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Boxer Kaew Wins Thai Hearts As The Country Is Outraged After He Is Denied Olympic Gold


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Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

Very poor loser

Not sure what is worse for Thai image

1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

i wonder how you would feel if someone stole your gold rolex.

Outraged eh. I thought they would be used to corruption and accept it as they do in their daily lives. I thought the Thai coach was going to stroke out after the fight haha what an ugly display of sportsmanship.

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Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

Very poor loser

Not sure what is worse for Thai image

1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

nothing bad about this for thai image, the crowd were completely with him, they knew who really won as do most people and boxing analysts alike.

nothing wrong with showing your upset that you were completely shafted for a gold medal in the olympics, no shame in it at all.

the only shame falls on the judges.

I sort of agree with you although I think it was also the fault of the Thai Olympics Team who didn't get their objection in on time that was the compounding felony on the judges' decision. It also happened in the earlier rounds of the competition when they failed, again, to get their objection in on time. Surely someone in the Thai Team should have read the rules meticulously BEFORE the Olympics even began? I hope they sleep easy in their beds after denying these Thai sportsmen their rewards.

LOL be prepared for something? here? ahahhha

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The judging in the sport of Boxing has been an albinism failure for a very long time, whether by shear stupidity or corruption, the latter being the real culprit. If it's not dead already, it is a dying sport. It is a shame I used to look forward to Olympic boxing but not anymore.

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He was robbed

Maybe he was robbed. Maybe he wasn't.

But IF he had managed to win the first or second round, it wouldn't have been possible to rob him in the third round as it happened. So if he was robbed, it was still close enough to credibly rob him. So his performance has something to do with the sad result for him.

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did anyone see the judges score cards,they were all in favour of zou by a small margin except one the morocco judge scored it,

8-4,4-1 8-4 all in favour of zou,i thought they only have camel fights in morocco.

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Dude got robbed, but I hate to say that judging was better than closing ceremony. Just something about British humor and British entertainment. I guess you got to be

British to get it.

Dude got robbed, but I hate to say that judging was better than closing ceremony. Just something about British humor and British entertainment. I guess you got to be

British to get it.

Not so much "British" to "get it", maybe just not an American?

Maybe, but you gotta admit the closing ceremony blows.

This thread is about a Thai boxer. Start another discussion on the closing ceremony if you want, but this is a different topic.

There has been some "interesting" scoring from the judges, through out the boxing competition. Not unusual in amateur or professional boxing (No one believes Bradley beat Manny P but he's world champ now). Taekwondo and fencing suffered some ropey calls too, but not as consistently bad as the boxing. Corruption or incompetence, or both - who knows? But needs sorting given the modern technology now available.

I feel sorry for this guy - he's trained and fought hard and knows he was the better boxer on the day. To be fair, if it's close, there's no way you can call it yourself. Impossible to be that accurate when you're fighting. But, you know when you've won by a margin. Khun Kaew knows he won, and so does everyone who watched the fight.

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There may be an element of strong bias for the established champion. In other words, for a challenger to unseat a champion, he (unfairly) don't have to just win, he'd have to win big. In other words, if he had performed well enough to clearly win in one of the first two rounds, which he did not, that would have been the ticket.

Edited by Jingthing
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There may be an element of strong bias for the established champion. In other words, for a challenger to unseat a champion, he (unfairly) don't have to just win, he'd have to win big. In other words, if he had performed well enough to clearly win in one of the first two rounds, which he did not, that would have been the ticket.

Your logic would be fine - apart from the fact that most people other than the judges thought he did win the first 2 rounds! The judges should be scoring succesful hits, not making subjective points awards based on fighting spirirt, style or something else.

I agree the ref was probably biased towards the established champion or affraid to penalise him. The Chinese boxer should have received more public warnings whilst the one to the Thai boxer seemed a little unfair.

I've watched most of the boxing bouts, male and female, and some of the scoring has been surprising to say the least.

Had the Thais been better organized and lodged an appeal in time, the countback would have been interesting.

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Now let me think, USA five times the population of GB and N Ireland. Did they get five times Gold Silver or Bronze?(quote)

Now let me think, according to your calculations and excuses why your country did not excel more at winning medals, then China and of course India should have beat USA by say 4x or 5x times. Come on! USA has the best competitive athletes in the world in a multitude of sports and we are proud of it! This topic is about a great Thai boxer that lost his fight to China and has shown unThai like qualities by being a sore loser in front of millions of viewers! I would have been more impressed with Thailand if their boxer would have just smiled and been proud to receive his medal and not cry like a child.

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I, for one, am quite happy he lost. Thailand being on short straw receiving end of some kind of corruption or incompetence is good for this country. Maybe it will wake some people up, maybe not.

All this Thai outrage in a country where something like 80% of people surveyed in mulitiple surveys note they are OK with corruption as long as they benefit from it. I'm sure we'd not have heard a peep from any Thais if their boxer had won on a very suspcious grounds. So, good on them. Now they begin to know what it feels like.

Yep, I agree...."som nom na" Kaew, now you know what it feels like to be scammed, cheated, etc like countless farangs each and every day in your hypocritical country!
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Well Thailand and its people have great hearts and they try there best. The United States Victorious once again and show they are the best at everything in the entire world day in and day BUT we need some way to get off of China's hand that feeds! JUMP

Now let me think, USA five times the population of GB and N Ireland. Did they get five times Gold Silver or Bronze?

No they did not but got more then any other country delh sorry but thats the way it is. If you want to rank by population to gold medals Grenada would be number one followed by the Bahamas, GB would be # 10. GB did great but the USA was number 1.

And to Robert where did you come up with this ridiculous idea the USA is the best at everything in the entire world day in and day? If that were the case we would have won all the Gold. You ting tong.

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Whistleblower, I have spent more time in the LOS than you think. Does this sound familiar to you,Jai yen” or “cool heart” deals with the emotions and how one expresses oneself. Losing control of one’s temper, being angry and irritated in public is unacceptable and is considered as displaying a lack of self-control. Direct quote from some social study on the Thai culture from the Thai goverment by Thai intellectuals.

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Whistleblower, I have spent more time in the LOS than you think. Does this sound familiar to you,Jai yen” or “cool heart” deals with the emotions and how one expresses oneself. Losing control of one’s temper, being angry and irritated in public is unacceptable and is considered as displaying a lack of self-control. Direct quote from some social study on the Thai culture from the Thai goverment by Thai intellectuals.

Direct quote from social study on thai culture from the thai government by thai intellectuals? now that is an oxymoron!

Oh and thanks for not arguing about the american athletes.

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The Cuban guy definitely exhibited those Agitated Farang symptoms that usually are treated with "Chai Yen Yen you don't understand" in Thailand. sad.png

Shouldn't he have immediately appealed the decision as well? I imagine a Thai coach wouldn't have blown his top like that, but who knows...

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Should give him reason to try harder next time around. Just copy his performance and return the favor in 2016. I didn't find it more exciting than midget wrestling though.

Not gonna happen. Age limit for amateur boxers at the Olympics is 34. Kaew is already 32.

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A look at the other side ... http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/guizhou/2012-08/13/content_15670913.htm

Also found a comment interesting...

Zou said attacking the Thai was too risky, as the Olympic bout was too short to make any mistakes.

"I was so eager for victory and felt so much pressure, but I had to be patient and cautious," Zou said.

"The fight had only three rounds (at three minutes each), and I couldn't afford to take any risk while attacking."

They really should have these fights be longer than 3-rounds.

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Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

Very poor loser

Not sure what is worse for Thai image

1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

My feeling also. suck it up.. be a man. At least he didn't lose to some farang. boy, that would have lit the Thai's up. whistling.gif

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