked, and he said....because I have seen some yesterday ! I didn't take it any further.

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I was talking to a 30 something Thai that I have known for a couple of years and he has always seemed quite 'with it' having worked in Oz and made a few trips to Europe. He was showing me some land he had bought and I asked him if he intended to build a house there. No,too many Ghosts live here already, he said. 'How do you know' I asked, and he said....because I have seen some yesterday ! I didn't take it any further.

ahh huh! see here someone on my side. ghosts are everywhere in Thailand. If anyone doesnt believe than try doing a leak on land like described here. watch how angry ghosts react to you doing a disrespectful act on their land.
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hmm...I just want to say if you don't want to believe in ghosts, well that's your prerogative. I think anyone is entitled to have whatever beliefs they want. But don't chalk up the Thai belief in ghosts to ignorance or stupidity. It's part of Thai beliefs. You can classify it as a religious, or cultural belief or what have you. But it is ingrained in Thai culture, and I think there should be a respect for someone else's beliefs even if you don't necessarily share it. Some people believe in God. Some people don't. Some people think that Buddha is the one you should listen to, some people think it is Jesus, and some people think it is Muhammed. If someone believes in Buddha, Jesus or Muhammed, what you shouldn't say is "well that person must be ignorant". To those who say "there's no scientific proof of the existence of ghosts". My retort is "there's no scientific proof of the existence of God either." I believe in God. I believe in ghosts too. (I am Thai and kind of goes with the territory of being Thai.) I have some pretty good educational credentials behind me too, so don't chalk it up to ignorance or not being educated.

Of course everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they want. But I don't need to respect that someone has invisible friends and enemies. And not every nonsense can be labeled as culture and must be accepted therefor. We had the culture to torture or burn people who are possessed by daemons or the devil, in Africa the cut the clitoris...all some culture we must accept?

Believing in ghosts is mostly harmless so there is no reason to fight it, but you must understand that the rest of the world is laughing about it.

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I was talking to a 30 something Thai that I have known for a couple of years and he has always seemed quite 'with it' having worked in Oz and made a few trips to Europe. He was showing me some land he had bought and I asked him if he intended to build a house there. No,too many Ghosts live here already, he said. 'How do you know' I asked, and he said....because I have seen some yesterday ! I didn't take it any further.

Ask him if he sells you the land cheaply. Than go to the next temple, give them 10.000 Baht for removing the ghosts. (If not this temple, you'll find some temple which is just doing anything for a donation).

Problem fixed.

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^^hmmm....well not to pry or anything, but do you believe in God? And if so, have you seen him, heard him, touched him, talked to him, or smelled him? If you've answered the latter in the negative, and the former in the positive, then by your reasoning isn't it silly then to believe in such a thing as God?

I really do try to respect other people's beliefs. So if you choose not to believe in ghosts, I do respect your beliefs and the reasons why you believe.

But if you ask a Thai if they believe in ghosts at least 99 out of 100 will say yes. I would also say that if you ask a Thai "have you seen or witnessed a ghost"? Probably 80% will say that they have.

I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

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^^hmmm....well not to pry or anything, but do you believe in God? And if so, have you seen him, heard him, touched him, talked to him, or smelled him? If you've answered the latter in the negative, and the former in the positive, then by your reasoning isn't it silly then to believe in such a thing as God?

I really do try to respect other people's beliefs. So if you choose not to believe in ghosts, I do respect your beliefs and the reasons why you believe.

But if you ask a Thai if they believe in ghosts at least 99 out of 100 will say yes. I would also say that if you ask a Thai "have you seen or witnessed a ghost"? Probably 80% will say that they have.

I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

No I don't believe in any God(s). No invisible friend for me....

And no I don't respect anyone believe, but I have no problem with them as long as they don't want to change something in my life.

Or would you respect the your neighbors believe, if you have a Hindu and a Muslim as neighbor, they feel insulted when you eat beef or pork, as well the Muslim feel insulted that you have a dog and the other neighbor complains about your black cat....

Everyone can believe what they want, but don't expect respect. Tolerance yes.

Unfortunately many of the Believer aren't tolerant! Just look at the abortion, condom discussions in Europe, or ban of alcohol and pork in some Muslim country. Or even banning alcohol on the Buddhist days (which is pretty much against Buddhism, because when did Buddha tell to punish non-believers?).

If you get a say Christian/Muslim neighbor and he burns the ghost house and the Buddha pictures which are already there.....Do you respect him, in some flavors of these religions it would be recommended to burn that.

Or maybe you don't respect their religion that much?

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I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

I have a ghost in the fridge...

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I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

So why has no member of my family ever seen a ghost? Why have most westerners never seen ghosts? The fact that most Thais think they've seen ghosts doesn't prove their existence. If you fill people's heads from a young age with ghost stories, it affects the functioning of the mind. Believe what you want to believe but coming up with arguments like 'my auntie saw one so they must exist' does make you sound rather ignorant.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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^^hmmm....well not to pry or anything, but do you believe in God? And if so, have you seen him, heard him, touched him, talked to him, or smelled him? If you've answered the latter in the negative, and the former in the positive, then by your reasoning isn't it silly then to believe in such a thing as God?

I really do try to respect other people's beliefs. So if you choose not to believe in ghosts, I do respect your beliefs and the reasons why you believe.

But if you ask a Thai if they believe in ghosts at least 99 out of 100 will say yes. I would also say that if you ask a Thai "have you seen or witnessed a ghost"? Probably 80% will say that they have.

I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

No I don't believe in any God(s). No invisible friend for me....

And no I don't respect anyone believe, but I have no problem with them as long as they don't want to change something in my life.

Or would you respect the your neighbors believe, if you have a Hindu and a Muslim as neighbor, they feel insulted when you eat beef or pork, as well the Muslim feel insulted that you have a dog and the other neighbor complains about your black cat....

Everyone can believe what they want, but don't expect respect. Tolerance yes.

Unfortunately many of the Believer aren't tolerant! Just look at the abortion, condom discussions in Europe, or ban of alcohol and pork in some Muslim country. Or even banning alcohol on the Buddhist days (which is pretty much against Buddhism, because when did Buddha tell to punish non-believers?).

If you get a say Christian/Muslim neighbor and he burns the ghost house and the Buddha pictures which are already there.....Do you respect him, in some flavors of these religions it would be recommended to burn that.

Or maybe you don't respect their religion that much?

Good post

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I,m 64 now but in an earlier life I was a ghost and I spent most of my time in Thailand-here I was very much appreciated and respected,a ghosts life can be very lonely at times but the ladies in this country took great care of me-ooh how I wish I could return to my former self once again rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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I was talking to a 30 something Thai that I have known for a couple of years and he has always seemed quite 'with it' having worked in Oz and made a few trips to Europe. He was showing me some land he had bought and I asked him if he intended to build a house there. No,too many Ghosts live here already, he said. 'How do you know' I asked, and he said....because I have seen some yesterday ! I didn't take it any further.

ahh huh! see here someone on my side. ghosts are everywhere in Thailand. If anyone doesnt believe than try doing a leak on land like described here. watch how angry ghosts react to you doing a disrespectful act on their land.

Ive done much worse on land than take a leak ( leave it to your imagination) and often too. Im still waiting tom be struck down, mumbo jumbo, no hang on " I dont understand"..................no "my mind is closed" yes thats it.

Oh yeah one of the builders on Wifes land told her something very big lived on the land and it wasnt good..............must have been what I deposited on it earlier then

Edited by travelmann
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^^hmmm....well not to pry or anything, but do you believe in God? And if so, have you seen him, heard him, touched him, talked to him, or smelled him? If you've answered the latter in the negative, and the former in the positive, then by your reasoning isn't it silly then to believe in such a thing as God?

I really do try to respect other people's beliefs. So if you choose not to believe in ghosts, I do respect your beliefs and the reasons why you believe.

But if you ask a Thai if they believe in ghosts at least 99 out of 100 will say yes. I would also say that if you ask a Thai "have you seen or witnessed a ghost"? Probably 80% will say that they have.

I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

Please present your proof in replicable form for the scientific community to evaluate rather than hearsay.

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I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

I have a ghost in the fridge...

We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

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I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

I have a ghost in the fridge...

We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

I had a fridge in the 5th floor. And as the beer there was very popular I once told, while coming back with 4 beers, that I have a ghost in the fridge that let my beer disappear.

And than, just as I am very surprised I added that I took 5 beers and now there are just 4 in my hands.

that all was a joke for me. Before they already had some doubts and only two brave men together went up in the night....never alone.

After that: no way that any of the middle age men there would even go in that room.

No one had any logical problem, that I can go there and the ghost does not harm me (just my beer). I know from a company that has a ghost in the company. (or actually if something is going wrong no one made a mistake, everything was done by the ghost) They had the monks come several times (Buddhist monks are often corrupt enough to play along for good cash money).

And the work performance was bad because all the staff was scared.

That are grown up people---unbelievable......as it seems the story grow as more people speak together.

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I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

I have a ghost in the fridge...

We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

I had a fridge in the 5th floor. And as the beer there was very popular I once told, while coming back with 4 beers, that I have a ghost in the fridge that let my beer disappear.

And than, just as I am very surprised I added that I took 5 beers and now there are just 4 in my hands.

that all was a joke for me. Before they already had some doubts and only two brave men together went up in the night....never alone.

After that: no way that any of the middle age men there would even go in that room.

No one had any logical problem, that I can go there and the ghost does not harm me (just my beer). I know from a company that has a ghost in the company. (or actually if something is going wrong no one made a mistake, everything was done by the ghost) They had the monks come several times (Buddhist monks are often corrupt enough to play along for good cash money).

And the work performance was bad because all the staff was scared.

That are grown up people---unbelievable......as it seems the story grow as more people speak together.

Yep thats how it works then the group pressurise the person who dares to say "no" it s rubbish. just like smoking when you were kids!!

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