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Calls For U.S. Rep. Akin To Drop Out Of Senate Race Over Rape Comments


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The Akins, Ryans, Boehner's and their gang are nothing like the old school Republicans many of whom were decent, caring. folks of integrity.

Oh really? Funny, the liberals never, ever mentioned it at the time. In fact they used the exact same hateful rhetoric as they are using now. rolleyes.gif

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What is also missed here is that it is becoming harder for woman to have an abortion. The anti-abortion crowd have used intimdation, murder, and other means to frighten woman who need and want abortion. They have also used these same means aganist doctors and other health care providers. I find it very interesting to say it is wrong to preform an abortion but then kill a adult and think this is ok.

I believe most of the people here debateing this issue are male and the final decision belongs to the woman are you not interfering in a womans right to chose.Someone asked me a few years ago what I thought and felt about this issue I responed, I am not having one none of my business.

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The Akins, Ryans, Boehner's and their gang are nothing like the old school Republicans many of whom were decent, caring. folks of integrity.

Oh really? Funny, the liberals never, ever mentioned it at the time. In fact they used the exact same hateful rhetoric as they are using now. rolleyes.gif

And your dear republicans never use hateful, racist,or demeaning rhetoric.
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The anti-abortion crowd have used intimdation, murder, and other means to frighten woman who need and want abortion. They have also used these same means aganist doctors and other health care providers. I find it very interesting to say it is wrong to preform an abortion but then kill a adult and think this is ok.

Don't be absurd. This has nothing to do with most people who object to abortion. Every group has few nuts and that certainly includes the left.

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The GOP platform isn't restricted to abortion, it is about the repeal of Title 10 funding. This provides access to contraception for poor people. Included in the funding was funding for groups such as Planned Parenthood, a non profit that assists families plan and prepare for having children. Abortion services are a very small portion of the menu of services that Planned arenthood provides, but the GOP would have everyone believe that this is all about abortion and that Planned Parenthood is an abortion franchise operation.

Planned Parenthood does far more abortions than any other group. According to the figures I have seen,,they provide something like 25% of the abortions in the whole country. For people who think that abortion is the taking of human lfe, it is not too hard to understand why they might want to prohibit Planned Parenthood from getting taxpayer funds.

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Here is what the Democratic Party platform says. It is on page 52 of a 70 page platform.


Protecting A Woman’s Right to Choose. The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports

Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal

abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.

Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy;

there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way.

I thought in some states if an underage girl got pregnant then the school could help her get an abortion without her parents needing to know about it? Or is my info way out of date?

Very out of date. There are so many rules and laws no in place that what you are refering to is a constructed myth. There are ancilliary deivery of medical care rules that cover the requirement to advise parents or guardians in the case of unemancipated minors.

There are at least two states that appear to authorize students to be provided assistance in getting abortions by their high school medical staff and Planned Parenthood.


Teen Gets Abortion With Help of Her Seattle High School


March 24, 2010

A Seattle mother is irate after she said her 15-year-old daughter's school arranged an abortion for her daughter without her knowledge.

The mother, whose name has been withheld at her request to protect her privacy, told ABC News' Seattle affiliate KOMO-TV that the clinic gave her daughter a pass and helped her get a taxi that took her to a facility where she underwent an abortion.

"We had no idea this was being facilitated on campus," said the mother. "They just told her that if she concealed it from her family, that it would be free of charge and no financial responsibility."


Under Washington state law, parental consent is not required when providing health care to minors, even when that care includes abortion.

"Minors may receive an abortion and abortion-related services at any age without the consent of a parent, guardian or the father of the child," the law states.

Full article here: http://abcnews.go.co...94#.PD6s9rJlSB0

Or this article...


California Law Provides Minors with School-assisted Abortions Without Parental Notification

Your Daughter Can Get an Abortion in California Without Your Knowledge, Just Ask Her School

Ericha Parks, Yahoo! Contributor Network

If you are a parent with boys, exhale a sigh of relief. If you are the parent of a minor daughter, you might need a whole new education on public education. It is a fact: your minor daughter has the right to an abortion in California, without your consent or notification. You may remember California Propositions 73 and 85 on the ballot which would have required parental notification of a minor's abortion, but it was defeated by 54.3 percent to 45.7 percent. How did this law bypassing parental consent come to be? In California, the operative case that reaches beyond Roe v. Wade, is a California case upheld by the Supreme Court, American Academy of Pediatrics v. Lundren. This case argued that the California Constitution should not be changed to include parental notification and that a minor's right to choose with regard to a pregnancy was the same as an adult.


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Nothing is being withheld as a result of the Republican platform. The poor and destitute will continue being covered under medicaid and medicare, as will the 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the US.

Do you support your tax money going to support illegal immigrants when there are over 23 million unemployed and under employed Americans at risk?

i support universal healthcare and think that for a society to be progressive you don't exclude anyone, whatever their status. immigration in the US is an immigration problem - not a medical one. the sheer notion alone of not treating someone who is sick because of their political status is to me just absurd - as it would be to any doctor who has taken the hippocratic oath.

I might agree with you if we were not 16 Trillion in debt, but we ARE.

that's not an argument for not giving universal healthcare. it's an argument for increased financial regulation and more realistic tax levels. you know, like not wanting to give tax cuts to the highest earning americans as dubya did and as romney and the GOP plan to again. the debt is not the fault of poor people. so stop screwing them.

and i don't think you'd agree even if there were no debt. because republicans don't agree with universal healthcare period.

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Stick a fork in Aiken. In retrospect a higher power should have shut down his campaign after he "legitimately" raped himself. Oh crap, it did.

Claire McCaskill legitimately shuts down Todd Akin in Missouri Senate race

Posted by Diana Reese on November 7, 2012 at 6:10 am

It didn’t turn out to be the nail-biter that I thought it would be. Less than three hours after the polls closed in Missouri, incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) beat Republican challenger Rep. Todd Akin by a healthy margin after what she called “an extraordinary campaign.” Or, as the tweets went, the voters in Missouri had a legitimate election to shut down Todd Akin. Those six seconds in August, when Akin made his infamous “legitimate rape” comment during a St. Louis television interview, may have cost him his bid for the Senate as Republicans from presidential candidate Mitt Romney to local Missourians abandoned him.

Edited by lomatopo
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