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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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dont you just love these experts

Yes there appear to be thousands of them posting about ladyboys and gays on Thaivisa. Unfortunately the vast majority of them are neither ladyboys nor gay which makes you wonder where they actually gained their expertise.

thats like saying you need to be a woman to be a gynecologist

There is a difference between having an opinion and being an expert.

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All these years I thought they were asking me where I am going, but actually they were saying "Bi mai"

Lol. Mai is a negative like no or not. So "Bi Mai" meant they were telling you it's "Not Bi" to like a ladyboy. Just kidding.

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All these years I thought they were asking me where I am going, but actually they were saying "Bi mai"

Lol. Mai is a negative like no or not. So "Bi Mai" meant they were telling you it's "Not Bi" to like a ladyboy. Just kidding.

Do they call you Dute instead of Dude?

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if you took the dress off the ladyboy,cut the hair, and he just ran around acting all (god how can i put this without getting shot down) femme ill use your word, would he be then gay???

and im asking, i dont know

Assuming that by "gay" you mean "homosexual" ( I hate that they took the word "gay" and stopped it being used in it's proper context ) of course not. There have already been umpteen posts saying that a "real" ladyboy has a female self identity, although occupying a male body.

IMO a homosexual doesn't want to look like a woman, as they consider themselves to be MALE, NOT FEMALE, and they certainly wouldn't be attracted to a ladyboy ( unless bisexual ).

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All these years I thought they were asking me where I am going, but actually they were saying "Bi mai"

Lol. Mai is a negative like no or not. So "Bi Mai" meant they were telling you it's "Not Bi" to like a ladyboy. Just kidding.

Do they call you Dute instead of Dude?

Bloody hell, now you tell me.......it must be these thai hearing aids

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So any decisions yet ,can coming to Thailand make you bisexual? and by that i mean someone who has never had sex with a man and a woman all of a sudden when coming here start having sex with ladyboys(who are men) as uposed to only having sex with women previously ,who says yes and who says no

I've seen it with my own eyes, and know of two men that have arrived in Thailand heterosexual,

and decided to have sex with ladyboys, knowing full well what they were doing.

So the answer is yes coming to Thailand can make you bisexual.

But it can also make you many other things too. whistling.gif

This is so ridiculous. Do you think their sexual orientation changed just because of some kinky adventures with ladyboys? You are confusing sex actions with sexual orientation. Nothing changed. They were already whatever they were before they arrived in Thailand.

Perhaps the question i should have asked ,"can coming to Thailand lead to a bisexual experiance"smile.png

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So any decisions yet ,can coming to Thailand make you bisexual? and by that i mean someone who has never had sex with a man and a woman all of a sudden when coming here start having sex with ladyboys(who are men) as uposed to only having sex with women previously ,who says yes and who says no

I've seen it with my own eyes, and know of two men that have arrived in Thailand heterosexual,

and decided to have sex with ladyboys, knowing full well what they were doing.

So the answer is yes coming to Thailand can make you bisexual.

But it can also make you many other things too. whistling.gif

This is so ridiculous. Do you think their sexual orientation changed just because of some kinky adventures with ladyboys? You are confusing sex actions with sexual orientation. Nothing changed. They were already whatever they were before they arrived in Thailand.

Perhaps the question i should have asked ,"can coming to Thailand lead to a bisexual experiance"smile.png

Don't worry both are ridicules same same whistling.gif

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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

that is the reason most lonely farang men come to LOS,

lack of sex in their home countries . whichever direction they choose to swing .

of course i am differnt , i came to thailand for,, 2 dots and a dash.

Edited by elliss
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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

that is the reason most lonely farang men come to LOS,

lack of sex in their home countries . whichever direction they choose to swing .

of course i am differnt , i came to thailand for,, 2 dots and a dash.

Well i never came here because i was lonely ,i came because i was persuaded by the guy selling holidays ,at the time i didnt have a clue about Thailand and sex tourism ,our friend came here because he knew us and just wanted a holiday ,thats not to say that many of us dont come back because of the abundance of young women(or in his case young ladyboys)biggrin.png

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Years ago I met a Japanese tourist in San Francisco who told me many Japanese tourists feel that sampling some hot man to man sex was considered the thing to do in San Francisco, right along visiting Fisherman's wharf and having some sourdough bread. I don't think it made them gay or bi though unless they already were any more than visiting Fisherman's wharf made them into a fisherman.

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So any decisions yet ,can coming to Thailand make you bisexual? and by that i mean someone who has never had sex with a man and a woman all of a sudden when coming here start having sex with ladyboys(who are men) as uposed to only having sex with women previously ,who says yes and who says no

I've seen it with my own eyes, and know of two men that have arrived in Thailand heterosexual,

and decided to have sex with ladyboys, knowing full well what they were doing.

So the answer is yes coming to Thailand can make you bisexual.

But it can also make you many other things too. whistling.gif

This is so ridiculous. Do you think their sexual orientation changed just because of some kinky adventures with ladyboys? You are confusing sex actions with sexual orientation. Nothing changed. They were already whatever they were before they arrived in Thailand.

I cannot agree with that and your summary dismissal of that post as "ridiculous." It isn't ridiculous, but quite pertinent. It is often the case that sexual orientation DOES change after one totally unexpected experience. This is what getting introduced to a new experience is all about. Thus some women, who were always straight, come to discover the pleasures of lesbian love after one unexpected encounter, just as some guys who were always straight discover homosexual love.

You might say that such people always had it in them. But that's not always the case. Sex is a mysterious continuum and every person has his or her individual place on the curve. This is open to evolution, discovery and re-orientation, if the person would allow. To say that a person who reorients himself or herself after a new experience always had it in him or her is to oversimplify it and assign easy, common colours to people, to generalise so that you find it convenient to explain them away. Worse, it betrays a refusal to acknowledge that the human being is essentially an adventurer, forever in quest of new experiences, new knowledge, new learning and new lifestyles.

A strict vegetarian may one day eat meat and discover he likes its virtues or tastes, because he got introduced to it. How could you say he had non-vegetarianism in him always ? A woman may hate the very thought of oral sex until one day she allows herself to experience it and then becomes an addict. This is what the ladyboy or bisexual experience is all about. That one experience has changed many people who were straight until then. And it's silly to say they had it in them all along.

Edited by HereIAm
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Simple explanation, all perfectly natural;

Hermaphroditus, the two-sexed son of Aphrodite and Hermes (Venus and Mercury) had long been a symbol of bisexuality or effeminacy, and was portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a female figure with male genitals.[2]

Theophrastus's account also suggests a link between Hermaphroditus and the institution of marriage. The reference to the fourth day of the month is telling: this is the luckiest day to have a wedding. Hermaphroditus's association with marriage seems to have been that, by embodying both masculine and feminine qualities, he symbolized the coming together of men and women in sacred union. Another factor linking Hermaphroditus to weddings was his parents' role in protecting and blessing brides.[3]

Hermaphroditus's name is derived from those of his parents Hermes and Aphrodite. All three of these gods figure largely among erotic and fertility figures, and all possess distinctly sexual overtones. Sometimes, Hermaphroditus is referred to as Aphroditus. The phallic god Priapus was the son of Hermes in some accounts, and the youthful god of desire Eros of Hermes and Aphrodite.

Ovid's account relates that Hermaphroditus was nursed by naiads in the caves of Mount Ida,[4] a sacred mountain in Phrygia (present day Turkey). At the age of fifteen, he grew bored with his surroundings and traveled to the cities of Lycia and Caria. It was in the woods of Caria, near Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey) that he encountered the nymph, Salmacis, in her pool. She was overcome by lust for the boy, who was very handsome but still young, and tried to seduce him, but was rejected. When he thought her to be gone, Hermaphroditus undressed and entered the waters of the empty pool. Salmacis sprang out from behind a tree and jumped into the pool. She wrapped herself around the boy, forcibly kissing him and touching his breast. While he struggled, she called out to the gods that they should never part. Her wish was granted, and their bodies blended into one form, "a creature of both sexes".[5] Hermaphroditus prayed to Hermes and Aphrodite that anyone else who bathed in the pool would be similarly transformed, and his wish was granted. "In this form the story was certainly not ancient," Karl Kerenyi noted. He compared the myth of the beautiful ephebe with Narcissus and Hyacinthus, who had an archaic hero-cult, and Hymenaios.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

Sorry I thought it was clear, I was not saying anything more , simply "for me" both questions formulations are equally idiotic, for if one is not bisexual, Thailand China... the moon will not change anyone's sexual orientation. I have seen in LOS a few very very sexy ladyboys, absolutely impossible to guess they were no girls, but the very second I was told they were ladyboys the sex-appeal vanished instantly, OK in Thailand it is easier for non attractive men to have sex with young/beautiful girls, that's all! But reassure your friend it's not a shame anymore to be homo nowadays

PS: The most intelligent man may ask idiotic question from time to time whistling.gif (in case you need to be reassure too LOL)

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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

Sorry I thought it was clear, I was not saying anything more , simply "for me" both questions formulations are equally idiotic, for if one is not bisexual, Thailand China... the moon will not change anyone's sexual orientation. I have seen in LOS a few very very sexy ladyboys, absolutely impossible to guess they were no girls, but the very second I was told they were ladyboys the sex-appeal vanished instantly, OK in Thailand it is easier for non attractive men to have sex with young/beautiful girls, that's all! But reassure your friend it's not a shame anymore to be homo nowadays

PS: The most intelligent man may ask idiotic question from time to time whistling.gif (in case you need to be reassure too LOL)

To say that to be homosexual is no shame these days ,i must disagree ,for me and you perhaps we do not care ,but to millions of people around the world it is shamefull ,and believe me it is shamefull to many many people on these boards.

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So are you saying that if my friend had not come to Thailand he would have eventually had a bisexual experiance with a ladyboy (or transexual in Britain) if he had never come here, or that by coming here he didnt become or find out that he was bisexual?

can you clarify?

Sorry I thought it was clear, I was not saying anything more , simply "for me" both questions formulations are equally idiotic, for if one is not bisexual, Thailand China... the moon will not change anyone's sexual orientation. I have seen in LOS a few very very sexy ladyboys, absolutely impossible to guess they were no girls, but the very second I was told they were ladyboys the sex-appeal vanished instantly, OK in Thailand it is easier for non attractive men to have sex with young/beautiful girls, that's all! But reassure your friend it's not a shame anymore to be homo nowadays

PS: The most intelligent man may ask idiotic question from time to time whistling.gif (in case you need to be reassure too LOL)

To say that to be homosexual is no shame these days ,i must disagree ,for me and you perhaps we do not care ,but to millions of people around the world it is shamefull ,and believe me it is shamefull to many many people on these boards.

For me it's not a shame just slightly disgusting if I use my imagination five second! bah.gif

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Years ago I met a Japanese tourist in San Francisco who told me many Japanese tourists feel that sampling some hot man to man sex was considered the thing to do in San Francisco, right along visiting Fisherman's wharf and having some sourdough bread. I don't think it made them gay or bi though unless they already were any more than visiting Fisherman's wharf made them into a fisherman.

If you visit Fishermsn's Wharf and go fishing, you are a fisherman. If you vist San Francisco and have sex with a man, you are gay or bi.

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Years ago I met a Japanese tourist in San Francisco who told me many Japanese tourists feel that sampling some hot man to man sex was considered the thing to do in San Francisco, right along visiting Fisherman's wharf and having some sourdough bread. I don't think it made them gay or bi though unless they already were any more than visiting Fisherman's wharf made them into a fisherman.

If you visit Fishermsn's Wharf and go fishing, you are a fisherman. If you vist San Francisco and have sex with a man, you are gay or bi.

No, you went fishing ...

Dabbling in something doesn't change your identity.

Edited by Jingthing
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Well i have been to san francisco and i have visited fishermans wharfe ,i am neither a fisherman or gay ,so did i do something wrong when i was there?

ps i didnt wear any flowers in my hair either i also went over the golden gate bridge and felt no inclination to jump off ,but when i was in disneyland in Anaheim i hugged goofey and had my picture taken with him, oh God am i bi biggrin.png

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Well i have been to san francisco and i have visited fishermans wharfe ,i am neither a fisherman or gay ,so did i do something wrong when i was there?

ps i didnt wear any flowers in my hair either i also went over the golden gate bridge and felt no inclination to jump off ,but when i was in disneyland in Anaheim i hugged goofey and had my picture taken with him, oh God am i bi biggrin.png

You clearly missed the real flavor of San Francisco. It makes sense to me that adventurous tourists would crave a taste of ladyboy action in Pattaya, world famous haven for Thai ladyboys. Edited by Jingthing
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Well i have been to san francisco and i have visited fishermans wharfe ,i am neither a fisherman or gay ,so did i do something wrong when i was there?

ps i didnt wear any flowers in my hair either i also went over the golden gate bridge and felt no inclination to jump off ,but when i was in disneyland in Anaheim i hugged goofey and had my picture taken with him, oh God am i bi biggrin.png

You clearly missed the real flavor of San Francisco. It makes sense to me that adventurous tourists crave a taste of ladyboy action in Pattaya, world famous haven for Thai ladyboys.

I can assure you that when i came here 23 years ago i was very adventurous but never once wanted to roger a ladyboy ,mind you the first one i met even made me look good lookingsmile.png

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I can assure you that when i came here 23 years ago i was very adventurous but never once wanted to roger a ladyboy ,mind you the first one i met even made me look good lookingsmile.png

I'm assured. I hereby deem you with the power invested in me by the great state of Jefferson -- 100 percent heterosexual. Go with piece. Edited by Jingthing
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Well i have been to san francisco and i have visited fishermans wharfe ,i am neither a fisherman or gay ,so did i do something wrong when i was there?

ps i didnt wear any flowers in my hair either i also went over the golden gate bridge and felt no inclination to jump off ,but when i was in disneyland in Anaheim i hugged goofey and had my picture taken with him, oh God am i bi biggrin.png

You clearly missed the real flavor of San Francisco. It makes sense to me that adventurous tourists crave a taste of ladyboy action in Pattaya, world famous haven for Thai ladyboys.

I can assure you that when i came here 23 years ago i was very adventurous but never once wanted to roger a ladyboy ,mind you the first one i met even made me look good lookingsmile.png

I've never wanted to roger a ladyboy either. Does that mean I'm straight? shock1.gif

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Well i have been to san francisco and i have visited fishermans wharfe ,i am neither a fisherman or gay ,so did i do something wrong when i was there?

ps i didnt wear any flowers in my hair either i also went over the golden gate bridge and felt no inclination to jump off ,but when i was in disneyland in Anaheim i hugged goofey and had my picture taken with him, oh God am i bi biggrin.png

You clearly missed the real flavor of San Francisco. It makes sense to me that adventurous tourists crave a taste of ladyboy action in Pattaya, world famous haven for Thai ladyboys.

I can assure you that when i came here 23 years ago i was very adventurous but never once wanted to roger a ladyboy ,mind you the first one i met even made me look good lookingsmile.png

I've never wanted to roger a ladyboy either. Does that mean I'm straight? shock1.gif

No it means not all gay men have the same tastes. Same as not all straight men have the same tastes.

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