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Thaivisa.Com Blocks All Yahoo Email Addresses From Today


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Customers are people who pay for goods and services

Right. But the payment for services on this web board can be in the currency of time.

I do consider myself a customer of thaivisa.com.

You have no contract with them. They provide you with a free service.

I think your attitude is way off. Many are customers as I already noted, because they make the site owners money by clicking on adsense ads.

Also, the "currency" members use to pay for their membership is their email address. Especially if one is signed up to the newsletter, they most certainly are customers.

Edited by Jimjim
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Hi can someone clarify this for me, i am a computer dummy! i have a yahoo email account and thaivisa goes to my inbox not to spam, will i have to open a new email account to recieve the newsletter? Thanks for help.

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I'm registered with a Gmail account already but I haven't received any topic reply notifications for many months. I did report it in this forum section a while back but, after a few messages back and forth, it seems like it was a known problem which would be fixed "soon": since then I'd pretty much given up and resigned myself to not receiving these emails any more. Does this announcement mean there will be a general shake-up of the emailing system which might result in this problem being fixed?

Edited by dantilley
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All emails from ThaiVisa should be deleted month from the in-box. ie they are never opened.

There is no need for emails as everything is already on ThaiVisa, the only time an email is required is in reponse to an individual enquiry or upcoming maintainance or changes to the TVF site.

What web based email programme one uses is known a freedom of choice, one has not heard such utter rubbish. next they will be banning emails to ISPs ( which one has to suscribe to to access the internet). ISP are internet service providers and many remove junk mail before in gets to your inbox.

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Our business has no problem delivering to yahoo or hotmail addresses of which we have tens of thousands of subscribers using them, not sure what the problem is here?

Suggestion, perhaps admin can send a message to all yahoo and hotmail users of TV notifying them of this change in policy, including me wink.png

A very good suggestion, especially as there are so many infrequent users/readers of ThaiVisa.

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I'm guessing the root problem is this, which was partly said before:

1) Thaivisa sends big amount of email notifications also to yahoo.com email addresses.

2) Yahoo's automatic spam protection defines these messages as spam.

- At this point the emails from Thaivisa to Yahoo addresses are flagged as spam for their customers.

3) Yahoo reports thaivisa.com as spam email sender to SpamHouse.org etc organizations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spamhaus_Project , http://www.spamhaus.org/

Spamhouse is an collective effort to keep an track of spamming parties.

- Now this is a bigger problem, which have have effects to many other email providers as well.

Smaller email providers depend on the information which Spamhouse is providing. These smaller providers get an information that thaivisa.com is an spammer and block the emails from TV. Some email servers simply delete the messages and not even put them to the spam folder.

Therefore a person using [email protected] address (which has nothing to do with Yahoo) does not get TV notifications as Yahoo has market these as spam.

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Unless you're signing up, it shouldn't be a problem ... unless they're going to stop sending out to existing Yahoo etc email addresses.

For this existing yahoo user, all email notifications for new posts and new threads stopped yesterday.


I suggest you ask your email provider why this is. Because ThaiVisa has changed the rules only for new sign-ups, as you quoted. No change for existing members.

I'm addressing the email notifications, which as Linda pointed out, will stop or have already stopped for pre-existing Yahoo users.

You don't need to change if you don't like, but don't expect notifications

Edited by Buchholz
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People using Yahoo or Hotmail Email addresses really know nothing about internet...

Yahoo and Hotmail are the worst about SPAM and nobody should use them anymore.

Only Gmail rules. But what about Ymail.com ? (also belongs to Yahoo)

Sorry, your comment is total bullshit!

I have been using Yahoo mail for over five years now with no problem. I use it with multiple message boards. No problems. Use it with several different financial institutions inclulding banks, mutual fund, and governmental financial organizations. Not problems. Use it with Facebook keeping in touch with family back home. No problems. Use it with numerous other individuals and organizations. No problems. In fact, I have been using it with ThaiVisa with no problems. I receive their emails, announcements, and my topic subscriptions emails just fine.

I worked in an IT shop for a college in the US for over ten years. Administered the college's local computer network, the email system, and their anti-virus system. So I do know something about computers and the internet. I'm certain the problem is NOT, repeat, NOT with Yahoo.

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I only logged in to post this -

99% of the posts in this thread are misinformed and pathetic. Don't try and give tech advice which you know nothing about.

I'm actually surprised nobody has dragged tuk tuk drivers into this thread, as it seems they're your only source of knowledge.

I personally own a large forum and 2 things which I'd advise is white listing your domain with Yahoo even if that means flying to one of their offices, you never inconvenience your members like this, it's just bad marketing. I don't believe for one second that Thai Visa wouldn't get white listed, so all this makes no sense.

Second thing is don't spam TV users with emails, the amount can be ridiculous and its your own fault that your tripping filters. I know your can-spam compliant, but the mass of emails can just turn into white noise and people ignore them.

I was going to say "I'm surprised nobody has brought corruption into this thread" but what do you know, just look at the last comment above mine.... sad

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Smells of a hissy fit.

Smells more like $$$$$$$$$$. Google/Gmail payoff $$$$$$$$$. bah.gif

Confirmed rumor stared by a guy setting on the 3d barstool down from a drunk who heard it from another drunk acorss the bar is Google has secretly bought out ThaiVisa. Expect to see a late breaking Nation article later this afternoon titled, Google Buys ThaiVisa...Captures Expat Hub Blog of Thailand!

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I was going to say "I'm surprised nobody has brought corruption into this thread" but what do you know, just look at the last comment above mine.... sad

Possibly sad. But more likely than this silly and ridiculous nonsense of the problem being with Yahoo.

Ahh, also, look through the rest of this topic and you will see that I am not the only one that has picked-up on this.

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laugh.png yes, I'm a happy chap too. But someone is a little sensitive & a touch defensive too...

..one positive thing came out of that rant....its reminded me it might be time to update my profile, I don't recall what's on there - info must be nearly 10 years old.

(but I'll leave the wino reference - that hasn't changed much smile.png )

Hi Mr. Claude S.,

yes, I was a bit defensive, but you started to react on a post which you didn't interprete correctly (that post wasn't meant to be like you interpreted it), so I had to react back to you.

I apologize for this and I hope you can do the same so we can both happily continue our days. I too am a happy guywai.gif

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I apologize for this and I hope you can do the same so we can both happily continue our days. I too am a happy guywai.gif

Apology accepted - I'd also like to apologise for the offence I caused you. I was quite harsh, and there's no need for that.

(Not sure who Claude S is though?)

Anyway - peace to us and stay well smile.png - its been an interesting thread!!

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Smells of a hissy fit.

Smells more like $$$$$$$$$$. Google/Gmail payoff $$$$$$$$$. bah.gif

Confirmed rumor stared by a guy setting on the 3d barstool down from a drunk who heard it from another drunk acorss the bar is Google has secretly bought out ThaiVisa. Expect to see a late breaking Nation article later this afternoon titled, Google Buys ThaiVisa...Captures Expat Hub Blog of Thailand!

Are you really that clueless?

This kind of crap has been going on in the computer world for years. The big boys were doing it back in the 1990s. Computer vendors were licensing Windows Operating System from Microsoft to pre-install on their computers for sale. They were also including other software, some of which were products competing with other Microsoft products.

So the boys from Microsoft began including (and insisting upon) clauses in their licensing agreements forcing the computer vendors to drop pre-installed software from Microsoft competitors. Such "processes" have become more "fine-tuned" and more pervasive throughout the internet/web business world since then.

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I appear to be in a minority. For anything in Thailand I use my CSLoxinfo email address. I'm pretty sure that'll never be blocked.

My Yahoo address is a legacy account, anything I've signed up for before 2000 and my Gmail address is for everything else - either I have no problem or my problems are solved.

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Customers are people who pay for goods and services

Right. But the payment for services on this web board can be in the currency of time.

I do consider myself a customer of thaivisa.com.

You have no contract with them. They provide you with a free service.

I think your attitude is way off. Many are customers as I already noted, because they make the site owners money by clicking on adsense ads.

Also, the "currency" members use to pay for their membership is their email address. Especially if one is signed up to the newsletter, they most certainly are customers.

I consider myself a customer as i deal with sponsers through the Thai Visa adverts, at present waiting delivery of goods from Sumet sponsors of motorbike forum. I worked in sales all my working life and th eway this comes across is very poor indeed. Looks lik ei will be going else where for motorbike parts and not forums sponsers as all comms were via PM. Will be passing thoughts onto Brian.
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Customers are people who pay for goods and services

Right. But the payment for services on this web board can be in the currency of time.

I do consider myself a customer of thaivisa.com.

You have no contract with them. They provide you with a free service.

I think your attitude is way off. Many are customers as I already noted, because they make the site owners money by clicking on adsense ads.

Also, the "currency" members use to pay for their membership is their email address. Especially if one is signed up to the newsletter, they most certainly are customers.

You have no contract with Thaivisa. You are not their customer. You are using a free service that they provide. They take no money from you.

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We are watching the demise of Hotmail and Yahoo email.

Wow - I think I've had my yahoo.co.uk email account since I started using the internet eons ago - I'd hate to lose it sad.png

Is it because of the amount of spam that is re-directed from Yahoo accounts ?

Why, why, why..... do you want to help fighting against spam if the answer is YES??? SILLY QUESTION !!!

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I dont understand what's the real issue here with yahoo and hotmail addresses. As mentioned when somebody sends me a message on TV it goes into my INBOX on yahoo.com

in our biz we have well over 100,000 subscribers and I can tell you that at least 75% are hotmail addresses. If the sending address is marked as 'safe' it doesnt go to spam in my experience. Although I am no techie for sure, something smells off to me but I am willing to give George and Co the benefit of the doubt. In my case I will no longer receive notifications of when somebody messages me which is fine, I can see it quite easily at the top of the screen in red when I log into TV anyway. The email was a bit redundant anyways.

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98 percent of the people threatening to flounce over this will still be here in a month.

thaivisa is certainly not alone with this policy.


Your 98% projection is high; I project only 97%....and it could be weeks before that 3% that left come back with their new gmail address.

It is not the number of existing members that leave that is the problem; it is the number of future members that they need to worry about. When met with the email address block, people are not going to rush over to google to sign up for an account, just to register on Thaivisa. TV won't notice the difference now, but in the future, and that will affect future revenue - i think TV have shot themselves in the foot on this one!

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I apologize for this and I hope you can do the same so we can both happily continue our days. I too am a happy guywai.gif

Apology accepted - I'd also like to apologise for the offence I caused you. I was quite harsh, and there's no need for that.

(Not sure who Claude S is though?)

Anyway - peace to us and stay well smile.png - its been an interesting thread!!

Thanks:) Indeed quite an interesting thread.

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