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Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects. Once a man and women are partnered they become sex partners. Big difference. But to attain a healthy heteresexual relationships the man must see the woman as the object of his sexual desires. If he had felt that sheep were the object of his desires, you know what that would be called. Face reality and quit hiding behind what you want object to mean and what it means.

is there a Kiwi reference in there somewhere?

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Did you happen to mention to these girls that your name is 'pimping'?

Since nickname for pimping could be pimp sick.gif not easy not easy!


Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects. Once a man and women are partnered they become sex partners. Big difference. But to attain a healthy heteresexual relationships the man must see the woman as the object of his sexual desires. If he had felt that sheep were the object of his desires, you know what that would be called. Face reality and quit hiding behind what you want object to mean and what it means.

is there a Kiwi reference in there somewhere?

Might of been thinking of Aberdonians.....................whistling.gif


I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

But...to men, women are sex-objects....

To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

Please...He only speaks for himself!

I don't start licking my lips and rubbing my thighs when I see a hot guy walking past me!

Why not ? It'd make things a lot easier for men with interest. Far easier then spotting all the hair tossing and dilated pupils, not to mention the useless and boring "don't look there" posturing.

hair tossing and dilated pupils?! How old are the girls you're going after?! tongue.png Sounds like bloody high school!

Sounds like the seduction techniques of ladyboys to me.

Sounds like the seduction techniques of ladyboys to me.

No wonder really, they copy everything that they can from women. And then boost it up.

Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects. Once a man and women are partnered they become sex partners. Big difference. But to attain a healthy heteresexual relationships the man must see the woman as the object of his sexual desires. If he had felt that sheep were the object of his desires, you know what that would be called. Face reality and quit hiding behind what you want object to mean and what it means.

It couldn't possibly be attraction based on non sexual qualities then? The old I fell in love with her mind and genuine personality, sexual desire became an expression of that love not an enslaving desire.

Jus' askin'

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.


I am early 30's, medium build, short hair through genetics rather than choice (no greasy ponytail)

You have genetically short hair? blink.png

What, it just doesn't grow? Ever?

Well spotted. thumbsup.gif


I am early 30's, medium build, short hair through genetics rather than choice (no greasy ponytail)

You have genetically short hair? blink.png

What, it just doesn't grow? Ever?

Well spotted. thumbsup.gif

I too am in my 30's and had my hair cut today. I'm deeply suspicious of pimping's post....in fact I don't think he's even been measuring it regularly to make sure its not grown.

Come on pimping...some scientific evidence please before you make such sweeping follicular generalisations regarding us 30 somethings.


Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects.

Totally ridiculous. I like some women more than others for sure but I would never describe any in such derogatory terms.

In fact its the sort of comment I'd expect to hear from a teenager....or one of the many happy customers in Soi 4's bars....

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Awww sweetheart : ( - i am sorry that you have had this experience and that it has upset you. It however does not represent me and the people that i know ... so try and balance that. Focus on the good meetings that you have had and let that outweigh the crap. You will always get idiots on holiday/gap year etc .. they would be idiots anywhere .. it is not personal. There is no personal danger to you ... just a couple of girls trying to futher their wordly intelligence - but failing by all accounts. Kids being stupid ... that's all.

... and if i was Mother .. i would (verbally) kick them right up the backside.


    I am early 30's, medium build, short hair through genetics rather than choice (no greasy ponytail)

You have genetically short hair? blink.png

What, it just doesn't grow? Ever?

Well spotted. thumbsup.gif

Maybe it falls out before its grown. Maybe he's bald as a monkey's bum, but he wanted a more flattering way of putting it.SC


It couldn't possibly be attraction based on non sexual qualities then? The old I fell in love with her mind and genuine personality, sexual desire became an expression of that love not an enslaving desire.

Isn't that just something that we tell ourselves when it is really animal desire?


Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects. Once a man and women are partnered they become sex partners. Big difference. But to attain a healthy heteresexual relationships the man must see the woman as the object of his sexual desires. If he had felt that sheep were the object of his desires, you know what that would be called. Face reality and quit hiding behind what you want object to mean and what it means.

It couldn't possibly be attraction based on non sexual qualities then? The old I fell in love with her mind and genuine personality, sexual desire became an expression of that love not an enslaving desire.

Jus' askin'

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

Falling in love and where your sexual desires are directed can easily be the same person of course, and should be in a healthy relationship. There is no enslaving intented in my post.. I think many posters have forgot how to read english and just go with what they perceive is written instead of what is written. It is quite common for people to read things into the written word rather than read and comprehend. Please donot think this is directed at you it isnot. It is simply so I need not post twice.

An object can be a person or thing.

(1) Person example." Women is the object of mens affection." Change the word affection to sexual desire what do you have". Women are the object of mens sexual desire." . or "Women are the sex objects of heteresexual men" To use the words sex object doesnot enslave or become derogatory, except to those who have poor comprehension skills. And ignorance unlike stupidity can be fixed .

Just need to come back and teach english here to some. Yes english is my first language.

I stand by my post #64 that women are sex objects. Once a man and women are partnered they become sex partners. Big difference. But to attain a healthy heteresexual relationships the man must see the woman as the object of his sexual desires. If he had felt that sheep were the object of his desires, you know what that would be called. Face reality and quit hiding behind what you want object to mean and what it means.

It couldn't possibly be attraction based on non sexual qualities then? The old I fell in love with her mind and genuine personality, sexual desire became an expression of that love not an enslaving desire.

Jus' askin'

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

Falling in love and where your sexual desires are directed can easily be the same person of course, and should be in a healthy relationship. There is no enslaving intented in my post.. I think many posters have forgot how to read english and just go with what they perceive is written instead of what is written. It is quite common for people to read things into the written word rather than read and comprehend. Please donot think this is directed at you it isnot. It is simply so I need not post twice.

An object can be a person or thing.

(1) Person example." Women is the object of mens affection." Change the word affection to sexual desire what do you have". Women are the object of mens sexual desire." . or "Women are the sex objects of heteresexual men" To use the words sex object doesnot enslave or become derogatory, except to those who have poor comprehension skills. And ignorance unlike stupidity can be fixed .

I understand what you are saying but I think therein lies Phutarica's (sp) problem with your post; she doesn't wish to be objectified and (again I think) believes she and women in general are more than just objects to be the recipient of mens' affection and/or sexual desire.

Some men consider the sum of all parts not just a well turned ankle.

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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It couldn't possibly be attraction based on non sexual qualities then? The old I fell in love with her mind and genuine personality, sexual desire became an expression of that love not an enslaving desire.

Isn't that just something that we tell ourselves when it is really animal desire?


Taking your jest semi seriously... and why not haha

Some men are attracted to powerful personalities in women. A casual observer could say, what does he see in her the hen pecked cuckold! I don't think attractions can be dismissed as being based on sexual desire.

One example: Thai girls that have daddy issues and are attracted to older men for that feeling of safety/security and comfort where the man is attracted to the necessity of having somebody anybody rather than dying alone, then goes off shagging younger, more nubile women for cash. Loving what they have at home for certain qualities but lusting for a bit of strange.

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.


This happened to me recently, I was having breakfast in a hotel coffee shop with a young Thai girl, and 2 western women kept glancing my way with shocked expressions on their face, the girl is my daughter


This happened to me recently, I was having breakfast in a hotel coffee shop with a young Thai girl, and 2 western women kept glancing my way with shocked expressions on their face, the girl is my daughter

Most have never seen an old farang with a pretty girl before. j/k


This happened to me recently, I was having breakfast in a hotel coffee shop with a young Thai girl, and 2 western women kept glancing my way with shocked expressions on their face, the girl is my daughter

Feminist media in the West are full of hate-mongering against (heterosexual) men, and especially those men who live in Asia. These tourists have probably read all the stories of "pedophiles", "forced prostitutes", "abuse", "sex slavery" and whatever nonsense you can read or watch in TV back home.

You can't do much about it. They hate you because of what you are. Similar as the hate against blacks/migrants in some racist country.


I stopped commenting on this thread after I realized it had gone down the gutter. Also I had one of my posts removed after I posted the dictionary definition of 'object' and was accused for flaming.

Very disappointed to be honest. People complain that there needs to be more women on the board yet its ok for people to refer to women in such derogatory terms. No wonder there are barely any women on this forum.

I stopped commenting on this thread after I realized it had gone down the gutter. Also I had one of my posts removed after I posted the dictionary definition of 'object' and was accused for flaming.

Very disappointed to be honest. People complain that there needs to be more women on the board yet its ok for people to refer to women in such derogatory terms. No wonder there are barely any women on this forum.

Yes, many guys here have obvious issues, I was called racist on an earlier post because I had stated I enjoyed talking to western women, my post was a response to the predictable bitter scorn the mere mention of western women is sure to provoke. I can understand the aversion to the term "sex object", it seems to imply that all male / female interactions are sexually charged, or that if a man is not attracted, the woman is of no value. Unfortunatly that attitude is often revealed on this forum.
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Very disappointed to be honest. People complain that there needs to be more women on the board yet its ok for people to refer to women in such derogatory terms. No wonder there are barely any women on this forum.

(1) The board needs more women. So I do hope you continue to stay. When I first joined up here, there were alot of women on this forum. The ladies forum had ALOT of fun and interesting conversations. It was really the most lively place on Thaivisa. Sadly, many have moved on to other things. I wish we could see days like that again.

(2) Not every man on this forum make derrogatory comments about women--I.E. we're not all pigs. The forums that go "downhill", frankly I just ignore the thread. But just because of a few folks, don't all paint us with the same brush.

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I stopped commenting on this thread after I realized it had gone down the gutter. Also I had one of my posts removed after I posted the dictionary definition of 'object' and was accused for flaming.

Very disappointed to be honest. People complain that there needs to be more women on the board yet its ok for people to refer to women in such derogatory terms. No wonder there are barely any women on this forum.

Or it's simply because you talk to the wrong men and you could also report them for derogatory statements. Just choose your battles wisely next time and you'll see...


I stopped commenting on this thread after I realized it had gone down the gutter. Also I had one of my posts removed after I posted the dictionary definition of 'object' and was accused for flaming.

Very disappointed to be honest. People complain that there needs to be more women on the board yet its ok for people to refer to women in such derogatory terms. No wonder there are barely any women on this forum.

Me again . Sorry to hear you feel the way you do.I cannot see how this has gone down the gutter but that is purely personal perceptions. I am only attempting to assist you to understand how the term sex object has been misused by the masses as a tool to bash men for far to long.

If women or a woman is unhappy being a sexobject,please donot be angry at men. Be angry at mother nature ,or the english language for not haveng a term that would better suit or perhaps be angry at being born a woman.

Just because it became a common missused term doesnot make it right. It just makes it a common error of comprehension of word meaning.

It was nice of you to try and post the dictionary definition for object. Because in the dictionary definition object can be person or thing. To use it in reference to a person isnot derogatory.

Hope this doesnot deter you from further posting .

As one last thing as many of us do (myself included) sometimes we read what we wish to read into something rather than read the intent.


Some people are upset they don't control vocabulary....

Some people instigate, then run away....

Some people have poor reading comprehension....

Other posters have taken the trouble to explain that the word "object" is not necessarily a pejorative.

There are two genders. It's necessary for them to interact. Saying that's "yucky" doesn't make it so......

Edit: Had not seen lovelomsak's post. Read it and learn....


What a load of crap from the usual people. This thread is closed. But hey, thanks guys for making your true selves known.It makes it so much easier for the mods next time you try the snide comments.


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