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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Here's another reason Governor Romney won't release his tax returns:

Governor Romney's Tax Returns will show him having massively increased his wealth by using precisely the tax loopholes that Paul Ryan says must be closed to balance the budget. So if he released his tax returns here would be the question:

"Congressman Ryan, Governor Romney made 75 million dollars from the following tax loopholes - are these the loopholes that your budget numbers depend on closing and do you advocate closing them now?"

One other issue: whoever advised Paul Ryan to wear checkered western shirts matching those stiffly worn by Romney should be sacked immediately. They look like a pair of pervs creepily proselytizing outside a schoolyard.

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The hypocrisy and lies from Romney and Ryan , You are not doing a good job as mouth pieces for them on TV, Romney who doesnt want to talka bout His "liberal"views when he was governor of Mass.Clearly he says and"believes" whatever suits the current electorate , Now he's in bed with the loonies in his party and there's plenty of them. As for Ryan His hypocrisy on "a womans right to choose" sums him up, He sponsored bills in the House with barely any exceptions .

"Congress, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made statements about whether abortions should be allowed in cases where the mother's health is at risk. In an April 5, 2000, speech on the House floor, Ryan lit into such exceptions, characterizing them as "a loophole wide enough to drive a Mack truck through it."


Of course even though its his words I case the Huffington post link not to the liking of some of the Repubs on here. Sorry but Fakefox news doesnt report facts consequently unable to find one from their site.

Oh and bye bye Missouri Atkin and Romney. Womens vote getting near 65% now for MacCaskill and Obama

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The hypocrisy and lies from Romney and Ryan , You are not doing a good job as mouth pieces for them on TV, Romney who doesnt want to talka bout His "liberal"views when he was governor of Mass.Clearly he says and"believes" whatever suits the current electorate , Now he's in bed with the loonies in his party and there's plenty of them. As for Ryan His hypocrisy on "a womans right to choose" sums him up, He sponsored bills in the House with barely any exceptions .

"Congress, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made statements about whether abortions should be allowed in cases where the mother's health is at risk. In an April 5, 2000, speech on the House floor, Ryan lit into such exceptions, characterizing them as "a loophole wide enough to drive a Mack truck through it."


Of course even though its his words I case the Huffington post link not to the liking of some of the Repubs on here. Sorry but Fakefox news doesnt report facts consequently unable to find one from their site.

Oh and bye bye Missouri Atkin and Romney. Womens vote getting near 65% now for MacCaskill and Obama

The Ryan speech on the House floor was about late term abortions. In case you don't know what a late term abortion is, read your own link,

"Let us just go over what this procedure does. The abortionist forcibly turns the child into the breech, feet first in that position, then the abortionist pulls the living child out of the mother by the leg until only the head is left inside, stabs the child at the base of the skull and sucks out the brain with a vacuum, pulling the now dead child out of the mother."

Edited by Rimmer
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The Ryan speech on the House floor was about late term abortions. In case you don't know what a late term abortion is, read your own link,

"Let us just go over what this procedure does. The abortionist forcibly turns the child into the breech, feet first in that position, then the abortionist pulls the living child out of the mother by the leg until only the head is left inside, stabs the child at the base of the skull and sucks out the brain with a vacuum, pulling the now dead child out of the mother."

If you find that procedure acceptable you are in serious need of help.

Romney and Ryan's opponents have opposed a ban on that procedure that Ryan spoke out against. No wonder most Americans oppose partial-birth abortions. bah.gif

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Here's another reason Governor Romney won't release his tax returns:

The democrats claim that he did not pay any taxes at all. They better get all their bogus stories straight.

O Romneys hiding something ,He wont release tax returns . Some accounts in family names and other countries , It will blow up in his face sometime before November

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Romney is the one running for president. He doesn't want us to know who he really is. That's sleazy.

Please, don't make me larf. How long did it take for Obama to release his birth certificate? I believe that fact strikes more closely to home about who someone is as opposed to a tax return.

Sleazy is operating a slam campaign because you cannot run on your record.

Sleazy is not presenting a federal budget for the last four years?

Sleazy is trebling the annual fiscal deficit to over 1 trillion+ dollars per year for the last four years?

Sleazy is not being willing to roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done to heal the rift between the parties. Why won't the current POTUS act as an arbiter between the parties to negotiate solutions to the problems the US has as previous presidents have done?

Sleazy is having your VP tell members of the NAACP that the Republicans will "put them back in chains".

JT, your arguments are getting thinner by the days. You aren't from Chicago by chance as that would explain much.

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It will blow up in his face sometime before November

No it won't. he has met his legal obligation and that is all that counts with most voters. They could care less about this obvious distraction from the democrat's failed record.

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Romney is the one running for president. He doesn't want us to know who he really is. That's sleazy.

Please, don't make me larf. How long did it take for Obama to release his birth certificate? I believe that fact strikes more closely to home about who someone is as opposed to a tax return.

Sleazy is operating a slam campaign because you cannot run on your record.

Sleazy is not presenting a federal budget for the last four years?

Sleazy is trebling the annual fiscal deficit to over 1 trillion+ dollars per year for the last four years?

Sleazy is not being willing to roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done to heal the rift between the parties. Why won't the current POTUS act as an arbiter between the parties to negotiate solutions to the problems the US has as previous presidents have done?

Sleazy is having your VP tell members of the NAACP that the Republicans will "put them back in chains".

JT, your arguments are getting thinner by the days. You aren't from Chicago by chance as that would explain much.

Ah a Birther, You got Romney in your camp now, The convergence from moderate conservative to Wing Nut Tea bagging candidate

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Here's another reason Governor Romney won't release his tax returns:

The democrats claim that he did not pay any taxes at all. They better get all their bogus stories straight.

How do you know it's bogus if he won't release his tax returns? Could be true after all. Only got his word that he paid anything and he changes his mind on everything. In fact, the longer Governor Romney stalls and obfuscates over this the truer it will seem. Just release them and be done with it. Simple. Then this issue won't crowd out Congressman's Ryan's proposals to close Tax Loopholes in order to balance the budget.

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Here's another reason Governor Romney won't release his tax returns:

The democrats claim that he did not pay any taxes at all. They better get all their bogus stories straight.

How do you know it's bogus if he won't release his tax returns? Could be true after all. Only got his word that he paid anything and he changes his mind on everything. In fact, the longer Governor Romney stalls and obfuscates over this the truer it will seem. Just release them and be done with it. Simple. Then this issue won't crowd out Congressman's Ryan's proposals to close Tax Loopholes in order to balance the budget.

The rich don't pay taxes, if they do, then they should change accountants.

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I'm sure that the illegal aliens, felons, dead people and far left liberals are really worried about that, but the voter ID laws will rule most of them out.

Love it! You can even move them around on the board and make all manner of really neat combinations. It's better than a game of twister at Mitt's house. Boy, that Mr. Ryan sure is flexible! Let's see:

Illegal liberals

Dead aliens

Far Left Felons. No? How about:

Worried Alien Liberals,

Dead felons and the People Left?

Just shuffle your Talking Point cards and go!!!

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Romney is not unaware of his hypocrisy.

He just doesn't give a shit.


Brilliant Compilation and it was a Republican ad by Ron Paul. laugh.png , "Out of the mouths of babes" even repubs if they are honest will cringe. Of course only thing that binds them is their hate of President Obama... It s called "not having Principles" Its about saying "whatever you need to say when it suits you" Flip Flop Better to say a LIAR

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It will blow up in his face sometime before November

No it won't. he has met his legal obligation and that is all that counts with most voters. They could care less about this obvious distraction from the democrat's failed record.

Nah, I think you're wrong about that. You're not legally obligated to jump into a river to save the life of a 3 year old child, but if you didn't do it because it might cost you a new pair of shoes I reckon that most people would look on you with derision. Saying "I fulfilled my legal obligations, get off my case and don't ask me about it - it's a distraction" just won't wash.

Satisfying legal obligations isn't the half of it where social and moral obligations are involved -as in the case of the drowning 3 year old. Satisfying a legal obligation is more often a necessary but not a sufficient condition to considered a person of character.

A person with net worth of over USD 250,000,0000 asking for tax cuts but unwilling to say what taxes he paid? Bad electoral JuJu. The man already comes across as lacking sincerity. He is as incoherent on the issue of abortion as his Running Mate Paul Ryan is coherent - and laudably so. Check him out. It's very unpleasant.

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Romney is the one running for president. He doesn't want us to know who he really is. That's sleazy.

The irony. The first thing Obama did when he entered office was seal a whole batch of documents relating to his past.

A lie .. good at that though You Obama haters

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Nah, I think you're wrong about that.

When Aussies start to vote in America, I might take your opinions on American politics a little more seriously, but probably not.

How strange. First Chuckd was claiming that I'm a card carrying member of the Democratic Party and now you implying that I'm an Australian. In fact I'm an American and no registered member of the Democratic Party. Anyway all that's beside point and lazy ad hominem to boot. A refuge of the discursively challenged more probably than not. More to the point is that details are emerging about Governor's Romney's tax problem and it doesn't look pretty -the only thing worse than having to lay it out yourself is to have someone else do it for you:

"In brief, it looks like four Bain funds in which the Romney family’s trusts are invested converted $1.05 billion in management fees — which should be taxed as ordinary income – into capital gains, which are taxed at the much lower rate. The tax savings: $220 million.

Mr. Fleischer was all over it, writing on his blog that “the Bain partners, in my opinion, misreported their income if they reported those converted fees as capital gains instead of ordinary income.” What would the I.R.S. say? It is unclear, but Mr. Fleischer says the practice is illegal and has no doubt a court would agree if ever asked to rule on the question. What does Mr. Romney say? The campaign declined to comment." http://gawker.com/5936394/ and http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/24/two-and-twenty-tax-dodges/?ref=politics for source.

Perhaps not even legal requirements were met. Ouch, that's gotta burn. Aren't these the loopholes that Congressman Ryan is saying have to be plugged to fund his tax cuts?

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Nah, I think you're wrong about that.

When Aussies start to vote in America, I might take your opinions on American politics a little more seriously, but probably not.

But we are expected to accept the idiots you elect as leader of the "free" world, without a say in it.

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How strange. First Chuckd was claiming that I'm a card carrying member of the Democratic Party and now you implying that I'm an Australian.

Sorry, between your obvious unfamiliarity with American politics and past claims to have grown up in Australia, I figured that you were Australian.

By the way, thanks for that newsflash from "gawker.com". As you know, they are renown for past glories such as beating the rest of the media to videos of babies farting; and stories on whether or not certain entertainers are gay because they "look gay." It looks like they have beat the respectable media to a big story yet again. giggle.gif

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Oh no, now everyone is all over the issue like a fat boy over a bag of M&Ms:

"Mitt Romney Would Pay 0.82 Percent in Taxes Under Paul Ryan's Plan" http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/08/mitt-romney-would-pay-082-percent-in-taxes-under-paul-ryans-plan/261027/#

"More tax woes for Mitt Romney as leaked documents show that he uses offshore investment funds called 'Blockers' to avoid taxes"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2192880/More-tax-woes-Mitt-Romney-leaked-documents-uses-offshore-investment-funds-called-Blockers-avoid-taxes.html#ixzz24bqFK12A

"Mitt Romney's fund documents: sifting through the grubby details" http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/richard-adams-blog/2012/aug/23/mitt-romney-tax-documents-gawker

So Governor Romney picks as his economics Czar and guru, the Man with a Plan, Congressman Paul Ryan. Yes, the man with a plan that will reduce his tax liability to 0.82% and then he insults the electorate by refusing to release his tax records. This is a disaster for the Republican ticket and after the last election It's truly surprising that this wasn't vetted properly. Looks increasingly like the Sarah Palin fiasco all over again. Perhaps I'll have to exercise my constitutional right as a US born Citizen and go over and help them out. You know, if you see a really bad accident you should stop and help - not, mind you, that you're "legally" obligated to but you should.

Another disaster for the ticket, right after the abortion fiasco. Looks like the post convention bump is going to resemble more a molehill left by a prairie dog.

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The supposed tax documents are all credited to the rumor on the nutty "gawker.com" blog and the tax rate theory is based on a broad outline, rather than specific proposed legislation - in other words someone is filling in his own nonexistent details. Ryan's proposed tax rate is impossible to interpret until those details are filled in.

It seems that the desperate smear campaign is still in full swing.

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Romney is the one running for president. He doesn't want us to know who he really is. That's sleazy.

The irony. The first thing Obama did when he entered office was seal a whole batch of documents relating to his past.

A lie .. good at that though You Obama haters

Yawn, Ad hominim attacks are ALL the democrats have.


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Interesting though that the birthers have kept a low profile ever since the issue of Mr. Romney's Mexican & polygamist origins popped up. Not that I blame him for having a grandfather that renounced his US citizenship and fled the USA as he was opposed to the Christian concept of having multiple wives. Many people agree with having multiple child brides etc. However, the hypocrisy of Romney is evidenced with his positions on IVF and related issues. It becomes even more glaring with the appointment of Mr Ryan. Here's a guy staking out the position of the need to cut "welfare cheats" etc. and they both espouse passing more laws that protect their tax avoidance strategies. Nice.

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