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Do You Drink And Drive ?


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One of the major factors is that if you have been drinking and then drive, even if you make the mental effort to concentrate, you do not notice the small mistakes you make because your thought processes have been altered. All too often it's those small mistakes that make the BIG difference


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there is no point in arguing with an idiot as the saying goes, but i believe the "i stop before i am over the legal limit" argument is as spurious as an argument can get.

i have known few that could actually stop at a couple, and fewer still whose judgment was not already impaired at that point.

to assert that impairment can be accurately judged on the basis of weight and amount of alcohol consumed is hubris and nonsensical as many other factors come in to play.

but let the swinging dicks here spout their nonsense, we will be able to speculate on their abilities when they appear on the news, hopefully the sole actors in the news clippings we read about them.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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there is no point in arguing with an idiot as the saying goes, but i believe the "i stop before i am over the legal limit" argument is as spurious as an argument can get.

i have known few that could actually stop at a couple, and fewer still whose judgment was not already impaired at that point.

to assert that impairment can be accurately judged on the basis of weight and amount of alcohol consumed is hubris and nonsensical as many other factors come in to play.

but let the swinging dicks here spout their nonsense, we will be able to speculate on their abilities when they appear on the news, hopefully the sole actors in the news clippings we read about them.

How 'impaired' is OK? I make a judgement based on how much I would enjoy this pint, and the risk of an accident or being breathalysed. Now my car has an air bag, so I can imagine that a pedestrian, who won;t enjoy the buzz of my last beer, may have a different view of what is acceptable and tolerable than I do...I do my best to take his views into consideraton

Yearefokkinjokin,bytheway,aren'tr ye? Or daeyehuv thecertificates fitheopeeple hwaedeem it acceptable?

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What we can safely take from this topic is that driving a vehicle is a serious activity and should be taken far more seriously than most of us do. As for drink driving, if you do it you're a <deleted>. No amount of excuses or justification changes that. It just means you don't have the balls to accept responsibility for your actions.

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Im saying i despise people who drink and drive over the legal limit. I have had a family member got killed by a drunk driver.

I believe (especially in Thailand) if you cant afford a taxi back after drinking you should not even get drunk or own a car.

Month ago.. was sitting next to the wife, she was driving.. fell asleep i had time to curse before we hit the concrete full speed. Car total loss, she had a broken colar bone and i got off relatively unharmed.

Im not saying that by not driving drunk there won't be any accidents, but im sure there will be less accidents. There are also no objective ways to test people for tiredness ect. There is for alcohol so its easier to enforce.


This is a strange mix of telling people they're horrible if they're over the limit (which varies from country to country), but actually causing an accident while impaired because of something else is just 'oh well, can't enforce that'.. You do realize that your wife could have just as easily killed someone after falling asleep at the wheel as a drunk driver right? And that you and her were just very, very lucky to come out of it relatively unscathed?

I for one *stop* when I'm tired, take a rest for a bit, or stop to take a walk, etc.

It seems very easy to focus on alcohol exclusively when there are so many conditions that have the potential to affect driving ability. (Also medications, emotional state, talking on the phone (incl. handsfree) or fiddling with something else while driving.)

As for taking a taxi: Yes that's a lot easier in places like Bangkok and Pattaya than it is in the middle of nowhere, where it basically means employing a driver. (doesn't have to be full time but could be on-calll, etc. and then it has to be someone who didn't drink and isn't tired himself; could be quite the challenge) Either way I think you show a high degree of moral outrage over driving after consuming any amount of alcohol, versus very little over driving while asleep which kills people just as easily.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Ah. I've seen it happen before that some people consider something a troll when it's just something they don't agree with. See that happen time and again in political discussions, and loads of members banned. Hope the above is recognized as a genuine opinion. Most would disagree with it, but that doesn't make it less genuine.

Did you actually see the deleted posts WTK? ROFL emoticons coupled with "jokes" aimed at the bereaved ( and I'm talking about fellow members myself included who've suffered at the hands of a drunk driver not the guy in the story).

Glad a ban was issued to the Chang swilling wankstain cos it's a sure bet if it wasn't my next post would have been so full of profanity it'd be me on a sabbatical from TVF.

Edited by mca
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As with Rsquared: I nearly dropped off on a long drive a few years ago. I'd had a good nights sleep, I'd not been drinking the night before... But, I found myself momentarily drifting.

It scared the crap out of me.

Common sense is key to any activity - shamefully its lacking in a handful of T.V. posters and on many of Thailands roads....

Month ago.. was sitting next to the wife, she was driving.. fell asleep i had time to curse before we hit the concrete full speed. Car total loss, she had a broken colar bone and i got off relatively unharmed.

Im not saying that by not driving drunk there won't be any accidents, but im sure there will be less accidents. There are also no objective ways to test people for tiredness ect. There is for alcohol so its easier to enforce.

Been there, in my case I wioke just in time to scream like a girl. I was already on crutches before that. Luckily everyone had a seat belt on, and no one was hurt.

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if you calls some one a cxxx or similar you get banned but if you say the same thing without using them words it is ok. but that is life. as far as drink driving goes in a country like thailand where you only get a small fine if caught it is not going to stop people drink driving. banning them from driving is not going to work for the same reason and treating non thais different from thais is just not on

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Even if a handful of hard core alkies can handle driving plastered it is irrelevant. The vast majority of people can not and the law has to apply to everyone. People that can not stop driving drunk belong in prison.

Thats complete nonsence .... the number of drunk drivers who drive and get home safely evey night is FAR FAR more than the number involved in accidents and almost 0 that cause deaths compared to the number that don't , the reality is that it's a small fraction of drunk drivers not a large percentage of them that cause the accidents or deaths that are almost ALWAYS speeding related.

Your not real smart.. but i did not expect much else from a drunk driver. To expect all cars to have accidents who are piloted by drunk drivers is crazy. Then to say that that means its safe to drive and drink. It just increases your chances of getting in an accident. I know i can drive with my lights off and get home most of the time.. but i can pretty much grantee it increases my chances of an accident.

I didnt say if was safe or as safe or that it didnt increase your chances , My belief is that a responsible person who uses extra care can drive just fine because the reduction is not so severe as to make it all that difficult ...... as evedenced by the millions of people who do it every day who don't speed and get home just fine day afer day.

The thing is, even accepting your reasoning above is that it is still putting yourself in personal danger. In case you haven't noticed there are one or two idiots on the roads in Thailand and if one of them crashes into you and you are found to be over the limit guess who is going to cop all of the blame? If there is a death or serious injury you will be up the creek without the proverbial paddle.

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I actualy enjoy drinking and driving especially after a long day at the office and i'm stuck in traffic then i'll open a chang and chill maybe have another then arrive home mellow but still alert. Most people will frown on this behavior, that's one of the things i love about the LOS- the tolerance for drinking and driving.

Besides if i'm asked to take a sobriety test i know all the ways to pass ;-0

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Ah. I've seen it happen before that some people consider something a troll when it's just something they don't agree with. See that happen time and again in political discussions, and loads of members banned. Hope the above is recognized as a genuine opinion. Most would disagree with it, but that doesn't make it less genuine.

Did you actually see the deleted posts WTK? ROFL emoticons coupled with "jokes" aimed at the bereaved ( and I'm talking about fellow members myself included who've suffered at the hands of a drunk driver not the guy in the story).

Glad a ban was issued to the Chang swilling wankstain cos it's a sure bet if it wasn't my next post would have been so full of profanity it'd be me on a sabbatical from TVF.

No didn't see the posts. The thing with removing stuff though is that I can only (and will) take your word for him being a Chang swilling wankstain.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I actualy enjoy drinking and driving especially after a long day at the office and i'm stuck in traffic then i'll open a chang and chill maybe have another then arrive home mellow but still alert.

I was going to say that this is utterly crazy and troll-ish, but then I remembered I've done the same a couple times, also during the annual Drunk Driving Festival, also known as Songkran.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I actualy enjoy drinking and driving especially after a long day at the office and i'm stuck in traffic then i'll open a chang and chill maybe have another then arrive home mellow but still alert.

I was going to say that this is utterly crazy and troll-ish, but then I remembered I've done the same a couple times, also during the annual Drunk Driving Festival, also known as Songkran.

Currently its against the law, plus drinking and driving at the same time is not real smart. I am not talking about the alcohol content because with one bottle he might still be within the legal limit (i dont know) But drinking means driving with one hand and if you do get in an accident with beer all over you i doubt it will work in his advantage.

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Besides if i'm asked to take a sobriety test i know all the ways to pass ;-0

I hope you can share with us the secrets of passing a sobriety test ;-0

Probably another urban myth like sucking on a peppermint.

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did drink drive once. its quite scary as the next day i have minimum memories of how did i get back home but did remember smelling some burnt rubbers while driving

figured out i must had forgotten to release handbrake as the handbrake feels really different the next day i check it

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no never !!!

i only drink non alcoholic beer while during the business day

always curious on non alcoholic beer, how does it taste like?

Only tried it once, same as 99% of people. Leaves a filmy kind of dry yucky taste after. Hard to describe. Try it, once, you won't repeat the experience. Washing your your feet with your socks on comes a close second.

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IN answer to the OP - No. I have in the past, but not for a long time.

Drunk driving is normal here though. As I walk the hounds each morning in the early hours (5-6am) I on average see 2-3 cars that are driven as if the person is blind drunk. Every Thai male I have worked with regularly drives whilst drunk. They know it is dangerous, but each individually believes they are a great driver, and they will not have a crash.

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I am totally amazed at what I have read here in some posts.

Bottom line is that even one drink will impair a driver's abilities. The degree of impairment varies, but there is impairment non-the-less.

That is not to say that driving while on the cell is safe or should be done. That is a red herring without any relevance to drunk driving.

I have been in one accident in my life in which I was at fault. However, I have had a few close calls. I am not sure I would have been able to avoid each of those close calls had I been drinking.

And while this is anecdotal, as a volunteer EMT, I have responded to five traffic fatalities. Each and every one was caused by drunk drivers. Three of the fatalities were sober and victims, not the causes of the accidents.

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Despite the wave of anti-drunk driving hysteria.

I (who often used to drive while drunk) never had an accident under such circumstances.

Yet one member on this thread openly admits his completely sober wife drove into a concrete pillar.

Who is the more dangerous, a drunk or someone who falls asleep while driving?

I think that there is a very good argument about a lifetime driving ban for anyone causing an accident while either sober or drunk.

In the interests of fairness and safety for everyone.

Let's have a campaign to remove ALL proven dangerous drivers from motor vehicles permanently.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Despite the wave of anti-drunk driving hysteria.

I (who often used to drive while drunk) never had an accident under such circumstances.

Yet one member on this thread openly admits his completely sober wife drove into a concrete pillar.

Who is the more dangerous, a drunk or someone who falls asleep while driving?

I think that there is a very good argument about a lifetime driving ban for anyone causing an accident while either sober or drunk.

In the interests of fairness and safety for everyone.

Let's have a campaign to remove ALL proven dangerous drivers from motor vehicles permanently.

I agree and start with you as you admit openly you have often driven drunk.

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I agree and start with you as you admit openly you have often driven drunk.

But I am not a proven dangerous driver, as I have never had an accident involving anyone else.

I do admit to slipping off my m/c on a wet road, but that only endangered some skin on my arm.


Driven drunk in the past, no longer allowed alcohol due to an unrelated medical condition.

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no never !!!

i only drink non alcoholic beer while during the business day

always curious on non alcoholic beer, how does it taste like?

taste shit :))))

but some of like

1) Paulaner – medium bodied warm hoppy / not bitter very welll rounded.

2) Erdinger (Wheat Hefeweizen) N/A (w/orange slice )amazing this is N/A

3) Warsteiner – Good clean fun love it.

4) Buckler – always a great bet . Very balanced little top refreshing but also packs full taste. ratchet it up with a slice of lemon

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