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Dealing With Potentially Drunk Farang Men Who Want To Talk

Slim Chance

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That's why I never take chances! I religiously practice my routine, a bit of kicking and loads of punching for emergencies.

Society is changing nowadays, and it's not only in Thailand. Every country has it's "bad and good." (It pays to learn to watch our backs as much as possible. And sometimes, fighting is not only done in "hand to hand" combat. There are many other ways to win a battle!)

Good point, it pays to be able to take care of yourself!

BTW I love your avatar!

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Been there, done that.

Since I was vastly outnumbered and already showing signs of being uncomfortable, I began holding my left side as though I was readjusting something.

When they noticed, I muttered, "Sorry but that pistol I bought is really irritating my skin and P1SSING me off!"

Ah, back to peace and quiet... :o

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Been there, done that.

Since I was vastly outnumbered and already showing signs of being uncomfortable, I began holding my left side as though I was readjusting something.

When they noticed, I muttered, "Sorry but that pistol I bought is really irritating my skin and P1SSING me off!"

Ah, back to peace and quiet... :D

It's not that I don't believe you .. but... :o

totster :D

edit// I before E except after C !

Edited by Totster
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One night in the House of Commons, Churchill, after imbibing a few drinks, stumbled into Bessie Braddock, a corpulent Labourite member from Liverpool. An angry Bessie straightened her clothes and addressed the British statesman.

"Winston," she roared. "You are drunk, and what’s more, you are disgustingly drunk."

Churchill, surveying Bessie, replied, "And might I say, Mrs. Braddock, you are ugly, and what’s more, disgustingly ugly.

But tomorrow," Churchill added, "I shall be sober."

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One night in the House of Commons, Churchill, after imbibing a few drinks, stumbled into Bessie Braddock, a corpulent Labourite member from Liverpool. An angry Bessie straightened her clothes and addressed the British statesman.

"Winston," she roared. "You are drunk, and what’s more, you are disgustingly drunk."

Churchill, surveying Bessie, replied, "And might I say, Mrs. Braddock, you are ugly, and what’s more, disgustingly ugly.

But tomorrow," Churchill added, "I shall be sober."

Classic, my Great Uncle used to recite loads of Churchill inc that one and, the famous "We will fight them on the beaches" speach.


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