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Search For An Ais Shop To Replace A Duff Sim

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I called AIS, and they told me my nearest shop from SAn Sai, is on Tapae Road.

So I went to Google Maps, and its telling me that the AIS shop is on the Tapae Soi where the FUJI Camera shop is Opposite the Centara Duantawan Hotel.

I've checked on StreetView, and there is no AIS shop there that I can see.

Before I head off on a wild goose chase, can someone kindly point me the right direction?



I have checked the AIS website, and their "Show on Google Maps, does not put a pin in the map, and just shows me a chunk of space around Tha Pae Road /Chiang Moi Soi 3 section.

Again, I have travelled this whole area on Streetview, and once again, no AIS shop. :S

Where for art thou AIS?

Thanks in Advance for a Google Pin, Map Link or just good old fashioned Pub Based directions. Anyone?



Haha! Brilliant. Thanks so much for that.

Amazing that AIS are capable of putting the shop on Google Maps incorrectly, and then having a different map to it on their website, also way off. I know its only a phone shop, and phones dont have GPS built in, but, no wait a minute, they do!! T-I-T!! Amazing.

Thanks again - and most amusing fag-hag chuffing away on her motorbike outside. hehe. Thanks


Coming down ThaiPa road from the Night Bazaar it is right on the corner of the next Main road. There are two roads coming in on the left side of the road it is the second one.. Left hand side of the road.

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