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Yingluck Still Concerned By Water Situation


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PM still concerned by water situation


BANGKOK, Aug 18 -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinwatra thanked the public and private sectors for assistance in dredging canals while expressed worry over the water situation, as deforestation persisted.

The prime minister said during the "Yingluck Government meets the People" programme broadcast via Radio Thailand of the Public Relations Department, that dykes and water sluice gates in Bangkok that were damaged during the massive flood last year have all been repaired.

The programme this Saturday was recorded on Friday during the premier visit Khlong Sam Wa in Pathum Thani to inspect the dredging.

The dredging work to allow more effective flow of water in canals has been completed, she said, adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation and will be expanded to other major canals.

Ms Yingluck said the government has requested cooperation from communities and the private sector to help take care of the canals, with one company per canal.

Under the pilot project, 277 companies have taken part in caring for 307 canals, she said.

The premier also proposed a water inspector project, as inspectors would be assigned to help monitor canals.

However, she expressed worry over deforestation in upstream areas and stated that reforestation project should be continued. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-08-18

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The prime minister said during the "Yingluck Government meets the People" programme broadcast via Radio Thailand of the Public Relations Department, that dykes and water sluice gates in Bangkok that were damaged during the massive flood last year have all been repaired.

This damaged mentioned, was it caused by last year’s flood? If so, wouldn't it be better to also reinforce those structures?

The dredging work to allow more effective flow of water in canals has been completed, she said, adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation and will be expanded to other major canals.

That's all very well but it shows how little faith she has in the old fashioned methods of measuring water levels, which would usually consist of a competent technician and a depth gauge of some sort. Let's hope the person the other side of the CCTV monitor knows what he's/she's doing and that the CCTV cameras are close enough to actually read the water depth... Perhaps all students with these fancy new internet tablets could also keep an eye on the water levels....

Ms Yingluck said the government has requested cooperation from communities and the private sector to help take care of the canals, with one company per canal.

What help is required, surely her government are able to appoint companies to undertake such work without calling on the locals whose homes were flooded last year "take care of it yourself or your home will flood again!" tut tut..... :(

Under the pilot project, 277 companies have taken part in caring for 307 canals, she said.

Just 30 to go then. Would these 30 canals happen to be the largest ones that 'communities' were unable to dredge

The premier also proposed a water inspector project, as inspectors would be assigned to help monitor canals.

Strikes me that there wasn't such a thing in the first place.

However, she expressed worry over deforestation in upstream areas and stated that reforestation project should be continued.

And so it should

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Ms Yingluck said the government has requested cooperation from communities and the private sector to help take care of the canals, with one company per canal.

Under the pilot project, 277 companies have taken part in caring for 307 canals, she said.

The premier also proposed a water inspector project, as inspectors would be assigned to help monitor canals.

The government withdraws from such mundane issues like dredging and moved activities to the private sector? A new water inspector project to help monitor canals? To check private companies do the government's work correctly?

What part of possible budgets will be passed to the private sector as well? If not, what part of budgets will be returned to help reduce a budget deficit ever so slightly?

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What water is she worried about exactly? Surely not any water involved in her statement a few months ago when she said there will be no flooding this year? No, can't be can it, it must be some other water. rolleyes.gif

Perhaps a euphemism for incontinence?

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Yingluck says

"adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation"

My money says they are placed for convenient Photo Ops.whistling.gif

Like many Thai High so people she thinks politicians with "an Academic achievement from one of those several high status universities is much more trustworthy" than those "real knowledgeable natural experts, without a degree"...whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Is she willing to take ad-hoc questions to explain why she is concerned, possible fixes and any other matters which would convince anybody she's not just reading from a card?

I remain very, very skeptical when I see any topic with a headline indicating 'Yingluck orders" "Yingluck concerned by" or basically "Yingluck anything". IMHO she probably doesn't know she "has ordered", "is worried by". Certainly being asked to explain 'why' would probably produce some interesting replies.

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Maybe someone indicated to Ms. Yingluck that praising the Army for work done is not good publicity. On the other hand maybe companies and local population really liked to help the Army.

From oh so long ago, yesterday that is:

"She elaborated that the government has assigned the army to be in charge of canal-dredging and landscape improvement works, and the latter has completed the task mentioned on 277 canals as scheduled. The project is aimed at increasing the efficiency of water use and storage."


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"Ms Yingluck said the government has requested cooperation from communities and the private sector to help take care of the canals"

This Government will go down in History, and be remembered for: when there is a problem at home, make yourself too busy and scarce,and now it's pass the buck time,so if there is another flood like last year? then blame the Companies for not keeping an eye on their allotted canal,and disown all responsibility on the Government.

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Hmmm I thought the military dredged most of the canals

Useless idea from the new Shinawatra waterway and flood mitigation expert, dressed in Burberry outfit including boots and jacket. Dredging these canals will not evacuate the flood waters 1 percent faster to the sea for the simple reason that the drainage capacity of these small canals and khlongs is barely 5 to 6% of the total required evacuation capacity... It's all meant to benefit their former TRT and red shirt contractors into profiteering from useless dredging contracts. Another 180 degrees turn in less than one month from this novice. We start to get used to this...

When will this "busy" PT-Government start producing something tangible instead of his continuous string of lies and populist promises ...

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The premier also proposed a water inspector project, as inspectors would be assigned to help monitor canals.

Which of course will substantially help the evacuation of the flood waters to the sea... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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The dredging work to allow more effective flow of water in canals has been completed, she said, adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation and will be expanded to other major canals.

Is anyone in this forum able to forward a more stupid idea to evacuate the flood waters than this one from our novice in Burberry outfit? Then I prefer the idea of the 1000 long tail boats with full throttle in the Chao Phraya pushing the flood waters to the sea.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The dredging work to allow more effective flow of water in canals has been completed, she said, adding that CCTV cameras were installed at Khlong Sam Wa to monitor the water level situation and will be expanded to other major canals.

Is anyone in this forum able to forward a more stupid idea to evacuate the flood waters than this one from our novice in Burberry outfit? Then I prefer the idea of the 1000 long tail boats with full throttle in the Chao Phraya pushing the flood waters to the sea.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Logical as it may seem cheesy.gif , they would have to send it towards BKK.

Sorry, but that's a no go area for WATER; plus corruption, black jackets, army, casinos, prostitution, jet-skis, parachutes, red-balloons, Muslims, Bombers and terrorists, scammers, paupers, ... errrm - can't remember the list! sad.png


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Is she willing to take ad-hoc questions to explain why she is concerned, possible fixes and any other matters which would convince anybody she's not just reading from a card?

I remain very, very skeptical when I see any topic with a headline indicating 'Yingluck orders" "Yingluck concerned by" or basically "Yingluck anything". IMHO she probably doesn't know she "has ordered", "is worried by". Certainly being asked to explain 'why' would probably produce some interesting replies.

A few months ago when she was doing her whirlwind tour of the northern provinces She ordered all the forests to be reforested. I think she gave a time link of three months.

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Is she willing to take ad-hoc questions to explain why she is concerned, possible fixes and any other matters which would convince anybody she's not just reading from a card?

I remain very, very skeptical when I see any topic with a headline indicating 'Yingluck orders" "Yingluck concerned by" or basically "Yingluck anything". IMHO she probably doesn't know she "has ordered", "is worried by". Certainly being asked to explain 'why' would probably produce some interesting replies.

A few months ago when she was doing her whirlwind tour of the northern provinces She ordered all the forests to be reforested. I think she gave a time link of three months.

No I think that was her instructions to the waxer at the beauty salon.

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Is she willing to take ad-hoc questions to explain why she is concerned, possible fixes and any other matters which would convince anybody she's not just reading from a card?

I remain very, very skeptical when I see any topic with a headline indicating 'Yingluck orders" "Yingluck concerned by" or basically "Yingluck anything". IMHO she probably doesn't know she "has ordered", "is worried by". Certainly being asked to explain 'why' would probably produce some interesting replies.

You're right of course. She is completely clueless and unconcerned about the reality of government. Leave that to those geniuses appointed by big brother. Her role of "diplomatic negotiations" is much more important. Like securing international support for a democratically elected government and those that have suffered political motivated injustices. thumbsup.gif Got to see the big picture - regional stability etc.

Flood - last year's flood didn't have any impact on her, other than some additions to the wardrobe. Any flood this year will not inconnvenience her or her mates at all. She reads what's on the cards and has no idea of what she is saying, the context or continuity with previous statements. Any floods this year will be handled in the same way as last year. Wonder if my neighbours will ever get to see the promised compensation?

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It's rumoured that Plodprasop has come up with a few more good ideas. The BIG one is launching 1000 yellow bath-tub ducks during the next high flow as this will enable the flood experts to judge the rate and direction of flows much better while watching the CCTV feeds from their air-conditioned office in Bangkok.

He is also looking into riverside aquaculture farms growing fresh water sponges. I'm not sure if this will work.

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