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Why Cuts In Mouth Always Ended Up As Ulcers


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incredibly annoying. be it from a cut while brawling or a accidental bite, it always ended up as an ulcer.

now i had this giant crater shaped ulcer on my lip despite rinsing my mouth with saltwater often after the bite. any idea how could i prevent this from happening again? unbelievable annoying, you can't munch your food freely with these ulcers

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I had the same problem when I was young, but the problem disappeared as I got older. Stop chewing gums helped me a lot becaue I would always bite my lip when chewing gum. I still get cuts in my mouth but they heal quickly now. I can only assume it has to do with the bacteria we each have in our mouths. I don't have any special remmedies for you, as none worked for me either. Antibiotics?

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You might have a reaction with toothpaste. Most toothpastes have sodium lauryl sulfate (just google it).

I now use Dentiste which is more expensive but haven't had any ulcers or tender gums for ages. As far as I know this toothpaste doesn't have the SLS in it.

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OP ... most likely what you are experiencing is Aphthous ulcers (aphthous stomatitis (stomatitis is inflammation of the mucous lining), and alternatively as Sutton's Disease. Whacking your cheek with a toothbush or tootpick can cause these ulcers to begin. In the States we often call them Canker Sores. The causitive organism is a bacteria or even herpes simplex. The short term cure is a product I have used called "Amosan" from Oral-B. It is a micro peroxide - comes in a powder form. Mix the powder (from the packet) in a small amount of hot water and hold it in your mouth or apply in to your lip with a cotton swab - repeatedly. I have applied the powder directly to the ulcer. This can be a bit painful for a few seconds - but Amosan has an amazing ability to stop the long term discomfort or these ulcers beginning in just a few minutes after application. Amosan is not cheap and of course if you can't get it in Thailand the postage cost would make it even more expensive. But Amosan works in one to two days - Ulcer Gone - Bottom line - is a good investment... I believe you can order Amosan on line. You might try regular peroxide - but not sure if it will be as effective.

More info: From Wikipedia (The exact cause of many aphthous ulcers is unknown but citrus fruits (e.g., oranges and lemons), physical trauma, emotional (more than physical) stress [9], lack of sleep, sudden weight loss, food allergies, immune system reactions,[10] and deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, and folic acid[11] may contribute to their development. Nicorandil and certain types of chemotherapy are also linked to aphthous ulcers.[12] One recent study showed a strong correlation with allergies to cow's milk.[13] Aphthous ulcers are a major manifestation of Behçet disease,[14] and are also common in people with Crohn's disease.

Hope this helps you... Joe from Texas

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  • 2 weeks later...

You might have a reaction with toothpaste. Most toothpastes have sodium lauryl sulfate (just google it).

I now use Dentiste which is more expensive but haven't had any ulcers or tender gums for ages. As far as I know this toothpaste doesn't have the SLS in it.

I agree with this. I occasionally get what I call canker sores - not life threatening but really really annoying because it hurts to eat! When I stopped using toothpaste (and some mouthwashes) with sodium lauryl sulfate, they were reduced by over 50%. I have been told that sodium lauryl sulfate is what makes the toothpaste foam, but it also eats away at the lining in your mouth and makes it easier for cuts to turn into sores.

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