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Todays Questions

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I have a few questions which I wonder if any of you knowledgeable folk can help out with.

1. How come the massive increase in Toyota type commuter vans on the island?They seem to be everywhere.

Is there a tax break for purchasing one of these?.

Can anyone drive one or do you have to be totally committed to reincarnation?

2. The newspapers published photos of the PM in military uniform bedecked with loads of medal ribbons.

Whilst I undersdtand that the uniform is of an "honourary" nature does the same apply for medals?

I thought that they were awarded for achievements, bravery in battle etc and it does look with the

number of awards, that she has been a very brave lady or made significant and improved changes to

the Thai way of life. Would really like to know what they are all for.

3. Why do all Italian tourists feel it necessary to start clapping as soon as the aircraft has landed? On a little ATR

it can be disturbing but I guess that on a charter 747 the noise would be unimagineable.

Hoping you TV'rs can assist in helping to satisfy my thirst for knowledge.


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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

Bit of a sweeping statement without answering the question..I wasn't suggesting that they were all military although we do generally

associate them with acts of valour or winning races.

There are hundreds of civil servants in various Departments in Thailand who wear uniform (it is mandatory on certain days) and they do not have medals. But I'm interested as to what exactly the medals that are issued are for? Surely they must be for something! She seems to have an awful lot of them!

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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

Bit of a sweeping statement without answering the question..I wasn't suggesting that they were all military although we do generally

associate them with acts of valour or winning races.

There are hundreds of civil servants in various Departments in Thailand who wear uniform (it is mandatory on certain days) and they do not have medals. But I'm interested as to what exactly the medals that are issued are for? Surely they must be for something! She seems to have an awful lot of them!

Maybe they work on the same system as McDonald's , where you are awarded stars on your name badge ?

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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

actually civil cervants don't wear medals(unless they have been decorated) but the same thing as military to show their rank.

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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

Bit of a sweeping statement without answering the question..I wasn't suggesting that they were all military although we do generally

associate them with acts of valour or winning races.

There are hundreds of civil servants in various Departments in Thailand who wear uniform (it is mandatory on certain days) and they do not have medals. But I'm interested as to what exactly the medals that are issued are for? Surely they must be for something! She seems to have an awful lot of them!

Maybe they work on the same system as McDonald's , where you are awarded stars on your name badge ?

More like achievementstripes I'd say. A red band (for example) represents tea money collected in any given 24 hour period. First band is 1000 Baht with each subsequent band representing an additional '0' so 2 bands is 10,000, 3 is 100,000 and so on. A wider band represents achievingt hat figure while being caught and getting away with it. The entire set of bands as a whole represent a ttime-line and a medal is attached to the bottom of a band when beating the previous record within the region. A separate larger band and medal is given for a national record.

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Whats sweeping about saying all civil servants wear uniforms? The term "sweeping" implies that it is somehow incorrect that all civil servants wear uniforms. I did not say they wear them every day or even all the time I said they all wear them. This is factual and correct as is the fact the despite your assertion, they are not military uniforms (your words, not mine)

I don't know what the medals are (that is what they look like in pictures).

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Maybe more rusians on package tour deals, they do seem to like being bused about as opposed to farangs who seem to make there own way about.

i used to fly in out of Italy many times as ex job HQ was there and never noticed it , maybe they are just happy now days the captain is still on board at the end of the journey. noticed it a few times in the USA on South West with there entertaining cabin crew who encouraged it.

are they medals or decorations awarded to her http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra

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Funny how the OP jumps down the throat of someone trying to give him some answers. Perhaps he should learn how to Google as other members have shown him, would have saved a lot of embarrassment.laugh.png

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Toyota vans are, as far as I am aware, hotel transport for guests (a friend drives one) - why all Toyotas, no idea- price break maybe?

PM uniform: all civil servants wear uniforms, and have medals, its not military at all.

I never noticed Italians clap before. I personally find clappers creepy.

Bit of a sweeping statement without answering the question..I wasn't suggesting that they were all military although we do generally

associate them with acts of valour or winning races.

There are hundreds of civil servants in various Departments in Thailand who wear uniform (it is mandatory on certain days) and they do not have medals. But I'm interested as to what exactly the medals that are issued are for? Surely they must be for something! She seems to have an awful lot of them!

Well, you get a really big one for winning the election. You probably get another one for each six months you stave off a coup.

Most civil servants have some decorations or service awards, remember, you are seeing the PM in full dress uniform

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Question No 4 Gator

Baring in mind Bandit Airways, your first love, are the carriers for the most expensive 45 minute flight in the world, why is the in flight food offering so appalling?

Why would you need a meal for a 45 minute flight?

Are you Thai?

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Question No 4 Gator

Baring in mind Bandit Airways, your first love, are the carriers for the most expensive 45 minute flight in the world, why is the in flight food offering so appalling?

Why would you need a meal for a 45 minute flight?

Are you Thai?

Yes, i am. Your point is......?

Edited by carmine
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Question No 4 Gator

Baring in mind Bandit Airways, your first love, are the carriers for the most expensive 45 minute flight in the world, why is the in flight food offering so appalling?

Why would you need a meal for a 45 minute flight?

Are you Thai?

Yes, i am. Your point is......?

No point. That explains the need for food on a 45 minute flight.

Continue on your justifiable way.

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Question No 4 Gator

Baring in mind Bandit Airways, your first love, are the carriers for the most expensive 45 minute flight in the world, why is the in flight food offering so appalling?

Why would you need a meal for a 45 minute flight?

Are you Thai?

Yes, i am. Your point is......?

No point. That explains the need for food on a 45 minute flight.

Continue on your justifiable way.

Shudder to think of anything, like for example a decent plate of food, that might add some modicom of value for money to the 4800 baht flight. Interestinglyermm.gif when you factor in the transit times surrounding the flight i would venture to say that a small nutritious snack is in order. Within the profit margins of a BKK flight it would presumably be cooked by Gordon Ramsey and served on silver platter by Egon Ronet.

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Shudder to think of anything, like for example a decent plate of food, that might add some modicom of value for money to the 4800 baht flight. Interestinglyermm.gif when you factor in the transit times surrounding the flight i would venture to say that a small nutritious snack is in order. Within the profit margins of a BKK flight it would presumably be cooked by Gordon Ramsey and served on silver platter by Egon Ronet.

I've never been on the flight so I can't comment on it per se. Your gripe may be entirely justifiable.

But in general never expect airline food to be very good and so am infrequently disappointed.

Just as I never expect a riverboat cruise restaurant to get me quickly and efficiently to my destination.

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Maybe more rusians on package tour deals, they do seem to like being bused about as opposed to farangs who seem to make there own way about.

Just more Russians, they are traveling more independently now as they come to learn it's half the price than using a Russian agent. Apparently they do clap on landing since they picked up a "European tradition". I've been on a few flights in Russia and they do clap on landing.

I first noticed it on a flight from Barcelona to Ibiza a couple of years back and it was full of Italians clapping on landing, going ape sh*t actually. Maybe the Ibiza part skews the result.

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Clapping On Planes — Civil Aviation Forum | Airliners.net

www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general.../read.../3261455/ - Cached

24 posts - 18 authors - 16 Feb 2007This week in Patrick Smith's "Ask the Pilot" column: Why don't people clap on airplanes any more? Plus, the deadly game of wheel-well ...

Clapping After Landing — Civil Aviation Forum- 24 posts - 2 Nov 2009

Clapping On Landing....I Love It — Civil Aviation ...- 24 posts - 4 Mar 2005

Are Italians The After-landing Applause Champs ...- 24 posts - 23 Aug 2004

Clapping After The Flight — Civil Aviation Forum- 24 posts - 16 Oct 2000

More results from airliners.net »

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And the moral of the story is -

When you are really bored, either post something on ThaiVisa or give Rooo something to look up.

Or Both



Too busy, making crumpets,
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Actually - to be serious - if you take a look at the lnks that Rooo's posted about clapping, there are a huge number of people who are irritated/angered by this.

I can't understand why. Is it somehow the ultimate expression of urban un-cool? Like, it simply doesn't go with your i-Pad and Birkenstocks? Like . . . hip, now people would rather die than be so 20th century?

Personally I find it somewhat uplifting, for some reason. The happiness is infectious . . .


Edited by robsamui
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I find it disturbing, like they think they weren't going to make it? Like flying is sooo deadly you had better applaud your pilot? Seems we should be applauding ourselves every time we manage to cross a busy street in Thailand instead.

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Actually - to be serious - if you take a look at the lnks that Rooo's posted about clapping, there are a huge number of people who are irritated/angered by this.

I can't understand why. Is it somehow the ultimate expression of urban un-cool? Like, it simply doesn't go with your i-Pad and Birkenstocks? Like . . . hip, now people would rather die than be so 20th century?

Personally I find it somewhat uplifting, for some reason. The happiness is infectious . . .


I agree should clap when landing at Samui at least didn't end up in the tower. the other crashed aircraft is still there as a reminder.

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