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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Thank you Romney for picking Ryan as it increases the chances he will lose:

They are running against a man who presided over the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth and all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt. Fat chance that the failure-in-chief will be reelected.

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Doctors are considering quitting in their droves over Obamacare, millions are on food stamps and the Country can barely pay the interest on it's debt let alone reduce it. Obamacare is an exercise in choosing the aircon before fixing the roof and repairing the foundations, but it certainly has the grandiosity that must appeal to a megalomaniac.

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Who dug the hole that the US as well as the rest of the world now finds itself in. Seems to me to be the proponents of unregulated greed. I do not blame Obama for this.

The republican party needs to reinvent itself and the T Party is not the right direction to go, although Mitt seemed to support this group of extreme right wing uncompromisers during the preliminaries. We need to rediscover statesmanship and compromise in both parties.

The Bush years were catastrophic for the US as while we were preoccupied with terrorism we ignored the inner decay taking place in the US economy. And now we are paying for it.

IMHO Entrepreneurs are going to save this country and not the mega-rich with their funds safely tied up in overseas bank accounts. These oversea funds, I believe somewhere in the trillions, help no one except the King Midas's sitting on them.

If there are to be tax breaks give it to the entrepreneurs and not the mega-rich.

Mitt falls too squarely into the group of people with a particular mindset that caused the economic problems in the first place. As the separation gap of the wealthy from the middle class becomes more prominent and the living conditions of the middle class continue to decline one can only fear what lies down the road for the US and its peace and tranquility.

Although I fully support the maintenance of personal responsibilities such as working hard and keeping government out of ones personal life which has always been a hallmark of the Republican party my memory works for more then one presidential term at a time and it is quite easy to see which political party dropped the ball on this very depressed recession we now find ourselves in. Sorry Mitt and your new VP running mate, but I really do not think you stand a chance.Edit: added "and your new VP running mate" to keep on topic.

Edited by BuckarooBanzai
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Off-topic posts have been deleted. The topic is about the Republican VP candidate. Discussion of Obama and Biden is off-topic unless you want to post intelligent remarks comparing policy differences.

If you think this is going to degenerate into a mud-slinging contest, you are wrong. If you think you are untouchable, you are also wrong. You will earn a suspension for trolling.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

My emphasis.

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I've never heard of this guy. What's his claim to fame? What are his policies like?

He Drove the WienermobileAs a teenager, Ryan, who comes from an established family of Wisconsonites and whose great-grandfather started a major construction firm, found a summer job driving the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. It seems to have been just part of the newly-tapped veep candidate’s one-time responsibilities, but it’s about as genuine a slice of American as comes on four wheels. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/11/7-fun-facts-about-paul-ryan.html

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At least Ryan has the ability to balance a checkbook. That ability has been sadly lacking in the last several presidents.

Wanting to raise taxes on the rich is absolutely the wrong thing to do. What needs to be done is to close the massive loopholes in the VERY complicated tax codes. Rich people and their tax lawyers are able to avoid paying their fair share. Companies like GE pay no tax at all.

Social Security was intended to support people in their old age. That program has been raped and the government has not been able to stop the fraud and fakers from getting benefits. Taking dead people and fraudsters off the benefits would restore the system to be a self sustaining program.

Now the government wants to administer a massive insurance program when they can't manage the programs that already exist. The huge federal government is wasteful beyond belief.

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The Repugs on here fail to point out one fact. THE richest millionaires in the US are paying the lowest taxes in 40 years and Ryan proposed they pay less, Even when the weathiest such as Warren Buffet say its madness and unjust, the highjacked tea bagging Repug party say more more trickle down economics. . Ryan is the biggest proponent

Edited by KKvampire
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If the following is indicative of things to come then the next couple of months are going to be interesting.

It would seem we need more centrists in our government instead of more polarization. I know there is a lot of literary license taken in the press but the majority of what I have been seeing seems to reflect the polarizing effect of Mitt's choice.

"Make no mistake. In his decision to make Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin, his running mate, Romney finally surrendered the tattered remnants of his soul not only to the extreme base of his party, but also to extremist economic policies, and to an extremist view of the country he seeks to lead."



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Sure save America by throwing the poor, minorities, unemployed, and sick off the cliff by giving additional welfare for the rich and corporations! This Ryan poster boy, Ayn Rand cult follower, is one of the most cold hearted politicians in American history. Great day for Obama supporters.

Yes, except Obama has no solutions. More of the same, spineless, wimpy, do whatever the lobbyists ask policies. More broken campaign promises. This man has shown that he is an empty suit, with zero ideas, or solutions. Why else do you think there is nothing substantive in his promises this time? Slash and burn the opponent, and avoid discussing the issues. I am a lifelong democrat, and I hate Obama, as he is an incompetent neophyte.

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The Repugs on here fail to point out one fact. THE richest millionaires in the US are paying the lowest taxes in 40 years and Ryan proposed they pay less, Even when the weathiest such as Warren Buffet say its madness and unjust, the highjacked tea bagging Repug party say more more trickle down economics. . Ryan is the biggest proponent

Just a little note about the richest citizens.

Did you know that if the federal government seized and then LIQUIDATED the total assets of the 100 richest people, it would raise the sum of $1,019.2 Trillion?

The Obama budget for 2012 was set at $3,796 Trillion.

The liquidation of those aforementioned assets would run the government for a massive total of 98 days only. On the morning of the 10th of April, the US government would be OUT of money and the richest 100 would be bankrupt.

The rich aren't the problem, it is government spending and Rep Ryan knows that. Hopefully the voters will realize that with Ryan as the candidate.

just another example of how you can manipulate figures to make a point... and fail.

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Sure save America by throwing the poor, minorities, unemployed, and sick off the cliff by giving additional welfare for the rich and corporations! This Ryan poster boy, Ayn Rand cult follower, is one of the most cold hearted politicians in American history. Great day for Obama supporters.

Here, here !!! clap2.gif

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For those people that don't already know it all, I would suggest you go to YouTube and look at some of his interviews and speeches.

He is considerably more than a pretty face.

He obviously wasn't high on marijuana when he was in school.

How do you know? Maybe he was into booze. I went to school with plenty of people that smoked weed and who went on to successful lives.

The closeted drinkers went on to be nasty alcoholics. If your comments are a cheap swipe at President Obama, they fail. At least the President is honest on his past. Former President Bush was a hypocrite when it came to his past chemical dependancy. In any case, I couldn't care less if Mr. Ryan was a binge drinker at his university fraternity or if he smoked weed or not.

What matters are his policy views and his views are unworkable. That doesn't mean that he doesn't raise some valid points and he is indeed correct on some issues. However, he refuses to admit that the government does not collect sufficient tax revenues to pay for even the most basic of programs and to support a bloated defence budget. He will never be honest and admit that additional taxes are needed. More specifically, that the super wealthy have to pay more taxes.That is why he has no integrity He won't alienate his supporters and backers.

I agree to the max !

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Sure save America by throwing the poor, minorities, unemployed, and sick off the cliff by giving additional welfare for the rich and corporations! This Ryan poster boy, Ayn Rand cult follower, is one of the most cold hearted politicians in American history. Great day for Obama supporters.

Just who do you think provides the jobs that these poor, minorities and unemployed are seeking? The very rich people that you berate.

And just what is you classification as rich? Many expats certainly qualify as rich in the eyes of the Thais where they live. Does that make them evil people too?

It's called "working for a living". You don't work, you don't eat. There are 5th generation welfare families in the US. At what point do you draw the line and say enough is enough. This is part of the reason the US has economic woes. If it continues, you will see these rich individuals and their corporations move offshore. Then what is the US going to do for a tax base? Turn to the poor and indigent that have been sucking the tit for decades?

I just love the liberals that are all for government taking care of people from cradle to grace, insisting that it is a "right" of birth. All the time not knowing or caring where the funds come from to support such a lofty goal. Idealism gets you absolutely nothing outside the classroom. Reality can be cold and harsh, but as long as daddy warbucks is there to catch you, you have zero incentive to fend for yourself.

By Romney selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, he is sending a message to Americans that he is serious about balancing the budget as Ryan has been part of the hard-line right wing front to stop raising taxes, on everyone, not just the rich. This selection shows that he did not pander to any SIG.

You are so full of it.

Just my opinion of course.......

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Thank you Romney for picking Ryan as it increases the chances he will lose:

They are running against a man who presided over the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth and all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt. Fat chance that the failure-in-chief will be reelected.

Yea, all due to his predasessor.

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Here is a summary of Ryan's policies. Funnily enough they add up instead of being a tissue of lies, smallprint, ad-hominim attacks and the usual smears in lieu of substance, which sadly is all the left seem capable of.


Newsmax asked vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan to provide his prescription for fixing the American economy and a defense of his proposed agenda, in light of the Obama's administration's refusal to address out-of-control entitlements. Here is his exclusive Newsmax Op-Ed.

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Mitt Romney stumbles in running mate announcement, introduces Paul Ryan as next president: http://apne.ws/QoDc4M

On his disatourous trip to the UK he called the opposition leader Ed Milliband Mr Leader as he forgot his name.

managed to insult most of London, the goverment and London Mayor. Foriegn policy going to be a further nightmare if her gets in.

I didn't think it was possible to insult a Pommy?
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I've never heard of this guy. What's his claim to fame? What are his policies like?

Credible sustainable budgets perhaps. coffee1.gif

That's a laugh

That pointless reply to Ryan's clear-sighted comments about the lack of a sustainable budget has about as much substance as Geithner's reponse did in the hearing. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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[On his disatourous trip to the UK he called the opposition leader Ed Milliband Mr Leader as he forgot his name.

managed to insult most of London, the goverment and London Mayor.

You mean by politely commenting on what the British press had been saying quite loudly for two weeks before he got there?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Here is a summary of Ryan's policies. Funnily enough they add up instead of being a tissue of lies, smallprint, ad-hominim attacks and the usual smears in lieu of substance, which sadly is all the left seem capable of.


Newsmax asked vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan to provide his prescription for fixing the American economy and a defense of his proposed agenda, in light of the Obama's administration's refusal to address out-of-control entitlements. Here is his exclusive Newsmax Op-Ed.

Please consider the source:

"In March 2009, Forbes ran a feature on Newsmax describing it as a "media empire" and the "great right hope" of the Republican Party." "

In a January 2010 profile on the company, the Financial Times reported that the "Rise of Newsmax Defies the Media Trend" and said its website, Newsmax.com, is "one of the strongest conservative voices online"." http://en.wikipedia....wsmax_Media

Both the right and left can generate a great deal of biased misleading material. My post above about the extreme position of Ryan is an example of left wing clap trap that is equally suspect. If you make your judgements based on biased information I would expect that you could be "mislead" by those you hold in such high esteem. The reason I posted my left wing tid-bit was that it was an extreme example that a majority of the news I had been reading from many sources, including unbiased, was indicating that Ryan's position was far to the right. My post quote was clearly identified as from a biased source and the main reason I used it to express my point of Ryan's non-centrist dogma was that I liked the picture.

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The so called "liberal left" under Clinton,also hated by the cons, balanced the budget .then along came Dubya and whoosh .deficit sky rockets with war expenditure.Guess what Ryans budget would have increased the pentagon budget while slashing social and seniors spending.If ever you need to know the priorities of the repubs its there in one example.

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