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Ukrainian Nabbed Taking Driver’S Exam For Friend


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Kudo's for police efficiency! Seems that the team managed to inspect the passport that he didn't have....

"When they reached Mr. Witaly, they examined his documents and passport. The documents identified him as Mr. Rustam Valiev, age 28, nationality Russian"

"The Ukranian also could not show police a passport when he was arrested."

That's great forensics.

He had his freinds passport dummy

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If you have ever taken the Thai written/electronic test, you would know how difficult it is to pass (English version). There are questions with no right answers, there are questions with two answers that could be correct, there are questions where the answer is correct for one question but incorrect for another, and questions that make absolutely no sense at all. There are also questions that have incorrect "right" answers according to the handbook that can be had for 50 baht (all in Thai though).

When brought to the attention of the proctor and the instructor, they both just walked away saying nothing.

I experienced the same problems with the questions and answers. I was about 3 questions short of a pass and the machine gave the correct answers that I memorised. Then I was put on a different machine a few minutes later where the questions and answers were clearer and I passed.

What I did fail on is lining up the vertical bars. But I passed anyway LOL.

I got 28 out of 30 for the motorbike theory test, only 7 passed out of 21.
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I drive the full length of Thailand every month, from Satun to Pattaya 14 hours 1400 km in one hit. You need a license. I used to get stopped a lot now I never get stopped because--- The police know that on the main road such as the 3 falangs have a license there is no point in stopping a falang anymore as he will have the lot and a good car as well.

They stop Thais in front of me and wave me on,-- maybe 4-- 5 times on the 1400 trip.

If you nip around side streets with a rental in Chang mai or Pattaya they wont care.

You need a non immigrant visa not a work permit. If you here for more than 6 months you should have a non imm anyway.

If you mess around and try to cheat you will get all the respect you deserve but still more than you would in your own country.

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I cannot believe what I red ....... There are driving school in Thailand ??????????????????????????????????????????????? WOW that's a scoop ..but it seems only foreigners want to learn ... maybe a good time to send Thai people , their skills in driving are ....unique after all.

There are driving schools in Thailand. One western man here in isaan was teaaching his wife to drive but he wanted also that she should take some lessons at the driving school here. Before she went out on her first lesson with the "teacher" she adjusted seat for her in the school car and also the inside and outside mirrors. The "teacher" then told her that was unnecessary because she should only concern herself with what was in front of the car, not what was behind!! She opted out of any lessons.

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Didnt know you could take a drivers license test as a foreigner . without a work permnit smile.png If there is a way please let me know ?

Non O visa and you can sit the test.

The GF failed first time on reversing backwards for about 30 yards...not easy when you have just learned to drive. The day she took the test I watched Farang after Frarang fail because of 2 things. Reversing into a parking space and then not indicating to the examiner you are ready to procede and also totally failing to reverse into the parking space.

Most of them were used to driving on the right side i.e. the States.

This was at the Pattaya driving test centre.

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What's with the use of "farang" throughout TV???? . . . could we not use the slightly less derogatory "foreigner" or perhaps even the actual nationality as it's usually already known in the original articles . . .

Farang is not a derogatory word in the Thai language. It basically means white foreigner. Here at TV, and around Thailand in expat circles, that word has been adopted as an easy way to refer to us.

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If you have ever taken the Thai written/electronic test, you would know how difficult it is to pass (English version). There are questions with no right answers, there are questions with two answers that could be correct, there are questions where the answer is correct for one question but incorrect for another, and questions that make absolutely no sense at all. There are also questions that have incorrect "right" answers according to the handbook that can be had for 50 baht (all in Thai though).

When brought to the attention of the proctor and the instructor, they both just walked away saying nothing.

Had the exact same experience when i took my license, some of the questions were so weird, i just had to wing it.

If anyone can not pass the Thai written/electronic test they are really dumb, I got a car licence and because I had my OZ licence with me I did not have to take the electronic test only the test for eyes and brake and lights, after one year I renewed my car licence and went for my motor bike licence, because I already had the car licence I thought I would not have to do the electronic test but I was wrong I had to do the test, I did not read any thing before going for the test it was a real surprise to do the test, I passed first time, the questions are the same or very similar to the test in OZ, it was just simple common sense, no problem, I also had to do the eye, brake and light test, I also had to do a riding test and passed that first time also.

I am 74 and on a extension of stay for retirement

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Maybe I am missing something here, when I applied for my license in BKK at chatterjack I simply did a color blind test and a timed reaction braking test, is this because I had a USA current license at the time ? was this test the same as a first qualifying test? if so what a couple of dummies.

Was an International Driver's License? If so yes, you by pass most everything. If it was simply a USA license then you would by pass the driving test but should have still taken the written test, color blind test, depth perception test and reflex test. Of course, in the many times I have gone with many people (to translate/assist) I have found that depending on the day you could get a pass on any of those depending on who is on duty, how busy they are, etc.. But technically you are still supposed to be given all those tests.

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So typical of a Ukranian trying a short cut to circumvent the law. It works in his country and in Thailand but he forgot to pay the right people. They should throw all of these mafia thugs out of Thailand and send them back to their lovely country.

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If you have ever taken the Thai written/electronic test, you would know how difficult it is to pass (English version). There are questions with no right answers, there are questions with two answers that could be correct, there are questions where the answer is correct for one question but incorrect for another, and questions that make absolutely no sense at all. There are also questions that have incorrect "right" answers according to the handbook that can be had for 50 baht (all in Thai though).

When brought to the attention of the proctor and the instructor, they both just walked away saying nothing.

Had the exact same experience when i took my license, some of the questions were so weird, i just had to wing it.

If anyone can not pass the Thai written/electronic test they are really dumb, I got a car licence and because I had my OZ licence with me I did not have to take the electronic test only the test for eyes and brake and lights, after one year I renewed my car licence and went for my motor bike licence, because I already had the car licence I thought I would not have to do the electronic test but I was wrong I had to do the test, I did not read any thing before going for the test it was a real surprise to do the test, I passed first time, the questions are the same or very similar to the test in OZ, it was just simple common sense, no problem, I also had to do the eye, brake and light test, I also had to do a riding test and passed that first time also.

I am 74 and on a extension of stay for retirement

You should consider two things before you write that we are dumb for failing the first time around.

It is not the same questions every time, so you have no idea what others testquestions are.

Secondly in my first test, i had so many stupidly put questions i hardly understood what they wanted me to answer too and im def. not dumb.

The questions i could understand i had no problems with, but it is hard to pass at the first attempt, when the English used is so bad even google translate wins.

Then again why do we need to know your age? To make us look even dumber?

And what does your type of visa have to do with this issue???

So now we know you can drive a car around a closed curcuit... congrats old fart!

Sorry for this to everyone else, but i hate when someone tries to play smart, and overdoes by adding irrelevant info too!

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Arresting this individual is certainly overdoing it. Probably has his passport at his residence, but the law I believe requires that you have it with you...certainly when a check is done for some reason.

In Phuket, the tests appear genuine, many have to go for a retake after a failure.

But then, a mechanical check of a vehicle older than 5 years, is simply a document filled by an accredited shop. No checking whatsoever. In many instances, regulations appear to exist just to create red tape.

The problem that I have with this, is that these policemen would be better off on the road controlling the careless driving and speeding.

They should have sent this guy home, simply. Show just a bit of compassion for the stupid behaviour.

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This has got me chuckling

At last the Russian equivalent to dumb and dumber surfaces.. and I thought our friends from behind the old iron curtain were devoid of humour.

1) First he fails his test .. thats interesting.. why the desire to get a license anyway...

2) Second he cons his mate into doing the test for him.. but doesn't breif his mate on essential details such as height weight birth date etc etc

3) His mate who is illegally in the country should have perhaps thought about if it all went pear shaped it could quite likely be discovered that he was devoid of a passport

4) acting fast and thinking quick his mate admits he is not him and says he was too busy with work to come i a do it himself...now thats an excuse Im sure they will buy... "ohh thats ok then.. "when he has a few free moments come ask him to pop in and we will hand over the license".... on what planet and in which galaxy did he think that excuse was going to work.

Do you ever wonder why so many thais look at us farang and shake their heads....

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Maybe I am missing something here, when I applied for my license in BKK at chatterjack I simply did a color blind test and a timed reaction braking test, is this because I had a USA current license at the time ? was this test the same as a first qualifying test? if so what a couple of dummies.

I also went through the same routine to get my car drivers licence here because of having an Australian car drivers licence, but I had to go through the whole process to get my motorbike drivers licence. If you have a pre-existing licence from your home country, no probs, ease as you please. don't have a pre-existing licence, give up two days and go through the whole process.

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I took that computer test and failed the first time sad.png ... The wording of the questions was pretty odd... The second time I took it, I passed. clap2.gif

A couple of non-Thais in my group failed the riding part.

When did they start testing foreigners presenting licences from their own countries? I presented my foreign licence and got a one year Thai licence automatically without taking a driving or computer test - just had to take a colour blindness test. (My friend failed the colour blindness test - can't tell red from green - but got his licence anyway with being asked for a bribe.) The next year I got a three year licence and when that expired I got an all of life licence. My Thai wife had to do a childishly simple written test and drive a beat up old Toyota around a track to get hers but she can't get an all of life one - 5 years seems to be the maximum now. I lost my all of life licence a couple of years back and was issued a new one for 100 baht.

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What a joke 75% of Thai people pay for their drivers license.

Nope, 100% pay.

There is a couple of hundred Baht fee, payable to the government office.

My GF took her test a couple of years ago. I gave her a few lessons and she studied the theory by herself and took the electronic practice exam first.

No demands for cash, everything entirely above board.

Maybe Thailand is improving and you haven''t quite noticed?

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I cannot believe what I red ....... There are driving school in Thailand ??????????????????????????????????????????????? WOW that's a scoop ..but it seems only foreigners want to learn ... maybe a good time to send Thai people , their skills in driving are ....unique after all.

There are driving schools in Thailand. One western man here in isaan was teaaching his wife to drive but he wanted also that she should take some lessons at the driving school here. Before she went out on her first lesson with the "teacher" she adjusted seat for her in the school car and also the inside and outside mirrors. The "teacher" then told her that was unnecessary because she should only concern herself with what was in front of the car, not what was behind!! She opted out of any lessons.

My wife also had some driving lessons in Bangkok but had to ask the school to change the instructor because he kept trying to fondle her knees. Then she got a female instructor who was at least less tactile. At the end of the course I suggested that the instructor should give my wife a lesson on expressway driving to give her confidence, since there is no prohibition on learners driving on the expressway. The instructor reluctantly agreed but it turned out that she never used the expressway herself and was very nervous up there. Then the two of them got hopelessly lost and took a long time to come back. LOL.

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Anyone unable to pass the Thai driving test REALLY does not belong on the road!

If this had worked, the Russian would have a license with his friend picture on it, how did they think that was going to work?

We all look alike anyway. :)

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Arresting this individual is certainly overdoing it. Probably has his passport at his residence, but the law I believe requires that you have it with you...certainly when a check is done for some reason.

In Phuket, the tests appear genuine, many have to go for a retake after a failure.

But then, a mechanical check of a vehicle older than 5 years, is simply a document filled by an accredited shop. No checking whatsoever. In many instances, regulations appear to exist just to create red tape.

The problem that I have with this, is that these policemen would be better off on the road controlling the careless driving and speeding.

They should have sent this guy home, simply. Show just a bit of compassion for the stupid behaviour.

No I think the law says you must be able to show your passport if it is at your residence. You don't need to carry it.

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