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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Another poll taken when Ryan is relatively unknown.

The comparative polls for Quayle and Palin were taken when they were unknowns.As people got to know them, things didn't improve.

Ryan is pretty well known for coming up with new and exciting ways for screwing the middle class, especially seniors, and supporting the 1% ... and even those plans have been criticized for being without substance or real numbers.

And already Romney starts "hedging" on Ryan's vision:

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) dodged a question on “Fox News Sunday” about whether he embraces vice presidential pick Paul Ryan’s budget, instead evoking Ryan’s work with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) on Medicare.

“Right now, I guess we have to ask, what is the plan that Democrats have besides negative attack ads,” he said.

McCain said it’s “appropriate” for Mitt Romney to hedge on parts of the Ryan plan.

However Jing is right about fox news. If they are not a pro republican outfit then who or what is ?? If one thinks otherwise then they would be playing with themselves.

Fox News does support the Republicans and people think this is a bad thing yet at the same time they have no problem with NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, and CNN all supporting the Democrats. Score for those paying attention: TV networks favoring Republicans: 1. Favoring Democrats: 6.

Have you ever actually listened to the likes of Joe Kernen on CNBC? He continually sucks up to Republicans and literally sneers at anything to do with the Democratic Party, and he's far from alone.

Edited by Suradit69
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It IS radically right wing.

Radical right wing is Timothy Mcveigh.rolleyes.gif Romney and Ryan are center right like Ronald Reagan and most of America,.

You're confused now. Ryan is definitely far right wing. I didn't say he was a TERRORIST! The reason I think you're confused is that America is a right wing country. In reality Obama is objectively a slightly left of center MODERATE. But in the context of a right wing country like the USA he is labeled as a communist/socialist by far right wing people like the entire base of the very right wing republican party.

For Christ's sake, Obama is NOT a center-left moderate. He IS a freaking MARXIST. Just listen to what he says. His whole gimmick is "Workers of the world - Unite!", "Forward!", "Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie", "take from the evil capitalists and give to everyone else". Fortunately, Americans don't like Marxists and they really don't like being fooled into voting for one (talking to you UG ;) ).

Romney picking Ryan cements them as a team focusing on fixing the economy and the deficit, NOT blaming business, capitalism, and entrepreneurs - or the guy in office 4 years ago. Ryan is already helping Romney draw crowds several times larger than Obama's. If this keeps up, Obama will lose by double-digits.

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Have you ever actually listened to the likes of Joe Kernen on CNBC? He continually sucks up to Republicans and literally sneers at anything to do with the Democratic Party, and he's far from alone.

There are a number of liberals making silly excuses for Obama on Fox on a regular basis too, but no one is pretending that that makes them anything but a conservative network in general.

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The Ryan pick seems to have worked...

The recent frantic email theme to supporters from Team Obama about Mitt Romney's run-away fundraising successes has been expanded to the crowd size gap between the thousands who rushed out over the weekend to see Romney and new running mate Rep. Paul Ryan and the hundreds who cheered on President Obama.

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Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) dodged a question on “Fox News Sunday” about whether he embraces vice presidential pick Paul Ryan’s budget, instead evoking Ryan’s work with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) on Medicare.

“Right now, I guess we have to ask, what is the plan that Democrats have besides negative attack ads,” he said.

McCain said it’s “appropriate” for Mitt Romney to hedge on parts of the Ryan plan.

This bit of spin is from an opinion piece on the TPM blog which is known for its liberal slant. It is customary to include a link to this sort of thing so that other readers know where it comes from.

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Along with Koheesti's last ;post...


Biden campaigns before a crowd of 660 in North Carolina

By Caroline May

Biden’s appearance before a comparatively meager crowd came a day after the newly formed Republican ticket — presidential candidate Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan — rallied a crowd of over 10,000 in High Point, N.C., about an hour away, and a crowd of approximately 4,700 people in Mooresville, N.C., about two-and-a-half hours away.

Jeffrey Bunnell, the assistant chief of special operations for the City of Durham Fire Department, provided The Daily Caller with the 660 crowd estimate, attributing the number to the Secret Service.

Obama won North Carolina in 2008 by 14,000 votes. Then, Durham County voted in large numbers for Obama, with the then Illinois senator pulling in 76 percent of the vote.

Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz3q2O8ODqQ

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Not with unemployment at 8.3.

You don't get it! This election isn't about the economy/unemployment now. It is NOT a referendum on Obama's performance now.

Romney changed that with the Ryan pick because he realized he wasn't winning on that. Now it is a stark CHOICE election.

Radical right wing, gut the poor vs. the more humanitarian democratic party ideals. The USA is right wing but not THAT right wing. Obama wins this one.

The news media and pundits can babble on about Ryan all they want. When the people, the voters, go into the voting booths in November, the unemployment rate of 8.3% certainly will matter. It will be a referendum on the failure of Obama. Should they vote for the incompetent administration of Barack the Bumbling Buffoon that has kept the unemployment rate above 8% for over three years? In the word of a former President who was a Democrat; "It's the Economy, Stupid!"

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During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Republicans missed the boat on using the Internet and social media to fuel a campaign while Obama left them behind. This year, thanks to the pick of Ryan as VP, it is the Democrats who will be missing the boat. While Obama and the Democrats are using old, worn out tactics of 100%, nothing but negative advertising (with no achievements to run on, they have no choice), Romney/Ryan will corner the market on ideas, putting forth solutions to get us out of the financial mess we find ourselves in today. Sure, Romney/Ryan will also run negative ads, but they need to to counter Obama (McCain played nice and he lost) and the negative ads will not account for all they run on like Obama. As much as the Dems may hope, this election won't be about side distraction issues like gay rights, (more) free contraception for women, getting the 1% to pay more than the 35% of taxes they already pay, whether or not Romney is rich, or lies about Romney giving women cancer. It will be about what is important - jobs, the national debt, a balanced budget, and getting our economy up and running for all four affect 100% of the voters and other citizens. Nov 6th, 55-45 Romney

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Repug strategists are concerned about close congress races now and of course the one big question is. "Is Ryan fit to be President".


Well, we have painfully learned that the answer to the question today as well as in 2008, "Is Obama fit to be President" is still a resounding NO.

Edited by koheesti
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I am truly perplexed by those that label President Obama a Marxist or a lefttie. He is not. If one compares the social policies of the Democrats, it skews to the right of the Canadian and European conservative parties. If President Obama is a leftie, then PMs Harper and Cameron must be radical revolutionaries laugh.png.

The problem with the US political system is that it is a 2 party system. The Republicans comprise genuine moderates and conservatives and at one time some liberals along with nutters. The Democrats comprise genuine moderates conservatives and liberals along with nutters. Just as the Democrats once were the bastion of the loathesome Dixicrats, that held racist positions because they hated the decency of the GOP, now the GOP is the bastion of the loathesome self titled "patriots".

The GOP used to be controlled by fiscal pragmatists and genuine conservatives. They seem to have been shoved aside, pushed out by the minority, but very vocal and influential group that has no grasp of what being a conservative means. Nixon despite all his faults had some policies that today's GOP would labeled as leftist. The same goes for the very honourable and decent Ford. In today's GOP, a gentleman of Ford's decency would have been pushed out. And therein lies the GOP quandry. Gone are the decent people, who had political views that came from their life experience and from the WWII era. They may not have been perfect, but in their hearts they were trying to do the right thing. The Ryan-Romney ticket does not reflect genuine conservative values. IMO, instead it reflects the greed and lack of compassion that has plagued the USA since the Reagan era. The Democrat position is a reflection of the growing population that are becoming have nots.

The Simpson Bowles plan was a starting point, yet Mr. Ryan sabotaged the attempts to enact the changes called for by this non partisan group. Simpson Bowles offered some very tough recommendations that would have been embraced by the old GOP. Perhaps if Mr. Ryan had actually worked in the private sector and had gotten his hands dirty with the poor, he'd have understood the urgency of the Simpson- Bowles roadmap. My previous employer was controlled by a large multinational VC fund. Everything is based upon EBITA and short term ROI. There was no appreciation of human capital and long return investment.The R&R approach mirrors this approach. Everything wasshort term approach. A true conservative would look to the future and would conserve and strengthen. When I graduated from MBA school, the Bain/Deloitte/Mercer consulting jobs were nice gigs. None of my classmates stayed longer than 5 years. They either burntout or left in disgust. Some have gone on to other companies or indepndent success. In the case of Mercer, one colleague was there for their meltdown as the parent was caught for nappropriate business activities.

A true conservative would not attempt to legislate a woman's control over her own body, nor would the USA have seen draconian laws such as the Patriot Act. I'm all for security, but conservatves understand the concept of civil liberties. The GOP platform offers no roadmap to the future.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Over the next 10 years, the federal government will devote about $500 billion less to Medicare, thanks to Obamacare. The seniors have a lot more too worry about from the current occupant of the White House than Romney and Ryan.

Not true. This is a misrepresentation of the facts.

ABC News; The Kaiser Foundation which supported Ryan's proposal at least had the decency to admit that the $500billion figure was not true.

Medicare spending will continue to grow, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), but ACA will slow that growth. According to a report from the Kaiser Family Health Foundation over the next 10 years, the federal government will devote about $500 billion less to Medicare than it would have without ACA.

CMS and the Kaiser Family Foundation tell ABC News that there will be no benefit cuts to Medicare. They say instead of Medicare’s being cut, there will be much more spending at the end of a 10-year window, but it does slow the rate of that growth. This is all unless Congress makes drastic changes to Medicare, for example passing House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan.

CMS says—and Kaiser agrees—that spending will be reduced by getting rid of fraud and ending overpayments to private insurance companies. It sends a message to those insurance companies: Operate more efficiently.

And instead of cuts, the CMS says they will be able to fund new benefits, including free preventive care and broader prescription coverage, including closing the “doughnut hole” affecting seniors.

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Repug strategists are concerned about close congress races now and of course the one big question is. "Is Ryan fit to be President".


Well, we have painfully learned that the answer to the question today as well as in 2008, "Is Obama fit to be President" is still a resounding NO.

That's your opinion. To date, President Obama and VP Biden have kept the USA from economic collapse and have diminished the potential for international conflict. People are better off today, than they would have been had the failed policies of the previous Republican administration continued.

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Over the next 10 years, the federal government will devote about $500 billion less to Medicare, thanks to Obamacare. The seniors have a lot more too worry about from the current occupant of the White House than Romney and Ryan.

Not true. This is a misrepresentation of the facts.

They say instead of Medicare’s being cut, there will be much more spending at the end of a 10-year window, but it does slow the rate of that growth.

Maybe you need to look at that a little closer. Over the next 10 years, the federal government will devote about $500 billion less to Medicare than it would have because of Obamacare.

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Well, we have painfully learned that the answer to the question today as well as in 2008, "Is Obama fit to be President" is still a resounding NO.

That's your opinion. To date, President Obama and VP Biden have kept the USA from economic collapse and have diminished the potential for international conflict. People are better off today, than they would have been had the failed policies of the previous Republican administration continued.

Now THAT sounds like an opinion. Do you have any proof for that theory? blink.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I am truly perplexed by those that label President Obama a Marxist or a lefttie. He is not. If one compares the social policies of the Democrats, it skews to the right of the Canadian and European conservative parties. If President Obama is a leftie, then PMs Harper and Cameron must be radical revolutionaries laugh.png.

The problem with the US political system is that it is a 2 party system. The Republicans comprise genuine moderates and conservatives and at one time some liberals along with nutters. The Democrats comprise genuine moderates conservatives and liberals along with nutters. Just as the Democrats once were the bastion of the loathesome Dixicrats, that held racist positions because they hated the decency of the GOP, now the GOP is the bastion of the loathesome self titled "patriots".

The GOP used to be controlled by fiscal pragmatists and genuine conservatives. They seem to have been shoved aside, pushed out by the minority, but very vocal and influential group that has no grasp of what being a conservative means. Nixon despite all his faults had some policies that today's GOP would labeled as leftist. The same goes for the very honourable and decent Ford. In today's GOP, a gentleman of Ford's decency would have been pushed out. And therein lies the GOP quandry. Gone are the decent people, who had political views that came from their life experience and from the WWII era. They may not have been perfect, but in their hearts they were trying to do the right thing. The Ryan-Romney ticket does not reflect genuine conservative values. IMO, instead it reflects the greed and lack of compassion that has plagued the USA since the Reagan era. The Democrat position is a reflection of the growing population that are becoming have nots.

The Simpson Bowles plan was a starting point, yet Mr. Ryan sabotaged the attempts to enact the changes called for by this non partisan group. Simpson Bowles offered some very tough recommendations that would have been embraced by the old GOP. Perhaps if Mr. Ryan had actually worked in the private sector and had gotten his hands dirty with the poor, he'd have understood the urgency of the Simpson- Bowles roadmap. My previous employer was controlled by a large multinational VC fund. Everything is based upon EBITA and short term ROI. There was no appreciation of human capital and long return investment.The R&R approach mirrors this approach. Everything wasshort term approach. A true conservative would look to the future and would conserve and strengthen. When I graduated from MBA school, the Bain/Deloitte/Mercer consulting jobs were nice gigs. None of my classmates stayed longer than 5 years. They either burntout or left in disgust. Some have gone on to other companies or indepndent success. In the case of Mercer, one colleague was there for their meltdown as the parent was caught for nappropriate business activities.

A true conservative would not attempt to legislate a woman's control over her own body, nor would the USA have seen draconian laws such as the Patriot Act. I'm all for security, but conservatves understand the concept of civil liberties. The GOP platform offers no roadmap to the future.

As many who left the Republican party of the centre ground will vouch for, It's been hijacked by anti abortion, flat taxing, trickle down,tea bagging loons, Look at the last two years of the House of Rep, Not a single measure to help create jobs, Just pandering to the extremists with attempts to change fundamental laws on the right of a woman to choice. The Stepford Wives would have been proud of them.

Edited by KKvampire
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Repug strategists are concerned about close congress races now and of course the one big question is. "Is Ryan fit to be President".


Well, we have painfully learned that the answer to the question today as well as in 2008, "Is Obama fit to be President" is still a resounding NO.

That's your opinion. To date, President Obama and VP Biden have kept the USA from economic collapse and have diminished the potential for international conflict. People are better off today, than they would have been had the failed policies of the previous Republican administration continued.

And that is only your opinion.

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Perhaps if Mr. Ryan had actually worked in the private sector and had gotten his hands dirty with the poor, he'd have understood the urgency of the Simpson- Bowles roadmap.

Paul Ryan worked for McDonald's, drove for Oscar Meyer, worked as a waiter, a fitness trainer, an intern and staff economist for a senator and a marketing consultant for his families construction business. In other words, he had a number of real jobs in the private sector.

Let's not forget that Obama rejected Simpson Bowles even though he was the one that initiated it.

Paul Ryan thought much of it was excellent, but it did not address health care and that was too important to ignore. Here is what he said about it:

"It ignored health care…the driver of our debt is these health care programs, these health care entitlements…Simpson Bowles is basically silent on those things. Alice Rivlin and I, a Democrat and I. had an amendment to Simpson Bowles to complete this package that would have fundamental health care entitlement reform that was rejected by the elected Democrats, not the appointed Democrats on Simpson Bowles, and as a result it wasn’t passed…a lot of their proposals are in our budget, but it does not fix the problem"

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I am truly perplexed by those that label President Obama a Marxist or a lefttie. He is not.

He most definitely is a Marxist. Here's yet another spot on analysis in a long line of them...

As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor. Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.

Dreams from My Father
describes Davis’s efforts to pass this stance on to Obama. At Occidental, with Davis’s advice in mind, Obama worried that he was too much like “suburban blacks, students who sit with whites in the cafeteria and refuse to be defined by the color of their skin.” This fear of becoming a middle-class suburban “sellout” is the background to the famous passage of
where Obama explains why he started hanging out with “Marxist professors” and other unconventional types. Recalling Davis’s admonition to reject the standard path to success, “the American way and all that shit,” Obama left Occidental’s suburban campus for Columbia University, “in the heart of a true city.”
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I am truly perplexed by those that label President Obama a Marxist or a lefttie. He is not.

He most definitely is a Marxist. Here's yet another spot on analysis in a long line of them...

As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor. Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.

Dreams from My Father
describes Davis’s efforts to pass this stance on to Obama. At Occidental, with Davis’s advice in mind, Obama worried that he was too much like “suburban blacks, students who sit with whites in the cafeteria and refuse to be defined by the color of their skin.” This fear of becoming a middle-class suburban “sellout” is the background to the famous passage of
where Obama explains why he started hanging out with “Marxist professors” and other unconventional types. Recalling Davis’s admonition to reject the standard path to success, “the American way and all that shit,” Obama left Occidental’s suburban campus for Columbia University, “in the heart of a true city.”

Ah Steve Forbes website , Remind us who Forbes is on the political spectrum/ As you are fond of saying, just "opinion" keep sweeping the net for your links to support your fantasies that the president is a marxist or communist, You could be Fox noise's correspondent for Thai visa

Edited by KKvampire
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I am truly perplexed by those that label President Obama a Marxist or a lefttie. He is not.

He most definitely is a Marxist. Here's yet another spot on analysis in a long line of them...

As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor. Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.

Dreams from My Father
describes Davis’s efforts to pass this stance on to Obama. At Occidental, with Davis’s advice in mind, Obama worried that he was too much like “suburban blacks, students who sit with whites in the cafeteria and refuse to be defined by the color of their skin.” This fear of becoming a middle-class suburban “sellout” is the background to the famous passage of
where Obama explains why he started hanging out with “Marxist professors” and other unconventional types. Recalling Davis’s admonition to reject the standard path to success, “the American way and all that shit,” Obama left Occidental’s suburban campus for Columbia University, “in the heart of a true city.”

Ah Steve Forbes website , Remind us who Forbes is on the political spectrum/ As you are fond of saying, just "opinion" keep sweeping the net for your links to support your fantasies that the president is a marxist or communist, You could be Fox noise's correspondent for Thai visa

I'm sorry, did Steve Forbes write Dreams of My Father? Well, maybe be did, we know Obama didn't.

btw - I'm not the one fond of "just opinion". I said it once in reply to someone else's dodging the truth by calling it just my opinion.

Edited by koheesti
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Spin this...

Clinton White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles talks about Paul Ryan:

“Have any of you all met Paul Ryan? We should get him to come to the university. I’m telling you this guy is amazing. ... He is honest, he is straightforward, he is sincere. And the budget that he came forward with is just like Paul Ryan. It is a sensible, straightforward, honest, serious budget and it cut the budget deficit just like we did, by $4 trillion. … The president as you remember, came out with a budget and I don’t think anybody took that budget very seriously. The Senate voted against it 97 to nothing."

This gentleman is a democrat and co-chair of Obama's own debt commission. This is how pretty much everyone on Capital Hill felt about Paul Ryan until he got the nomination and the spin started and the knives came out.

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